.- ., yahqfï¬dmmggs at,†n .- -.-.~,, r'-:~T-.<=.'.oso=e::::s'z.¢r~ :5 v Awaiting Her Chance. Maudâ€"l do wish Tom would hurry up and propose. Ethelâ€"But i thought you didn’t like him. Maudâ€"l don’t. I want to get rid tot humâ€"Boston Transcript. 9n and Out. 'nggâ€"‘T'berc seems to be quite a dif- Terence between a job and a situation. Wangâ€"Oh. yes. For instance. when a fellow loses his job he often ï¬nds him- self in an embarrassing situationrâ€" ll‘hlladelphiu Record. ' A Mean Retort. “There goes a man 1 could have mar- ried.†she said sottly. “Yes,†he chuoKled, “and 1 notice that be Keeps on gomg as though he were atraid you might try n W‘q Detroit Free mas. Way It 60$ “Could you gm: 3 starving woman work?†- "th1 need a girl to scrub." "1‘00 bad: rm: Klrl'n a parlor maid.“ sir-asth timid. “N a 4 . ‘ Dickson’s Hall 0N onday Evening August At 8 o’clock. “The Meaning and Signiï¬cance of The Socialist Movement.†Road. Sketch of Mr. Wilson in Another Golumn. - Vrfâ€"--‘.’-'~3-<" ï¬l-DLrJ-wvm’drz‘fl-r-ï¬mqreanmwnmavz.mlecsetrwflno:251:2". actresses»: ..;;.|‘ Subject : .» - . WWWâ€"“vyy... . ,_.,.._-x,l,,l,l. ‘ ' Wedding Ring Motto“. When posles or mottoes inscribed inside wedding rings were ï¬rst intro- duced does not seem to be known. but from the sixteenth century until the middle of the eighteenth it was customary to have them engraved on ‘ rings. These mottoes seldom consist- ; ed 01 more than two lines of a verse. ‘ often or only one, but there are a few instances known where three lines were used. Some or these ponies are very quaint and curious, and a tow reach a high standard of poetic beauty. The South Kensington mm †, south has a good collection 01: prisy 1 rings. and among them are the fol- lowing inscriptions: “United hearts death only parts;" “Lotus share in joy and care;" “Love and live hap- pily.â€-London Standard. The Cause. “Did you hear the lawful shriek that engine gave as it flew by'l" asked the ï¬rst man as they approached a rall~ road crossing. companion. “I presume the engineer had it by WW8“!- ‘du, .\ u. .* \AvOV ' .. .. l GIGANTIC TREE STUMPS. fl Big Enough to Be Hallowed Out and Used For Houses. The line ï¬rs of the Paciï¬c northwest are so colossal that after the trees are ' hewed down the stumps are used for children’s playgrounds, houses for tam- illes to live in or for dancing plat- forms. To make a stump house the material A from the interior is removed, leaving only enough to form walls of suitable thickness. A roof of boards or shin- gles is put over the top of the stump. holes are cut for windows and doors. and a family or live can and often does make it their dwelling. The , stump houses are sometimes used by settlers until they can build larger and more convenient homes. After the stump home has been ra- cated it ls turned into a stable for the horses or sometimes into an incloanre tor chickens or hogs. _ Next to the big tree of California the fit or sequoia or Washington and Dre- gon has the largest diameter. As they decay rapidly. the bellowing out is easy. Sometimes they are used for dance platforms, some of them accom- modating as many as four couples. Another custom is to turn the big stumps into playgrounds for the chili dreu. The children reach the top by; pieces of wood nailed against the side. or by ladders. A beautiful use at the, large stumps is making them into flow» or beds and covering them with trill. lug vinesâ€"Chicago Tribune. 4 THE WAISTCOAT. It Became Popular by the Patronage . of Charles II. , Few men realize how much they are‘ being influenced in their dress by King Charles IL, and yet it is to that mom arch we owe the adOptlon or the waist coat as a regular article of gentle- man’s dress, says London M. A. B. ’At least that is so it we are to accept the statement of Pepys, who in his diary under date of Oct. 16, 1668, states: “The king has declared his res- olution to set a fashion which he would never alter,†and “This dun: King Charles 11. began to put on his ‘vest. It is a very ï¬ne and handsome garment." Prior to this date they Were excepâ€" tional garments, and there is even some doubt whether they were orig- inally worn by ladies or gentlemen. though there is good reason to believe they superseded the doublet, such as was worn by Raleigh, Essex and other notables of the Elizabethan age. A neat waistcoat “wrought In sill: and gol " is mentioned in “Patient Grissell.