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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Jan 1911, p. 3

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lDod-d’s Kidney Pills. ' . a . a . . , I ~ but... .â€" -__.________ FOUND QUICK CURE AFTER EIGHT YEARS DQEE’S KIDNEY PILLS TRL UMPII WHERE BELTS AND PLASTERS FAIL. Moses Sherwood, a. long sufferel from Backachc, found permanent relief in one box of the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, Dodd’s Kidney fills. Poodiac, King’s Co., N. 13., Jan. 9. (Special).â€"After suffering for e1ght years, while all the time the remedy was right at hand, Mr. Moses Sherwood, a well known far- mer living near here, tried Dodd’s Kidney Pills and is now as well as ever he was in hln life. Mr. Sherwood’s experience is si- milar to that of thousands of other natives of New Brunswick. “About eight years ago I hurt my back from lifting,” he states. “I used lini- monts and plasters and wore a wide bolt, but in two years my trouble had developed into Kidney disease. “My back was so sore I could not lift any weight, when reading a Dodd’s 'Almanac led me to try Before the- first box was finished my backache was gone and I have never‘ been troubled with it since.” Belts and plastgrs may give tem- porary relief in cases" of Backache or Rheumatism, but the only way to cure them is to go to the seat of the trouble. "Cure the Kidneys and the Backache or Rheumatism will disappear. Dodd’s Kidney Pills never fail to cure the Kidneys. Mâ€" PERU VIAN RAIN TREE. Power'of Collecting Dampncss in Atmosphere and Condensing It. The rain tree of Peru grows very large, is rich in leaves and is called by the Indians ta-maicaspi. It has the power of collecting the damp- ness of the atmosphere and conâ€" densing it into a cantinuous copi- pus supply of rain. In the dry season when the riv- ers are low and the heat great the tree’s power of condensing seems at the highest and water falls in abundance from the leaves and oozes from the trunk. The water spreads around in veritable rivers, part of which filters into the soil and fertilizes it. These rivers are canalized so as to regulate the course of the water. It is estimated that one of the Peruvian rain trees will on an avâ€" erage yield nine gallons of water per diem. In a field of an area of one kilometer squareâ€"that is, 3,- 250 feet each wayâ€"â€"can be grown 10,000 trees separated from each other by 25 meters. This plantation produces daily 385,000 liters of water. If we allow for evapora- tion and infiltration we have 135,- 000 liters or 29,531 gallons of rain for distribution daily. The rain tree can be cultivated with very litâ€" tle. trouble, for it seems indifferent as to the soil in which it grows. The tree increases rapidly and resists both extremes of climate. .â€"â€"- a; LITTLE HELPS. Feathers uncurled by damp wea- ther are quickly dried by shaking over fire, in which salt has been thrown. A pinch of salt on the tongue, followed 10 minutes afterward by a drink of cold water often cures sick headache. Carpets are brightened and color preserved if wiped with clean cloth wrung out of salt water. Celery Hintâ€"This is not the stringy, wilted kind you buy, but beautifully white and crisp. small space of ground, two feet wide and length according to the number of plants wanted, is need- ed. Buy a package of self-blanch- iing celery seed and plant in a box lin March. Put box near a window land water occasionally. Transplant about middle of May or as soon as there is no danger of frost, in a ltrench, eight inches deep. Water lplants every evening and keep $011 loose. As the plants grow, bring lthe soil up around them, not cov- ‘ering entirely. Before a frost 1comes, dig celery roots and get all Soil possible and transplant in col- .lar. Water about three times dur- ing the winter. l The rage for black velvet gown- !ing reaches down to the tiniest {feminine mites. A charming fad. l, It may not be so bad if your views are one-sidedâ€"providmg you ways look upon the bright Side. [‘éhrfsffs §nm {sickly amps coughs. cures colds. heal; the thrust and lawn ~ - - 25 can». .;._,_-_________â€"â€"â€"4â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" AGE LIMIT FOR DOCTORS. M Paris Court Thinks They Should Retire at 66. The Paris Court has just given a decision which will be of interest to medical men as .it raises the question of the age at which doc- tors ought to retire. At the beginning of last year a well known Paris physician, Dr. Eugene Ch-euriot, 66 years of age, was the