rs Take Notice. The annual banquet,will be held at the )IcArthnr House (this) Friday even- ing at 8 o'clock. A full attendance re- quested. - F airbairn. ,Gazctle Correlvpondcnce, Mr. and Mrs. 0100.13ch visited friends here on Sunday. _ )1 r.. and M rs. Herb l-Ierron were in ,llobcaygeon Monday attending the fun- eral of the late Mrs. ll. Eyrcs. Mr. ’l‘cmpany of' Cochranc, Alta., is visiting friends in this vicinity. We are pleased to state that M rs. Tempany, who has been seriously ill, is recovering. Mr. J. Adolph, I. O. F. Provincial Organizer, held a meeting inthe Orange Hall recently in the interests of the Order. We understand some new re- cruits are soon to be lined up. Mr. John Britten is busy hauling material for a barn which he intends building: next summer. Mr. Wm. Austin of Fcnelon Falls was in Fairbairn on buï¬ness recently. A. large number of our citizens attend- ed the sale on Friday at Wm. lioskins. Fells Station. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Miss E. J. Devitt, of Devitts Settle- ment was in our burg calling on friends last week. Miss Nellie Tipling of Lin-:lsay paid a ,shert visit to her home at Honey Grove. Mrs. Wm. Shuttleworth (J. R.) and son Percy of Burnt River, visited her par- ental home, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bulmer‘s, -. for a week recently. , Mr. Wm. Tip‘ling, Honey Grove, had a, bee last week, drawing brick from the station here. Mr. 'l‘ipling intends erect~ dug a new brick house in the very near d‘utnro. I 'Aliss M. Oswald spent the week end at her home near Kinmount. M r. W. [-1. Mitchell, who has been spending the winter at Parry Sound, has returned and is Spending a few days :at his home, Mrs. W. Mitchell, Fairview. Quite a number from around here attended the sale at Mr. Wm. Hoskins, .l'lurvs Green, last Friday. Mr. Frank Richard. of Silver Lake, paid a flying ,visit to friends here enroute for Mnskoka District. The farmers in this vicinity are busy getting the seasons supply of ice in. Somerville Council. Council met March 25th, pursuant to adjournment l’resont, Messrs. Byrne, Davis, Huskies and McFarlnnn The minntls of t 3 last meeting were read and counrmed, M r. Byrnc in the chair. ~ ' . ’l‘he auditor's report was received and ' the clerk was ordered to have 200 copies printed. A communication was received from the caretaker of the Kinmount cemetery to say that a new fence is required, and M r. Byrne'was appointed to enquire as to the amount of fencing required and the cost. A communication from the treasurer asking a raise in salary was laid over to next meeting of the Council. l).ivis,â€"â€"lloskins,â€"â€"That the following accounts he paid : J. R. Mark and N. Q. Mel‘Iachcrn. auditors, each $10.00; Dr. E. A. White, expenses sending an in- digent to the hospital, $1.15 :8. Suddaby, account salary and postage $42.00. lloskins,â€"-Byrne,â€" That the. Orange Hall be engaged for Council meetings at two dollars per meeting. Council adjourned to meet at the call or the Reeve. -~â€"â€"â€"o . Will Lindsay he Sidelracked 7 bindsay Post: A recent order issued by the Canadian Northern Railway in regard to the I. B. & 0., railway. prom- ises. if put into effect, to injure the town of Lindsay. . As is well known the C. N. R. acquired the l. B. & 0. Railway some time ago, and according to the order referred to all shipments from Bancroft on that line must in future go via Trenton This is a serous blow, not only to Lindsay, but also to Fenolon Falls, and of course will be of great benefit to Toronto and other points. Those who have had occasion to travel over the I. B. & 0., to and from Lindsay are in a position to know the extent of shipments over that line through and to the town. This order practically cuts us from the 1;. B. «5‘: 0. district, and gives Toronto a tower freight rate to Gooderhnm than will be enjoyed by Lindsay. This order. while only affecting Ban- croft at present. is likely to go into' ell‘ect all along the line unless action is taken by Lindsay. It is a serious matter, as it is a blow to the town's interests. The town Council , will meet this evening to consider the question with a view to lodging a vigorous protest. In thisthey will be joined by the Board of Trade, and no stone will he left unturned to have our interests safeguarded. BORN; . J UNKIN. -â€"â€"In the Township of Vernlam. on Sunday, March 17th. 1912, the wife of Mr. Blake Junkin, a daughter. JEwBLhâ€"In Fenelon Falls, on Friday, March '22nd, 1912, the wife of Mr. D. Jewell. a son. ' . BURGESSâ€"ll) Fenelon Falls, on Tues- day. March 26th, .1912, the wife of Mr. B. J. Burgess, a daughter, (Katherine Bernice.) GRIFFIN. “In the Township of Vorulam, on