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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Apr 1910, p. 6

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4‘f-‘y‘s',"'»’\"u“‘.‘ A . ‘ ‘Wfla‘finrmyechmwrm a a, wry. 5‘39, .2», \ - \l h or. sham Young Man Threw P'St‘ones; “and, Re?" sponded With Buckshot. I 'A despatch from Shawville, Q,ue._, says: Goaded to madness by the jibes and affronts of a half-dozen young men who were tormenting him, Mike Murphy, a gypsy, 55 years of age, on Wednesday night, shct and instantly killed two of their number, Harry. Howes, aged 22, and \Vil-liam Dale, aged 30. Both young men were killed by one shot fired point blank at a range of eighteen feet from an old muzzle- loading shotgun. Howes was stand- ing immediately behind Dalehand the discharge of buckshot passed completely through Dale’s body and entered that of Howes. Both dropped dead. The slayer, Mur- phy. was arrested by a private citi- lze'r and lodged in the jail. -His wife was also jailed, charged with being an accomplice in the prime. Murphy has scarcely a friend in the place. For three years 'he has openly defied the authorities to oust him from the property on which he “squatted” immediately outside the corporation limit at the south- erly end of the town. . There. in a- miserable hovel, he has lived with hi: gypsy wife amid poverty and filth and squalor, avowedly hostile lto everyone in Shawville. 0n the other hand,- the two young men who are dead were of good famil- res, and were themselves highly re- spected, hence the very strong feeling which prevails against M u r p b y, » » i W MURDEle WILL GO FREE. " Confesses lo Killing Wife, But No ' Witnesses to. Prove It.‘ A despatch from Niagara Falls, N Y., says: A peculiar situation has developed here as a result of the alleged confession that he mur- dered his wife here six years ago, made at Waukegan, 111., on Sat- urday, by Foster Johnson, a Tus- carora Indian. Johnson says that he pushed his wife into the rapids above the falls. It is claimed by lawyers that the confession he made cannot be used against Johnson in a trial, and it is impossible to get corroborative evidence against him,- as there were no witnesses. ‘.‘.The. thing that makes me confess the murder of my wife," Johnson said, “was that before I killed her, and when she told me that she intend- ' ed to commit suicide, she asked me for a nice gravestone, and I prom- ised her I would get it. I have never done so, and it has haunted me I see her head inthe river in my dreams, and have'hardly en- joyed a. peaceful night in all these years.” a i . *4, TWO all FN ASPHYXIA’I‘ED. Slept in Room With Storm wai- dows and Full Stove. A despatch from Halbritc, Sask, 'says: Peter Erickson, 'whose home is in the Dirt Hills, was reâ€" turning from a. visit to Weyburn on Sunday evening, and put up for the night at his brother Simon’s lace. 150 miles southwest of Hal.- hritc. Both retired in a room with storm windows on, and filled the stove with briquettes. The follow- ing afternoon at.4 o’clock a neigh- bor found both men unconscious, though still breathing. Physicians were called in and in the meantimcl artificial respiration was used. rc- sulung 1n the recovery of Sinmn. but l’ctcr died before the doctors‘ nrrived. Simon is now out of dan- gar ow Q l' EBEC DAIRY LAWS. Government (‘oulrol of Butler and (‘hccsc l~‘aclorics. A despatch from Quebec M+ culture to continue business, and all new factories will have. to "Se; cure a' permit from the i Ministerf'u before commencing operations. All 'hehd cheese and butter makers will also have to show a certificate from the St. Hyacinthe Dairy Schoolor taiu their positions.“ 1 , -1; A TWO YEARS’ CONTRACTI‘. from an inspector in order to. re; - ' Signed by 2:. Miners . of ’ Central P'cnusylva n in . ' A dcspatch from‘Altoona, Pa”, 1. says: After 3being in session until‘ . operators and miners of the Gen- tral Pennsylvania buituminous dis- trict signed a wage “scalegagrceâ€" ment to hold good for two years from April 1.. The miners gained their contention for an increase in wages,_but relinquished "some of their demands on less important questions. . . *‘hâ€" ’300 CARS 019‘ CA’l‘TLE Will Pass Through Sarnia Tunnel ' Each Week. A despatch from Port Huron, Mic-11., says: The Grand Trunk Rail- way has secured the contract of hauling the National Car Line Oom- pany’s cattle trains from Chicago to Boston. which means that over three hundred cars of cattle will par-s through the tunnel every week, and that additional men will be given employment at this ter- minal. There is also a probability thatfecding and watering quarters for the cattle will be erected at this point. Saturday night the coal -.