W Personal. â€"- - Misc Madeline Adams is visiting her hister, MP1 F. N. Rutherford, . ms Host» lodge Harding of Lindsay Spent Momiay in town. , Miss Marion Henderson of Rochester spent the week end the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Gould. Mr. Grattan Graham of Toronto is spending the holidays at his home here. FENELON FALLS HARKETS â€a... . Fenelon Falls, Friday, Dec. 22, 1911 Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 750. to 80¢. Wheat, fall, 85 to 88 Wheat, spring, 73 to 75 Barley, per bushel, 60 to75 Oats, per bushel, 40 to 43 Pease, per bushel, 80to 90 Buckwheat, 520. to 55 CHOOSE GIFTS . “the evening a Christmas song service l’a sixty'two Tungsten lamp in the King Potatoes, bush, .70 to 80 Butter, per pound, 24 to 27 Eggs, per dozen, 25 to 28 Hay, per ton, $12 to $13 Hides, $8.00 to 9.00 Hogs, live. $5.00 to $6 00. Beef, $ 7.50to $8 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 12 to 20 Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 Flour, Winnipeg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour,Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $2.60 Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $2.55 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.20 to $1.25 Shorts, do., $1.30 to $1.40 Mixed Chop, do., $1.55 to $1.65 Corn Chop, do., $1.60 to $1.65 Mrs. Jos. Heard and daughters have left for Toronto. Mrs. A. J. Gould and children are Visiting Lindsay relatives. Mr. Percy Suggitt of Lindsay spent 'Thursday at the Falls on business. , Dr. Sims and Mrs Sims spent Monday 'in Lindsay.. Mrs. Walter Ellis is visiting her par- 'ents in town, Mr. and M rs. J. Aldous. Mr.’l‘hos.Sadler was in Lindsay on Tuesday. Mr. J. F. Mann spent Monday in town. Mr.Wm. Brandon spent Tuesday in Lindsay, ., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jewell of Brace- ‘bridge are visiting relatives here over Christmas. - -. Si lames’ Church. Next Sunday night some old fashioned Christmas Carols will be rendered by the 'choir, such'as are given by the waifs in England and an appropriate sermon preached by the Rector. On Christmas Day at St. James Church there will be held service and Holy Communion at 10.80 a. m. Sermon on the incarnation by the Rector. This will 1be the last Communion in the year 1911. At Burys Green the Christmas Service “of St Peters Church will be held at 7.30 p. m. All those living in the neighbour- hood are cordially invited to attend. a- WW GHHISTMAS SHOPPING St. Andrew’s Church. We Can Solve It For You. Come in and let us show you. Our range of Ladies’ Handbags in latest long strap styles, from $1 to $5, make very useful as well as acceptable Xmas presents. WE HAVE Ebony Sets and Individual Brushes of many kinds at very low prices. See our Military Brushes in leather cases. The Christmas tree offering sent out "to a western home mission ï¬eld by the .young people of St. Andrew’s Church ‘aznounted to $125. .. . . The Christmas tree and sleigh drive takes place this (Friday) evening. Tea will be served, gifts presented and progress reported after the drive. . On Sunday appro- priate Christmas sermons will be held, with suitable music and sermons. In will be rendered. 4». XVELL LIT UP. Mr. XV. J. Barkley has lately installed Edward Shaving Parlor, making a great improvement. He has also added a large showcase ï¬lled with the best lines of .pipes, tobaccos and cigars. L. O. L. No. 996. L. O. L. No. 995, Fenelon Falls, met in 'regular meeting on Dec. 1 2th for the transaction of general business. During ‘rthe evening the auditors’ report was brought in and adopted, showing a sub- stantial sum to the credit of the lodge. During the year the lodge has paid oii the balance of the mortgage, and is now entirely free of debt. After the general business was over the election of oili< cers for the ensuing year was proceeded “with and resulted as follows : 'W.IM., ’l‘hos. Johnston, re-elected ; D. M., Win. Cassidy, re-electcd; Chaplain, 3L. Deyman, reelected ; Treasurer, Dr. Mason, re-elected ; Rec-Sec, H. Nelson; Elfin-Sec†S. Corbett, reâ€"elected ; D. of C., J. J. Nevison ; Lecturers, Neil McGil- t'ray and J. T. Thompson Jr. ; Sr. Conn. W. Aldous ; Com.. A. Fountain, S. Mason, .J. Johnston, G. Jaekett. BORN- CORBETT.â€"-At Fenelon Falls, on Wed- ‘nesday, Dec. 13th, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Corbett, of Jacob’s Island, a daughter. ,________.___._.