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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Oct 1911, p. 6

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.. ....-.-...._.. . We carry a complete line of enocnnrns. Special attention paid to campers’ and. touris‘ts’ supplies. lJOSEPH MOFARLAND. fiWWWWWWWWMJ‘W WW r. i i i i i l i One s-roeK ' or- MILLINERY 1 Is ready for aroma-i .12: so. your inspection. All the best styles at -: A: 71,. my, moderate prices. WM. CAMPBELL Sole Agents for the D. & A. Corset-s. law 5...". ... ‘l'h: '4". , v‘; ‘ New Idea Patterns ’ 100. ;._ ,. ( PAINT THISFALL There’s no better painting time than the fall: Weather conditions are usually very favorable to good results. . No heavy rains to soak into the lumber as m the spring. . . . No- gnats and flies to stick to the fresh paint. It’s best to protect your buildings against winter weather. _ You’ll get a good job if you paint now with THE SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINT COVERS MOST. LOOKS BEST, “(EARS LONGEST. M057 ECONOMICAL Come to us_ for color cards. _. _ - ggiisifiimnim. i... a C‘oxvrzvaxcrxe. Fran INSURANCE .\r Low nuns. l ESTATES .\i A N.\ (1112]), successor: TO H. J. SOOTHERAN. £ â€"â€"., , E Our Seven Colleges have been a s»: established during the past 30 5 years. The largest trainers in AGENT MIDLAND LOAN C0._ Canada, Owing. to our connec- Sama Tunouou 1T Tun j COUNTY. ’ lion all' over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other School. You may study all at home or-part-ly at home. and EFICE 9! KENT ST-v LINDSAY' finish at the (,‘ollege. Aliiliated .5â€"35 ‘5 Willi the (_l(‘illllll(‘i‘Clill lflducators' w-mmn . . . 1 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-~â€"- ‘ Association of Canada. it would before choosing. Exclusive right Bliss Bookâ€"keeping System, which is unequalled. it is Actual Busi- ness from. Start to Finish, and the student keeps same books as Chartered llanks and Wholesale. Houses. Enter any time. individual instructiom, Fall Term From August: 28 Write, call or phone forr particulars _ . PETERBOEO : BUSlllESS cuursr GEO. SPOTTON, PRESIDENT E. .2. ,Logan, Principals. h‘xnns FOR , Tame tetanus Die-$163.15 Commonâ€"rs dzc. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention .is probably patentnhle. Communion. tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent. free. Oldest apency for securing patents. Patents taken 1: irouch Munn #00. receive mcclal notice, without. charge, in the Scientific flmericaa.~ ~ oi illustrated weekly. Largest. cir- 91112211131503 .iiysciomanc journal. Terms 10.- Canada. 33.15 I you. postage prepaid. Sold by s4) new-declare. ”9.9.3. 2%.? infill 119:.“ m... $.74 9‘ -. .‘l’.‘.5’J"i‘:xiri-.'l_’.-‘;; ..' - .‘ v .' 1‘ 2', ’l‘he Fenelon Falls Gazette Friday, October 13, 1911, Fenelon Fair Surpasses Previous Records. The Fenelon Agricultural Society fair, held 011 Thursday last, was for- tunate in weather conditions this fall, though it narrowly escaped a soaking principal improvement was in the in- door display, which showed a decided increase in number of entries. The quality also was first class. Of the various live stock classes, the most noticeable increase was in cattle. Hol- steins, Ayrshires and Shorthorns were most in evidence, several very fine animals, fit for the largest exhibi- tions, being shown. In sheep and swine there was a slight improvement, The number. of animals in these classes is usually not large, though the individâ€" uals exhibited are always worthy rep- resentative's of their. respective breeds. 