-~â€"»---i<â€"-- _ IJGll’l‘ AS A S'I'ERILIZER. l A v . ou- - v ,llrown luu'ci'sdy Professor Lscs l L'ltt'a-l’iolct Rays. r’.‘ despa'tch from Boston," Mass, says: Prof. E. P: Gorhanrof the Brown University plans to steri- lize meat, milk, fish and every other food product in which dis- ease germs exist and to destroy those germs by simply passing them under a ray of light. Prof; (lorâ€" 4:"- oile't Who Compounds Your Medicines? , 'When your physician gives you'would scarcely risk having it compounded by a grocer or a baker, even if you were sure they had the You insist on your druggist’s skilful right drugs. dispensing. If 'you (lid not protect yourself in this way the laws of the country would protect you,. for they demand that physicians' prescriptions be dispensed by. physicians or qualified druggists only." {£5 it not equally important to know that the house- hold remedies, such as laxatives, tonics, and the toilet preparations which you use so frequently, are also cpmpounded by ‘t‘s expert chemists? . " When you use .NA-DRU-CO preparation: you have the positive guarantee of one firms in the world, the , and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, that each one has been compounded by ‘ of the largest wholesale drug National Drug expert chemists only. - ) This is just‘where NAâ€"DRU-CO Cnscara Laxatives. , ‘ , and Chlorodyne - Cough Syrup, Hanan-go .Taa'teleil Cod- Liver "Oil Compound a'nd'everything else on the NA-DRU-CO NA-DRU-CO Liquorice, Linseed list are pro-eminently better than flooding the market. :who know. I Some NA-DRUTCO . ,<Camphor_.lccl.-.z-J. . . " ' Greé’seléss ‘Toilot Cream: Tnlcum Powder . .. Tooth Paste ' i . A. Teo‘llifiowdarswa »' ' " ‘ .r. :.;.. .11, _ , Baby’s Tablet. ‘ ‘ .=‘ . 1 Carbolic Salvo Coat:an Laxative: (Tablets) » Cod Liver Oil Compound. ‘o‘gtolgta (2-Sizos) ,’ ’National-Druglsa"Chemical Company of Canada, La- 'mited: 7 , .J‘hlifa-x, St. John, Winnipeg, They are compounded by. men Montreal, ,n. .. t you a prescription cough syrups and such as tooth paste, preparations. medicinal or toilet preparations. "and charge it to us. mixtures at present it in sto THlS TRADE MARK APPEARS ONLY ON OUR GOODS Wholesale Brhhclzes at : Ottawa, (38518311. Kingston, Regina, Nelson, THE; WJOR‘ZLD’Sv'MARKElS‘We, REPORTS-FROM THE LEADING 'TR'ADEt'CENTRE“. 7. Prices of Cattle, Grai‘n, Cheesoand» Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. , BREADSTUFES.’ Toronto, April 26. â€"â€"- Ontario Wheatâ€"No. 2 mixed winter wheat, ‘1.06 to $1.07 Outside. ' Manitoba Wheatâ€"Spot No. 1 northern, $1.09; No. 2 northern, $1.07 on "track,_lakc ports. For Iopening of navigation, No. 1 north- lake ports. Cornâ€"American No. yellow, 660 to 66%c; No. 3 yellow, kiln-dried, 65}<_,'c to 66c; No. 3 yel- 6.'c, Toronto freights. Oatsâ€"Canada western, No. 39%0, on track, bay ports. I’or opening of navigation, No. 2 O. W. . smoked. , T m ldo seconds, $5.30; ern, $1.05; ho. 2 northern, .p1.03 atipatcnts’ $5.50 to $560; Manitoba 2: pure grain Lardâ€"Firm; tier-cos, 16%9 to tubs, 16%0 to 170; pails, 16%c; stocks very light. Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€"- Long clear bacon, tons and cases, ltd/20; backs (plain), 21cmto_21%c;. » backs (péamcal), 21%c to 220; shoul- der hams, 14c to 14%0; meats out of'pickle, 10 less‘ than green Rolls, =-smoked. 151/.jc to 16c;_me- dium and light hams, 180 to 18%c; ‘ heavy,'16lcjc to 170; bacon, 19%c to 2cm. . _ - MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, April 26.â€"â€"There is still very little business passing in the» local llour.1narketâ€".. Manitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.80; winter wheat strong bakers, $5.10; straight rol- 2 kiln'dl'iedilcrs, $5.10 to $5.25; do. in bags, $2.40 to $2.50. bran, $20.50 to $21; Ontario midâ€" dlings, $22 to $23; Manitoba bran, $2]; Manitoba-shorts, $21 to $22; mouillie, $32 to $33; mixed mouillie, $25 to €328: Rolled Oatsâ€"Per barrel, $4.05; .do per 38(- ; N0. 