Friday, March Int, 1912, the wife of Mr. .Wm. Grillin, a son. DIED- In the Township of Verulam, on Tues- day. March 26th, 1912, John B. Risk, in his 69th year. The funeral will be held ' lgnï¬utnrday at 2,331; m._ Bury's Green. (Correspondence q; (he Gazette.) On Friday lust'Mr. Hoekins dispos- ed of his farm stock and implements. A big crowd was present, and prices for live stack were the highest ever reached at a sale in this vicinity, ï¬f- teen cows selling at an average of $55 each and young cattle in proportion. On Monday night friends and neigh- bors ï¬lled his large house to overflow- ing, and presented Mr. and Mrs. Hes- kins with two ï¬ne chairs and a couch to match. After the usual speech- making, the young folks amused them- selves with dancing and other games until nearly morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins will take up their abode at the Railway warehouses. Burnt River, where their old friends are in the fnarket for all kinds will give them a. hearty welcome. Mr. John Campbell has vacated the farm he has occupied the last fourteen years, and has bought the Curtis farm on the Cedar Tree Road. Mark Fell is busy with his sawing machine ï¬nishing the wood cutting. It is expected that we will have ru- ral mail delivery by May lst. Mr. Wesley Pogue and his mother are both so ill that their recovery is doubtful. o + o Powles’ Corners. Correspondence of the Gazette 'A large gathering 'of Mr. and Mrs. Slater’s old friends and neighbors from across Sturgeon Lake, and a. few fami- ers develop into larger, healthier and lies near the Corner, enjoyed a very more vigorous animals than those that Vocal and are raised on skim milk alone, unless instrumental music and games occu- the Protein, Sugar and Fat- that is pied part of the time. A conversation removed in the form of cream is re- on the reciprocity question and the. placed. pleasant evening recently. loyalty cry was on the programme. Go to Gould the Optician. All work fully guaranteed. Farmers '. Attention! ; Owing to the light delivery of grain this season, we are not keeping a man permanently at We of grain, however, at the mill, and prepared to pay tnc high~ est prices therefor. It’will pay you to call before selling elsewhere. J. H. BRANDON. international - Calf Meal It is a well-known fact that calves that are allowed to Buckle their meth- Kodak Pictures Are Worth While- This can be done at a. small cost by the use of INTERNATIONAL Refreshments were served about mid- CALF MEAL which contains just the night. When she‘ll we meet agein. Mr. Thos. Harrison has been trou- Hydrates and Fats to produce the bled with inflammation in one of his Ideal Calf food when mixed with skim eyes. He has been laid up nearly all milk according to our directions. . winter from various causes. Dr. J ohn- stone of Fenelon Falls is treating him. Mr. Thos. Smitherain, Fenelon’s as- sessor, has been calling on the farm- ers, one of whom asked him Whether he was taxing cats. On Saturday, March 30th, Mr. Geo. Moore of Moore & Connell will sell hi household furniture by public auction without reserve. Terms cash. Sec bills vigor and tones up ’horses for full list. T. Cashorc, auctioneer. ___...._ Free Illustrated Lecture April 4. A free lecture, illustrated with 110 lantern views, will be given in Twmnny’s hall on Thursday evening, April 4th, by R -v. J. ’l". Forsythe, Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association. Mr. Forsythe‘s lecture explains, in a simple, interesting and complete way. I exactly what tuberculosis (consumption) ; 7 ~ is, how to treat it, and how to avoid it. <1» Power from Standing Water. Peterborongh Examin‘erzsâ€"Mr. Spies, 132 Park Street, has'solved the problem of producing power from standing water by a hydraulic motor." The motor at ï¬rst glance from an or- dinary observer, is simply a galvanized tank. It is about nine feet high and three feet in diameter and is simply the water container. The mechanism is within, and while it appears to be com- plex at first, its simplicity is emphasized as the working is explained. The details will be given to the public at a later date, for the present only a reference to the invention can be made. The utilizin of falling water, as for instancea fall in a river, is familiar, but to harnc-s standing water for power purposes is a problem that has presented real didiculties. Mr. Spies has prepared ,what might be called a simple device after it is demonstrated. To an Exam- iner reported he stated that the principle is applicable for the securing of almost any amount of power. He believes it will be particularly useful in places where power from running water is not available. It