l Jï¬e Janeton Gates Eagette. FRIDAY, JULY 1'9, 1912. Ahollsh Appeals. The section of the Law Reform Act limiting the number of appeals in On- tario law courts will come into force on the ï¬rst of January next, after which date only one appeal will be allowed from the decision of any court in the- province. Thi‘s legislation should be followed as speedily as pos- _ sible by the abolition of all appeals. There is no more reason for allowing one appeal than for allowing two, in fact not as much, for in cases where the original decision is reversed on the ï¬rst appeal, the parties to the suit . , . . ELL us What you want to f1n1sh and we are exactly wherethey were‘before ' proceedings commenced, and a. second W111 glve you the Brlghten F1n18h that appeal would break the tie and lease 111 do It. We are handhng a Complete stock of both PM“es less dlsswsï¬ed- Permlt‘ . Slim WIN‘MHMMS .‘ a ' Brighten llp Finishes decision is a senseless procedure. -. Col. Bodies. and; Canieen. Toronto Globe. The vigorous enforcement of the rule against the sale of intoxicating liquor in militia camps is most credit- able to the Minister of Militia. Col. Hughes has found, it necessary to call for the resignation- of‘ several ofï¬cers who either could not or would not prevent the introduction. of liquor. This should serve as a warning to. such other oliicers as are hostile to the Minister’s course that so long as they remain in the service. they must obey the orders of their otlicial chief; As the area of the country in which ‘no liquor licenses exist is enlarged, Ethere is increasing need for the en.- forcement of the. llalidupr rule in the militia camps. Hundreds of. the young Lfellows who undergo training are not This line includes a paint, varnish, stain or enamel'for every imaginable purpose. There, are 12 kinds and 77 attractive colors. Come 'ï¬nd talk over your painting problems with us.._ . r (‘- 3â€" CLA FURNAQES 25,, Benin-eaten RANGES ‘7‘. ( ,_, Government provide in camp a tempt- ,ation to which they are not at other .- times subject? Col. ngghes is fortu- nate in llaving‘sucha largeproportion of‘ the ofï¬cers of the militia behind him in the work he has undertaken of enforcing the antiliquor regulations. The matter is not a party one... Lib- icrals and' Conservativesaiike desire to see the camps of the Canadian citizen army so conducted that no mother need fear to send her son there to.per- form, the duties of citizenship. lVllLLlllERY Al" ; “ REDUCEDPRIEES Offensive Parhzanship of the Dead. Brockvillc Recorder. There has always, been a certain in- deï¬niteness about, \vhatvconstitutes of- fensive partizanship, but that indefi- ‘niteness‘is being rapidly cleared .up by the operations 'of the Hon ' Mr. Pelli- tier._ The New Glasgow, N,‘S., Chron- fiple. tells. the.illuminatingistorx-Q’f'the .ï¬smjssal of, John, McPherson, in his lifetime postanasterof Tracadie Road post-office, ill Guysboro’ county. Mr. McPherson departed this life ï¬ve years ago, and the other day his widow, who has kept the post-ofï¬ce since his de- mise, received from the Post-master- .Qeneral a notiï¬cation addressed to the 'dead man, informing him that com- plaints~ had been laid against him.to the effect that he had been an offens- ive partisan in both the local and fed- eral elections of 191]. ' Now, there is only one kind of of- fensive partisanship that can possibly be charged against the late Mr. Me. Intosh in connection with the election of 191,1», at, which, time he had been Wm. Campbell. 7 New Ideas Patterns 1.0a Sole Agents for the D. 8,: A, Corsets. Engagement ~Filings. Wedding Rings. A“ the fashionable stones in that hedid in, those elections fail to , . Wide oval, narrow hi 11 (W 1 work and vote.for the Conservative (n cry valilptyof combination. Tiii'nny or English styi. I a ,' Candidate. Some may hold that under Quallty Oil stones, gold and Stamped,.