3 Of“: 370, at lake ports; hag, $1.90; cornmeal, per barrel, Ontario, No. 2 white, 36c to 36‘/§c, outside; No. 3 white, 35c to 35'/._§c, outside; 38%;}: on track Toronto. Barleyâ€"No. 2, 53c-to 51c; No. 3 extra, 510 to 520; No. 3, [ice to (17;: outside; Manitoba, No. '4, 525,310, on track, lake ports. ' Peasâ€"No. 2, 750 to 76c. Ryeâ€"Ltht 2, 67c to 68c. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2. 510. o 611/20; Canadian corn, 60c to 1 Manitoba Flourâ€"Quotations at sayszlllml'l' has been working on his proâ€" Toronto are :â€"First patents, $5.70; II: 11. Mr. (.‘aron has framed a lawqcess in secret for some time and an- second patents, $530; Strong bid? which proposes to place all checsc an‘l butter factories under the diâ€" l‘l'l‘l control of the. Government. On and after January 1, 1912, all pl‘oâ€"‘ prictors of factories will have to priiscnt a certificate from a Govâ€" ernment inspector declaring that equipped in order to receive perâ€" mission from the Minister of Agri- lnounces that he will make known my}, 90 ll‘S discovery and method of apply- fl-nghm7'283_ ting it within ten days. He indicates l per cent., Glasgow Ontario Flourâ€"Winter wheat pat- |lIOWCVCl', that the ultra violot'rays ant-.5 for export, $4.05 to $4.10 in play a. great part in his successful buyers’ bags, outsidc_ . cxliieriments in his Providence lab- Ioratot'y. he believes he has discovered deadly enemy to all food germs. churnâ€"7110813 um HOW Dairy Products and‘Pish Prices Have Advanced in TwentyYears. ' A (lOSpillvll from Ottawa says: A further instalment of the results of the special investigation by the Dcpurtmcnt of Labor into the in- crease in the cost of living during the past ‘weuiy years was publish- ed on l-‘riday. It relates to prices of dairy products and fish. A sum- mary of the figures quoted shows that dairy products were at their lowest in 1896 and 1897, and at their highest in 1908. when the. general level was 36.3 per cent. above the average {or 1590 and 1899. Prices Millicedâ€"Manitoba bran, $20 per . . > There his expel‘ilncllt-S:tc,11; shorts, $22 per ton, track, To- thmr building is sanitary and well havr been uniformly successful, and route. Ontario bran, $22 per ton; a shorts, $23'per ton, on track, To- route. 0% COUNTRY PRODUCE. Eggsâ€"20c to 21c per dozen in case lots. Butterâ€"The market for good (lua- lity of butter is still very firm. Creamery print-s .. . 30c to 3’20 Separator prints .. 250 to 260 Dairy prints (choice) .. 240 to 250 Large rolls 23c to 24c Inferior .. .. 170 to 180 Syrup-$1 to $1.10 per imperial- in 1909 were slightly lower than in 8311011- 1008, though eggs were considerâ€" ably higher, being 71.5 per cent. above the average. Since 1897 the price of eggs has advanced approxr- mately 1‘22 per cent. In the case of dairy produce generally. prices have, advanced 46.6 per cent. since 1897. . . In fish there has been a similar rise in prices, the average being 34 per cent. higher in 1909 than in the decade 1890 and 1899. The low-est year shown is 1892, ,since when prices have advanced 40.8 per cent. Per ban-e1; mess) $23.50 to Cheese-13c per pound for large to 13%e for twins. ' Beansâ€"$2 to $2.10 per busth for primes and at to $2.25 per bushel for hand-picked. Potatoes - Delaware potatoes, 450 per 'bag inxcar lots, and 55c to 60c per bag out of store. u.” PROVISIONS. Wholesale quotations :â€" I’orkâ€"Short cut, $31 to $31.50 $3.40 to $3.50.. Cheese-Old cheese 125730 and fodders at 12%0. Butter â€"~Old stock, 28%0 to 29c and new milk creamery, 300 to 310. Eggsâ€" Selected lots, 23c to 2:10 and straight receipts, 19c to 200 per dozen. NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET New York. April 26.