victim of a serious automo- bile accident, which prevented him from following his practice for nine months and necessitated a. long stay in the South of France. He brought an action against the own- er of the automobile which over- turned his coupe, claiming $2,400 for medical treatment and his stay in the South; $12,000 for loss of practice and $30,000 for “diminu- tion of clientele in the future be- cause of the time during which be was away from his consulting rooms and of the loss of strength which will for the future prevent him from performing the same amount of work as before the accident.” The Court expressed the opinion that “at the age of Dr. Cheuriot, the greater number of medical men aspire to a well merited repose,” and considered therefore that dam- ages to the amount 'of $12,000 would meet the case. From this it would Unshaven Person (entering bar- ber’s shop)â€"-â€"“I do not want a hair- singe, shampoo, «electric massage, dandruff cure, or headâ€"wash.” Barberâ€"“Well, . what do you want?” Unshaven Personâ€"“I want a shave.” Barber (to assistant -â€" “Shave him, Bill. There’s no law to prevent these chaps wasting our time.” u“â€" Pills of attested valueâ€"Perma- le-es Vegetable Pills are the result of careful study of the properties vf certain roots and herbs, and the ac- tion of such as sedative and laxa- tives on the digestive apparatus», The success the .compounders have met with attests the value of their work. These pills have been rcognized for many years as the best cleansers of the system that can be 'got. Their excellence was recognized from the first and they grow more popular daily. ,._â€"..â€"â€"¢ Mrs. Peckemâ€""Henry, what pun- ishment __should be meted out to a man who proposes to a woman, and then refuses to marry her?” Peck~ emâ€"“He should be compelled to J, r; v all: .- v . L J 42;]?! ,A . 1? Ina w "I . in... \fi‘ .. - 117,5 5“ . The Rayo Lamp is ahxgh rade lamp, sold at a low price, There are lamps that cost more, ut there is nobsttor lam made at on) price. Constructed of solid brass; nickel platedâ€"easily Kept clean: on ornament to'any room in any house. There is nothing known to the or! of lamp-making that can add to the value of the RA’LO Lamp as allgbt~ giving device. Evory dealer everywhere. If not at yours, write for do- serlpme clrcu_lar to_tho nearest Hope; of The Queen City Oil Company, Limited,- Toronto. AG‘ENTS‘WANTED- â€"INFOh.MATICIv_-VTVIINTED. Have you ever heard of anything TART TEA ROUTE 'I‘O-DAY. BEND k postal for circulars or me for samples and that was materilly improved by terms. Alfred Tyler. London. on. ’ scolding '2 " 0MB IVORK. â€" WE WANT RELIABLE families to operate our high-s cod automa- tic sitting Machine: at home; w ole or spare tlmohnltti‘ngfortho trade; cod wages. For-.11 articulors address, The Canadian Wholosnll MINARD S LIN‘MENT CO ’ LIMITED' istributlng 00.. Dept. W. Crillln. Ontario. GENTLBMRN,-â€"I have used MINARD’S LINIMENT from lime lotimc for the past twenty years. It was recommended to me by a prominent physician of Montreal, who called it the “great Nova Scotia Liniment." It does the doctor’s work; it is particularly good in cases otheumatism and Sprains. Yours truly, G. G. DUSTAN, Chartered Accountant. Halifax N.S., Sept. 21, :905. WAN-pan. EARN THE BARBER TRADEâ€"le . systemâ€"constant practiceâ€"careful instru- tionâ€"fow weeks complete courseâ€"4001: mo. Graduates earn twelve to ol buon dollars week- lz‘i olor Barber College. Write for catalogue. Queen East, Toronto. ANGER. Tumors, Lumps. etc. Internal and external, cured without sin by our home treatment. Write us be ore too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Cnlllngwond. Ont. al- seem that the Court thinks that doctors are too old at 66 to prac- marry herf” " “86' F Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Distemper. , . PROVED.‘ A NATURAL CONCLUSION “You say he plays the violin ’2” “When did Green die l” “Yes.” “He isn’t dead. I saw him this morning. What ever made you think he had passed away '1” “I thought surely he must be dead. I heard Black praising him this morning.” Fairs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup I‘Inl been used for over SIXTY-FIVE TEARS by HIE-12105?! of moments for their CHILDREN WHILE TRETHINGuwlt-h PERFEL SUCCESS. 