slit 1 .To do repair work that. will give satisfaction- ». and stand the test of time has always been our endeavour. ’ ' In Watches, Clocks, -. Jewelry, Eta, IIEAD OFFICE - - MONTREAL. ‘ ESTABLISHED 1817 INCORPORATED av ACLT or PARLlAMENT CAPITAL ~ 516.400.000.00. REST '- $15,000,000.00 ‘ ASSETS OVER $230,000,000. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be I - wihdrawn on demand. R“ 15- Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch The Workers Awakening. pose of striking the fetters of wage ‘5 ., slavery from their limbs by the abo- ' lition of capitalist property, marks the'ï¬ x,“ awakening of labor. Fully aroused to the necessity of action in their own . j .1" behalf, the working class will speedily 13V solve the problem of what to do with “ the resources of, the earth and the in- > struments of production, so as to ad?- mit of human society moving forward to a saner and more decent civilization. - Capitalist civilization is» today rot- ten to the core. The chronicle of daily' events is but a disgusting story of vice, crime, corruption, graft, chicane- ry, pollution and fraud unspeakable. . A slave civilization, it cannot rise above that from which it springs. It is up to the slave to break his chains, ' . . , , and, by so doing, relegate to oblivion. «Wmt 0'5 the workingmans dream. He the most hypocritical and most vulgar' ~ is evidently awakening t? at least ruling class thathas ever cursed the some sort of a comprehenSion off. the earth with its presence. The proléta» many wrongs perpetrated upon hm by rian battalions are marshalling for the:~ those who have set themselves in au- fray. Labor is awakening to the task thority to rule over him. He is be- in hand. In the conquest of the state yond questiOn cultivating a healthy by the proletariat, and the nee of its 5 For centuries the workers of the world have bowed their necks to the yoke of slavery in one form or another. They have plodded wearily along the pathway of existence, bearing theâ€"bur? dens of civilization upon their slavish backs, and always subject to the mas- ter’s lash if, perchance, they faltered in the task. Usually their submission 'has been of the stupid, sullen kind that will not allow of its victim rising above the level of the horse or the ass that balks in harness when~the bur- den becomes unbearable, instead of dumping the load and kicking the driver to smithereens. Evidence, how- ever, is by‘no means lacking to show that a change is coming over the We carry the best lines. i . i JOHN SLATER 3 i i Issuer of Marriage Licenses. â€" - The Old Reliable Jewelry Store. l . , {giFenelon Fall's. Everything in 'V the _‘ line of Winter footwear will be Protessioual Carder W†LEGAL ' STINSON. - ) Al'tRISTERS, SOLICITORS, .NOTAR- ) ies. Money to loan. Special atten- ‘tion given to investments. Branch oflice , .__________________ q MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON a a determination to do something more powers to abolish capital and the wage . ' at Wen’clon Falls, open erYy Tuesday. . drastic than merely .to balk in harness slavery from which. it sucks its suste» ‘ é , Lindsay oliice over Dominion Bank. , and patiently submit to the lash be- mince, lies the hope of the future. l '3 .~ 13.. J . McLAuouign, K. 0. TAï¬Méanzgs, B. A. J - L I A R N o L D I ing applied to his quivering flesh. g And the proletariat is awakening. 2 “9‘ A“ “I“ ' ' TX 5 ' . It is particularly noticeable that in Speed the day of its triumph l-â€"â€"Van~ ‘ -. BOPKINS: 'WEEKS 5‘ HOPK‘IN S. , the event of a. strxke,‘ at 163812“ any couver, B. 0., Western Clarion. : )ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND Ou lines _____ proportions, there is an ever-increas- -..___ i ' b Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of r mg sentiment ï¬nding eXpI‘GSSIOYl for Money and Lives. : . Mopglea'l, “on? gmlggé‘N‘gt (Titliï¬iatdi Groceries, Boots and Shoes, \Vall Paper. something entirely outside of and __ iâ€: ' \V . . ¢ , . . - _ . ..... N... g " (is? souihjohriiidgay, Out. and at Woodâ€" Also Agent for all classes of Life Insurance. ' sway fmm. theme†matter of an m - . ville Ontario crease 1n wages 01‘ more tolerable con- . , - , . _ .. . _joy riding with a coachful, and stop- ; ‘7 1;, .C... ‘H. Horxixs, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, (litions of slavery in general. The de- ped his motor on the hill, and said to 2 __.,g .. Ar:- †air. Homes HOPKINS, B. A termination to end the wage system him reproachful: u A hundred dam- '.j 7" . WW“ by the. complete overthrow Of the rule gels weave and. spin forl‘ybu for paltry 2 _ . , ‘ mmsrens SOLIUITORS, 8m. or of capital each day ï¬nds a morevcleah wages: and willrthey “11 be fastened ti ~ .