l ARCHBISHOP McNEIL Archbishop McNiel, the new Arch- bishop of Toronto, Was boi‘n in Cape Breton on the 23rd of November. 1861. He was ordained priest ‘on the p, 12th of April,‘ 1879, and was some ‘ crated Bishop on the 20th of October, 1896, at Antlgonish, but for the Dio- cese of St. George’s, Newfoundland. , ‘He was nominated Archbishop of Van- couver on the 14th of February, 1910. His education was rece‘lvedrat the College 0! the Propaganda in Rome, where he took his doctorate. When he returned to Nova Scotia he was made professor and afterwards rector of the Novitiate of the College ot‘ An- tignolsh, where he did splendid work . ‘in Education, until he was taken away . ,to be made Bishop of Newfoundland. The Apostolic Prefecturate to which he was appointed in the Diocese of St. George's is one 0: the poorest and lleast organized of the eastern dip- -‘CeSes, and where he de wonderful I, work with†the means at hand, so when 7the diocese was changed from Vic‘- -_, toria to Vancouver, and a new Arch- Ibishop was looked for, the Holy See. looking about for a man outside of the holy orders of the Oblates, who .Gha‘d. control of that country, selected zgishop McNeil. His appointment to the archiepiscopai see of Toronto was therefore merely a transfer of diocese. 3. l THE LATE R. A. SMITH up Toronto millionsireï¬nencicr who was ‘;. v killed in an automobile accident. ,VICTORY' FOR DICTAGRAPH Ti'he Senate Believed all it Recorded About Lorimer ' The expulsion of Senator Lorimer from the American Senate for bribery is a victory for the dictagraph. It was in this Lorimer case that the dictagraph ï¬rst attracted _attention, tcr it was operated in a room‘jot. the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, upon a young Canadian from Eiora who was being examined by Burns detectives. His recorded evidence‘ was sent to Washington and was 'a condemnation ~~ot Lorimer. The trustworthiness oi the dictagraph as illustrated in this instance formed a subjectuior long de .bate, Lorimer‘s ‘trlends declaring that Lit was utterly unreliable, and going loven to the expense of publishing 5 costly par’ï¬phlet to prove their point The Senate, however, believed the v dictagraph'and all the other evidence . against “the blonde boss." and so he »' ‘ - takes his place with Senator Forake! and drops 'into oblivion. ‘ POULTRY lNDUSTRY' Rest Room for its Development in Canada 1, A. G. Gilbert, poultry manager at , ‘the Central Experimental Farm, in re“ '15" terring to the development of the .poultry industry clearly shows thai . a .1, . the demand for eggs in Canada has ‘ increased much more rapidly than the supply during recent years. in 1902 . we exported to Great Britain eggs ;to the' value of $1,733,242; nine years - -;;<1ater, the exports had fallen to less lathan a value of $25,003, while the inr 5 ;- ortsf'in 1911 reached a. value op " ‘ '-~. reaching 8500.000. . It is pointed out that farmers are ‘ .,;.not'ta.king full advantage of the high prices offered for strictly new laid "’g . legs at all seasons of themes: The good proï¬ts from these are being so cured chiefly by specialists who are .often at the disadvantage of having -to pay retail prices for 1.:d. . I A; DON}TS FOR WIVES . » If a wife Or prospective bride wishes to have a happy married life, she may "rest assured that her desires will be gratiï¬ed it she bears in mind the fol- . lowing "don'ts." . Don't marry a man for a living “but for love. Don't oven-dress, or the reverse. Common-sense is better than ~_styie. Never, when married, get. the idea that the way to run a house is to run away from it, or art it is right to lecture your neigthrs on how to bring up their children, while yen are neglecting yourown. Don't nag. Nothing is so likely to send your husband out. or the house its that: .v‘ Parasol: in Egypt Parasol: were used by the ancient mpï¬aï¬â€˜: . ~‘-_-.