' lowing: ' .’ """“ I wildcat, .. err-“rm, .muw r. 1.. , wear-arm.» r w an... .311 52’ The countryside was surprised to hear of the death 01' Mrs. Wm. Adams; who died Tuesday. Last Friday’she‘ took a. pain and had to go to bed. She grow worse and the doctor wassent for. Fin- ally, on Tuesday the poor lady passed away. The funeral was largely attended. ller two brothers, Thomas and John Austin, of Pension Falls and Kinmpunt were among the many stricken relatives. She was a good hearted woman, brought. up a large family of boys and girls, and was always an obiiging neighbor. 'l‘he . vicinity shares with the family in their and bereavement. â€"Bob. Independent. -- Fairhairn. Gazette Correspondence. Mr. Tallmin Robinson rcently sold his team to Mr. Jopling of Peterborongh for the snug sum of $600. They were a line type of a team, being matched Lawrence Archers. Mr. Fred. Herchmer new sports a rubber tired buggy. . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Oliver of Red Rock passed through here on Monday on route to Bury's Green. Mr. E. Mark of F‘onolon Falls was in this vicinity recently. Farmers are now wanting rain. month ago they were wanting it to quit raining. It's “hard to have things Just right. .. Mr. Henry Elliott attended the‘circus in Lindsay lVednesdsy. 4-. An Italian was badly burned a t Donald :\ "few nights ago, while escapingirom a burning building, in which he had been sleeping. -' ~ - Post: Between sixty and seventy-ï¬ve 'i‘orontcnians camcwlown from the city on Saturday on tho Toronto-Bobcaygeon summer train. Quite a number got oil at Lindsay and spent Sunday with rela- ; tives and friends. Quite anumber of passengers got off at Janetville for points on Scugog Lake. M-’ The water is still high below the Pctcrborough lift locks, and the floors of some of the summer cottages are still submerged. Arrangements have been made at the Peterborough lift lock, whereby launches will be locked Mail and 11 o'clock each morning- and at 3 and 6 o‘clock, each afternoon. These hours applv to launches travelling up the canal and down. 9-. A MAGNIFICENT 6'60 NTRY A letter received from one o! the rominent artists of New Yorir, who as just returned from a. trip to the Canadian Rockies, contains the £01- “I went out to the and of steel on the Grand Trunk Paciï¬c, then tookrv'the trail over to Maligne Lake, which I found to be the most beautiful lake I ever saw 'in my life. I had b. delightful trip. and made sev~ era] sketches. Returning I stepped off at Wainwright, and from there went out duck shooting in dlflerent directions, and had a. most delightful time. ,Next year I hope to be able to get away earlier and see more of your monument country." RICHARD BLAlN, M.P. Pool. He is one of the veterans oi the Commons. MARRIED- . HARGRAVE.-CHRISTIAN.~ 0n Wednes- day, June 19th, 1912. at the residence of the bride's parents, Fenclon tp., by the Rev., 8. G. Steele, B. 21., Robert Arnold Hargrave, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hargrave, to Birdie Alberta Christi. n, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cl ristian, Fenelon township. Coox.â€"-Bo.ww.u'.â€"-At the residence of Pastor James Brown, in Mississaga st. Drillia. on Wednesday, June 12th. 1912, John Cook of Modesto to Miss Mildred Boadwa y of Jarrett. DIED. LAIDIAW.â€"-At Lindsay, on Thursday, June 20th. 1912. ._andï¬cld Laidlaw. l’AQUmTB.-â€"At Lindsay, on Monday, June 24th.,1912. Mrs. 'l‘hos. Paquette, aged 33 years and 7 months. Deceased was a daughter of the late' satisfaction than the Rolmrt'hlenzies, of Fenclon Falls. WHISSILB.