ï¬ce’ William, ereei,Lindsny. expressmn. Even the careless observer _ . in when ï¬re around them rages ’l †“I of passmg events can scarcely fail to guess,†notice it. Time was, and not 'many years since, when it was almost as much as _one’s life was worth to apply the term “slaves†toabunch of work- ingmen. It is now quite the common thing for them so to designate them- selves. This realization of their'status under capitalist civilization is one of the most cheering signs of the times. It affords most convincing evidence of an awakening of labor that portends no end of _trouble for the sleek, well- fed pirates and swashbucklers that F. D. Moons. ' A. Jamison he said, in accents hurt, “I. f ‘7: guess they will be, sonny 5 for human i V .1 lives are cheap as dirt, but ï¬re escapes ' cost money. The people do not real- izethe burdens rich men carry; the _ ' way my hard-earned money flies would ' 5. paralyse Old Harry. My auto always - - ’ needs repairs, my yacht is ever yawn~ ing forcoats of paint or easy chairs or miles of silken awning. To talk of ï¬re escapes for mills is really very fun- ny, for human lives are cheap as pills, but ï¬re escapes cost money. My bill. for wine alone, my friend, would scare STEWART a O’CONNOR, I ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 8w. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Ofï¬ce on corner of Kent. and York streets, Lindsay. 'i‘. Srswsm. L. V. O’Cosson, B. A LEIGH R. KNIGHT. . ARRISTER, SOLICI’I‘OR, NOTARY l 'we Are ShOWing . Public. Successor to McDiarmid & Weeks. Visits made. to Fcnelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan imp Real Estate bought and sold. Ofï¬ce Kent St., Lindsay,re1epuone41. A complete line of Jewelry in '!»"".1-"“1"5f".'?"-"' lune. -\ v. « .. ,3 ~“'~"*~â€"_*~"““_" ' ' ' constitute the present ruling class. At you into flames, and there 3,â€, S" ,_ , DENTAL. Watchesi, Silverware, 313., WllillCh least,fno,end of) troglble until tlae :cep- pers without end, and forty kinds ht“ . _ ' ter 0 power as con wreste rom dances. A trip to Europe eyeâ€. 6,“. {3: Dr. s. .I. suns, DENTIST, we “.7011 d e p ease to ave their hands arid the reign of capital requires a 10. 0f bundle, and £103.. 1 Fonelon Falls- you inspect. brought to .. W1. 5...... bring to 10... h... .u .0.. 1... Graduate of Toronto University and Everywhere the workers are turning > . l . tt . d h Yankee Doodle. I cannot throw my Royal College of‘DenmlSui-geons. , ' ‘ ' _ .tieir a ention more an more to t e scads away on mill e ui ments, sonnv ;. . ALL BRANCHES or DENTISTRY 81299131 attention given to re conquest optima-capitalist state. They' for human lives areqchgm 0. hay, bin; . performed according to the latest improved palrlng. are recognismg the state to be the sole ï¬re escapes cost money.â€" Walt IVIILSUD. V 7 22:- methods at. moderate prices. bulwark of capitalist property. They ~»-0-â€"---â€"--.~â€"~-».. , see in it, and correctly, too, the instru- It is contended that labor-saving ment by means of which the capital- machinery causes labor to be more ists maintain their title of ownership widely employed. In that case, what in the' means of production, and their is labor-saving about it? ' consequent power to rule and rob the working class. The determination of the workers to conquer the state and use its organized powers for the pur- ~ OFFICEzâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- ‘Orne street WBQtNeWWâ€villi... ' ' A- NORTHEV Natural teeth preserved. Crown and ridge work especially. Splendid [its in a rtiï¬ciul teeth. Painless extraction. Gas administered to over 9,000 persons with great success. Improved machinery cuts down ex- f penses for the capitalist class, cuts some workers ofl frmn the means of ' ,‘ life, and cuts others up in them. i ' I MEDICAL. DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"u.o.,o. in, u a. c s. Eng.,u.o.r. A 9., Orin, r. r. u. s.â€" fijfliYSlClAN, SURGEON 8t AOCOUCH- ' cur. Office. Francis Street, Fenelon ‘ ‘ Falls. WHEN YOU ,WAFii‘i‘ MONEY You may want it in a hurry. If you have :1. Savings Account in The Bank of British North America you can get it at once. Deposits of'ii‘lllll and . upwards received and interest. added twice a year. Grocery Store Is pointed out by the oldest; v r l A DR. H. B.-~JOHNSTONE, SUCCESSOR TO UK. A. \V'ILSON, RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician. Surgeon and Ac- ucheur. Oli‘ice, Colborne street, Fen- onFalls. inhabitant as the best place to buy groceries. ‘ , Reliable groceries like ours pro- vide wholesome eating. \Ve con- ,» tinue to assure you this as we have . done in the past. \Ve won’t stand " for humbug goods. Reliability is, AUCTIONEER. .Tnonas 'cassossg ‘ ' * - . ONERn - PRN'RLON â€1128:" » 3 N & SON les otall kinds conducted in a. ï¬rst- - , as manner. Secure dates before ad- ourmotto. 75 YE-ARS lN BUSINESS