_.. "WWW": midi: #31: ï¬ght. nan. £5111 _ ,l' ' idle. rtfliiuz..r&..uiiliut hil‘iuimit'in. with: Mumdhu Jull‘ï¬iit .mlEllut..ul‘.‘h:. MEX-mum" ,uii! l Our stock this year is right up to the high standard of quality we have always main- tained. We have everything needed for your Christmas cookery. We have also a large range of articles suitable for presents. Call in and see them. â€"“ McFARLAND ’ S. . f,’ ,chUthy Won .1. Stitched « \\ with silk At Wm. Campbell’s All Millinery, Furs, and Ladies’ Coats and Skirts to be sold at reduced prices after .this date. _WM. CAMPBELL New Idea Patterns 100. _ Sole Agents for the D. & A. Corsets. HELLO i thing you need. Smoking Sets, and Safety Razors. The business man man just reaching shaving ag- 'all Welcome such a gift Safety Razor. 7.; Givethe kiddo a. “ E LEXIELE FLYER ,.. The Sled That Steers, . For THE LADIES. ' Cased Carvers in Joseph Elliott & Son and Worstenhohn makes, Rhgers 1847 Table Cutlery, Community Silver in the new and beautiful Sheraton and LaRose designs. ‘ , _Candlesticks. QKATELS. Automobile, V‘elox, Mic-mac, Regal and Cycle. est. For years‘We in»... gr. ._ is a foothold in the eom- .1 world. Yes, we have every v’" ;endance over that of last proves the growing popuv- f of our school. done for others we can do For the men, Pocket Knivesâ€- the traveller and the yonnmdsay 3118111683 '13 Afï¬liated with Dominion " Jorrespondence I Silver plated Tea Sets, Brass Ket- tles, Vases, Fern Pots, Trays and Twelfth DECEMBER 1911 Z O D n 5' SUN [-24 is! El nausea Denise Unseen inseam son a a E BEBE rl‘hc Fenelon Falls Gazette Friday, December 15. 1911 Whitney Government Sustained. The ~Whitney Government was re- turned to power on Monday with a majority of 60, a slightly decreased rep- resentation compared with their stand- ing in the former parliament. The result may be said to be somewhere near what was generally anticipated, although audible predictions were very scarce, prophesying having gone out of fashion since September let. The electors have decided to let 1Vhi~tney ï¬nish his work, or at least have another try at it. The increased Liberal repre- sentation is a slight hint to Sir James to be careful. _.______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€" Board of Trade. The Board of Trade met on Tuesday evening and discussed various matters. The secretary was instructed to write Col. the Hon. Sam Hughes and the Min- ister of Railways and Canals regarding the needs of the town with respect to improvements in the '1‘. V. 0., etc. The Standard Chemical 00. having started the lime kiin and commenced to take the stone out of the mill walls to con- vert into lime, the question was raised as to the company’s right to tear down the building. The matter was laid over pending further investigation. There was also some discussion on the subject of advertising with a view to securing industries. It was shown that the success of other towns was due to their energy in going after what they wanted. Regarding tourist trailic,thc good elfect of the advertising done last spring was amply demonstrated. The Board will meet again early in the New Year when a deï¬nite plan of campaign mm he decided upon. An iscrrcase of 119 c’/,, - for a What we a Study Courses College 8011691) SPOTTON, President. tit ' lljuuwlluryt- H. In Winnipeg, on Nov. 28th, a. quiet wedding took place, the contracting parties being Miss Annie H., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson, of, Fenclon ‘Falls, and Herbert Kirby of Saskatoon, son of the late Edmund ’1‘., F. Kirby of Picton. The bride was‘givcn. away by .her brother, Dr. Robertsonofz' Colborne, performed by the Rev. Hugh. Robertson of Winnipeg. henelon Falls t’nuncill