‘A VOICE FROM . NOVA SCOTlA STATES THAT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURES BRIGHT'S DISEASE. â€"_ . ‘Elllc J. Mirk Suffered from this Terrible Ailmcni for Four Years, A" FcRrMGn'r Minions-En. Terrible sufferings of wrecked Crew. The crew of the LondOn sailing vessel Deccan, which was wrecked near Cape Horn in December last, told a thrilling-story of adventure and privation when they were land- ed. at Liverpool recently by the Pa- ciï¬c Line steamer Orcoma- The Deccan left Port Talbot with a cargo for South America, and but nodd’s Kidney Pills Made had on board a crew of‘lwentb" Her :1 Well Woman. Miscou Harbor, Gloucester Co., N. 8., Feb .‘28 (Special).~â€"That any remedy that will cure Bright’s Dis- ease will cure any form of Kidney Disease has long been. admitted by the medical profession, and thii place furnishes one more undoubted proof that Dodd’s Kidney Pills will cure Bright’s Disease. For Ellie J. Mirk, well known here, had Bright’s Disease, and Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills cured her. “I suffered for over four years from Kid:_ey Disease which dee‘cp“ ed intd"? Bright’s Disease,†Miss Mirk states. “I had pains in head and‘ back, and stiffness of the mints. I lost my appetite and sufâ€" fered from dizziness and shortness of breath. I was weak and lanâ€" guid all the time. “I was always nervous and could not keep my thoughts from wander- ing. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured me. To-day I have not one of these disâ€" tressing symptoms.†- ' A Neglected Kidney Complaint deâ€" velops into Bright’s Disease, Heart Disease or Diabetes. Dodd’s Kid- ‘ney Pills cure any and all of these. {But it’s easier and safer to cure the earlier symptoms by using Dodd’s Kidney Pills, ‘. '1‘ Anyway a square meal is as bread as it is long. Sleeplessness.â€"â€"Sleep is the great rcstorer and to be deprived of it is. vital loss. Whatever maybe the ause of it, indigestion, nervous ï¬crangement or mental worry, try a course of Parmele-e’s Vegetable Pills. By regulating the action of the stomach, where the trouble lies, they will restore normal conditions and healthful sleep will follow. .iey exert a sedative forceppon Ede nerves and where there IS un- Test they bring rest. Sometimes a girl imagines that she is in love when all she needs is a square meal. 1: ot the kind you have saw-yo unu. " a"; ‘9Mznthol Plaster. For rheumatism ll . pal]: la, eta, nothing is better. Mada only 1: Davis 1 Lawrence Company. â€". If a man is too lazy to think for himself he should get married. Bickle’s Anti-'Co‘nsumptive Syrup is an unparalleled remedy for colds, icoughs, influenza and diseases of ,the throat and lungs. The fame. of the medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradicating these affections, and in protecting man- kind from the fatal ravages of con- ï¬sumption, and as a neglected cold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful to fight it in its early stages. Bickle’s Syrup is the wea- ‘pon, use it. Politeness pays enormous divi- ‘dends on the investment. f'. Only One “BROMO QUININE†,That is TAXA'I‘IVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the llgnntnro of E. ‘Y. GROVE. Used the ‘I'orld over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 260. ~.â€"â€" People who mean well are usually .pcoplc of limited means. M-.- 'A Soothing Oil.â€"-To throw oi! upon the troubled waters means td seven, including six apprentices. When the vessel was near Cape Horn the master, Captain Parnell, was taken ill. He was put ashore at Port Stanley, subsequently re- turning to his home at Portmadoc, where he died. The ship proceeded on her voy- age, but encountered seas of tre- mendous violence, and was driven ashore on Mess Island. Immediâ€" ately .she struck,‘ her mainmast wcnt overboard, and, being badly damaged, the vessel began to ï¬ll rapidly. The men took to the boats with a few biscuits and some tinned meat, and the vessel went down a quarter of an hour after.