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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Mar 1911, p. 5

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- poem, Correspondence of the Gazette. Venerable Archdeacon Warren, of To- ronto, held the annual Missionary ser- vice in St. James’ Church on Thursday "evening of last week. Lenten service will be conducted by the Rev. 8. A. Lawrence, pastor of .St. James's church, on Wednesday evening of each week during the season. Mr. Lawrence was assisted in last Sunday’s service by Mr. Harrison, of Wyclille College, Toronto. , Miss Bea Chesscll, of the Collegiate InStitute, Lindsay, spent Sunday wrth her friends here. I Miss Robinson, of Kirklicld, is visiting N r. and Mrs. Levin. The Progressive Euchre Club. which met on Monday evening at the home of N r. Bert Hopkins, have decided that, in- stead of discontinuing their evenings of purely friendly sociability, during Lent, will continue to meet at the homes of the different members, but will use the fees paid in during the Lenten season for some charitable purpose. Sunday in Kinmount visiting old friends. Mrs. Mark and Miss Gertrude return- ed from Toronto on Monday. On Tuesday of last week a most en- joyable time was spent at the banquet tendered our hockey boys by Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence at the Rectory. ln pro- posing the toast “ The Kinmount Hockey Team,” Mr. Lawrence expressed himself as being more than proud to be its presâ€" ident. proud of its victories, and still premier of the true Sportsman‘s spirit shown by every member of the team. They invariany played a clean, manly game, and well deserved the undiminish- ed interest and admiration shown thro’â€" out the winter by every member of the community in responding to this and other toasts proposed. The boys, though generally shooting to their feet with a “do or die "expression never called forth by the most formidable rival on ice, showed that if the future of our “ Great Country,” to the toast of which their Honorary Secretary. Mr. J. Austin, responded, depends upon eloquence and courage, they will not be behind in tak-. ing a place among future craters: They. were ably aSsistcd by th‘eir'manager, Mr. James Graham, and gave a fitting climax in a rousing hockey song. A also read. Solos were given by Mr. Geo. Train- and MissRuby Austin, and, after ahearty vote-ofthanks to Rev. and M rs. Laurence, the boys went home to dream of the morrow orcthe day after. And, the day after, they. suffered their first defeat, this winter, in the tournament at Fenclou Falls in a, match with the home team. We do-not wish fora moment to. girethe impression thatza defeat by a team. such as.played'for Fenelon Falls caused our-boys any.aunoyance ; nor do we wish to spoil’the record they have made thisw-i-nter by bringing down up- on their» heads the . epithet “kickers.” Suffice it to saythat‘we do not consider the result of the tournament at Fcnelon Falls.- on-Thursday-might a recognition _of the best players; The Kinmount team defeated, twice this winter, each team there, with the exception of Fenclon Ealls,,and even the Fenelon Falls boys admit that they had to fight hard for their score of 4 to 1. Our boys are young at the game, it being only two years since a hockey stick had any place a- mougtlle rest of the timber lying about our ice. We have been proud of them, and the result of the Fenclon Falls tourâ€" nament has not diminished that pride to the slightest degree. It is a deplorable fact that our‘Cana- dian games are so often spoiled by row- dyism. Generally the ladies of any com- munity take, or would take, the liveliest interest in our games; but the halls of such sports, in a great many places, are becoming ahn0st totally unfit for ladies to put in an appearance at all. Is it not possible to bar out of such places, those, who, though having no respect for them- selves or the mothers who bore them, make it a point to pollute the air with language that is too vile for a bar-room, let alone a public place where ladies are admitted ? Do not the citizens of our towns and villages owe it to their self respect and reputations, to, say nothing of the future of our boys and girls, to do something to keep this growing rowdy- ism in check, to make it possible for people to take a keener, more enjoyable interest in our boys’ sports. We think it is possible, but it is for our “ men ” to prove it so. The skating Season is alumst over, and special mention is'due the rink manage-. ment for the unfailing etlorts they have. put forth and the