Professional Cards __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-~â€"-â€" A EKES «9&3. ' A '- - _ ‘ we... ' Bdï¬i‘ 0F M0 "THEM. I ' - 1 \ a I , LiCLAUGALIN. PEEL a rULTON, HEAD OFFICE ' MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 CAPITAL - INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT $14.400.000.00. REST ' ASSETS OVER $220,000,000. SAVING-S BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. . M. Hamilton, Mgr. 'Fenelon Falls Bran ‘ RARItl-S‘TERS. SOLECI‘I‘ORS, NOTARF ‘ ies. Ofï¬ces over Dominion Bunk, ‘ Lindsay. A member of the ï¬rm will be at Fenelon h‘alls every Tuesday. Oilice over Terrills' store, next to Dr. Sims‘ oliicc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. R. J. MCLAUGHMN, K. G. A. M. Fumes, B. A. J As. A. PEEL. THE WISEST HOUSEWIFE i HOPKINS, WEEKS or HOPKINS-‘ BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND 4 ch .~ Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to . ,suit the borrower. Ollices No. 6 William ,: St. south, Lindsay, Ont. and at Wood- .3; ville, Ontario. 0 ‘ U. H. HOPKINS, K. 0.. â€"- Until it is Settled Right. more settlers? Does anyone suppose that, with all the advantages we have ; Is she who devotes the most care to the selection of the supplies for her†However the battle is ended, ' c, WEEKS, ~ over the Indian, we are still unable to ll. Homms horums, B. A. - -; table. ~ -‘ WTllllOugh proudly the victor comes, produce enough to keep ourselves from f: > â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . . . . . , it flinaflasand n' st 't' 2N -‘ " MOO 1’» E «is J AUKSON.’ of; She recogmzes '5th m thls Partlcmaf .* ' And ichbinggroll «331.1%!le mags guild-£21.}. aocgilittehtibiii?r i.§2§“35i’§ 1).»..lllll5'l‘Eiis, SOLIUI_’I‘ORS,_ &c. Of- she IS the custod1an Of the health Of ‘1; Still truth proclaims this motto are we poor? Do you see that man ‘) lice, William slreet,Lindsay- _ the family. â€" s . In letters of living lightâ€"â€" riding in his private car? He is a P . I). Moons. A. J AOKSON 3 No question is ever settled large share-holder in one of our trans- M Until it is settled right. continental railways. He has, also, STEWART S; O'CONNOR ’ shares in a great many other enter- l PAILRISTERS, NU'l‘ARIES, 8w. MONEY 33: ) She sees to it that all doubt of quality " is removed. i3 to loan] at. lowesl current rules. Terms 1 - ‘ 3 Though the heel 0f the SPX'Ong oppressor prises. He is not poor. On the conâ€" to Silitborfowors. Ollich on corner ofKent ,§ In short, She enforces a pure food law 5/, AMay grind the week in the dust,. trary, he has far more money than und Yolk streets, Lindmy. of her own framing . nd the vome of fame, With loud acâ€" he can convemently Spend Hig3 in_ T- STE‘VMT- L- V- WOW-‘03» 3- A r" ‘ ‘ claim, come is erha 5 two or th ' h d l l I . ‘ - D ' O I. lua’ call him “feat and .1186 p p ' re-e 1%“ I'e( . DENTAL. o5 This explains why so many housewwes ,;;;~ Lei; Jose who a? laud 11 .1 . “hous‘m‘l dollars a Farah} he. ‘3 We“ “E†I, . _ . -. . PP ta 3 ‘ arnmg. known to be a multimillionaire and " W "*‘m" . e; have got Into the hablt of dependlng And keep this motto in sightâ€" multinï¬monaires do not have to’ww . D“ s' 6' safls’lnï¬?T.ST" 0: ‘ upon this store. N0 queStion is “6353mm ry about their incomes ‘ Fens on «*u x Until it is settled rioht. . ' - ,2; . ,\ 0 But where does all this come frOm,- . ’ G -.- (1'. l f To onto Universit and \4 . ' i “will 0151122; 0f Dell-mil Surgeons- y " 2 Tliï¬yhhavg lea-'med thf'ag '01:]: 1%] mm for :22: Let those who have failed take courage. $13.61!} mifdgils Tanlï¬lm so Ema} Z ALL BRANCHES or DENTISTRY @ - 1% gm 93 13 more an a' ' , Though the enemy seem to have won, duceg’by one minV-ego 1113:9318; .. -f d d' th 1 t. t' - d "i . . Thou 11 his ranks a e st' or, 'f h b _ . ’ ' w “r'ngeliffii iniiem‘ieapiicelfpme We 1nv1te a test from every overseer of g in the wrong,r Ion†1 e e SWVG- Surely. If we can ï¬nd out the arms =â€"over Burgoyne's sun-6.001- a family’s eatables. .3 The battle is not yet done. feel“ of h“ mebhOds’ we can at 19““ _ orne street I '3;;_ For, sure as the morning follows eain eélough to keep us from being MW.â€" ‘% We promISe t0 glve everyone all The darkest of the night, ESSEX-"mag: i $1301“. éoilltrg’ ylelds an 0 Drs' Nealands 6" lrvme' -' there is to be had in the way Of 11:: No question is ever settled no other willinif high Sniegngtgizi’? . ' I , . I o .- - 30‘ . '- “Zilliifillstccth preserved. Glitiivlllslilfd .: eata’ble Surety‘ ' . Untll It IS settled “Dhb. Erhen 165 US .enqaire, how does he get; bridge work n. specialty. Splendid ï¬ts in ° . 