§ ons‘n nd the circumstances the. emission was workmanship the best. Guarantéeat fo'r an,“ ' a" excusable, but not sotllclfost-master- ‘ e h ' '* ' ‘ ~ ‘3 ~ me! ‘Gieneral._ Theremllst be.np,po$trmas» ters, not even.dead,ones, who were not active on therigllt side when‘ the l'destinies of the. country. were being ,decided: in. 191.1. The late Mr; Mc- Pherson must be. dismissed, not be- cause. he gave any aidapd-comfort to the Liberal party, which indeed he Whï¬ther you. wish. to. buy or not some 331,3, see, Britton - Bros-. FOOT or: KENT 51., hINDSA‘Ya, ‘ ‘ Issuer of; Marriage. Lipengegk ‘ ' support the Cppselrvatiyes.‘ The fact subjected to the temptation of the- lopen bar at home. Why should‘ the- four years dead. It is indeed two could not do, but because he did not, that he could not do that either is no excuse. The case has its ghoulish as- pect, and we should perhaps apologize for troubling our readers with it; we do so not on account of the late post- master, who is fortunately far beyond anything so sordid, but beéause of the intensely interesting light which it sheds upon the procedure relating to ‘ offensive partisanship under the Hon. Mr. Pelletier. Curlers Will Celebrate Civic holiday. At a meeting of the public library board on Monday evening it Was decided that the Library would not undertake the annual celebration this year. The curling club, which handled the demon- stration very successfully ill 1010, will take charge of it again this your. and will no doubt equal if not exceed their former success. The date was not deï¬nitely decided, but will be early ill August. Rural Mail Extension. A number of new rural mail delivery boxes have gone into the neighborhood 'of Baddow recently, in anticipation of an early extension of the rural route. It is proposed -to have the Coboconk mail, which now goes through Rosodalc, car- ried by train to Burnt River, and from there by stage to Coboconk, and to have the carrier of the , Rosedalc mail go around Cameron Lake, distributing the mail on route. This looks like a good arrangement, and it is expected that the Inspector, who has been interviewed in ’the matter, will accede to the proposed change. It is understood other exten- sions of the rural delivery system through Verulam township are probable in the near future, in' the Red Rock and Fairbairn districts. Entrance Examinatious. Following-awe the names of successful pupils at the entrance examinations at the Eenelon. ll‘alls. public schools, and the number of marks obtained : Fenclon Falls pupilsâ€"Chas. Chambers 489, Jack Brandon 481,Glad_vs Jewell 465, Ian Cooke 462, Mary E. Jones 457, Ger- trude McFarland 453, Marjorie Delnill 446, Vera Connell 44l, Sherman Min- tllorne 440, Foster Graham. 440, Eliza Kelly 4-18. ' Outside pupilsâ€"Howard Allely, I Lax- tou, 494; Nellie Ascott. 3 Verulam, 456; Mabel Borden, 11 Laxton, 539; Lula Cooper, 4 Fenclon, 414; Amy Ellis, 8 V‘ernlam, 4'16; Blanche .Iunkin. lO Ver- ulam, 489; Violet Junkin, 1'3- V‘eeulam, 418; Wille E. Lee, S Fellelon, 4l0; Wes- ley Martin. 13 Verulam, 491 ; McKenzie Moynes, 9 Fenelon, 39:! ; Ellie Murchison. 