kindly attention given to skaters, as well as our hockey teams. This winter has been the most success- ful since liinmount realized that a rink was necessary to tho .well’are of ‘ our young people. ' Tllilfl‘ Hall“ A LIBERAL OFFER When the hair thins out-on the top of the head and the bald spot is getting ready to appear in public, don’t get dis- com-aged or irrilable. Just go to your druggist and ask for Parisian Sage Hair Tonic. He will charge you 50c for a large bottle but if it does not cause hair to grow whore the hairis thinning out. nothing on- this earth will. And we want to say. to everybody, man, woman and child, that you can have your money back if Parisian Sage isn’t the best hair grower, hair saver, hair beautificrand da'idrull’ cure on the market to day. It stops itching scalp and falling hair and makes hair .grow thick and abundantly. All druggists everywhere sell Parisian Sage or postpaid from.Thc Girouxhlfg. 0.0., Fort. Erie, Ont. See that. the girl with the auburn hair is on every bottle. will _ggarunlced.by.»W-. H. Robson... Mr. Jas. Scott, of Peterborough, spent Sold. Kinmounl. ' l composed by a lady admirer, was . ,. A GOOD POSITION Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of “wireless” or railway telegraphy. Since the eight- hour law became efiective, and since the Wireless companies are establishing stations throughout the country, there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with good chances of ad- vancement. The National Telegraph Institute operates six official Institutes in America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless officials, and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details at Cincinnati, 0., or Philadelphia, Pa. For Your any or Girl. TO INTRODUCE Zymole Trokeys, We will give the big, strong Zymole express shown in our window to the boy or girl who brings us the largest number of coupons on or bel'o‘re March 25th next. A coupon given with purchase of every box of Zymole Trokeys at 250. or with every dollar purchase of other goods in our store. Competition opens Saturday, Feb. 25th. Sample trokeys. free. ” ~ lllll’llllltllil Feneln Falls. ones cost money. We make a specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs fixing up bring it here. Or- if you need a new one we can build itâ€"égood as the best. I. C. IllllMllEIlS. ' Colborne Street Fenelon Falls. | Of the old rigs. New RHEUMATISM Cured by Booth’s Kidney Pills. T. E. Foster, of St. John St, Fredericton, N. B., says: I have found more actual relief from Booth’s Kidney Pills than in all elsel have ever tried for rheumatism. The pains . lessened greatly ‘ - and I am better and stronger than in years previous ‘, My appetitoh as and sleep better tlmn.l. have in lily general health , is greatly improv- ed and [ this only to Booth’s Kidney Pills.” This is the Booth Kidney I’ill way. These wonderful Pills are sold under a guarantee to refund your money il they failio relieve any sulfe re r from Rheumatism orally trouble having its origin in the kidneys. They cure I backache, dull shooting pains, thick and cloudy urine, gravel and stone, rheumatism and all diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists and dealers, 500. box, or postpnid from The R. T. Booth. 00., Ltd., Fort Erie. Ont. Sold and. guaranteed by W. H Robson. . _ , so vsass‘ sans IENQE . - . n- . .1- . . . . .. . ' ‘ I. 4., .._ , __ my. “fans: Manse Demons COPYRIGHTS «so. Anyone sending a sketch and closer! also may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an Inventlon ls probably patenmble. Communica- tions strictly conudentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent-a sent free. Oldest a ency for securing patents. Patents taken t rough Munn .3; Co. receive special notice, wlthout. charge, in the ’ - gelatin: Emulate Ahandiomely illustrated week! . La . auction of any sclentlflo jourmyal. TEE-iii: (grit C d '."5 mmgegsgddloayw. postage prepdd. Sold by lausurmsxrrrr in my limbs have: '1 built up and leaf. I ‘ over three years. - credit’ MM Wanted NOW For Fenelon Falls and surrounding dis- trict, for fall and winter months, an en- ergetic, reliable agent to take orders for nursery stock. Good Pay Weekly Exclusive Territory. 