â€"â€"Wheatâ€"â€" No. 2 red, 331.13% nominal c.i.f.; No. 1 northern, 551.15%, f.o.b., open- ing navigation. Option wheat was weak and lower at the start under further liquidation on MillfechntarioI the weak on : our 18 no ; o A despatch from Bedding, Conn, recognized his ‘ says: Samuel Langhorne Clemens (MIS- 055111 (JdbUIOMt-Chla 5130le do (Mark Twain) died painlessly at 6.30 o’clock Thursday night of an- gina pcctoris. He lapsed into coma at ,3 o'clock in the afternoon and never recovered consciousness; It was the end of a man outworn by grief and ' acute agony of ,body. l-‘i’cdncsday was a. bad day for the little knot of anxious watchers at so near. the bedside. For long hours the grey, aquiline features lay moulded car; _ the ken heart. : pulse sank lower and lower. but .llogcrs, a close friend, was a, se-l in the inertia of death, while late at night the patient passed from stupor into the first natural sleep he had known since he re- turned from Bermuda, and on Thursday morning awoke l‘Cfl'CSll-j and Medicinal Preparations Are Compounded (by Expert Chemists NAâ€"DRU-CO Formulae, Ingredients and Compounding Are Best Your own druggist could not be more careful or more accurate in compounding one of your physician’s prescriptions than_are our chemists in~ compounding every NAâ€"DRU-CO preparation. that only the best and purest materials that money ' can" buy are used in NAâ€"DRU-CO articles, and that . each NA-DRU-CO formula has been thoroughly tc'sted " iii-actual use, and you have the solid grounds for the implicit confidence we want youto feel in NA-DRU-CO ~ We are prepared to furnish to any physician or druggilt in Canada, on request, a full list of the ingredients in any NAâ€"DRU-CO article. men, who are men of standing in your" coxnnmnity,- - and best qualified to tell you, all about NA~DRU-CO ' If any NA-DRUâ€"CO article you buy does not prove entirely satisfactory return it to your druggist. He has our authority to refund the {on purchase price " You can ‘get any NA-DRU-CO Where in Canada, for if your druggist should not have he can get it within two days from our nearest wholesale branch. . ' Preparations Dyspepsia Tablet. Headache Wafer: . . , Herba'l‘nbletl ' ' Nervozone 'i 1 ‘ Pile Ointment-4. . ' thumatism Cure 4% Sugar. of Mill: Shir-less Iodine Ointmenl‘ Toothache Gum" - While Linimcnt Toronto, Vancouver, Famous Humorist Passes Away at His Home in ConnectiCut. atlack of. epilepsy last fall while in ' her bath, was an added blow from which he never recovered. cd, even faintly cheerful and in full than that the stabbing pains m the [possession of all his faculties. I-le heart began. Add to this the facts Ask these _ preparation any-- London, I» Homilton, Victoria. 8 â€"â€"â€"-â€".â€"4 cables and poor~ cash demand, but prices regain-ed the loss on covering by shorts and closed at, unchanged to %c net decline. " ' ' ‘ '- - LIVE STOCK MARKETS. ' Montreal, April 26.-â€"Choice StBCI‘x brought $7.50 to $7.85; fair to good, $5.80 to $6.40; fair, $5 to $5.50; cows. $6.25; bulls, $6; hogs, $10.-' 50; Son's, $9.50; sheep steady at $4.75 to $6, while lambs sold at $7.50 to $9; calves brought all the way from $2.50 to $10; . '1 ‘ Toronto, April 26.~â€"The average range for the best quality of steers and heifers was from $6.50 to $7, and an idea of the firmness of these prices may be gathered from the transactions, which show cattle weighing 800 and 900 pounds bring- ' ing from $6 to $6.50 per cent. Cows and bulls quoted as high as $6.25 and $6.60 per cwt. Trade in milk ers. and springers is light, but a _ few good cows have been sold as high as $75 per head, the'market for this class of cattle ranging from $45 upward. Yearling lambs are quoted 50 cents lower at $8 and $9 respectively. Sheep are very firm' at $5 to $7 per cwt. Hogs are easy at $9 f.o.b. to $9.25 fed and wat- ered. ' >5" Mr. J. S. Larkc, Canadian Trade Commissioner at Sydney, N.S.W., . is dead. Constable Samuel Baker of King ston has been appointed Chief of Police for Trenton. Albert Holmes. who killed Na tlr:.nicl Bolton at Cardinal, is now, in Brockvillc jail, having surrendv‘ cred himself. I daughter, Carrie. rational word or two, and, feeling. himself unequal for conversation,,‘ Wrote out in pencil: “Give me my- glasses.” These were his last.words. Laying aside his glasses; and pencil, he sank first into rev-j erie and later into final unconsci-l ousness. There was no thought at, the time, however, that the end was. be said of any man, of a bro- Mark Twain died, as truly as it} The death of H. H. verc blow. The death of his daugh-l ter. Jean. who was seized with an It was

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