9 Fellelon, 463'; \Vinnie Pa rrisll, 4 Felle- Inn, 500 ; Mildred Powles, 4 Fonelon, 486; Winnilred Wuodptmlgd Lnxton, 447. Personal Mr. Hugh Strong of Sault Ste. Marie was in town a few days last week. Mr. Walter Mctcelfe. of Port Perry spent Sunday With his brother, Mr. F. M’etcall‘e. , Mr. Joe Ouelette left on Monday for the West. . Mr. E, C. Calder of Toronto is. spend- ing holidays at the Falls. - ‘~ 7 Mfr. and Mrs. Wm. Whillc of’Saskatch- ewau, are renewing oldacquaintances at the Falls. Dr. M, T. McEachern of Montreal is spending holidays hero. Miss Nora Van Nostra ml was the guest of Miss Gertrude Graham last week. Rev. and Mrs. Carl Smith and children are guests at Hotel li-lwnrtlla. Mr. Alex. Lord of [{elowua. B. C., is visiting his parents, Rev. and M rs. C, S. Lord. . ‘ Miss Ethel Johnston of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. G. A. Barkley. Mrs. Isabella Austin of Toronto, is visitingZMrSLJ. Cameron. Mr. Bruce McDongall of Ingersoll is spending a couple of:wee_ks holidays at Mr. McFarlane of Buffalo, N. Y. was the guest of his sister, M rs. Warren, over Sunday. ‘ ' Mrs. J .W.Kennedy, her daughter, Mrs. 19.1%.). Baown and cllildrcn._ of Winnipeg, visited relatives here last week. Miss Ada Loose of Toronto and Miss iBillings,ol’erterborough were the guests last week of Mrs. Dr. Gould. Mrs. J. Heard and daughter Beatrice, Mr. Chas. Heard and M r. Irwood, of Tor- onto, are visiting Miss Burtcllaell. Rev. JohnGarhutt and, Mrs. Gal-butt of'Cobourg are visiting! friendsat the Falls. Messrs. Cliï¬. Scott of New York and C. hfte'eary, Toronto, are spending holi- days at tlieiaCameron Lake cottage. Messrs. Fraser and Ross. Mann are visiting friends at the Falls. Misses Hilda and Marjorie Armbrister of Barrie are the guests of Mrs. Dr. Graham. Guests registered at Hotel Kawartha are: Mr. and Mrs. 8. Russell, Jr., Miss C. West and family, Muskogee, Okla; L, B. Garthshore, Allan 'Kenned-y, S. H. Green, Birmingham, Ala: Mrs. Bacom and Mrs. Bul'ver, Detroit; Mrh and Mrs. J. J. Fey, Toronto; F. M. Har- vey. Cobourg; Rev. C. H. Marsh, wife and son, Lindsay ; G. W. Marsh and wife, Elkhorn, Mam; R Gordon 'l‘llorley.>E,‘A.. Thorley and wife, Mr. and M rs. Geo. T. Sheibe, Toronto ; Jos. Swope, Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. Jas. D. Wood and Miss Wood, San Diego, 0:11.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Mills, Corsicana, Tex.: Mr. and Mrs.~ Albert Eltricll, New York ; Geo. E.- Gill- espie. and wife, G, Eg'GillGSpie, J r., Tor- onto, ' Mr. John Minors is home from Van- essa's; fps visit. the Falls. ‘ GertrlldevRussel, Philadelphia; Preston 25¢, . Miss. ' VVinnil'rcd Anderson, M issM,_._, Marshall}. 1 T. 0. Anderson. Toronto.- Mr, alld'Mrs. ‘ w Clerks Not was... ~ ..0-" - The Woodvillc Advocate says: Mr. Justice Kelly sprung a surprise on the Province, and [)‘ll'tlclllnl‘lynll Robinson. .l. l’. of Culllliugl‘on in his judgement given _ lust wool: ill the case of l'lrllcst Riley and others. of lionvortoll for a re fund of lines imposed on them by Mr. Robinsulllor contravention of the Liquor License Act, and its recent ulllclldlllouts, the defendants halving pleaded to being intoxicated ill Callniugton. May ï¬lth, when Justice liollydcclarod municipal clerks to be disqualillcd from acting ill the cupacitv of Justice ol’. the Peace. Whatever may be the. grounds of this new decision, one thing is certain that upwards of seventy years tllrouglloub Ontario l‘ully one half the municipal clerks have so acted, and their jurisdic- tion has never before been questioned. It seems somewhat late in the day for such a ï¬nding which will doubtless cause much litigation and disturbance. Finding an appeal, which may not be impossible, Czlllllillgton will have to disgorge the ï¬rstl‘ruits of local option, and which appeared quite substantial. _..___+ -.._... . .. .â€" -..__ .___. Monaca Club Arrived. The Monaco. Club of Pittsburg, wlli‘cl'r spent thesummer of 1909 at Fexlelon 'Falls, arrived by special train on the morning of the 6th inst., and are camped on M r. J. H. Brandon's property southoi the town, the same location they pre- viously occupied. With them the Club have brought their band instruments, and discourse sweet music daily at their camp. Last Saturday evening they treated the citiznls to an impromptu concert, playing a tune or two in front of each of the business places.on,Col.