600 ACRES under cultivation. We guarantee to de- liver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well- known, reliable firm at this time. Esta b- lished over 30 years. Write for partic- ulars. PELHIIIII NU BSERY (30., TORONTO Fe superior courses. expert teachers, best systems- Many graduates earn from $700 to $1500 per annum. Do YOU want a better position ‘2 Got your education here and you will be properly pre- pared. All business colleges are no alike. Graduates of other business colleges are attending our college this term. Get the best. It pays. We place many of our students in good positions. College open all year. Elliott’Business College. CORNER YONGE AND AL MANDER STS. Toronto, Ont. W.J. ELLIOTT. Princlpal- W Outfit Free A LARGE CATALOGUE of a GREAT SHOOL. It explains that we have --Lâ€"â€". Now is the time to place your order for fruit and ornamental trees. We have the largest line of nursery stock grown in Canada. Our apple, pear, plum. cherry and peach trees are unsurpassed for fib- rous roots. In small fruits the Herbert raspberry and black raspberries are our heaviest sellers, as they are big money- makers for the small fruitgrowers. Our nurseries have been visited by some of the largest fruitgrowers in Canada and after an inspection of our trees they have given us their orders. Write for our catalogue and give us a list of your wants. BROWN BROS, Welland 00., Out. I LOOK AHEAD "0 young person can have a better safeguard against the adversities of fortune or a better resourse in a time of need than a thorough business training. WE HAVE facilities to give you the best training in the Province. Our teachers are SPECIALISTS. All business and shorthand (Gregg) subjects. Enter now. Home Study Courses. Lindsay Business College. Alfiliated with Orillia Bus. College A. H. SPOTTON. Pfesiclént. K GET READY For the position just ahead of you. About 1500 young men and women prepare for promotion to better things by spending a few months in our great‘schoolâ€"Shaw's school â€"The Central Business College of Toronto. Our new catalogue will interest you. You are invited to write for it. W. H. Shaw, Pres. Yonge & Gerrard streets, Toronto. _â€"__. FOfi SALE A QUANTITY OF Hay, Oats and Star. ROBT. UMPHREY BURNT RIVER. : - “ Tm: Sam. 0? Can-run“ " - , 'v ’5‘ . . .. a r I F”. ' . ' fimpne . got“ the senor again: SGEISOI’I2.. Erect éceritce Sale Of a @hoe that Eta-s lilcu‘ie 5hoe fiislorizg lathe iatriliisft first time on record, Slater é-hoes are collared at toss than: the . Sectâ€"$tomped' Prices. lleoer bolero has “the gigs of the gtcie” erotica into as hargain mesh. lflossihtg But Radical changes in Styles and Lasts ---changes more than usual, urged Company to give us the selling out all broken lots and“ shapes .. that are i0 be discarded, alter the . Eadie starts: Eliot/idea, march. ' lath... continuing tor two rosette entail. .. .. Watch Our Windows. .. .- .. .. The Slater Shoe acutely noticeable E Privilege at g Jerriit loses... agents Jar Ellie. Slater Shoe... Jenefon Edits, Ont. .' g l l l l f... SA E eliccls E, . “Special Trains Fer Furniture Go to: Deyman’s. Boys and 027/5 ’ Should learn these subjects by which they can earn a living. Spotton Business Colleges are the largest trainers in Canada, and our graduates secure the best positionsc You can study at home, or partly home and finish at the College. Individual Instruction. Em‘er Any Day. M PETEHBDRO' :5 BUSINESS COLLEGE" I 659. SPOTTON.. PRINCIPAL. ;sErrira3? ‘*riiiiils; _...'['()_.._. ALBERTA: SKArcaraAN, The; onlyvthroussh line LOW COLOl‘llST RATES Sclllers and iamiiiemp wilhoul livestock should use For anlllcrs lrnvelliné will: livcslmkaad. Regular Trains‘ [caving Toronlo . PM. Drin . Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers! , I : ll'ill leave Toronto an. mason SEAR ll and APRIL rare as. l w. Colonist Carson all Trains No charge for berths Through Trains Toronto to , .3 V‘Jinnipeg and Velesl ‘ unyyC.i’..ll_.~Adc_i-il_iorcopy oi “Srillcrs' Guide" FALLS MARKETS Fenelon Falls, Friday, Mar: 10, 1911 Wheat, Scotch or File, 780. to 800.. that, fall, 78 to 80 Wheat, spring, 73 to 75 Barley, per bushel, 115 to 50 . Oats, per bushel, to l’ease, per bllshel, 75 to 80 Buckwheat, 42.0. to 45 Potatoes, 40 to 50 Butter, per pound, 19 to 22 ; Eggs, per dozen. IS to ‘20 FENE LON Hay, perton, $8 to $10 Hides, $7 Hogs, live, $6.25 to $6.75 Hogs, dressed, $8.50 to $9.00 Beef, S 7.50m Sheepskins, ‘60 to 80 “Del, 12 to ‘20 Fl‘our,Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 V Flour,\‘f¢nnipog 81.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf, 532.50 LoiSLJO . FIour,_Victor~ia, $2.45 to $2J35 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $2.00 " Flour, family, clipper. to $2.201. Bran, per 100 pounds, Sl.15 to $I.‘.’d., Shorts, do., $1.20 to $1.30 Mixed Chop, do., $1.25 to $1.4,Q~,- Corn Chop,,(lo.,,§,12-i.,tu main ,

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