- war 1:3. A landing was effected on the Isâ€" land of Terra del Fuch, and here the crew remained marooned for thirteen days. The food supply gave out, and the men had to sub- s1st on mosses and shellfish. Rain and sleet fell almost incessantly, and the only shelter the men had was a tent made from pieces ofvthe ship’s sails. In their explorations of the isâ€" land the men found several human skeletons, indicating that ship- wrecked men had previously per- ished there. » At the end of thirteen days a sealer was sight-ed. and the crew were rescued and landed at Pun~ ta Arenas, from which port they sailed for Liverpool. A Goon coï¬â€˜fiii MIXTURE. Simple Home-made Remedy That is Free From Opiates and Harmful Drugs. ' An effective remedy, 'that will history. It was builtin 1814 'to usually break up a cold in twenty- four hours, is easily made by mix- ing together in 'a large bottle two ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce 'ol Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. This mixture will cure any cough‘ that is curable, and is not expen: sive, as it makes enough to last the average family an entire year. Vir- gin 'Oil of Pine compound pure is l . . . ’prepared only in the" laboratorieslemme.es have Strangely Pel‘Plexed of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincins nati, Ohio. My...th TAKING ADVANTAGE. “How is it your friend Braggit is so cocky '2†~"He has unusual chances to as- ser' himself. His wife'has an im~ pediment in her speech.†lo Reasonable Man expects to cure a no lootoq hold in a day. But time and Allen’s Lung alsnm will overcome the cold and stave oil consumption. g:th will cease and lungs be sound an a. new 0 r. Even the pessimist doesn’t seem to be in any. hurry to quit this world. W...â€" . If your children moan and are restless during sleep, coupled, when awake, with a. loss of appetite, pale countenance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble is ,worms. Mother Graves’ Worm Ex- terminator effectually removes thcse pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. ' Money that a man burns seldom subdue to calmness the most bois‘ helps to enlighten the world. tcrous sea. To apply Dr. Thomas' 5Eclectric Oil to the troubled body when it is racked with pain means ispecdy subjugation of the most re. ,fractory elements. It cures pain, teals bruises, takes the ï¬re from . urns, and as a. general household medicine is useful in many ailments. 'It is worth much. ' v . “That horrid, ill-tempered little [man is always boasting about his ,wife. He told me was hard to beat.†“He ought to know. He’d tried it.’ l {,l f: (; ! .Y-‘LA? The Guaranteed 0"! Dye for ALL Goods Jun Thlnlt of i I With the SAME Dye you can color ANY .cind of cloth PofloollynNo chance of mistakes. All colors lo cent: from gour Dmggist or Dealer. Sample Card and 1I i ooklet Free from The John-on-Rlohardson Co.. lellod. De . O. _ Mntreal yesterday she {this little story must have been Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands are cov- ered over with warts. Why have these disï¬gurements on your per- son when a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway’s Corn Cure. hâ€"H‘ “FA ITHFUL AND WILLING.†The colored man referred to in the man who was so good a “pro- vider†that he provided his wife with three new places to wash at. A gentleman, seeing him start off on a ï¬shing excursion, thought it an excellent time to reprove him for his laziness. “Rufus, you old loafer,†said he, “do you think it’s right to leave your wife at the wash-tub while you pass your time fishing?†' “Yassah, jedgc; it’s all right. Mah wife (1011’ need any watching. She’ll sholy wuk jes’ as hard as if 1 was dab.†Vanity in a woman is almost as bad as conceit in a man. A Structure was Built Near chden .-...._ .......~~â€".. Dr. Monse’s a Shin- Indian Root - Pllls Pathetic llcath owe their singular effectiveness in ' curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica to'their power of stimulat- ing and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organs to thor- oughly ï¬lter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste, matter) which gets into the joints and muscles and causes these pain~ ful diseases. Over half a century of constant 'use has proved con- clusively that Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pills strengthen weak kid- neys and Cure Rheumatism u- .r. R Q 8. Members Toronto Stock Ezchange. SAFE INVESTMENT “we we... circular on securities. Refer as to standing to any bank. Weliavemoved to 99 Bay 5", Toronto. M .24 c our new building, as; wear ' swan-2 a:!.-.~.2~::-..wme-:.w:.os-rf.':' , BlindTBloedlng, ltchlng,_ Prot'rudlng Piles qUICkly and permanently cured by the most scientiï¬c and'cconomical remedy LVLE’S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES Price 81.00â€"6 for $5.90. mailed on re- ceipt of price. 'LYLE MEDICINE 00.. 718 Queen West, - TORONTO. onty minutes. For H o a. d a e h a clot or houmotiom. 1151' ~- 6, ins and weakness in the o , spine or kidneys, ‘l’dï¬â€˜ $3.