22: 0 man bowed down with labor I it? .VVhy, Without the slightest tron- artiï¬cial teeth. Painless extraction. Gas E, O woman young, yet 01d! ble .1n the world. We have said that adrnitnisltoregs to" over 9,000 persons With a : .1 Ohea’rt oppressed in the toiler)s breast, he 18 the principal stockholder in one gm. 5 u . (i _ - _ I I H > And crushed by the power of gold! of our great railways. That is all he MEDICAL; . .! Keep on With your weary battle nefad be “1. order to get wealth. The L {I . Against triumphant might: railway company sends him a cheque DR H. H. GRAHAM. ’. Jo o Do i . j No question is ever settled 65ml] half Y?†“’1' the amount of his -â€"u. n. c. M n. c. 5. Eng, mo. 2. a. s., In; . Until it is settled right. dl‘yldenqs' He does “Oh even have to , Ohm, r. 'r. n. s.â€"â€"_- if: ' D. _ _ 38k for 117. Well, but how can wealth - H -â€"â€"Ella Wheeler Wilcox. be produced without “ HYSICIAN, SURGEON A: ACCOUCH- eur. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Feuelon Flills. DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, succnsson TO on. A. WILSON, RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVERr sity. Physician, Surgeon and Acâ€" couclleur. Otï¬ce, Colborne street, Fen- _ elon Falls. ' It ca n’t. Nothing is more impossiâ€" ble. There are no miracles in these Why We Are Poor. days, and even our millionaires do not -â€"- claim to have the power of working When Columbus discovered America them somebody 6139 does the work he found it inhabited by a race of- men That is all]. But the stranfle part 10% who knew no other tools than those it is that that somebody ezise is the made of pieces oi flint, split sticks and very man who is wondering why he is the untanned hides of Wild animals. poor, Yes, our railways pay dividends Yet these people succeeded in keeping regularlyâ€"all of them. The United / . S. a V Z i . i T. : ‘ ‘ . ~ A l V â€" _ -; ' _ _ . gt 1;, - . , AU CTIONEER. HIGH IN QUALITY but always correct in .price, is what you always ï¬nd prevails at our grocery store. PICKLES. ct‘rsur and other things that we handle. are always the best. The best is always cheapest because it’s wholesome. northern climate of Canada. ,With $600,000,000 in this we, ever ye. 1. modernâ€! tools and the knowledge to Our factories and steamsglps paiybditi: use them, ploughsl lilm‘rowsi Silw'm‘ll: idends, and our land pays rent. 0n etS-y the)! 0011M easfly have lived in almost everything we buy or use we. comparative comfort. To-day we have pay from one to three, and perhaps} T HO MAS GAS HORE, AUO’I‘IONEER - rsnnnos FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst- elass manner. Secure dates before ad- vertising. thraShel‘?: ploughs, reï¬tPeI‘S, etc- We is how our multiâ€"millionaire gets his: have railways, factories, WOI'k'ShOPSi income. He does n’t have to work for ' ’ cities and 'towns- We have Still a it; it comes to him whether he works sparse population, and are clamoring or not, for more settlers. »Yet we are poor, And that is why we are poor. miserably poor some of us. And why? Why should we be poor in the midstl H' A'Dggiilfï¬lL’N % ’ n k g of so much wealth? Why should any man be poor who can work? Why this . . _ everlasting stm g gl 6 to keep body and Capitalism makes classes. Socialism soul together? Why these organized makes people conscious of these class. charities to take care of those poor 88’ so that they may be abouSth' who have no means of supporting When capitalists say that their sys- themselves ?. tem is an incentive to work, they Is it because our country is incapaâ€" mean that they purposely keep the bio of supporting its present popula- people hungry, so that they will have tion'l If so, why do we cry out for to hustle the harder. I836 THE BANK OF 1910 74 Years in Business. Capital and Reserve Over $7,000,000 The Saving Habit _ . an account with the Bank of‘ British North America and mak- ing regular Weekly or Monthly deposits. In Jewelry Get our “High in Quality †goods and be safe. ROBSON & SON. We carry a large and well selected stock. Our prices are as low as you will ï¬nd any- where. ï¬WWMWï¬gï¬ï¬zuï¬kï¬ It Pays Spring and~ ' Summer Suits. ' E we carry a ï¬ne line of the most upto- date goods for Spring and Summer Suits. we ' Fit and workmanship To keep your watch in good order. If." it needs cleaning or repairing bring it here. is the foundation of independence Begin saving new by opening invite your inspection. the best. No trouble to show goods. 2* i i i l! 3 JOHN SLATER, [sense or MARRIAGE LICENSES $1.00 starts a Savings Account and interest is compounded :le highest current rates. ' W. A. Bishop, Manager nsxr noon 'ro POST-OFFICE. F5555?! EALLS. ll '5 in? - wane-in Fenelon Falls Branch, body and soul together, even in the States railways payout somethinglike_ agricultural 120018 Operated by Steamâ€" four or ï¬ve, different proï¬ts, and that, . - v-~ - .â€" r i . n . -x .x n" a I'M -/«..‘~/-..f/;- t .2 - i 4/ “zoliwLJLI .J-g"..' .1 .7 anti-v a"; \. - ' s4 L9H": r- . _<._A_A-.A-...--_a‘---'AA"