l i 3 l 5 El l l l n =" Ezfl__ i GRlPPE [EH Hllll A Elllllllllllfll llllllllll BUT IIE FOUND CURE IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. .__..__. ' Quebec Postmaster was conï¬ned to bed when he started to use Dodd’s Kidney Pillsfâ€"Thcy cured him. Tippins, Pontiac 00., Que, Nov. 27 (Speeial).â€"-P-ostmaster F. Tipâ€" pins, of this place, who for three years has been more or less of an invalid, and who for some time was conï¬ned to his bed, is up and around again, a healthy and hearty .nan. Dodd’s Kidney I’ills cured ‘uim. - “After recovering from an attack of Grippe,†the Postmaster says in telling the story of his cure. “I took a pain in my back and I suf- fered for nearly three years, ï¬nalâ€" ly getting so bad that I was con- ï¬ned to my bed. “One day I told my wife to go ,and get me some Dodd’s Kidney ‘Pills, as that would be the last me- dicine I would try. After using about half the box I began to fee‘; better, so I kept on taking them. When I had taken two boxes I was able to get up, and ten boxes cured .me completely.†, The principal danger of Grippc is the after elfects. The way tr guard against this is to strengthen the Kidneys so they can strain al. the dregs of the disease out of thr blood. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are always the last medicine anyone takes for Kidney Disease. It. al- ways cures and no other medicine :is needed. *WM . A WARNING. "Why. Mandy,†said old Mammy ‘Diua-h, ,“what’s diss I hyah about yo’ marryin’ dot good-fur-nuthin' lSam Johosing?†“Y. ’as, Mommy, I suttingly am,†said Mandy, blushing a rich ochre. “Why. (lat man’s dc naturalest- born flirt wdere ever was on dis Freare earth, chilc,†said Mummy. “ll'hy, dey done flashed him f’m do barber shop’ caaze c-bbery' timr .he lok in do klass he’d wink at £bi1nsel’fl†A Power of Its Own. H Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil has a subtle power of its own that other oils .canuot pretend to, though there .are many prct-enders- All who have used it know this and keep it by them as the most valuable linimcnt available. Its uses are innumer-L able and for many years it has been prized as the leading liniment ,for man and beast. AWFUL THOUGHT- Ncil~â€"“Won’t it be grand when ,women can vote?†Belleâ€"“But suppose election ;s-hould come on a. day when you have a ï¬tting at your dressmak- [3135“), Often what appear to be the most trivial occurrences-oi life prove to be the most momentous. Many are ,(lisp-csed to regard a cold as a slight thing deserving of little con» ésideration, and this neglect often gl'CSIlli/S in most serious ailments ';cntailing years of suffering. Drive ,out colds and coughs with Bickle’s iAntiâ€"Consumptive Syrup, the recog- ;nized remedy for all affections of [Hr-he throat and lungs- Thcre are eighty thousand kinds of beetles. 'Mlnard's Llnimcnt Cures Garget in Cows. HEARTLESS. Choliy~â€"“Miss Jones, life with- lent you would be, for me, a de- sert. What is your answer?†Ethelâ€"“Buy a camel l†Oats contain a larger amount of flesh and bone forming substances than any other cereal. ' chain-SJ . LONDON’S STREETS. Polished Surface of Thoroughfares Show Great Care. After a spell of dry weather the streets in London, England, paved with wood and asphalt, become polished to a very high degree, and the sheen upon Victoria street and Piccadilly, and some other roads, is so remarkable that at night they shine almost like ice in the glare of the lamps, writes Lord Montague in London Car. If an unused section be observâ€" ed over which motors do not run, no plush will be seen. but in the middle of the street the surface, though crriously enough, not slip- pery in its drv state, is polished like the â€cor of a ball-room, the natural effect. when one comes to think of it, of rubber and steel in