“? £1â€; 0 'ul" 0 an guy's y'Rsllef will In I. 1‘" feet A permanent. can. STOODLEY PIKE’S HISTORY. ' Bridge, England. A structure known as Stoodley Pike, which stands 90 yards high and is situated near Hebden Bridge, England, has aremarkable commemorate the Peace of Ghent. Singular to relate, however, it fell on the very day that the Rusâ€" sian Ambassador left England prior to the Crimean War. Rebuilt by public. subscription. it withstood storm and rain for half a century, but on the same day that the Boer Government issued its :ultimatum to Britain was struck by lightning and badly damaged. These coinâ€" local people. .___,x,.______. NEW TRADERS BANK BRANCHES. A Branch of the Traders .Bank has been opened in Erskine, Alber- la, and we are advised that one ivill be opened in Matheson, On- tario, about the Blst instant. This will make 106 Branches of the Traders Bank in Canada. “ The less a hat looks like one the better a woman likes it. killer in 1 on of hot water swee and will war on and aver a cold. Avoid substitutes. thou i Ihlllod to the lane 7 A teen in! of an? ill on. “ Painkiller "~Porry Devi-Lean and 600. . The difference between skin-deep beauty and the other kind is that you get-the other kind at'a drug store. ' Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, ï¬n damage illustrated Eye Book Free. rite all about Your Eye Trouble and they Will. advise as to the Proper Applicaa iron .0! the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Bore Eyes, Strength ens weak Eyes. Doesn’t Smart. Soother-i gye Pill]. and! gel}; bfor ice. Try It m our yes an in a y'a yes for Sen Eyelids and Granulation. .- . ‘y Fond Motherâ€"“How do you like your new governess, Johnny?†Johnnyâ€"“Oh, I like her ever so much!†“I am so glad my little boy has a nice teacher at last.†“Oh, she’s awful nice! she don’t care whether I learn any- thing or not, so long as father pays her salary!†T N U ISSUE NO. 10-10 ' .tented with what we had. Twas no reason at all. ‘Pilcs in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. She says . CONTENT T0 STARVE. w of an Old Man Westminster. The case of an aged couple who were contented though they lived in extreme poverty was desenbed at an inquest on William Henry Mead, aged 64, a general dealer, ‘ lixing in Peter street, Westminster, England, who died suddenly a. 'short time ago‘. ' ‘ ' The widow said that they rented a back room at 35. a week, which was paid by their children, and lived on the few coppers her hus- band brought home. They both suffered from want, and did not often have a ï¬re. She believed starvation was the cause of death. The Coronerâ€"What had he had to eat in the last few dayslâ€"On Saturday. night he brought home 10d. He said, “Go and get a penny packet of soup powder,†and he drank a drop of it, but had no meat. ’ Anything on Sunday lâ€"Yes, a bit of'toast, sir; nothing more. Anything on Monday ’lâ€"Yes, a ’ little bit of toast-about half a slice. Did you ever apply for parish relief 'Iâ€"Neve‘r. . "Any reason for your not apply- ing for relief‘Zâ€"No, 'we were con- There The coroner’s oflicer statedthat the room occupied by the couple had a woe-begone appearance. ‘here was no ï¬re and no food in the place. W SHE IIAD ’l‘llIS sons Fen roun- , LONG YEARS! aura-â€" How Zuni-Bill: Heulcil It. You eanlt equal Zam-Buk for :acres of all kinds, whether recent or of long standing. That is the opinion of Mrs. Wilson. of 110~ Wickinson Ave., Toronto. She says: “Abom; four years ago a sore spot appeared on the right side of my face, just about the angle of the jaw This spot increased in size until it became about half an inch in diameter, and very troublesome. I went to a doctor, from whom at different times during ï¬fteen years I had received treatment, but the ointment I got did not have any good effect on the sore. .I had it kinds of salves, but it was no good, and this continued for four years. A sample of Zam-Buk w’asvono day left at our house, and I used it. “Although the quantity was '80 small, it seemed to do me some good. so I purchased from Mr. Bauld, Druggist, Scollard and Yonge Streets, 8. supply‘of Zamâ€" Buk. Each’box did me more and more good, and to my delight, be5 fare I had been using Zam-Buk three weeks, I saw that it was go’- ing‘ to heal the sore. In less than a month it was healedl It has new been healed for almost a year. Try Zaraâ€"Eula for eczema, ulcers. skin eruptions, face spots, baby’s rashes, inflamed places, piles, blood-poisoning and all skin in- juries and diseasesu 600 all drug~ gists and stores. or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Tiaronto, for price. Sheâ€"“I don’t see why'a woman shouldn’t wear a man’s clothes if she wants to.†Heâ€"~“She’ll never want to.‘ They’re too inexpensive.