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- DIED- ' INGRAM. â€"â€"At Cameron, on Monda Dec. 18, 1911, James Ingram, aged 6 years and 7 months. Morocco, Persian grained and Levant bindings, on ordinary or India paper. A very, large assortment of Fine Stationery in artistic holiday boxes; many designs, all containing the best linen paper. Waterman’s Ideal Fountainn Pens from $2.50 up. The Remex Fountain Pen at $1.25, fully guaranteed, is the best value in Fountain Pens we ever sold. Let us show it to you. Fancy Perfumes in Xmas boxes, from 10 cents up to $1.50. Gentleman’s Companions. Our Spe- cial one, at $1.60, cannot be equalled elsewhere. Ladies’ Companions, \Vork Baskets, Sewing Sets, etc. profusion. Booklets, “ must be seen to be appre- ciatec .†Madonna Cupid Pictures in pretty frames; different sizes. Gentlemen’s Purses, Wallets and Card Cases, in different leathers. Perfume Atomizers, bulb and pump, Inkstands, Vases, Gulf and Collar Boxes, and many other Gifts too nu- merous to enumerate here. We feel conï¬dent an inspection of our Xmas Gifts will please you. Come in and see. A. J. GOULD Druggist and Optician . WINTES TERM In the Central Business College of Toronto begins Jan. 2nd. Com- mercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy, or Civil Service courses. Twenty- six teachers, 151 typewriting ma- chines â€"â€"multigraphs, roller copi- ers and ï¬ling cabinetsâ€"every- thing to thoroughly equip our graduates. \Vrite to-day for catalogue. W. H. SHAW, PRESIDENT Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Go to Gould the Optician. All work fully guaranteed. The “ What Shall It Be †Question The error you are most likely to make is to conclude that you cannot ail'ord to give Furniture. The truth is that you cannot aï¬ord NOT TO. Give Furniture, and you give not only for this Xmas but for years to come. . Give Furniture, and it will stand in some home a constant reminder of you and a lasting tribute to your good judgment. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, either, if you don’t want to. ‘Why, we have articles of usefulness, artistic in appearance, articles that make ideal gifts, yet that cost only a " trifle. Let us show you how easy to pick out Xmas presents. IS. A PilZZLE- †Bibles and Hymn Books in French Ltd., Ridgeville, 0111‘: Children’s Picture Books in great " ; I . Fancy Calendars, Xmas Cards and i -- EARLY We have striven to make your holiday buying economi- cal and satisfactory. Come in and see what we have. Here are a few desirable gifts: Bibles Hymn Books Story Books for young and old Perfumes Real Ebony Goods Fancy Goods Stationery Calendars Christmas Cards Etc. V I C A R8, The holiday reunion offers an opportunity for having that DRUG STORE. Trees that will Grow. When buying fruitor ornamental trees, see to it that you buy of a. firm whose trees have the right sort of roots and have been handled correctly in the nur- series. Our trees will grow; â€" there is a reason. Take an agency: send for terms. Out- fit free. Thos. W. mean 8: Son 00., if? in education always pays the best ‘ interest. For years we have given †-. hundreds a. foothold in the com- \ mercial world. An incrrease of 119 0/o I I i itdttï¬Ã©â€˜odvad"iridirftiï¬g°$333? 7; fOI' a Suit or Overcoat. Style, ï¬t and - . ‘ :1. erstwnzsrrgz‘. .321: is ;. workmanshlp guaranteed. ‘ for you. . ‘ 5.2- Home Study Courses i: , g g, - :1 , Lindsay Business TOWNLEY BROS- College _ " gimliated dwitéio Doghncizs EM â€3 . ~ orrcspon en \ » .1 a. H. SPOTTON, President. WWMMWWMM GOING THEM ONE aka Care Of the old rigs. New ones cost money. We make a specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs ï¬xing up bring it here. Or if you need a new one I -we can build itâ€"good as the best. I I. C. CHAMBERS. :' Colborne Street‘ Fenelon Falls. m WINTER TERM mom-.5112 You risk nothing by attending this college. Its reputation» for superior training and square'dcaling. is abso lutcly clean and it will’remainiso. ELLIO '31 TORONTO. ONT is in a class by itself when strictly first-class work is considered. Grad- uates are sure to get- good positions, owing to their proper training te- for large‘ca nl'ogu ' W.‘ J;' ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor ner Yong:~ and Alexander Stre ets.. Call with your friends. £01» WW WWMM 9W FallandWinter Suitings f - , "a“ W: “.16“ ... - Solves the Christmas problem, Make somebody happy with g- a kodak. group picture made. ~ WE(sigmagamma-semwn u. H- STANTON Call and see our stock of new goods. We will be pleased to have your order 11" ‘ ~ . BETTER. Furniture delivered to your home at LESS THAN CITY PRICES You run NO RISK. Call and see; onrgoods. S S. Gainers FENELON FALLS. SEE OUR WALL PAPERS; BUILDING CONTRACTS /‘ ' We are prepared"3 to. take contracts for houses, sum-. ' mer cottages, etc. It willâ€. pay you. to get our esti- ,{f mates: Doors and sash and. interior ï¬nish always inr -. stock.. Planing and: matching done toordcr. , ' J FEiIELIit FALLS 'PLAilliid MILL. A. TEIï¬S, PHDPBIETOR.-