1 The horses wereagood lot, and over the average in numbers. Poultry made a‘good showing. Brown and \Vhite Leghorns and White VVyan- dottes were most numerous. The named speeding event was won by Aldous’s Jack, after a close contest. Jack took the second and fourth heats and Poulsomfs. Goldie the third, winning second money. At the start of the first heat Aldous’s horse fell in trying to avoid a mud puddle, throw- ing the driver, Mir. John Aldous, out over his head. The cart of Goldie, who was just behind, went over the fallen horse, and threw 111-. Poulsom out on to the track. Neither Stevens’ horse took. the heat, with :Carl’s horse, of Coboconk, second. Mr. John Brock. of Ops, judged the heavy horses, and Mr. Darsh of Lindsay, the light horses; Jas. Casey, of Va icntia, the cattle ; Wm. ’l‘horndyke, of Oakwood the sheep and swine; and Jas. Swain, V’alentia, the poultry. Dairy products were judged by Mrs. Roddy, of Cambray; grain and roots and vegetables by John Knox; fruit by Mrs. Roddy, John Brock and others : ladies’ work by Mrs. C. 'W. Burgoyne and Mrs. Thorndyke; and fine arts by Mrs .J. H. Brandon and Mrs. E A. McArthur. Following is a list of prizcwinners : 3 Draught Horsesâ€"Span, 1513 '1‘. Curtis, ‘2nd Wm. Golden. Two year old Colt.â€"â€" 1 Wm. Gillis, 2 Wm. Golden. old Colt.â€"-1 Wm. Golden. General Purpose Horsesâ€"Span, 1 Jno. Cochrane, 2 W. J. Arscot-t. Brood Mare, 1 Herman Owens, 2 Jas. Soy ln-nir, 3 Wm. Illillis. Foal, 1 HEOwcns, 2_.ias. Seymour, ,3 Wm. Gillis. rl‘woâ€"ycent-oid’Colt, 1 Her- man Owens, 2 and. 3 Wm. Kelly. One- ye-Lr-oid Colt, 1 William Hetherington, .;2 John Graham, 3 W. J. Arscott. .; Agricultural .'i‘eam.â€"â€"~1 John Cochrane. ,One-ycar'old Colt, 1 Wm. Golden, 2 John Graham, One‘ycar-old Colt (any class), '1 Thomas Downer. , Carriage llorses.-â€"-Span. 1 James Poul- ‘som, 2 Josiah- Flett. Brood Mare. 1 J. J. Kelly. Feel of 1911,,1 J. Js..]{0113'c Twoâ€" year Colt, 1 Rob’t. Ayers, Lidoshna Fiett, 3 J. J. Kelly. Oneevear Colt, l J. J. Kelly. Single Driver. 15.; hands and under.â€" .1 John Graham,- 23'1‘hos. Downer, .3 Her- ibcrt Nichols. _ Single Driven;1.53,;~ hands and over.-- i W. ltody, 23.1.1 .J:- Nichols, 3 Wm. Gillis. , Hitch and Unhitch Race.â€" 1 Fountain}, 2 ,Adams. 'I‘hrcc-year-old Drivcr.-.â€"â€"l R. .Junkin, 2 Herbert Nichols._ ‘ Single Roadster.â€".~1 W'.‘ 'Rody,-.2 John Graham, 3 Wm. Golden. , Lady Driversâ€"l. Mrs. .Rody, .2 Mrs. Lawson. Saddle Horseâ€"«1:Grenville Aldous. Namel Race-~12 F. Aldous’s “ Jack,” 2 Time. i’oulsom's-r.“‘(ioldie," 23’ T1105. Ste-- vcns’s h Jrse. . One yea r Angus Cari Ln .‘ 1)url1ams.â€"â€"Bull, aged,,1.Culli's & Lane. Cow, 1 and 2 Cullis Spinner Two-year Heifer, l and 2 Cullis 8: Lane. One-year .ilcil‘cr, l and 2 Cullis & Lane. Bull Call. 1 and 2 Cullis 8; Lane. Heifer Caif,l and 2 Cullis & Laue. Ayrshircs- (.‘ow, 1 Felix Northey 2 James Graham. Bull Calf, i Chas. Alger, , '52 J. L. l.’atterson.. Heifer Calf, 1 James Graham, 2 Felix Nor-they. Heifer, tv 0 gears, i J. L. Patterson, 2 Felix Northe,‘ . "' Hel.teins.-â€" Cow, l and 2 'l‘hos Curtie‘. ~~Buli Call, 1 Jas Seymour. 2 'l‘l-ms. Curtis. 'Heifcr Calf, i Jas. Seymour. 2 Thus Cur- '1 is. Bull, aged, 1 Thus, Curtis. GR.