juxtaposition. and the slight but continual slirming of wheels over a surface of hardwood. One effect of this polish is to make it impos- sible for any light or loose mat- ter to rest upon it when there is anv wind at all. x The centre of the streets has become 'uirarvellously clean, and all the horse refuse is blown into the gutters near the pavement, which. being often flushed with a trickle of water. collects most of this light and dangerous detritus which would otlicrn‘ise be blown farther aï¬eld. I lave often written of the Ebony W"v down the Champs Elysees in Paris. \Vehave now in London manv ebonv wavs. but not being given as a nation to so much overlubricstion as'our Gal- lic neighbors. our roads are not as black. owing to drinninc; oil on the surface. The surface of our streets is becoming more like polished ivorv tha' polished ehonv. The effect of the Road Board and its grafts: is already to be seen all over Enrlan ' in record to the: making of main roads dustlelss. ,' Q =12: ‘ COLDB, d 'ouxcuw s-roPs caucus. cunts Hams THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 25 CENTS A FULL REPORT. One day an 8-year-old girl, who had been taught to report her mis- deeds promptly, sought her mother with an aspect of grief denoting. great penitence- “I broke a brick in the ï¬re- place,†the youngster explained, between sobs. â€Well, that isn’t beyond re- medy,†smiled the parent, “but how on earth, child, did you do it?†“I was pounding it with father’s watch?†one RISE IN TEA PRICES. One of our reporters has inter- viewed Mr- Melville, the chief rep- resentative of Thomas J. Lipton for Canada and the United States, who, when asked for the cause of the increas-o in price of tea, said= “The day of good tea at a. cheap price has passed by, more particu- larly of Britishâ€"grown teas, their increasing popularity has created a greater demand than the supply. Russia and Australia are buying tremendously of these instead of Chinas, the consumption in Great Britain is larger than ever, the shutting out of over 15 million pounds of colored China green tea by the United States, the larger use of tea due to high coffee prices, the growth of rubber in Ceylon, the shortage in the Japan crop this year and the labor problem in ten.â€" growing countries, all these factors account for the much higher pri- mary markets, and the present ro- volution in China may mean smaller Chinese crops next year. It either means lower quality at the same prices or the same quality at high- or prices, and our experience shows the public prefer the latter. The future indications are for still higher prices. Even with the ad- vance in price, tea will still be by far the cheapest popular beverage.†WEALTH IN GERMAN PEAT. It is proposed to utilize the imâ€" mense peat deposits in northwest Germany by bringing a large part of the bogs under. cultivation and converting the peat into fuel, to be employed in the development of electrical energy for agricultural purposes, as well as for supplying light and power to a number of towns situated within a radius of ï¬fty miles. A network of canals is to be formed to drain the ground. It is estimated that the gas pro- duced from the peat will furnish work to the amount of 600 horse power hours for each ton and a large quantity of ammonia. will be recovered. Old Maidâ€"But why should a great strong man like you be found begging? lVayfarerâ€"Dcar lady, it is the only profession I know in which r gentleman cnn address a i ‘ lbcautiful Iwoman without an intro- ED. 7 ISSUE 48â€"11 l duction.