1t BOOTHES be Clill.) EOFTENI the VHS. ALLAYB all PAIN: filth gals” ’s‘Q'iw'n‘lt‘: fail: 555.3, "35?: If: :1. J Elol‘ld. "be sure a A gel! 15:51er Winslowl; Soothing yruv. nd t he no other kind. Twcnt - vo cents 3 bottle. a‘liggnteod under the Food and tlbruzs Act, lune 90th. 19 an OLD'AlibaiiifcIfqdiiihn sensor. A, “Does he play it well?” “He must do so, because he’s on speaking terms with all his neighâ€" bors.” SbIYeh’s Cm Email: I‘tom:i fossil“. oun- colds. heal. a on an an a. I o - 25 can“. The new bags have coronet or in- itials in gold or small diamonds on their velvet background. . Reasonable Man expects to cure a. no looted bulldoln a day. But time and Allen’s Lung 51mm will overcome the cold and stave of? consumption. Cough will cease and lungs be sound as a new dollar. A STRANGE BIRD. Little Bob (just started in school) â€"â€"“Uncle Harry, what is the bird with the biggest bill 'l” Uncle Harry (who is still think- ing of the night before)â€"â€"-“A quail, my boy, a quailâ€"on toast.” Garlands or roses are now being draped over cloche hats for little tots. Silver or gilt tissue or soft satin are the materials most used. killer in a on of hot water even enod will warm on and an a cold. Avoid substitutes, there is While more prevalent in winter, at one " Painkiller "â€"Po", m'h._25o “a 60°. when sudden changes in the weathâ€" er try the strongest constitutions, colds and coughs and ailments of the throat may come in any seasâ€" At the first sight of derange- . Don’t make the mistake of claimâ€" ing you never make one. on. ment use Bickle’s Antiâ€"Consump- Corals that nearly reproduce the five Syrup. Instant relief will [,6 real thing are set on a bar, making experienced, and “so of the medi- a most attract1v-e veil pm. cine until the cold disappears will protect the lungs from attack. For anyone with throat or chest weak- ness it cannot be surpassed. T0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIV‘B BRQMO Qulnine Tablets. Drugglsts refund money if it falls to euro. E. W. GR, E'S signature is on each box. 250. EASY. “What do you the necessities of life?” “The means for securing the lux- urles.” Perhaps you have observed that spiritualistic mediums do not seem to care a. rap for each other. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY B.- Ihmod to the lone? A tensgoonful 01 Pain- him by telling her THE HAPPY MAN. “I hear” she is to be married. Who ls the happy man 7” ‘ ‘Hcr father.” Corns cripple the feet and make walking a torture, yet sure relief 1n the shape of Holloway’s Corn Cure is within reach of all. Avoid pushing to the front by gomg back on your friends. Mlnard‘s Llniment Cures Dlphtherla. TOO HIGH A COMPLIMENT. “You shouldn’t have called that man a pig,” said the conciliatory man. “That’s right,” replied the vin- dictive person. "There is no sense in implying that he’s worth 20 cents a pound to anybody.” no sure y ,4 get the kind you mus nlwnyn nan. "The D a L" Menthol Plaster, For rheumatism neural in, otc.. nothing is better. Mad. only byl Do.le Lawrence Company. Sometimes a girl gets even with man for not asking her to marry _ friends she turned h1m down. They cleanse while they cure.â€" The vegetable compounds of which Parmclee’s Vegetable Pills are composed, mainly dandelion and mandrake, clear the stomach and intestines of deleterious matter and restore the deranged organs to healthful action. Hence they are the best remedy for indigestion available to-da . A trial of them will establish t e truth of this as sertion' and do more to convince the ailing than anything that can be understand by written of these pills. __ .â€" Hoaxâ€"The amateur photographer is generally a. pessimist. Joax -â€" for Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes ‘ (r andGranulatedEyellds.Murine’Doesn't "many, Llnlmem Cures clam“ In Cows HOW <10 3011 figure that 0?“ $0M} Smartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists ' â€"â€"-He.takes the wmst View 0 cv- Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, INVERSION erythmg 500, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. “What goes up must come down”â€" That’s an axiom oft rehearsed; But for seasick passengers The directions are reversed. Money may not bring happiness, but it will purchase a lot of substi- tutes. Thousands of country people know that in time of sudden mishap hr accident Hamlin’s Wizard Oil is :he best substitute for the family ioctcr. That is why it is so often ionnd noon the shelf. BEANS. Spanish Baked Beansâ€"Two cups of navy beans, which have been boiled well. Then add a small piece of bacon, one large onion, one-half can of tomatOes, two tablespoons of either sugar or molasses, then sea- son with a, pinch of cayenne pepper and salt to taste. Cut bacon and onion fine, then put in baking dish and bake