\IJl.S.. Cow, 1 J. L. Parrot-son 2H. '3. Rabin H- ifor. two years. i and 2 ( ul- 111,.» Laue. . Heifer,.,onev year, 1 .anu 2 of the men. or the horses was. hurt. , similar to last year’s, Friday being a very wet day. The show was dis- tinctly in advance of previous exhi- bitions, and the attendance larger. The ,k. lCullis & Laue. Heifer Calf. 1 Cullis & Single, 1 Mrs. Jas. Lamb, 2 Mrs. Adam Lane, 2 Jan. Seymour. Best Herd of Cattle.~â€"Culiis 8: Lane. Best Pair Beef Cattleâ€"Cullis &. Lane. Hoes. . Yorkshires.â€"â€"Boar under a year. 1 and 2 Cullis 8: Lane. Sow, aged,l and 2 Cal- lie 8:, Lane. Bacon Hogs, Cullis 8: Lane. Sump. Leicester'sâ€"Ram, aged, Jas. Seymour. Ram, yearling, i and 2 Jas. Lamb. Ram i Lamb, 1 James Lamb, 2 James Seymour. Ewes, aged, 1 Jas, Seymour, 2 Jas. Lamb. Rutherford. Rag Carpet.â€"â€"â€"i and 2. Mrs. H. Nelson. Soclrs.~»l‘lain knitted wool, 1 Mrs. A. Rutherford, 2 Mrs. “'11). Keast. Blankets.â€"llome-inndo, Mrs. H. Nel- son. Flaunel, Mrs. ll. Nelson. Balance of prize list next week. Hon Sam Hughes Gels Rousing Reception. Hon. Col. Sam Hughes was given a Ewes, yearling, i Jas. Seymour, 2James royal reception at Lindsay on \Ved- Lamb. Ewe Lamb, 1 James Seymour, 2 Jas. Lamb. Ram, any age, 1 J. Seymour. _ FOWL. Dorkings, pair.-â€"l and 2 Cullis & Lane. Plymouth Rock Chicks.â€"- 1 A. Stock- dale. 2 H. B. Ruby. nesday, when he returned from Ottawa. after being made Minister of Militia. in Mr. Borden’s Cabinet. The town was decorated as it had never been decorated before. An immense crowd White Leghorns.â€"l Wm. Keast, 2:1. R throngcd the streets, and prominent Hand. Chicks. 1 and 2 J. R Hand. Browu chhorns.â€"i Wm. Keast, 2 Ad. Stockd ale. Chicks, 1 Harry Pearce, 2 Ad- am Stockdaie. I-loudans.â€"i W. Kcast, 2 Harry Pearce. White Wyandottes.â€"â€"â€"l Wm. Glaspell, 2 Harry Pearce. Chicks, 1 and 2 Wilbert Glaspell. Wyandottes, any other variety, 1 W. Glaspeil, 2 Adam b'tockdaie. Chicks, 1 W. Glaspeli. Minorcas.-â€"1 and 2 J. F. Patterson. Bantamsâ€"1 Max Brandon. Grey Geeseâ€"1 and 2, Adam Stockdalc. White Ducksâ€"1 and 2 Harry Pearce. Bronze Turkeysâ€"A Wm. Gillis. Young do. (10., 1 Cullis & Lane, 2 W Glaspeli. Pigeonsâ€"J H. Pearce, 2 Wm. Keast. Best Coop Exhibitâ€"4 Felix Northey. Trio Barred Rocks,â€"l H. B. Raby. Bronze Turkeyâ€"Cullis & Laue. GRAIN AND Scans. Fall Wheat, white.~â€"1 A. Rutherford. Fall Wheat, rcd.â€"-Johnston Brandon. Spring Wheat.â€"-Adam Rutherford. Small Peas.â€"â€"1 Adam Rutherford. White Oats.â€"â€" 1 A. Rutherford, 2 W. Glaspcll. White Beans, large.â€"â€"1 James Lamb, 2 Johnston Brandon. White Beans, small.â€"1 Jo'n Brandon. White Corn, l2 earsâ€"1 H. Nelson. Yellow Corn â€"»1 H. B. Raby. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Potatoes, White Stainâ€"Joseph Lamb 2 Harry Nelson. Potatoes, Rose.â€"â€"1 Harry Nelson. Potatoes, Beauty of Hebrewâ€"1 Wm. Kcast. - ' Potatoes, any other varietyâ€"1 Baby. Potatoes, American \Vondcr.â€"Kcast. Potatoes, Collection.-\Vm. Keast. ’l‘urnips, Swedeâ€"1 John Smitheram, 2 W. Glaspcil. Turnips, whiteâ€"1 Jas. \Vhite, 2 Baby. Carrots. Orange, half longâ€"1 James Lamb, 2 \Vm. Keast. Carrots,.wi1ite.â€"H. B. Raby. Cabbages, red.â€"â€"1 Miss Burtchaoll. Cabbagcs, fiat.â€"-1 H. Nelson, 2 Kcast. Cabbagcs, cone sharperâ€"1 Harry Nelâ€" son, 2 Johnston Brandon. Cabba ges, any other variety.â€"â€"1 Harry Nelson. . Radishes.â€"1 \Vm. Kcast. Pal-snips.â€"1 'Wm. Keast, 2 Jas Lamb. M angolds.â€"â€"‘W. Golden, 2 H. B. Ruby. Beets, long blood.-1 John Smitheram. Beets, turnip. â€"\\'. Roast, 2 W. Golden. Cauliflower.