“ ‘ A WARNLNG TO MOTHERS -â€"_â€"â€". No mother can expect her little ' one to escape all the ills of child- hood, but every mother who accepts I fair warning as to the treatment oil these little ills can save her baby such suffering. Thousands of mo- thers of young children keep Baby’s Own Tablets in the houseâ€"all mo- ther-s should do so. The Tablets are a never-failing cure for all the minor ills,of babvhood and child- hood. They can be given with per- fect safetyâ€"they always do good; never harm. Constipation, indiges- tion, colic, simple fevers, colds. etc, all rapidly disappear under R. M. WHITE . TORONTO treatment with the Tablets. ’ The Mama" M°NT“ALPâ€EBEC'HAL'F‘XPTTAW" Tablets are sold by. medicine deal- ers or by mail at 2;") cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Out. ___,___.1.,________ . SURPRISE ’EM. “He makes a ï¬ne appearance.’ “Yes. You’d never guess he’d come to borrow money until he makes the touch.†1 A Simple and Cheap Medicine.â€" glides); Steam Engine (nearly one fool A simple, cheap and effective me dicine is something to be desired There is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as guaranteed Watch free to any boy. Parnielee’s Vegetable Pills. They . , ‘ are Slmp‘e’ the-V ale Cheap, they 30 sets of Sarnia views and Christmas post can be got anywhere, and their be- neï¬cial action will prove their re- commendation. They are the me dicine of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors’ bills will do well in giving them a, trial. GOOD. â€He has a good wife. hasn’t he ‘1†â€I should say so. borrow monev from her when he goes broke himself.†, ‘to charity.†Mlnard's~Liniment 00., Limited. Gentlemen.â€"Ln st winter I received great beneï¬t from the use of 3:113 ‘RW‘S llT‘" MENT in a severe attack of LaGrippe. and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in crew of Inflammation. Yours. W. A. HUTCEINSON. thing complete for running; cards to sell at IO cents a set. whichever prize you choose. all He can always friends.†z s ,. - -â€" A-. (3 In point of security and interest return, the smallinvestorin bonds isonthe same footing as the institution or individual with thousands ortens of thousands toinvest. (1 Until Bonds in their present form were devised, it was not an easy thing to ï¬nd an investment, safe, easily convertable into cash, and simple in form, and yielding as high as 6 per cent. interest. 5] It is .a matter of importance to you to know thatwe generally haveon handbonds 1n denominations of $Ico-and upwards, paying interest of from 4% to 6 per cent. 1] These are seasoned securities, bonds that have demonstrated their ability to pay interest and principal. I] If you have any money, no matter what the amount, earning less than this, you should ask us how to re-invest it in a way to afford better interest with as good, or better security. " ROYAL SECURlTlES CORPORATlON LIMITED ‘ BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING - - - YONGE AND QUEEN STREETS. I‘J’v‘V‘J‘ r- :.o- ,__ v :3ny M“W¢"v‘~/‘¢QYH ‘JW WNNV~A_~" _ F. n»,- LONDON (ENG) Fan'ms son RENT [mo SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. IF you want to sell a larm. consult me. PE‘lï¬orihâ€"L. l Chollyâ€"“How much chloroform will it take to kill a puppy 'l†Druggistâ€""Tut, tut! Stop smok- ing cigarettes and you’ll think bet. I“ you want to buy a farm. consult me. HAVE some of the best. Fruit. Stock. - Grain or Dairy Farms in Ontario. and prices right. H W. DAWSON, . Street, Toronto. AGENTS WAhl’hu GENES WANTED. â€"- A LINE FQR every home. Write us for our chome list cl agents BulelBB. we have the greatest agency proposition in Orlando. to-uay. IVO outlay necessary. Apply B (J. l. 00., 228 Albert St... Ottawa. M ter of it.†FREE TO BOYS Splendid Magic Lantern (with twelve Ninety Colborne l igh); with whistle, fly wheel and every- Guaranteed “Starr" double-antler Hockey Skales; or Send in your name and we will send you HELP WAHTED. ' ALESMENâ€"Slï¬o PER WEEK SELLING 1 one hand Egg-beater. triumphs and terms “me. money refunded ii uwiwnisfac- tory. Collette Mtg. bomuauy. Coiling. wood. Ont. ‘ '1‘ ONCEâ€"MEN '1‘0 LlllzutN. BARBER trade; expert instruction; constant practice; tools tree; always sure employ- ment for a barber. Write for catalogue. Molcr Barber College. 