- borne street. On Wednesday evening; they were an attraction at the Baptist garden party. A large plasler of paris cat alld bulldog mounted on wheels form part of the club's outï¬t, and were pur- aded around the main street the day of their arrival. The bulldog was quite-a puznle to Jerry 'l‘womey's “ Rhiucllart,“ 'who did not know whether to tackle the stranger or not when introduced; The members of the club are out for a. good time, and are having it. They arr» also enjoying good luck lislling. Nine oi“ them went out a few days ago and all returned with their limit, and the daily average of ï¬sh caught is quite satisfaca itoxyh - o -9eâ€"â€"-.â€"vâ€"2â€"1 . Accident. .__.__ Mr. Peter Doclnir met with a had‘ accident on Wednesday of this wuck .while raking hay on Mr. Geo. Martin‘s farm in. Eenelon- The horse he was driving took fright at something ands jumped suddenly, throwing Mr. Declare in front of the rake. lle sustaincda scalp wound fully six inches in length, and was bruised about the left eye, and: his left shoulder injured. l)r.(:‘-r:l|lam. sewed, up. the scalp and attellderhtemhe. other injuries, and Mr.‘Dcclair is making- favorable progress. .4». _ Eeterborougil Band Comings. Pctcrborougll Silver Band, which visits. ed Fenelon Falls last summer, and de- lighted everyone with its music \Vlll pay:~ another visit ou‘ Saturday and Sunday, August 10 and 11. The band, as, before, is coming under the auspices of the local, corps of tlleï¬alvation Army. A grand? musical. festival will be held in Dickson's: 'hall on Saturday evening. and there will be three meetings on Sunday. led by 'ol. and Mrs. Chandler of Toronto._ Hull, particulars are givenï¬p posters. GARDEN PART Y»; The Epworth League of the Methodist Church will hold a gardenparty on Mon- day evening, July 22nd, on the parsonage. lawn. Tne Monaca Band and Fenclon Fallls Orchestra will furnish music. See bi ls. WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE: The next general meeting of the Womy. en's Institute will be held at the resi-. dence of Mrs. Dr. Gould on Friday, l9tln inst, at 3 p. m. All ladies_are_ cordially, invited. ' GOOD TIME AT PETERBOROUGII. L. O:'L 996zandlIaT; B. 198 ol-Feneion. Falls attended the Twelfth of July cele- bration at Peterborough, with a large number of Orange and True Blue Lodges, of the district. The weather was ideal,_ and the crowd in Peterborogh was a .record one. The day was thoroughly ‘enjoyed4 by-all who attended. “ COBOCONK C. O. O. F‘. EXCURSION; Coboconk Lodge of the Canadian Order. of Oddfellows will run an excursion to Lindsay on Aug. 6th, per steamer Stoncy Lake, calling atSturgeon Point. Faro 75c. and 50c. from Coboconk and (Roscclglle. for the round trip. From Fonelou Falls 400. and 25c., and from Sturgeon Point 250. Partieswishing to go to Coboconk ill ‘the evening and return can do so for Boat lcaycs .Coboconkat 7.30 :1. nl,‘ i i l l l o- Taro Famous Bands. M‘â€" T»wo famous bands, are.qqming.from, England for the Calnadiall,Nati0llal Ex- llibition. They will make the musical, attractions at the Exhibition this year. something longto be remembered. The Scots Guards‘ Band from Buckingham. Palace, the tllirdvof,this famous brigade of bands brought across the ocean by the Expibition people, will alternate on_ the mom. band, stand with the Bosses, O'Tlt' Barn,,whic_h all lovers of band; music recognize as Britain'sbcstbrass band. Two such musical attractions have never before been brought tpgctller, oaths. continent, ‘ ‘ '