can also be used in pro- viding power for small establishments by using a tank as a water cantaincr. All that-is required is toflll the tank ’ with water after the machine has been set up, and presto, the power is proâ€" duced. Mr. Spies estimates that one horse power is developed by his work- ing model. a.. canal Notes. Hastings Star. Captain Bonville and someof‘ his men started on. Monday to get the No._ 8 dredge ready for the season's Operations. Mrs. Con. Scriver is again on the dredge as cook. Capt. Sheeley, who has been with the R. M. Go. for a number of years, wilt not return, to the No. 7 dredge» this Season having taken charge of the- new. Montreal dredge. The No._ 7 dredge is getting towards completion as farasthe timber Work is concerned, and the. tugs will soon be put in order for the season’s work. The waters is the lowest it has. " A ' . been in years, and the ridge of rocks I A. I which were below the surface on the side of the out at low water last summer, ’ are all chewing considerany above, in the'spring. Acts just .likeaspring J I “if†tonic does on a man. It saves its H S I I ‘1 8 cost many times over. It'improves I I I digestion and gives life, strength and I “1. proper proportions of Protein, Carbro Anybody can kodak. No fuss, no bother. N 0 dark room for any part of the work. Inmwï¬ona, Kodaks $5 t0$110. Browniecameras $lt0$12. StOCk FOOd V Let us help you to double the pleasure of the outdoor days. Is a good thing to feed your stock and cattle in great shape. o. F. mm- Druggist and Optician FENELON FALLS, ONT. WWMW EthER TERM . ' i .From April 9th merges into our ", Summer Term from July 2nd and gives '; opportunity for continuous prepara- ' tion for the better class of positions. In influence, equipment and service, we have no superiors. Free cata- logue explains why. ‘Write Central Business College of Toronto, Yengo Second clan ï¬ckelï¬ogtrï¬allï¬ï¬onl lo prinde 2p]: Gerrard Sts., W. 11. Shaw, Iv’resid- LOW ROUN.Q-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $34.00; Edmonton and return ' $42.00 and lo olherpoinls in proportion. Tickets , '4 m W Goon HEALTH ‘ TOURIST SLEEPINGQARS Vim and Vilalily lhonwhlEdmento'Skl l‘iW' u'a cud; vi. Mu: magmas. “61353 Are assured if you will cleanse your stomach of nndi estcd. food and foul, I ion-bl: berths, fully equi will: beddinsz be ; I gases ; the excess ile from the liver and“ occurcd a! modem: rote! through local agent. Early'appllcatlon must he made. the waste matter from the intestines and bowels‘by the use of ' ASK Fon Momsstsnsna' PAMPH'Lnr' FIG PILLS. iidhi-E EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Tnim leave Toronto 2.00 pm. on . APRLL 2, 16, 30 “AV 14, 28 JUNE 11. 25 , JULY 9. 23 AUG. 8. 20 SEPT. 3, 17 y We , We have the most modern, the _. most practical and the best '1'. equipped school in Eastern On- tario. The courses are thorough and fascinating. An entirely Canadian Business Procedure ‘ for the training of the ambitious" - young people of our country. 7 Our graduates are successful.""' Ask a student or elf-student- they are our best advertisements. HOME STUDY COURSES. lindsay Business College containing um full information. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Aunt o! M. G. MURPHY, Dist. Pun. Ant, Toronto. I ONLY DIRECT “NE N0 CHANGE OF CARS c. R. Bower _A. H. Spotton , , Principal President ‘ the great fruit kidney, liver, stomach; ‘1‘: ENTER ANY DAY. , , Stray Hound. and bower remedy. t V, . At all dealers 25 and 50 cent boxes or. a -: Strayed on to my premises, Lot 3, Con. mailed by ThcAFig Pill Co.. St. Thomas, W 1, Bomerville, a hound dog._ Owner is Out. 14, "‘ - requested to prove property and pay . - 1 charges. , Sold in Fenelon Falls by A. J. "'4 - ' -Mrs. A. M. Hillycr, ' , g, . ' ' ‘ ' Silver Lake P. o. Gould, Drugglst. v ‘ ; ‘ - 4 That should coma FIRST in any ~ 1 NA First Class Drug Store. ~ .j; 1 Our Drugs are. the Forest that 4 , . . .5, can be obtained. ‘ L I . .- ._ 1,; A message for our Lady , - ~ , ~ . . I, , customers : ~ , , : WchavcaHomc Dch that ANY - _ ONE can use. Dyes cloth of ANY KIND Perfectly with the SAME Dye. ‘2 v --". Engagement Rings. Wedding Rings. ,5: ; I All the fashionable stones in Wide oval, narrow highovnl, . every variety of combination. Tiï¬'any or-English style. ' Quality of. stones, gold. and Stamped "Britten. Bros.†and; workmanship the best. guaranteed for all time. W No chance of usingthe Wrong T- , ORE Mum “imam Dye for the goods . ‘ you have to color A complete assortment. of all. : Colors always on hand. Whether.- you wish to buy or not come and see. B'ritton. ..Bros; FOOT 0F KENT 812, LINDSAY. I Issuer of Marriage momma, ‘Dmggist and Optician.