â€"â€"1 William Keast, 2 Miss Burtehaell. Onions, from secd.â€"-1 William Keast, 2 Johnston Branden. Onions, from top.»-â€"Adam Rutherford. Squashes.â€"~1 Miss Burtehaell, 2 Roast. Pumpkinsâ€"1 1V. J. Arscott, 2 Baby. Vegetable Marrow.â€"~l William Kcast, 2 Harry Nelson. Variety of Vegetablesw‘Vm. Kenst, 2 Miss Burnout-ii. a. Danna Pnonucn. . 50 lbs. Butterâ€"1 Mrs. James Lamb, 2 Mrs. Johnston Brandon. 20 lbs. iluttcr.~-l Mrs. James Lamb, 3 lbs. Buttonâ€"1 Mrs. James Graham, 2 Miss I-‘oulsom. 10 lbs. Butter.~â€"1 Mrs. James Graham. 5 . lbs. .Buttcr, printmw'fvl rs C. Alger. 5 lbs. Butter; rolls-1 Mrs. William Hctherington. Home-made Breamâ€"1 Mrs. J as. Lamb, 2 Mrs. Alger. Variety of Cakesâ€"1 Mrs. F. Northey. Display of Bakingâ€"4 Mrs. F. Northey. Maple Syrupwl Mrs. Adam Ruther- ford, 2 Mrs. Wm. Hetherington. Pickles..â€".i Mrs. Lamb. , PreservedWVild Fruit.â€"1 Jas. Lamb, 2 Mrs. Felix Northey. . Preserved Tame Fruitâ€"1 Mrs. Heth- crington, 2 Mrs. l‘orthey. » Jeliy.-â€"1 Mrs. llctherington, 2, Mrs. Northey. . ApplcsxuNorthern Spy, 1 \Vm. Golden, 2 Albert Kelly. \Vealthy, 1 John Smith- eram, 2 Mrs. James Graham. Pewaukee, 1 Albert Kelly, 2.Thos. Curtis. Alexan- (lcr, 1 John Graham, 2 John Smitheram. Snow, 1 Jas. Lamb, 2 Chas. Alger. Yel- low Bellilower, 1 Miss l’ouisom, 2 John Smitheram. Ben Davis, 1 Tires. Curtis, 2 Albert Kelly. Greenings, 1 J. Smither- ham. Crabs. 1’Jas. Lamb. \Volf River, 1 'ThOSuCurtis. Russets, 1 Thos. Curtis, 2 Albert Kelly. 'i‘alman Sweet, 1 Chas. Alger, 2 Albert Kelly. Citrons.-â€"1 Adam RutherfOrd,‘2 John- ston Brandom Water Melon.-i Harry Nelson. 'i‘omatces.-â€"l “James Lamb. l Onc-dozenilggsrâ€"l JohnstonBrandon. Laoncs' Won-K. Quilt.~â€"Patched Calico, ] Myrtle Bick, 2 Mrs. .Wm Keast; Cloth, 1 Miss Moore, 2 Mrs. Johnston Brandon. Log Cabin, 1 Miss Meme, 2 M reuKeast. Silk; plain, crazy, 1 Miss Moore, ,2 Mrs. W. Gillies. White, quilted. 1 Mrs. Johnston. Brandon. _ Counterpane.â€"â€"Crochcted,'1 Miss Myr- tle Hick. Knitted, 1 Miss Myrtle Bick, 2 Mrs. Rutherford. Fancy \Vool Mitt.â€"1 Mrs. le.Gillis, 2 Mrs. J. A. Patterson. Fain-y Knitt'gfiin cotton;â€"~~ Miss Moore. Fancy Knitting in wool.’â€" Miss Moore. Miss V. Jnnkin. Yarn Mat, W0ul.â€"1 Miss Moore. 2 Miss Burtchaeli. Yarnsâ€"Double and twisted,Miss Lamb. l ' Friday men from all parts of the county were present and joined in the festivities. Personal. Rev. W’m. Farncomb left for Toronto on the 30th inst., after spending the; summer holidays at the Falls. Mrs. iii‘arncomb returned to the city on Mon.- (ay. ' Mr. L. Kelly was home from Pcterboro ' Business College a. few days last week.» Mr. Wm. Sproats and family left on Tuesday to reside in Petcrboro. Mrs. Thos. Lane and family left on has a situation with the Standard Chem.- ical Co. Mr. J. H. Burnham, M. P1, of Petcriiom, . .wasafi Falls on the 7th inst., accompan- ‘ led by Colonel (now Honorable) Sam Hughes, and others. The list of successful students at 'i‘or- onto University, recently published,. contains the name of Mr. Grattan Graâ€" ham of Fenelon Falls, who passed his third year exam. in medicine. Mr. K. Montizambert of Sidney. N. 8., has been transferred to the Fenelon Fails branch (1‘. the Bank of Montreal. . Mrs. D. Robertson will receive at her“ 'new home, Colborne street, on Friday.,. 