â€"At Fenclun Falls, on Wed- nesday. June 28, 1912, George Whissile, ~ aged 80 years. W CHARACTER N THE EYES ,, is hold by many that just us the bumps on the head chord to the phra- noloxist some indication of the chm. tar and abilities, so the color, shape, en's! position 0! the eyes furnish use. ml guided to those able to read them. Eyes that are always very wide open, for instance, are“ supposed to show impulsivoness and rdshhsSs. Side-glancing eyes are‘s‘dd ‘to be I. mark or cunning, and best distrus- ted. ’ Eyes with long, sharply-pointed car new are a sign of uses powers 0! observation. Shifting. unstendzli eyes are not necessarily a. marl: of dishonesty. but may .merely point to an unsettled, restless condition of mind. For the whites of the eyes to show beneath the iris warns the possessor oi the eyes that he or she has ten- dencies to violent temper which - troubles. liil Dillon-cs: and Sick Headache ‘ I Calgary. Alberta. July 8, x91! I was a great snflcm for a long time with Billouncu.. Sick Headache and Liver trouble. Nothing seemed to do me any good. I had almost given up in despair when I decided to try ' FIG PILLS After taking about half a box the heed- nches stopped and my appetite improved. I have 'ust ï¬nished the ï¬fth, box and feel as well) as ever. I can heartily recom- mend Fig Pills‘for stomach and liver Mas. Many ELLSQN. Sold at all dealers in 25 and 50 cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co., St. Thomas. Ont. 10 Sold in Fenelon Falls by A. J. Should be carefully kept well under control. Eyes set very closely together usually show ignorance; but eyes far apart in the head indicate, as a rule, keen intelligence and a sound mem- cry.- ' ' '_'â€"-â€"-'â€"'â€"â€"-._ ._. -. Gould, Druggist. Many Business Enllnges . Close for vacation during July and August but the large and‘ popular, j: EOE-202F270. ONT. _ does not. Students desiring strictly high grade training for choice posi‘ iions are invith to write for our catalogue. Enter now if you can. Our graduates readily get employ: ment. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Corner Yongc and Alexander "Streets. For Flies ‘ , 0n Hones and Cattle. Go to Gould the Optician. All work fully guaranteed. WANTED. ’ Good general servant. Good wages. spply Mrs. Richard Sylvester, Lindsay, nt. _ Dominion Day ‘ Demonstration at Peierhorough. Peterboro'ugh is arranging a big programme for the first of July, including Military Parade of three Regiments, Grand decorated Automhiie Parade, sports at Riverside V Park, Tattoo Band Concert and dis; lay of fireworks in the evening. Go to Peter-bor- ough on the holiday and you will have one of the heal holiâ€" days you ever had. Trya' can of the newest and best fly spray on the market lnrrnnnnnnn FLWJM .Eully guaranteed, : your money‘lwill be refundcdlf you are not satisï¬ed with it. " . § Our International a Summer Bess'nn 2 "3,1, Me... From July 2nd merges into «:1:- Autumn Term from August 23:51. Many teachers and senior sunl- ents will take advantage orcur Summer Term and many will con- tinue until graduation in four or six months leads them direct into a good salaried position. Let us ~ send you particulars about our courses. Write W. H. Shaw," Pres- ident. Central Business College, Toronto. We also have a big shipment of Oilcakerthut we are selling at $2.50 a hundred lbs. G. F. ViG'ARS Druggist and Optician i E 3 giving satisfaction- FENELON FALLS, ONT. Lindsay Marble Works RUBT. CHAMBERS, PllDP. All kinds of Marble and Granite Mnnumnnls Being a. direct importer, I am able to quote lhe closest prices Having the latest improved machinery or Lettering, ’l‘rncing and Polishing, we are able to do the host of work. Call and get designs and prices. WORKS â€"In the rear of the A ui'kel on Cambridge street. R. CHAMBERS. most practical and the best tario. The courses are thorough .. and fascinating. An entirely Canadian Business Procedure for the training of th young people of our country. Ask a student or cx-studentâ€" HOME STUDY COURSES. F “Muss Enllngn C. R. Bower