221 Queen East, Toronto. When sold send m; the money and We will send you We prepay HOMER- Toronto. Address, Dept. 29, charges. WARREN CO., HAD GOOD CAUSE. â€He never seemed to have any MISCELLANEOUS. AY and FARM «SCALES. Wilson's b‘calo “torus, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. PO‘BTABLE “Yet the heirs seemed unusually mournful.†_ ' “Well, most of his money went I- sAWMILL MAOflINl-litlt,. or heavy Lathe Mills, shingle Mills, mug-mes and Bani-rs, Mill Supplies. The 13.1.0ng Manufacturing cow met, West Hard and soft corns both yield to Street, Drillia. Ontario. . , 7 , g 1 .‘ ' - Holloway s Corn Cum, which is 151.111 . TANNERY~CUSTOM ROBE entirely safe to use. and certain mm Fur tanning. cattle and horse ' ' ‘ - 1....es make best liooes and ants when and sa’mea’Ctor-V .11] its Mtlon- properly 1annou. send them to me and LEGAL LORE. have them dressed right. Xou will be “As a lawyer, how would you well satisned. B. r. bull, Dorm. Ont. advise me to sue for a girl’s hand i" \Anonit, Immune. buml’o, etc. In- L remul and. external. uuL‘BLL withoul ....u U)’ “Take the case to court and ask for Immediate trial.†our name treatment. Write in elore too late. “a... Dr. bellman Medical Co. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY Limited, Uollmgwood. Uut. e o LON 52.511115 GUARAALJ'JLD. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. : ._.â€"- .â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"‘ GENTS \VANTED. â€" A STUDY OI" M Red. Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t SmnvSoothes Eye Pain. Drugglsts Bell Murlne Ere Remedy. Liquid, 250. QUITE NICE FOR THEM. other Agency propositions convinces us that none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret it if you don t apply for par- ticulars to 'l‘ravellcrs' Dept... and Albert. St... Uttawa. ;. Tall Missâ€"~â€"“Are the Young-; homes going to take a big house 7†Little Maidenâ€"“Just a ï¬ve room house for themselves and a ware- house for their wedding presents.†Away With Depression and Melâ€" ancholyâ€"These two evils are the accompaniment of a disordered sto- mach and torpid liver and mean wretch-cdness to all whom theyl visit. The surest and speediest way to combat them is with I’armelce's Vegetable Pills, which will restore the healthful action of the stomach and bring relief. Thcv have proved their usefulness in thousands of cases and will continue to give rc- lief to the suffering who are wise enough to use them. ....r--.____ Ninety per cent. of the cycles im- port-ed into Japan are supplied by British manufacturers. Mlnard's Linlment Cures Distemper. MEAN THING. Heâ€"“I suppose, wifey, you wouldn’t care to go to the theatre in your old dress?†Sheâ€"“Oh, dear, no. Of course not.†- lieâ€"“That’s what I thought, so T_}’ . Sheâ€"“Yes, dearâ€"†Heâ€"“So I onlv bought one tick~ at for myself.†Duo in do as...“ - . 808 You 0F SLEEP You probably know all too well how it goes. Just as you doze off, the tickling starts in your throat. A gentle cough, still asleep. A harder cough, and then another. First thing you know, you’re wide awake, coughing your head off. ' A few nights of that and you’re so worn out and weakened that the cough takes a tight grip on you. But why endure it? Na-Dm-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licor- ice and Chlorodyne will soothe that exasperatiug tickling, loosen the phlegm and cure the inflammation of the mucous membrane. It not only stops the cough quickly, allowing you to get sound, re- freshing sleep, but it goes to the. root of the trouble and drives. out the cold com- pletely. Children willingly lake Na- Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyue, because it tastes so good. Your Druggist has it or can Quickly get it for you in 25c. and sec. battles. The National Drug & Chemical Co. oi Canada. Limited. 