Council met. at the regular meeting, 'and all the members were present, reeve :in the chain. ’ Minutes of tho-previousmoeting road and adopted. :Stanton-â€"Cashore,â€"~That the following accounts. bot paid? and; that. the rceve $43.25 ; T. Scott. $9.15.»;Tl‘hos. Parker, over-k on sidewalk, 75 o. ;.W.. B. \Ioore, repairing market square house , $5.17 ; uT. ’l‘womey, rent for hall, $50.00 ; Robt ‘ .lackett, rent for-water trough. $25.00 ; .los. Lexchin, seats, $3.00 ; J. Penrose, ringing bell, $12.00 ; P. Burgess, ringing hell, $12.00 ; .l.. Robertson, account, $1.25 ; Bell Telephone, account, 80 c. ; Moore & Connel, account, $25.00 ; Jno. Donnie, work on streets,, $26.25 ; F. Juckctt, teaming, 24.50"; Geo. Martin, I drawing sand and gravel, $44 02 ; J. Ald- ‘ s- l ous, mealsi’or. tramps, $51.50; Poulsom 85 West account $2230 ; J5. H. Brandon, account, 3124:15'; F. M'etcalfe, work on streets, $12.87 ; D. Robertson, auditing roll, $5.00 ; H. Powers, work on streets, $7.50 ; Geo. Sackett, saud;. $3.60 ;Geo. .J'ackett, work on streets,, $5.00 . W. J, Heard. account, $22.65 ; E. Fitzgerald, 5 months salary,.$37-50 ;.J. Jones, salary‘ $33.75 ; J. Jones. postage account, $2.55 ; agricultural society, grant, $35.00 ; Abe . Sackotthwork,,’$3.00 ; ’1‘. Scott, balance 1‘. .. g Calid two large sleigh loads of members §Wew W Olik malirg a ttendance. ?cssed the assembly briefly. giving the Wsmng address was then given by Mrs. ollowcd by an instrumental selection ( ! ij Miss Tilly Patten. Mrs. L. Townlcy at and was unattended. The ceremony was 1, ~signs orders for: the same :IF. Kelly, on night soil contract, $110.00 ; T. Scott, posting bills, $1.00. . . A by-law regulating municipal elec- tions “as read and passed. . Mr. Tiers gave notice that at. this meeting of the council he would mtro~ duce a bv-law entitled a by-law' provulv- ing for borrowing money by issue .of debentures, secured by local special rates on the property fronting _or abut- ting on the north side of Frauexs Street, from Colborne Street westerly to the right of way of the GORP“, for iaying of granol-ithic walks 'on said street, and to provide for the borrowing of money to pay the‘corporation's share of said gran- olithic walks. ‘ Byâ€"law read and passed in the usual manner. Council ajuurned. Personal. _â€"â€"- Miss Nellie l-Ieard returned home on Monday from Montreal, where she spent a. couple of months visiting her sster Mrs. D. J. McLean. Rev. A. Cook pastor of the Baptist Church exohanged pulpits with Rev. McPherson ol’ Cannington on Sunday. Rev. \V. â€A. French spent a couple of days in Toronto this week. ‘ Mr. Geo. Jackctt was at Lindsay this week as a juror in the assizes. Miss T. Redford has returned from a two weeks visit with Miss Isaac at “Glanvilla Farm.†Mr. 1111in Strong has gone to Longford, to take a position with the Standard Chemical Co. .__..â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"“â€""..- School Report. The gift that is alw.i.ys a constant reminder of the thoughtfulness of the giver, for - this Christmas and {or all Christmases to come. Report of S. S. No. 4, Somerville, with numberot‘ honours obtained in November: Fourth Class. -â€" Frankie \Vatson 7, Edith Suggitt 6, Leila Fell 4. Third Classâ€"Pearl Hopkins 12, Eva Ward 8, Jack Halliday 7, Evelyn Breese 5, Dora Brooks 3. , Second Classâ€"John Burnett 9, Nora Graham 8, Viola Suggitt 7, Nellie James 7, Joseph Suggitt 7, Edith Hopkins 6. Willie Watson 6. Eliza Burnett 5, Birdie Smithson 4, Greta Watson 4, Roy Fielder 2, Ford Brooks 1, John Miller 0. Part Seconds-Doris Graham 7, Emily I-Iambliu 6. Senior Primer. â€"-â€" Charles Suggitt 6, James ‘Watson 5. Junior Primer.