†1602, and there is a painting in distemper or a vest on the walls of Winchester cathedral. dated 1489, so that what Charles 11. took was an existing garment, which he re- modeled, and by his patronage so pop- ularized it that it became a. standard article 01 gentleman’s dress. to Gore , Of the old rigs. ‘New ones cost money. We make a specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs ï¬xing up, bring it here. Or if you need a new one we can build itâ€"good as the best. ‘ F. C. BHAMBEBS. Colborno Street, Fenelon Falls. _ FIG “Yes: What caused in" rejoined his Cure Kidney and Liver Ills. EILLg. or on u may back. 25c. a box at all drug stdresl. 4 i I l l l l - ishiug machine, and a pneumat ‘ plant for %@@@@@@@@®@@@¢ FOR WEDDENG C. F T S I: Always Satisfactory. It Adds a Charming Touch To The Young Couple’s â€"lluusekeeplng. Tea and Coffee Sets. Syrup and Honey Jugs, Sugar and Cream SctH. Egg or Toast Cruets, Bakers, Butters. Baskets, Desert Sets, Fern Pots, Kettles, Table Bella, Chaï¬ng Dishes. Servers. Pic, Calm, Fruit, olive, Pickle Knives and Spoons. Meat Knlvcn and Forks. BRITTON BROS. Fish, Salad, Gold Four or KENT STREET. announce-ouncewnn L I H D 3 A Y . Stray Cattle. GASOLINE, Came on to tho prongs es of the under- signed, Lot 29, Con. 3, Vorulam, two yearling Heifers. Owner can have some by proving property and paying charges JOS. CURTIS. 27. Fenclon Falls P. O. PLooloo Don’t forget that I have a ï¬rst class Planer and an. prepared to do all work in this line in the best style; also to make 8315?.“ Aid [303533. CYLINDER. OIL The Perrin Boat Works FENELON FALLS. J. T. PERRIN - PROP. CONSl D E R TH E . DVANTore or to Your patronage solicited. S. S. GAINEB Lindsay Marble Works warrant a. WEATHER moor, 5- :: FIRE-REBISTING. Will not melt. rot. tear or corrode. _ Contains no tar, oil or paper. .. Outlalta metal and shingles. ; Plinbleâ€"cau be easily ï¬tted into gutters. valleys, etc.. thereby saving expense of tin and copper. ; Any handy man can apply Ruberold. ,. Lengthena the life of any building. Writ: for price: and sampler, For Sale By Rubi. Chambers ,5 o s, H E A a D , Dealer in and manufacturer 3] kinds , __en010“ ans. of ‘ Marble and Granite Monuments Being a direct importer I am able to quote the closest prices. ' l have lately installed a pneumatic pol- oro. A. loom Oflice over Farmers’ Bank, Kent St, Lindsay. Lettering and Tracing. We an able to do better and deeper work than he otofore. - Call and get designs and prices. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge street, opposite the Packing House. It. CHAMBERS, 'HHLET ’ lï¬lfl? Conveyancing. Money Loaned on Farm or Town Properly. Insurance. Estates Managed. Farms for Sale in Fonelon, Verulam, Ops and Marlposa. We have a most complete stock - -- " -~ ---I of Combs and F. H. KI DD; Brushes, Toilet SUCCESS†T0 I , H. J. SOOTHERAN. Soaps, Toflet WalteI'S, Perfumes; gggdfllzï¬sggf$n AT LOW urns. I Talcum POWdersl 1:222:8llilbiilv‘bnlljoan Co. I in an assortment FARMS F01? Sgggmggnomm m to Please GVGTY' OFFICE Sill NT ST., LINDSAY.I Stone o Wellington FONTHILL NUllSEBIES. (850 Acres) TORONTO, ONTARIO. Canada’s oldest and Greatest Kurscrles PETERâ€"LEOFFAT Agent for FEHELON FALLS and adjoining country. body. Robsons’ Drugstore. FENELON FALLS. LOYAL TRUE BLUE LODGE No. 198 Meets the first Wednesday evening each month in the Orange hall, Fenolon Falls. Ed. Wilkinson, W. M. '; J. H. Wil- kinson, Sec. a. ._ ..