i l ‘ onto Exhibition this week. " \ . \ fl; Correction We GazM At the present time there are better prospects for ilne'weather, and it, is very badly needed to ï¬nish cutting ‘and to save the crop of 1912, which is far ahead of the crop of 1911. The root crop is making great headway, but dry wea- ther will be indispensibie. Some of the farmers are making preparations for sowmg fall wheat; ' Miss Garnet Quinn and Mr. Geo. Cum- mings of Toronto have been visiting relatives here. Miss Leta Cooper will accompany Miss Quinn to Toronto this week, and will spend a few months in the city. Mrs. John Hall of Balso'ver is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. Day. . The school here re-opened last Tues- day. Miss S. Francis will impart wis- dom to the rising generation of school age for another year. ~ " Mr. John Herron and his sister, Mrs. J.'llill, went down to Peterboro last Monday evening on account of the seri- ous illness of their mother, Mrs. M. Hemiw.- ‘ V - ‘ ‘-i ‘ Quite a number from here went to the National Ezhibition. Last week Dr. W. P. Cavan and family returned to Toronto after v spending about two months at their Lake side cohtage. ' ~ Mr. D. Morton and' family will leave this week for Toronto. Labor Day was remembered. It was so wet that peoplecouldu’t labor. 3There. is a good deal‘ of talk on the. navy- question. The Liberal party will have to settle it, as Sir Wilfrid Laurier is the only one who knows how to do things. . The clerk- of the weather has, been. very unkind. Unless he does better he. will have to furnish rubber boots to those who go out to get the cows in the mornings .Mnengr ._- ._.__._.__. ‘ Eairbairn. (C’orrespondence of the Gazette.) Mir. Harry Elliott has. attached. a. g‘waiublower to iristhreshing machine. the West, where he hasspent the sum- mer. _ Messrs. Alex. McGee and Harold Tiers left for a trip to the West a short time 0%!" , Mrs. Jas. Tiers is attending. the, Tor,- Mrs. Ernest McGee has returned from 'Iloronto. Miss Ruby Pogue of West Ops is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. M. Smith. Mrs. Wellington, Smith, who has been in, the General Hospital, Toronto. for the past four months, where she underwent :i successful operation for kidney trouble, has 980 far recovered, as to be. able to E coiueto Fenelon Falls. ' Messrs. Jas. McGee and Wm. Green left Wednesday for a trip to the West. Owing to the continuous wet weather, harvesting is very backward. 0". 'Qost'v cf.- L-ivin-gn During the last ï¬fteen years thr price of living has advanced by twen- ty-flve per cent, . Vinegar for Laborers In Spain and itrdy vinegar is pro-. vided by the landowners; tor- the is, horas in harvest-time. Proprietary Medicines Makers of proprietary medicines in the. United Kingdom pay annually... a. gum exceeding $1,600.000 in duty. Violet In Turkey Violet is the. color of the clothes qt those who are in mourning in Tar key. Britain’s Road‘s.‘ Great. Britain. spends more money on the upkeep of lis'roads than on its Navy. Tea‘ in. Ghlna- . 'I-‘ee was.â€" used as a beverage in China over 2,000 years ago. ,_ The Highest. Point Beaten Pike. in Cumberland, 3,210 feet highkis the loftiest point in Eng- land, lndlais, Population, Including n'atives'end Europeans. the population of India is 315,000,000. Eggs in Britain Over 2,200,000,000 eggs were import- ed in one year into the United King 49m. Horse Racing 'Long. Ago Horse racing, in the reign of Charla IL. used to take place in Hyde Far}. 32’ ndon. » . A}, Go’ us time! All work fully guaranteed. “Large Safe for Sale. $339)! “Bogota Ofï¬ce. reneion Falls“ 3 Mr. John Elliott has returned- from. " i i 3 the... Optitiziu. ï¬tnï¬â€˜tflahil Tawnship of Somerville. BY-LAW NO. . A By-Law to close a portion of road and to provide for opening a road in ' lieu thereof. The Municipal Council of the Corpor- ation of the Township of Somerville enacts: That that portion of the road com- monly known as the Cameron Road, orossin 'Lot No. 37 in the Front Range of the ' ownship of Somerville, be closed and abandoned. That this By -Law shall‘ take effect so soon as and not until the Canada Lime Company shall have opened a road on the east and north sides of their property on the said Lot No. 37 in the Front Range in lieu of the said road closed hereby. TAKE NOTICE The above is a copy of a By-Law pro- posed to be