-â€".-.. .3 1mm , m .. __ V... ._ .._.... N npleasant ’1‘. uths. enough to strike him. The modern state is the weapon that he uses to . -» Roacoe A. Pllmot‘s, in the Western Clarion. 'One of the most reactiouai‘y anti- \ labor papers in Eastern Canada, the .Daily Telegraph of St. John, N. 3., published an editorial from whichxthe following is an extract : “A newsboy in a mission meeting .joined in the Lord’s prayer until he ‘ came to the '~ our daily bread,’ ' on it.’ Very few of us would think ‘ of that addition, even in mirth, for we '- take our dainties as a matter of course. 7 But the fact that impresses itself upon 'people, perhaps more strongly at this season than at other times, is the amount of suffering and poVerty on every hand in our large cities. Very sensitive people try to forget that there is suffering. Their pity makes 'them cruel. They cannot bear the sight of suffering. If he is a Dives, such a man must first of all insist ‘that the police shall prevent people "like Lazarus, covered with sores, from lying in plain sight at the gate. They treat pain as, in these days of plumb. ing, we treat ï¬lth. We get the plumb- er and carpenter to hide it so well that even our civilized nostrils shall not 74136 offended. “But an English statistician says ‘that ‘the suffering of the indigent class in our towns is greater than ever be- ‘fore; the condition of that class has lbeen aptly described as far worse than ' Hottentots.’ Against this is the tes- "timony of Lord Munnibagge, a great :authority in economic matters. He ‘had never heard of a baby starving. “There was no such widespread distress -‘as was represented. People were al- ‘ways making exaggerated statements rabout the poor. He did not credit ‘theml But he may have turned the "wrong end of the telescope to his eye. -. . . . . Few people starve to irleath outright; but in every hard 'winter, physicians and charity workers i in large cities report suicides and deaths from starvation diseases. Men try to 'ibreak into prison to escape cold and 7hunger. Prison fare does not contain :anany delicacies, but it is sure.’ †This utterance is a surprising depar- ture from the usual and is a practical aadmission on the part of a Grit paper 7il3llab' poverty, dire poverty and misery, «does not exist all around us. Of course later on the editor switches off onto Tthe cause ('1) of this state of affairs and there he loses himself. Either he had ::not the necessary amount of intellig- ~ence to perceive the real cause or his imasters had warned him. Anyhow he .zsays “Easily among the chief causes of jgpoverty is._ the hard condition of the human lot as by nature established. 'The prime reason why bread must be so dear anal flesh and blood so cheap is ithat the ratio of exchange between the ‘two has been ï¬xed or largely ï¬xed 'in the constitution of the earth, much 'to the disadvantage of the latter.†All «of which is merely a learned way of displaying ignorance or of shunting :the minds of people who read the pap- tér off the real issue. Any person who knows anything of present industrial development knows that today the race can produce enough food, clot-hing and shelter for all. The 'problem of producing the necessities of life was solved long ago when chattel slavery, and hence the state and gov- ernment, originated. And almost daily since the origin of slavery men have been adding to the productivity of their labor. Constantly machinery has undergone improvements until today one man with the aid of even ordinary implements can. raise enough wheat .to feed thousands ; one man can produce .as much working socially with his fol- lows as could hundreds in the old days. \Vherefore then all this poverty and suffering among the workers? The answer is not to be found in the hous- ing problem, as the editor of the Tele- graph implies. It is not to be found ‘in the fact that the workers live in dirty houses and communities. .En- quire†as you will of the reformer, the sky-pilot, the wouldâ€"be saviours of society, for the cause, you will al- .ways find their answers lacking. En- quire as you will for the remedyâ€"â€" they who know not the cause certain- ’ 1y know naught of the remedy. Yet the remedy is so simple that he who runs may read. My “Lord Munni- bagge†owns us of the working class through his Ownership of our means of life. We are just as much his proper- ty as though he still chained us to the leg of our bench. The bonds are attached to our stomachs, yet they are none the less real. Let us strike at his ownership, his power to exploit us. Let us deprive him of that power. \Ve of the working class have the power to do so once we become intelligent petition ‘give us this day l and then broke in g with the irreverent gloss, ‘and butter 1 hold us in subjection. We possess the power to take