yuarxluhaussz. r ..-. -~ ~ .9." . 27’ "vâ€v ALE“ . .l'S.Â¥ \. . 1 l i v ! CAULIFLOWER SEED A Woman on Puget Sound Island Grows a Huge Quantity of It Nine-tenths of the world’s supply of CaulifIOWer seed is grown by a wo- man on a Pudget Sound island. Start- Tiing as this statement may seem, the fact remains that it is not due altoâ€" gather to any supremacy of knowledge or skill that has enabled Mrs. Anne Archibault to achieve what thousands of first rank gardeners hopelessly abandoned. It is due to the peculiar climatic conditions of Whidby island. Outside of Holland no other section affords the climatic requisites for ma- turing the seed pods of cauliflower plants. It was an accident, this discovery of Mrs. Archibault, that has made it pos- sible for her to own 1,000 acres of fer- tile land and to enjoy a business of $100,000 annually. Cauliflower seed will not mature except under certain favorable conditions. One is damp~ ness, humidity, which gives the tiny seeds the Dlumpness so essential to development. Another is waterâ€"not irrigation, rain, nor the wet, boggy *nush of a marsh, but a. continuous laoist soil beneath which a hardpan subsoil acts as a floor to a reservoir. 'The land of Whidby Island is ideal for this culture. Cauliflower plants are transplanted .like cabbage in rows. The usual cul- '-ivation is continued until the seed 'pods form. Then even the wind should be kept from the fields, for even the flutter of a tiny bird over a -'cluster of the seed pods will mar the :berfect development of the seed. Har- 'Ves't consists in gathering the dry pods, “artificial drying in the sun, 9. clover- . \seed separator and a farming mill. Mrs. Archibault’s first crop amount- ed to a handful of seed. About this time she read in a bulletin issued by- ‘the department of agriculture that the supply of this seed was short and limited to a few hundred pounds. This 'was five years ago. Like a flash Mrs. Archibault saw her longed-for inde- pendence. She grew 400 pounds of seed in 1907. Communication with some well-known se‘edmen brought orders for her supply at $3 a pound. Every year since she has increased the yield of seed until the present world’s supply of 30,000 pounds is practically all grown by her. Farmers all over VVhidby island grow this seed and sell their product to Mrs. Archibault, who markets it ‘through her eastern sales agencies. The cauliflower fields are beautiful at flowering time, the immaculate snow-White blossoms being alive with white butterflies. The mistress does not interfere with these cabbage moths, believing they aid in scattering “the pollen from flower to flower.â€"-Gail ~11. Fickie. Punk From CHINA ‘Pacific Ports in United States are Re- ceiving- Frozen Porkers Pork from the Orient is now finding a place on Pacific coast markets in . America. The scarcity of the domestic supply and attendant high prices have orade possible such importation. Fro- Zen porkers from China are an inno- yation in American pork markets, but are said to possess profit possibilities for the importer under present c0ndi-‘ rions. One can easily understand how pork production in the Celestial em- pire can be condducted at a minimum of expense. Cheap production ac- gounts for the possible competition with the American producer. It is not likely, however, that this new source of pork supply will have any noticeable effect on’ domestic condi- licns, relative to either market supply or pricesâ€"The Farmers’ Review. Go to Gould the Optician. All work fully guaranteed. Nursery Stuck. . Before. ordering trees, write 11s for our catalogue and prices or see our nearest agent. we are the Lugosi) growers of trees in Cunadu.. Full line of Apple, l‘each, l‘enr, Cherry and Hum. trccsare noted for line. root. system and largest limb growth. Our Nurseries are. patronized by the largest. and most. pro- gressive fruit growers of Canada. \Vrite for an Agency. . Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymcn Ltd., Browns Nurseries, \Vclland Co. ' On turio.. Farm. For Sale. Square l00 acres. well situated three quarters of a mile east of run corporation of Lindsay. Frame house»owl-buildings, locatcdii') rods from school. Excellent cluv loam. one acre of good bearing; orchard;noviir failing; Well uud good cistern. 'i‘ern." l'Uls‘il‘lzlllli‘u For fur- ther particulars apply to. it. RlCllA RDSON, Box 308,, Lindsay. . ()ur , l the stomach. FENELON FALLS MARKETS Fenelon Falls, Friday, Nov. 24, 1911 Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 750. to 800. Wheat, fall, 85 to 88 Wheat, spring, 73 to 75 .. Barley, per bushel, 60 (3070 , Oats, per bushel, 40 to 43 Pease, per bushel, 80to 90 Buckwheat, 520. to 55 Potatoes, bush. .70 to 80 Butter, per pound, 20 to 24 Eggs, per dozen, 18 to 20 Hay, per ton, $12 to $13 Hides, $8.00 to 9.00 Hogs, live, $5.50 to $6 40. Beef, S 7.50to $8 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 12 to 20 Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 Flour, \Vinnipeg‘ $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour,Victoriu, $2.45 to $2.05 Flour, new process, $2.40 to $2.60 Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $2.5 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.20 to $1.2 Shorts, do., $1.30 to $1.40 Mixed Chop, do., $1.65 to $1.65 Corn Chop, do., $1.00 to $1.65 5 5 For Furnitdre Go to Deyman. FOR. SALE. Practically new 38-55 Winchester Rifle, hult’ magazine, take down; and case for same. Apply at Gazette oi‘flce. WANTED â€" Ladies to do plain and light. sewing at home, whole or spare time ; geod pay; work sent. any distance; charges paid; send stamp for full particulars. Nation- al Muimi’acturing Company, Montreal. Trees that will Grow. When buying fruitor ornamental trees, sec to it. that. you buy of a firm whose trees have the. right. sort of roots and have been handled correctly in the nur- series. Our trees will grow; â€" there is a reason. Take an agency: send for terms. Out- fit. free. Thos. W. Bowman & Son (30., Lt(l., Ridgeville, Ont. CURE YQUR COLD In a day and a night by using Nyal’s Lnxacold. It is a pleasant and safe tablet treatment that does not upset There is no quinine in Nynl’s Laxa- Cold. Quininc is a valuable drug but many people do not hour it well.. Lax- acold is agreeable to everybody. It stimulates the secretions, acts directly a mild but. cii'ectrve- tonic laxative. Try m box (25c) and you will never willingly be without it. afterwards. Get it heron-we lteep the best of every- thing, in drugs, including a full line of Nyzuls Family Remedies... A. J. SOULS Druggist and Optician. 0 Regular 50c “ Bottle for 35 on the mucous membranes to control 3 the cutzurvh, and then pluysits part as j Wil'SAY Vii GdS’T . BUT You an. “I know Cod Liver Oil is the thing I need, but I can’t take it. on account of its horrible taste.†Ever say that? If you did you had in mind the old blue bottle of cod liver oil, and its taste and smell were something to be dreaded. DUB EMULSION 0F [:00 LIVER 0â€. Is a modern scientiï¬c remedy, pal- atable and pleasant to take, contain- ling Hypophosphitcs. You can take our emulsion. ‘Anybody can, and everybody should who feels the need of a body builder and strength giver, particularly those who have lung trouble or are in a run down or weak condition. ' Regular $1 Size Bottle for 650 WILL BE USING- OUR. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. msLSTANTONE L.‘ . .5 71h MM†MAVAEIMN Z1; 4 img ..»_ a For Estimates 011 new buildings consult us. Or give us your order for Doors, Sash, Interior Finislr,. etc. A T ' We will be pleased to ï¬gure on what you will. need in supplies, or the whole contract. EC. TAYLOR. n nu , in education always pays the best 1 interest. For years we have given ,9: hundreds a foothold in the com- ,j 3-, mercial world. An incrrease of 1’63 °/o " in attendance over that of last '5- ‘ year proves the growing popu- larity of our school. What we have done for others we can do ' for you. Home Study Courses Liliféziiéiifjs l Full and Winter Shitiugs {237995.51 lint}? Leif/E17,“ 3.; ",1' Correspondence School) A. H. SPOTTON, President. was; gees-'5. Call and see our stock of new goods. g i we Will be pleased to have your order E . fOI‘ a Suit or Overcoat. Style, ï¬t and ï¬ ' ‘ workmanship guaranteed. C2! make a specialty oi re- pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs fixing up bring it here. Or if you need a new one we can build itâ€"â€"good as the best. F. r. shuns. Colbornc Street ‘Fenelon Falls. sin his , o... i rowersv sacs. aWW.MWWWW§ a OING THEM BETTER. Furniture delivered to your home at LESS THAN CITY PRICES You run NO RISK. Call and see our geods. S. S. Gainer: FENELON FALLS. ONE m..â€" - E9! she Your Decision Between success and failure. A course in the popular ‘rl _ ‘:7 basilâ€"IsJ-LJL Will prepare you for an excellent pos1tion in the Business World. The 2 ', ï¬rst step is importantâ€"«your choice i ' of a School. Our catalogue explains ‘ why this college ranks among the best on this continent. Write for one to-duy. Enter now. WI.J'. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL 1 ii, Porner Yonge and Alexander Streets. i Lindsay Marble links BURT. CHAMBERS, PROP. All. kinds of éllllarilie and Granite Monumenis Iicing a. direct importer, I am able to quote the closest prices. Having the latest. improved machinery 'or Lettering, 'l‘rnciug and Polishing, we are able to do the best of work. Call and get designs and prices. WORKS â€"ln thenur of the Market on Cumbridge street. B. CHAMBERS SEE OUR WALL PAPERS. BUiLDlNG CONTRACTS We are prepared to take contracts for houses, sum- mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our esti mates. Doors and sash and interior ï¬nish always in stock. Planing and matching done to order. FENELM Mus PLANl-NG MlLL A. TEIRS, PROPRIETDB. _ v I v. u a , . l ‘5"? ‘i 3’ ( -.’ r '7‘ <. .m _,y ’T.‘ .l‘ at: "i -1 5 .. l ) ,. x j . i. i \. .,\ p (1 ,_,, '. f‘ .E x .’ ii ( ;~ x' .': l ' . ' I ‘é I if" ' .". i . i 1 I l g i. ., . ‘. w ‘4‘ 11' '3' G "' ' 31f: .é -:.,a!‘ a“! F? , .5 if ’1 . 1 l i 1 l i ._. i l 1' l . 9 '1 t f . v . l .. I i . l 1 , l ' / gi ul- f. I . t.( w. . (1'. “u~w¢ev~r..~/~o@iiwmv.ï¬xer WWW-Ff?»- . *1: 51.1 . <