115 -._ w...» ....»._â€"._ â€swag"... a mem l - . L A ,5 50¢. $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in “x 1 m l Aseptic Tubes. 25c. $1.00. Eye Books ‘ "*U A 5"“ ADVICE 1‘11““. 00050“ and Eve Advice Free by Mall. ' $26038 “’,,§‘eg?,’,‘3,;,° ““5, “1593?,“ Lï¬â€˜xfg Murine Ere Remedy 00.. Chicago. l‘russes ï¬tted by mail. Send measure. __ mom. Glasses ï¬tted by age. Write to-day for anything sold in ï¬rst-class drug above all the mammals save man stores to Dr. Bellman. Collingwood. Ont. himself CHEMLLE ousmms' and 9.! kinds of 120‘ ml hangings. also LilCE CURTflENS DVEDLiï¬ll‘NED NOELWEFNEU W Write to us about yours. . ,BanBSH AMEREBAN DYEING 00.. 80x158. Montreal . _...-...._.._._ Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Harduppeâ€"Is Wigway honest? Borrowwell~â€"Well, he came around to my house the other day and stole . an umbrella I had borrowed from'I him. “ . You will sneeze; perhaps feel chilly. You think you are catch- ing cold. Don’t wait until you know it. Take a dose of Hamlins Wizard Oil and you just can’t catch * cold. when buying your piano insist on havmg am forte rarest.†l Piano Action. ' ‘ '“hLE it it dlï¬dllab - 8T0 C K B R O K E R Member standard stool: and Mining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED 0N MAREâ€! Correspondence invitel. 33 MELINDA ST.. TORONTO ........â€"... Quickâ€"spoken Customer -â€" You keep everythlng for the piano, don't you? Salesmanâ€"Yes, sir. We do, sir. Quick-spoken Custom- erâ€"Give me an axe. l .. g .. 7 i : = u '1 “arms 513p thelstrensth and} un- Twenty-First Worries: your. dermln-e t e vita ity of chi. rcn. Feb. .3. Lscouu New You; ,0 Strengthen them by usmg Mother MEun'sa 332mg“, (iibrgtilpAlglc-irlu,Nico, : . . , , ' ~ on a Car u, .‘ap as ‘ ' mu 0 mac Graves Weim Eatummator to mum: to. Hicily. erases, Turkey, Asia. drive out the paras-Les. Mm -r. “rm l‘azcstznedigrpt 0n D'JHOTTAR caleEJno A.. aus- plCO‘ of Sir Hu..r_.' Lunn. Naples to London. Il.usr:alol Program. F. \Vithr w,l$..-\., {Humanist Book Room. 'l‘orzmto. ('imm. . ' Man at birth is the most helpless EUROPE“! of all living things. Mlnard’s Llnlmen: Cures Colds, 3.0. BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES now. ' i_ It is stated that Messrs. Krupp, of Essen. Germany, are now manu4 facturing a type of steel for safes which resists the action of quick- cutting drills and breaks the best hits like glass. It is equally proof against the blow-ripe. To cut it in this way alength of time is re- ouircd not at the disposal of the burglar To out a. plate 40 mm thick with a blow-pine it takes six to fourteen hours. 12.000 litres of hvdrogon and 13.000 of acetylene. This would involve the conveyance of six steel cylinders of compres- sed gas, each welt/hint].r '70 kiln<.. which is presumably bevond the resources of the average burglar at any rate. External application for man . ‘ Everyone knows of , or beast. ' the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON sprains, lameness, etc. _ Dr. Dow’s formula has it in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swollings, etc., it cannot be equalled. ' Try it once and you will be satisï¬ed. Price 25 cents. . ASK YOUR DEALER. HE' SELLS IT. The Brayley Drug 00., “(1., Sole Props. St- John, N. B. for i, p...â€" A VT, r~ . 1â€" mm nTwprqr Heâ€"“What do you women do at yo. club, Sheâ€"“Talk about the faults -’ you men. What do you do at, yours 3’†" ’ _ Heâ€"“Trv to forget the faults . "' the women.†â€â€"4-“..-s... , fl y. ... ._...I.- ........_.. . .. -..~»..... : _ (