passed by the Council of the Township of Somerville at their next meeting to be held at Burnt River on Monday, the 23rd day of September inst. - Burnt River, Sept. 2nd, 1912. SAM. SUDDABY Clerk of the Township of Somerville b .. House and Lot For Sale Five rooms and workshop, quarter acre good garden, good well, on Fidler's hill, Fenelon Falls. J. PEN ROSE, 19.5. Feneion Falls. ' SCHO0L. surnrs Everything necessary for Public or High School. An immense stock of the newest designs in Scribblers Pencils Pens Pencil Boxes School Bags Text Books _â€" o. F. VICARS Druggist and Optician FENELON FALLS, ONT. WWW Jammie-(Wisteria; ENAMELED WARE. 5’} Wash Basins Preserving Kettles; Pudding Dish Pans Pans, 2, 3,¢ qt. Fry Pans A. nice line of. handpaintedTrays , and Flower "Vases, Pillow Tops and: .- Pini Cushiens. ‘ Ladies' black‘and. tanhose, 150. Men’s tan Hose 150. Men's black Hose 100. MRS. WEIR, LINDSAY ., . ,s 45 Wiiiiam! St. North, next to. Fisher’s Grocery. i . overviews-nerves What’s your ï¬gure ? Tall or short ? Slim or stout .? Normal, or. average 3? f -.- - HE.SEMI-â€"R~EADY‘piiysique type system of‘designing makes it absolutely certainwecan ï¬t you just{ as, though thexparticular type we show you were made to yourmeasure. ’ not Semiâ€"ready that» is. glibly claimed to be such. | We have itâ€"â€".a_nd we only i: Eamcassonioundshes-imitatoer a‘sking’himztoeshowvyou the Semi- rcad'yfgricc label and the, trade; mark}. - flaming“ " ' FOR SALE BY ; TERRILL BROS. ' Eye'er FALLS. sauce Pans E 1: i f sickly ascertain our opinioqbtroe w Readers of the Gazette are advised that the Fall Term in Shaw’s Schools. Toronto, is now open and that Students will be admitted any school day until Dec. 20th for a course in Busi- ness, Shorthind, Civil Service or Telegraphy. Thenew cata~ logue just issued is interesting in its details and is mailed free on request. Write for a copy to W. H. Shaw, President. Head Ofï¬ce, gouge ,&.- Gerrard! Sts.,‘ Tosontoi. lee. vsans' Tenn: Marius . DESIENS ‘ , Corvsicms&c. Anyone sending a sketch and descri Mooney 131'. an venue): is probabl ntenm is. e o Lic. .ons'strlctlyconndenyt an ’Mllflflï¬gï¬ï¬nt'en; one free. Oldest nzcncy 10r;sccuring'patents. - Patents taken throuz‘h Mum: at C0. receive I, :pecial notice, without chargehin the gtitdiiiit ï¬iiitiitdii. . handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culmion ‘01; any scientiï¬c journal. Terms 10: Canada. 433.15 a. your. postage prepaid. Sold. by all nowadcalers. i1th & Sewage». Newlgrk Branch Grace. 62:» B S Washington. ' . mu - ,..-~. . We have the most modern, the most practical equipped school in Eastern On- tario. The courses are thorough and fascinating. ., An entirely Canadian Business Procedure young people of our country. Ask a student or ex-studentâ€" they are our best advertisements. C. R. Bower Principal EXT l‘lilg‘rN‘ii' DAY. A. ll. Spciton 0f. the old rigs. New ones cost money. We make a specialty of re- pairing, repaintingLeto. , If you; haVe anything , that needs ï¬xing up .bring it here. Or if you need a new, one. I we can build=itâ€"-good as. the; best. i. r. CHAMBERS. Colborne Street Fenelon Falls. . -....-.-’ m; -..-L'.J.L"â€"L..‘aA.â€"â€"~... , --- --.-- ...,....â€" mm a» “‘1 ....~..â€" an»... ~....»_.I ». . l , the best pint and quart gem- rings, also. evény. size in smalh 'anciilarge corks. ' and the best -. foathe training of the ambitious Our graduates are successfm‘ 2 limi‘say .B'usiness tillage President ' Readymade Clothing, ‘ '- ‘Don’t You Wish I . You had a photograph of your greats- grandfather? Of course you can’t have, be- cause there wasn’t any photography in those days. But your greatâ€"great-grandchildren can have photographs of you and you owe some». L. :thing- to posterity. J. H. STANTON. a: Ni 1 ' lit SEASON, We have a large supply oi: EV) , in Pas Let us supply your needs. Our spices are guaranteed pure. DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN A. J. GOULD. FENELON FALLS; Groceries, Roots. and? V Shoes, Grockery, GiassWare- Always a. good; stock. offthese lines at M Csz R LAN: D’s BUILDWRACTS; We are prepared‘ to take contracts for houses, sum. mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our esti- mates. Doors and sash and interior ï¬nish always in. stock. Planing andmatching done toyorder._ rrnriou FALLS mums- Inn... A. rams, nor-mews...