the state from him and abolish it, thus abolishing his power over Our liv‘es. Will we do it? The answer of that question may be slow in coming, but it will come none the 5' less surely. infill lull usuuu BEDS First Necessity is Fresh Stable Man- ure, Whether in Cellar, Shed or the Openâ€"Keep It Damp Ail to the making of a mushroom bed, it does not matter whether the bed he made up in a collar or shed, or in the open, the first necessity is found In a good quality of fresh stable man- ure, from which, as it accumulates, all long straw f5 shaken out and put aside to dry. If all the dung needed, and it should be not less than a big curt load, can be got in at once quite fresh and not heated, so much the better. If it has to he got in driblets, .hen it must he put out thinly on the floor of a shed where it will not heat or become Wet untll enough is col- lected. Then it must be thrown up into a heap, be fairly well damped,| and allowed to lie until it begins to, get warm. Then turn it again inside ‘ out and leave it, turning it again a third time. If at either turning it seems dry, Well damp it again. Then, after a few days the bed can be made' up very solid wherever it is to be. If under cover then flatwise and a solid feet thick. If outdoors, then as a ridge three feet broad at the base and two and a half feet high, trodden firm and made neat. Outdoors the bed should be in a sheltered position and l on a dry bottom. In both cases, give i the bed all over a gentle damping with f water, then_cover it up thickly with-'! with straw litter or mate to help the i beat to rise, as so soon as that is; at its height the bed may be spawned. . EGGS lN WINTER Slx Essentials That the Supply May be 'Malntalned 1. Early hatched pullets or yearling hens. Early pullets are the most pro- lific layers See that the pullets se- lected for the laying pens come from hens that have a creditable record in I winter performance. Like begets like, and, pullets from heavy winter layers will lay better in winter than stock in- discriminately selected. 2. Dry, light, well-ventilated houses. A house with lots of windows and well ventilated is always dry. As good a way to ventilate a poultry house is to, use cotton or muslin in one or two of the windows instead of glass. If a straw loft can be put in so much the better. Let in the sunlight and fresh air. 3. An eggâ€"producing ration. Give the hens whole grain, mashes, green feed and meat. Whole grain, wheat, cats or barley is the backbone of the ration, meshes of ground cats with the hulls sifted out, shorts and bran give variety, and are easily digested;~ green food keeps the blood cool and, gives bulk to the ration; meat sup-r plies protein from which the albumi- nous portiOn of the'egg is made. Grit. for the gizzard and oyster shell or lime in some form for egg shells. Supply what else is required to form‘ :he egg. 4. Water. Hens will get along with- | out water, getting what moisture they. need from eating snow, butt hey do' cotter where a supply of clean water is available most of'the time; if possi- l his all the. time. _ 5. Exercise. Make the hens work for their living. Fat. lazy birds are, never record winter layers. Exercise“ keeps hens warm, in good condition" and contented. it is most easily pro vided for by feeding whole grain in a litter. Short straw, or chaff, makes the best litter. Have eight of ten inches of it on the floor, and make the birds dig their living out of It. Change the litter frequently. _ 6. Cleanliness. Have a dropping board beneath the masts and so: ape it clean every day. Have road dust or dry ashes or sand in convenient boxes for the birds to take dust baths in. If dust baths are provided, there is little danger of a flock becoming infested with lice. Occasionally smear the crevices about the roosts with kerosene and before winter sets in well clean out, whitewash 'and fumigate the house. i l NSFâ€"EATING COMPULSORY 1 It Had to be Observed Two: Days Every Week '2 When l Fish-eating, which has found such‘f; a strong advocate in Sir James Crich- l ton-Browne, was at one time compul-' sory by law on at least two days in'. every week. In 1593 Queen Eliza-i beth’s Privy Council issued a mandate l ordainng that it should “not be law-i ful for any person within that realm!I to eat any flesh upon any days oh- gerycw fish-days. upon 25,111 ï¬ght 1 that is played whether good, bad, or . indifferent. ' ' compose melodies in his head, and ' play them but few can write music as i with a glass front, and is fixed over ’e . .. ...- ..V. . ‘..1 "~' " ‘ -~ -’ . '1. L-‘-..'