~â€"Eade Graham 8, Jack Watson 5, Graham Burnett 5, George Miller 0. For the Ladies. A Ring, $2 to $100 A Watch, $5 to $60 A Brooch, 500. to $25 A Locket, $i to $12. 0.- Women’s Institute. The Pleasant Valley branch of the ‘Womens’ Institute met on Thursday afternoon. Dec. 8th, at the home of Mrs. Frank Smitheram. The Fenelon Falls branch having been invited to attend the meeting, accepted the invitation, And many little gifts, such as a Necklet, $3, or a Bracelet at $1.50 in gold ï¬lled up to $20 in gold. ' j'ove out, Miss Evalina Brynell taking ' .ie sleigh load. and Mr. Thos. Patten 1_ tether. About twenty members of the S a1 branch were present, and with the Unbers of the Pleasant Valley branch, Silver Thimbles 400., 750., $1. Napkin Rings $1.25. Souvenir Spoons $51.50. A Jewel Case $1.50. A Handbag $51.50, $56. 250., I011 is increasing rapidly, resulted in . ..‘he programme was provided by the :iting branch. Mrs. .105. Moynes Pre- lont of the Pleasant Valley branch, ad- siting members a hearty welcome. A .et by Mrs. Dr. Gould and Miss; S. ,artin was followed by a paper entitled ‘l-Iow we are beneï¬ted by meeting to- ethcr" by Mrs. M. E. Calder. An inter- lr. Gould, the President, and also District President, on her impressions of she \V. 1. Convention held in Toronto in N'ovember, which she. attended. A recit- tion was given by Mrs. Walker Lamb, For .. Him.†A Signet Ring at $6 is a lasting gift, suitably engraved ; or a VVatch', $12, a good timepiece, guaranteed. Watch fob 3:31, 332-509 $5 '0 a reading which was well received. he Misses V. Mckcndry and S. Martin ach favored the audience with an in- ,Ltrumental selection. A paper entitled "Gossip†by Miss Lizzie Knight was 4:;ead by. special request. Miss Doris Townley gave a vocal solo, which was much appreciated. The meeting closed ,with the singing Of the National Anthem. The members of Fenclon Falls branch tendered ahearty vote» of thanks to the hostess for her kind hospitality. Dainty .‘ . refreshments were served at the close of-' ' ' the meeting, after which-.the-drvie home wasmnch enjoyed. 0-0 BANKS TO CLOSE SATURDAY NIGHTS. The local; branches. of.‘ the Bank. 01- '3 ’ British North America and the Bank. ot‘ ~Montreal-have decided to close - on Sat- urday nignts during the‘winter months. 2 - On and after Dec. 23rd the oilice hours- ‘ ‘ for Saturdays will be from 10 to 12 a. m. and 4 to 6 p. 11]. Perhaps he smokes, Then. a Pipe $1., $1.50, $21.50, $4.503 $8.005: Cigar. Case 75c, $1.25, and many dainty little odd things that. will please him. TWO GHRISTMZSTREES AT ST. - I For the Hone: St. Andrew’s Young People have made anew departure in their celebration of- thc birth of the Saviour of the world. They are having two Christmas trees. On Friday, Dec. 22nd, there is the usual entertainment, tree and tea and pro-~ gramme. audthe promise of aiirst-class- time ; and a second tree for needy chil- dren in tho lVest. Already such. huge quantities of clothing, toys, etc.,. have been received. that. the skill of. the expert packer in charge, M r.Wm. Camp- bell, is b. ingtaxed to the utmost.. The Bnry’s-Green people also have a. share in the good work of cheering the lonely ones on the-prairie. The Ladies Aid of St. Andrew’s-Clmroh. met at the home of NII‘S-J W. .1-1. Robson on Wednesday afternoon. The workoi’: the year, which has been a most successful. one, was reviewed, The following ofliccrs. were elected :â€" President, Mrs. C. S. Lord ; Vice President, Mrs. M‘cArthur; Treasurer, M rs. W. L. Robson ; Scorc- tary, Mrs. .1 no. Northey. We h'ave' many nice Cut Glass,. C u t 1 e ry, Clocks, etc.. V “TAKE A PEEI The cm snap. Tobacco Pouch $1., an» Ash Tray 500., or 8.. pieces in Silverware; |\e.. .... 1“?" «,-_:f‘:‘_â€"'i$‘_‘.h‘:'l“‘fi:"f«:~:, . A 3.6 - - d _ â€" - - -