20th inst., from 4 to 7. Mr..and M rs. JamesDickson attended the wedding of Miss Bertha Smith at Port Hope this week. ' Miss Nellie Heard is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. McLean, at Montreal. Address and Presentation. On Monday evening Oct. 2nd, thcr Parish -Workers of St. James’ Church. met at the home of Mrs. Cassidy to bid? farewell to one of their number, Mrs. W. Sprout, on the eve of her departure for her new home in Pctcrhoro. evening Mrs. Sproat was presented with: a set of silver spoons, the presentation being made by Mrs. Cameron, M rs. Won. Burgoyne reading the following address;. Dear Mrs. Sproat. _ “’0, a few of your fellow workers: in the church are sorry to see you going: from our midst. We will miss you very much, for you were always a ready and willing worker, doing what you could with a good will, and trying to make a success of all you undertook. We sin- cerely wish you both health, happiness. ‘ and prosperity in your new home. We: ask you to accept this little memento of our esteem as a parting gift. from the Parish “’orkers of St. Jame's Church, Fenelon Falls--â€"Signcd on behalf of. the. Society. ' 3' M RS. 0. iv . BC noorxicg Before leaving dainty refrcsiunents. were served by the Misscs Cassidy. Examiner Road 3209.. With the drawing near of Thanksgiv-u mg Day comes the announcement that» the. sixth annual 'scnior road-race for: the championship of the Midland Coun--- ties, anu the fith annual junior road-racer for the samedistricc, will be held a‘t‘l"i~~ terborough: under the auspices of tho 'l’ctcrb'orough Examiner on the morning: of Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October- the 30th. No more successful sporting. events are held anywhere in Eastern Ontario than these two big'races, which. , have become very popular on account of the policy which has been carried‘ out of-‘fair play and good treatment to . . every contestant. rl‘he strict adherence - to the rules and the impartial and fair manner in which the events have been. conducted have given the Examiner's ,’l‘hanksgiving day. races a firm footing. The seniOr Examinenroad-rcce was inaugurated in 1906, and from the start the event was a success~so much so in fact that next year the Examiner de- cided to establish a similar race for ju~ ~ aior runners, and a five-mile race open to boys under eighteen wat added. is with the seniorcvent, the~junior contest * became popular at‘oncc and has been steadily growing in favor. The distance f0t‘l‘,ll(-} senior race is ten . miles, while the juniors have a course of exactly half that distance. ,'l‘he-contcst- ants must be bona fido amateurs, and: residents of either Peter-borough, Enli- burton, Victoria, Northumberland or - Durham .Counties. while. junior contest- . ants must be under the, age of eighteen. , This rule will be strictly carried out. The prizes have not yet been announc--. cd. but arrangements are being made to . give even better awards than‘in other , years. Asusual, there will be four prizes in each event, thesenior winner holding; the 13sz niner trophy for one year, as . well as receiving a handsome.individual '. -. prize: For Pcterb'oro' entrants tl‘lcrentranccw, Fancy Stockings, comaâ€"Miss Moore. blacks in the Examiner may be used. \ _ Outside entrants may send their names . » and addresses to the Sporting Editor of ” the Peter-borough Examiner, who wills supply all the necessary information up}.- n enquiry. . '4. for Eganvillo, where Mr. Lane ‘ During the mm‘ . "A 2 .m.-. ._.

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