. «a. -. ‘ fan of $15 13.1mm Emma present day) for every time he offend- ed," and, further, that “no inn-holder, lehouse-keeper, or common table- eeper shall utter or put on sale upon a fish-day any kind of flesh vlctuals upon pain of forfeiture of $25." This Act was prompted by the fact that the fishing industry, which provided the nucleus of. her Majesty's Navy, both in the matter of men and of yes- eels was suffering so severely by the growing indulgence of the people in beef and mutton that many of the fisherfollgwers abandoning the trade. This the Privy Council rightly judged to be a danger to the realm. . _________.._......â€"â€"- WANTED AN EARTHQUAKE The late Dr. Maclagan greatly up. precfated the point of a reply which the witty vicar of a sleepy Yorkshire village sent to hl'm when asked to lend his church for the purpose of giving the peeple of the district a. "quiet day" fer meditation. 7 "My dear Lord Archbishop.†wrote the vicar, “your very kind letter to hand. But what the people in this ,vlllage want most in their spiritual life is nota ‘qulet day,’ but an earth- quake." RECORDlNG MUSIC ON NEW MACHINE lnetrutnent Invented That is of Great Help to Composerâ€"No Notes Will Be Lost Now a“ A famous critic once made the ra- ther swaeplng statement that “more masterpieces Were lost to music than Were ever gained.†Strange as this re- mark may at first appear, there was a. good deal of truth in it. He meant, of course, that many wanderful pas- sages which must have been played by great composers while idly fingering the piano were lost forever. The brain of the genius is notoriously fit- ful, and while working out one idea a dozen others might subconsciously be communicated to the fingers, and their value not appreciated until too late. Such tragedies must be frequent. Now, however, by the aid of a new invention with the rather formidable name of the “Automuslcograph,†noth- lng need be lost to music in the fu- ture. This ingenious apparatus, which can be attached to any piano, records on a. roll of music paper every note Many an amateur can It should be written. Now this little machine doestthat part of the work. It takesfheform 01,8. small cabinet the reading desk. A" paper roll, mark- ed with different colored lines, is placed inside arid the clockwork mach- inery set going. ’As it._revo‘lves, every note that is'tou'ohed is marked upon it In typewriter ifashion.‘ When the sheet of paper is detached after play- lng, a graduated gauge is placed by the- side 'of it which determines the exact position of the note. .- Don Angelo Barbitrl, the inventor. claims for it that lt.ls not only so- curately reproduces the notes played, but also the time. The value of the. device, therefore, to every composer- who extemporizes will be enormous. Mascagni, the famous composer, is using one of these machines in writ- ing his new opera, “Eisfbeau.†MANUEL TO LIVE IN THE OPEN AIR The Exâ€"King’s Health ls Sald to Have Been Shattered. by Recent Excitlng Incldents .__..â€"- If ever there was a happy woman, comparatively speaking, it is the l Queen mother of Portugal, who, with her son, Manuel, escaped from Lisbon with their lives when that city was seized by the revolutionlsts. The agony and terror in which this poor woman has lived for more than two years is beyond description, accord- 1 ing to one of her ladies-in-waltlng who has just arrived in Paris from London. The life of the fallen queen has been one of long suffering, for she realized only too well the hopelessness of the situation so far as the permanency of the Portuguese monarchy was con- cerned. She tried in vain to stem the current of reckless extravagance, as friends in Paris in whom she con- fided, Well know. Then three years ago, came the horror of witnessing the assassination of her husband and oldest son, while being able to save, the life of her youngest son only by her personal intervention. What she has gone through no human being can conceive, nor realize, and it is a great relief to know that at last the strain is over and that she can rest peace- .fully at the country residence of the Due d'Orlcans. She is soon to make a protracted visit to France, where the Orleans family still possess a mag- nificeut chateau. It'is said in Paris that it has been definitely settled that the deposed king, Manuel, will live much in the ope-n air for many months, for, as a result of a not altogether quiet life, his health is far from good, while his, nerves have b;en shattered as a result of‘tho events of the last few Weeks. Steps will be taken to hinder any attempt on his part to renew his friendship with the French actress. Gaby Deslys, with whom he was greatly taken, and who has im- proved the opportunity of the loss of his throne to bring public attention to the fact that he was one of her ad- mirers. . o..-- _~.