†'0 Mn! 00 from heated room to tho coll l , d the change sets us can hing. Cur. §¥°;?n&::olds is not hard if on gako Allen’l an; Balsam. A neglected co in troublesome and danger“; People are attracted by their op- posites. That’s why a woman ad- mires a man who is a good listener. PlLBS Conan m c To :4 DAYS. IPAZO OIN'PMEFYT is guaranteed to euro any out of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protagudlng c. And many. a man would never think of going ï¬shing if it didn’t ' afford such- a good excuse for be. in;r a. liar. ‘ - ‘ v A Safe Pill for Sufferersmâ€"There ' are pills that violently purge and ï¬ll the stomach and intestines with pain. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are ~mild and effective. They are purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering into their compos1- tion'and their effect is soothing and beneficial. Try them and be con- vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most . excellent medigjne. ' TOMMY POINTS A,M_ORAL. Tommy~â€"Papa, will you please mend my hobby-horse l, Papaâ€"Yes, Tommy, when .I .get time. And I’ll mend the diningâ€" A room sofa, and the armchair, and the clothes-screen, andâ€"†Tommyâ€"Gee! lVon’t you be busy, papa, when you get time? in cauterized, tried poultiees and all Band for tree sample to Dept. L.. Nap. llanal Drug a phemlcal 00.. Toronto. EDUCATIONAL , â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"_â€"____. I EAR-N THE BARBER TRADEâ€"NEW : J systemâ€"constant practice; careful instruction: few weeks complete course: tools free: graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly: write‘for cata- logue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East. Toronto, FARM FOR SALE. †' 4 0R SALE OR RENTâ€"~200 ACRES BEST dairy farm in'Halton County, bank barn runnin water. convenient to station, rural and .long (i stance telephone. Particulars, apply to H. E. TUCK. Owner, Hornby, Ont. MACHINERY. ACHINERY HEADQUAREERS. - ~,. ‘Iron and wood-working machinery, engines, boilers. steam pumps. gasolinn engines. ,electrio _ motors, -. contractors! machinery. etc.'Send for catalogue of over-1400 machines. E. W.! PETRIE. Limited.‘ Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. Raise Thom Without mlll Booklet Fun. SiouloJBx-lgp Bond Co., Ltd" TorontoJOlL "1E unnmnu muss will nsm any reducile rennin. Endorsed b . v “to for paruculafly ‘foremOst medical men, lontroal. HOPE FOR THE DEIF~IIIACOUSTIOOI~ In use throughout the world 0 us. General ‘ 48 Yong. strut. Ma rlat't’s,,llair Promoter Growa Halr on any Bald Head 4 On sale at the Robt. Simpson CO.,Toronto. Canada. or the Marla 1' n i Co.,' Toronto. Canada. I, a r .Pmmoun' SEED POTATOES. u...â€" Crown from purebred seed imported from England, Scotland and United States. Extra, First Early, First‘Early. Second Early, Medium and Late. ' For prices, etc. address ' ' W. P. gl’llLESL - Wellington, antarlo. Grower of Seed Peas. Beans and Potatoes. ' x. '- v.3» A Few Shares for Sale in one of the best Loan 'Companies in Canada on easy terms ; only 310.00 down- - . Mopgy to Land at 55% (in approved ' securities. Apply for particulars to, M. J. KENT, Box 419, London, Ont APPENDICI‘TIS Curo’d’witlio‘ut operations. All who are al- flicted with this disease and wish to be cured permanently. safely and quickly wilthh'this great Homeopathic remedy. w IC will be sent post-paid anywhere in the world'with full "instructions for" using no as to effect Price 762. Address " v John T. Wall, Homeonathlo Pharmacy. ArrmrlorA Canada. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€".â€"-â€".__â€"____â€"_ a perm ancnt euro. 1909 was the mosl‘prosperous year In' the history of the National life Assurance Co. 05 canon, large gains being made in ' INSURANCE IN FORCE, ASSETS, PREMIUM. INCOME, INTEREST INCOME, AND SURPLUS. ' A Special Agent Is Required In this 'Dlstrlot.'_ Apply to ' The National Life lssuranci OF CANADA, . Head Ofï¬ce: 25 Toronto 51.. Toronto uf‘consumntin In the you l890. '8 cm ago. Mn.c.~ 3. Connor, of Belle Isle {Lam/u in n ' condilion. All her relative; had died at consumption, andlhere wu cvuy indication . - that she was going the same way. . At this point her husband suggested lorry Psychiac. The doctor who attended “id Psychine was Worthlcu; but it elected a :. wonderful cure. Eighteen (an after in I -' letter bearing dale August 4, I908. Mn. (leaner says. "I am hellu- lhnl have been _,- for your. My lungs have nouroublcd no r ’. sincel look your treatment. Hy physicia- told me I could not hhabetler tonic than PSYCHINB, and [recommend it to all who are qufcring from Lung Trouble and Gen.- ' all Debillly." . Untold! IllDrIulm Ste. 8: SI urtoulc. - Dr. T. A. SLOCUI! . . , LIMITED, 1 ~ Tones-re. ‘- NE " OD "KEEN , r. .. ,-. . r: 1.33:, nixrxztrusy‘ was \â€" xanrlw- s.» vy,.\ , a.“ K .. “in Q‘M 1 .. 3. , . newsmawwsm :‘i’i" " .â€" .-_.-‘ I