for one hour. It has many qualitiesâ€"The man who possesses a bottle of Dr. Thom- as’ Electric Oil is armed against many ills. It wi‘l cure a cough, break a. cold, prevent sore throat; it will reduce the swelling from a sprain, cure the most persistent sores and will speedily heal cuts and contusions. It is a. medicine chest in itself, and can be got for a quarter of a dollar. A dollar fairly got is worth a thousand that are not. We Must Go from heated rooms to the with outer air, and the change sets us coughing. our, lug winter colds is not hard if X011 take Allen's Lun Balsam. A neglected col ls troublesome and. morons. THE LIMIT. A Toronto man who visited Bri- tain last summer appears to think that country the champion tipâ€"tak- er. ' He says: “Well, I had tipped every man, from the swell gent who seemed to own the House of Com‘ mons down to the hircling who gummed the wrong labels on my luggage, and I went into the wait- ing-room on the landing-stage at Liverpool to wash my hands, and what do you think stared me in the face, when I had finished? A lplzlcard, ‘Plcusc tip the basin.’ I’ll :be hanged if I did!” '1‘ N U ISSUE roeâ€"11 : FILES CURED IN 6 T0 14 DAYS Your drug lat will refund money if PAZO 013T- MENT fai sto cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 500. A college education enables many a young man to refer to the allow~ ance from his father as his income. Mothers can easily know when their children are troubled with worms, and they lose no time in applying the best of remediesâ€"Mo- ther Gravcs’ Worm Exterminator. ’IMPossm‘LE. Bobby’s father is not a brilliant sort of man; it has been said in fact, that he errs decidedly in the other direction. He took Bobby the other day on a short visit to some friends, and, thinking to make a good imprcs~ sion, he started a conversation. “I had quite an adventure the other evening,” he said. “At the corner of a dark street a man sud- _ denly sprang out on me, and said that if I didn’t give him my watch he’d knock my brains out. Fortu- nately, a. policeman came along, and the man took to his heels!” “And weren’t you afraid?” asked his hostess. “Afraid!” echoed Bobby’s papa. lmodestly. “Well, I hope not.” “But,” went on the lady, “if he had carried out his throat?” “Well.” answered the visitor, “if he hadâ€"” And then the loyal lit- tle Bobbv ,struck in. “I’ll ,b’ct there’s nobody wh) could knock any brains 0123 of f0.- therl” he said proudly. ALRQAD o nations in Canada to-da r - vl’do fine chances for youn yxgcno. We teach 'l‘cxogmphy and taoiou Agents worke’omplote in shortest time. Particulars free. Write ContraVl‘olegrapfl‘and Railroad _-. 1 School, Yonge and Gerrard Sta, Toronto. W. H. Shaw, President. The Heart ofa Plano is the Action. Inslat on the “OTTO HIGEL" Plano Action 8! a box 6 for $5 The most highly efficient application for the reduction ol'Swellings, Goitre, Thick Neck. Glandular Enlarge- ments. Its Positive. of all kinds, in any and _ all stages, quickly re- lieved and positively cured. Cure our sufl‘ering and live quietly. ‘Cominon Sense" for Piles will do it. $1 a box, 35 for 6 boxes. Mailed on receipt of price. LYLE granite, TORONTO ’ Fire, Lid Rust and Storm Proof ' Durable and 0r :1 amental i l :- lotus know the size of any roof you are thinking of covering and we ' will make you an Interesting offer. Metallic hinting to. lelted BIANUFACTUBERS TORONTO and WINNIPEG 2' 45A 1. "s clause. ALL HE CAN D0. “Do you sift your ashes?” “No, sir. It’s all I can do to take them out.” Mlnard's Linlment Cures Golds, etc. Cures Sprung Tendon, Collar and Saddle Gallo 234 Monitor» Ava. Wlnnlm. October 11th. 1009. “l have used your Epsvlu Cum on A Sprung Tendon with good results and. I can recommend it lbr Collar and Ssddlo Gulls." J. ll. Hazlett. Kendaiiis Spam Cure is a blessing to timers and stockmcn. 1n the post (0 you‘. Randall's Bysvin Ours has lllorslly saved milltoa’ s of dollars for horse owners. It is Lbs out remodythst can always be depended upon to absolutely cum Spavln, mucbom, Curb. , Splint, Bwi‘lilnns luul LANWXIUM. Never bum-n. [cars or turns the hu: while. A! good {or man as for bout. Keep Kendall’s always handy. Cl. 9. bottleâ€"- 6 fbr C5. Whrn you buy at your dealer‘s, get copy of our book “A '17“ Use On The Hourâ€"WI (M -â€"or Mile us 51 us. n. J. mom 1. co.. Enoshm raus. v2. LIN“ "’ “iii: 1E3“ ' W iflw'ma Tsifieéfisti 7:} '~ ' ' i 9 :2» '0.‘ rs ..- times». tees seem-«3 33.3. '- f ,_ ~ er" a .- -.w;.~.‘.v..»_.:v .:~..,.,,.',».-‘.-

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