â€"_....._.._., LESS THAN CITY PR1 OES You run NO RISK. ' see our goods. '6'. S. Gainer. FENELON FALLS. Call and When we are obliged to remove small objects to a. considerable distance from the eye in order to see them distinctly. When we ï¬nd it necessary to get more light than formerly. ' When, if looking at a near object, it beCOmes confused and appears to have a kind of mist before. When the eyes tire easily. When troubled with headache; Examination free. BRETTOH HUS. - LINDSAY. ‘ ........................................... Wanted NOW ‘or Fenelon Falls and surrounding dis» trict, for fall and winter months, an en- ergetic, reliable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GoodPay Weekly Outï¬t Free Exclusive Territory. _ O00 ACRES under cultivation. We guarantee t0 56' Canada’s Oldest and Greatest Nurseries: liver stock in good condition and up to PETER MOFFAT contractvgrade. We can show that there Agent for is good money in representing a well- FENELON FALLS" known, reliable firm at this time. Estab- and adjoining country. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES. (850 Acres) TORONTO, ONTARIO. lished over 30 years. Write for partic- ulars. PELl'llllll NURSERY CO., TORONTO GET READY ' For the position just ahead of you. Ab ut 1500 \'hllli;;' mm; and women prepare for promotion to better things by spending a few months in- our great sclmolâ€"â€"Slmuâ€s school â€"â€"The Central Business College of Toronto. Our new catalogue will interest you. You are invited to write for it. W. H. Shaw, Pres. Yonge & Gerrard streets, Toronto. H“ lTHAT BALD SPOT Don’t let that bald spct grow ! Go to your druggist at once and get a bottle of Parisian Sage and if that. don’t check the falling hair, and cause new hair to grow, nothing will. ' Dandruff is the cause of baldness; dand- rufl' germs cause dandrule Parisian rape kills the germs; erudicts dandruff, sir/[s falling hair, and itching scalp. We and refund your money if it fails to do this lll two weeks. Parisian Sage will cause tlr hair to grow, if the hair root be not (ltfld. It.c:iuses the hair to' grow thicker, more luxuriant, and puts new life into it. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every package of' Parisian Sage. IL is sold for 50c. by all druggists or sent postpaid by the Gircux Mfg. 00., Fort Erie, Ont, on receipt ofpricc. Sold and guaranteed by W. H. Robson. ‘ï¬ii‘r’i‘ï¬ï¬l AND TWO CifiLDEf-EN AT MUSKOKA FREE HOSPETAL. ._._..._.__â€"- Are Now Under Treatmentâ€"Husband, Too, ï¬nd Been a Patientâ€"A Tra- gedy in Real Lifeâ€"tfeevy Debt on Institution. m A story from tho Mnskoka Free Hospital for Consumptivcs tells of a mother who, with her two children, is now under treat- ment in that institution. The husband had been a patient, but the case was an {Lil- vanecd one when the patient entered, and be has since primed away. There is liztie doubt but. that the wife was infected as; a result of caring for her husband, and now she is. in the M uskoka Hospital. Her litter girl, about five years of age, and a buy if ten are with her, both being afflicted with this dread disease. The words of the mother are pathetic. She writes : “I went to a doctor and got. him to examine my lungs to see whethcz' there was anything wrong with the-n), and he said that the right lungr was adieu-d. A little rest, he hoped, would build me up. I have a little girl, about ï¬ve years old, and the doctor says that if I could take her up with mo it would do her over so much good, as she is not very strong. i have three more children, and one of these, a boy of ten, seems also to he afflicted, uml it is advisable that he should enter the hosn pital.†These three are of the 104 patients who are residents in this deserving institution and being cared for without money and without price. The sorry part of it is that. the trustees are carrying a debt of snow. thing like $40,000, incurred largely through the additions that have been, made within the past year, and that have more llum doubled the accommodation of the institu- tion, together with the heavy cost of main- taining so large a. number of free patients. r______._._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" .60 YEARS’ ERIENCE «. I ,.~. 345‘}va ‘ r COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and descrlpiélphn may or a! uickl ascertain our 0 lnlon free w . . Epventiolgt‘s pgotasablsp Dfomiiputnlcp; . Readers who desxre to help tlns great ODIB l' ’0 n on 011 a en ' ' ‘ ' . . . sent free. Oldest a ency for securing ntcnts. Chunt‘y "fay 38m? the‘rwml‘muhqm ham“ Patents taken t romp: Munn a o.rccelve W. J. Gage, Chairman Executive (,c-m- wecmmmï¬mmou‘c “’gmm‘m mittee, 84 padina avenue, or to the Sec- retary-Treasurer, 347 King street west, ' Toronto. 4' The Mnskoka Free Hospital has ed up to its claims of never having a single patient because of his . WWW" ' .‘J ‘1-.' A handsomely illustrated weekly. 3 fr erms to: summit mama, admit?" :givmuflfidg re id. Soldb ‘ nu noradedlern.’ 'W p p‘ ’ mm $.99 aim-um. "wig-[k bloampmm