A. H. Spotton Principal ENTER ANY DAY. House and Lot For Sale 13ch rooms and workshop, quarter acre good garden, good well, on Fidlnr‘s hill, " i-‘enelon Falls. .1. PENROSE, 19,5 Fenelon 'Falls. GIRL WANTED. Girl wanted to assist with housework, Mrs. F. J. Goodman, Rosedalc. Stop That Itch! I stop that ilch in two Coconds with D. D. D. No remedy that l have ever sold for : Eczema, Psoriasis, and all other diseasvs [of the skin has given more thorough Tenn: Illness DESIGNS Commons do. Anyone sending a sketch and donor! Ion may unicle ascertain our opinion free w other an lnventlon is probably mmnhle. mmnnicn. :lonuirlctlyconiidcn: a1. HANDBOD rent free. 0mm Henry 101' Iccuring patents. l’nfcuia taken throuiï¬h Hahn on Co. receive special Mu“. withoutc urge, in he Scientific nme‘ri ‘ A handsomely illustrated weekly. hug . emotion of any scienth journal. Tel-g: «gr Cu: sulpe'mwéngwwem Bold d! '15 Vb, 3813mm, Mm!!! éflgdodb 1: BL. “1&3!ng k. l). D. D. Prescription for Enema. A. J. Gould, Druggist'. r u ind 6 His having a big sale and. is e. Exce M We have the most modern, the equipped school in Eastern On- I . . lReariysrnaasie ï¬iothmg, ambitious I Our graduates are successful. they are our best advertisements. 5. President {1 on Patents _ Thai Boy of A Yoursâ€"â€" . It seems like yesterday that mother mourned the transition from skirts to trous- l ereâ€"his rocking-horse will soon give place to the baseball and the pigskin. He is developing, changing every day, and you ' ‘ haven’t had his picture taken in more. than ’ ' a year â€"ycs, it’s two years last Christmas. ~' and whiten the teet _,____._ , . -â€".=. .., a 5 '- «x ‘7llll.""'l'.'.'.'.gu'-; r . Tooth Preparations are different. - Their absolute Purity isas essential “'5 to good, health as Pure Food or Pure Water. SANlTOL TOOTH PASTE 25c . 13 pure white and contains no coloring matter. “ '. Not only thoroughly cleanses the teeth and keeps gold ï¬llings bright, but permanently R destroys the germs of decay. SANITOL TOOTH POWDER 25c Contains antiseptic roperties which cleanse as no other dentifrice can; It arrests decay and tones up the entire month and gums, leaving ‘a refreshing cool- ness and a. lasting beneï¬t. J. H. STANPON. nlninnin; rm wall M I 1‘» . .h :l" l ‘ g, ,1. I '. I ‘- 2369 A. J'. GOULD, Druggist, Fenelon Falls. Baby Carin an aim In Alllatllie Prices We would be pleased to have you call and; see these , also our up-tt-dute stock of F urni- l ture. We make a specialty of picture framing. l Groceries, L.‘ DEYllllll (ll SON. FENELON FALLS MARKETS Fenclou Falls, Friday, J une 28, 1913 - Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 85c. to 90c. Wheat, fall, 00 to 95 Wheat, spring, 80 to 85 Barley, per bushel. 65 to 85 Oats, per bushel, 47 to 50 Peasc, perhushcl, 90to 100 Buckwheat, 650. to 70 Potatoes, bush. 1 50 to ' 1.80 Butter, per pound, 20 to 23 Eggs. per dozen. 18 to 19 Hay, per ton, $15 to $17 Hides, $8.00 to 9.00 Hogs, live, $8.00 to $8 50' Beef, 1% 8:00to $9 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool', 1'2 to 117. . Flour, Samson, 32.80110 $3.00 . Flour, Winnipeg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf. $2.50 to$2.70 Flour,Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $‘lJiO Flour, family. clipper, 8‘2 35 to Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.35 to SL4) Shorts, (10., $1.40 to $1.4?) Mixed Chop, (10., $1.55 to $1.00 . Corn Chop, (10., $1.70 to $1.75 Boots and Shoes, i Crockery, Glassware. Always a good stoclrof these lines at MCFARLAND’S *â€" BUILDING CONTRACTS We are prepared to take contracts for houses, sum-0' mer cottages, etc. mat-es. It will pay you to get our esti Doors and sash and interior ï¬nish always in stock. Planing and matching done to order. FENELBN’ FALLS mums mu. 1 4â€"- . _-.-â€".$. A. TEIBS, ‘PHOPBIET‘OB. .4 a. .‘