-â€".-.L...â€". . ,, - â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ ' v WWW-s. 'cooo BATHING PLACESâ€" Lame manâ€"«A limpid lake. Deat manâ€"A sound. ' Blind manâ€"A sea. Sick manâ€"A Well. Cricket crankâ€"A run. Firemanâ€"A stream. Inebriateâ€"A tank (or the Falls) A crookâ€"A strait. Gamblerâ€"A pool, Shoemakerâ€"A creek: Burglarâ€"The breakers. An athleteâ€"A spring. Messenger boyâ€"The rapids. The Czarâ€"The surf. Boy Hanged on a Trapeze The Birmingham coroner investigat- ed a case in which the thirteen-year old son of Mr. Leonard Albrecht was @coidehtallg,‘ hanged on r trapeze on which he had been practising. The boy had .been taught. gymnastics at school, and in a left at home had fit-~ fted up a trapeze. In some unexplain- Ied way he got his head fast in a loop ï¬tormed by the rope. and was found hanging in the loft dead. A verdict '0! "Accidental death" was returned. {. Overwo rked the Cow A Holstein cow died‘ at Phillips- yille, Ont" after undergoing milking it'est's feur times a day for two Weeks, in which a record was made. A’cow. is like a man in some respects. It :can be worked overtime, but not for dong without suffering. Nature ek- aotsva penalty when it is abused. ' I Turkish imports All goods imported into Turkey. with the exception of tobacco and salt, are subject to a tax of 11 per cent. on their total value. . .The President's Saitry An annual salary of $75,000, to- gether with a travelling aliowance or $26,000 is granted to the President of the United'States of America. Big Herring Catch On one trip no ‘fewer than 10,000,000 herrings, valued at $50,000, were lauded by 835 boats at Frase’rburgh, in Abegdeenshire. . . For Sale or Rent. On ,Fidlcr‘s liill. a large seven roomcd frame house, with summer kitchen and woodslicd attached, a good stone cellar, cistern, stable and a garden. Apply to Mr, Thos.Graliam, Fcnclon Falls, or 362 Huron St, Toronto. A TRADE MARK REG. Sheathing Paper â€"a high-grade paper, odorless} tasteless, free from tar, water roof, exceptionally strong -j not tear. A durable . and effective interilning for ' walls, floors and ceilings. Let us show you a sample. 79 Solo Manufacturers THE STANDARD Pamr‘co. ,0! Com Limited. Montreal. .los. Heard, ' Pension ms. 1. L. Cook &_Bros.. Coboconk. Hopkins Bros. & Marks, lilamonnl- R. Morrow. lilrkiield. 'Flli TERM illllM. SEPT. 3i Arrange now to enter the "END 'OLNOEOZI’. The school that has a great reputa- tion for giving superior business and shorthand training. Graduates 'get and hold good positions been use they are thoroughly prepared. Write for fatalogue. Open all year. Enter any we ‘ - W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. ‘ _â€"â€"â€"â€" l 2%Z%%%‘ NQIICE. Voters’ “511912, Municipal- ity of the Township of Fenelon County of Victoria. Netide is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered‘to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Votcrs' List Act, the copies re- quired by the said sections to be so transiritted or delivered of the list. made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said municipality to be entit~ led to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections, and the said list was ï¬rst posted up at my oilice at Powies’ Corner on the 7th day of September, 1912, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Powles' Corner this 2nd day of August, 1012. . . JOHN B. FOWLES Clerk of the Township of Fenelon. FENELON FALLS MARKETS Fenelon Fall's,Friday, Sept. 6, 1912. Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 850. to 900. Wheat, fall, 90 to 95 Wheat, spring, 80 to 85 Barley, per bushel, 65 to 85 Oats, per bushel, 47 to 50 Pease, per bushel, 90to 100 Buckwheat, 650. to 70 Potatoes, bush. 80 to 1.00 Butter, per pound, 23 to 26 Eggs, per dozen, 23 to 24 Hay, per ton, $8 to $10 Hides, $8.00 to 9.00 Hogs, live, $8.00 to $8 50 Beef, $ 8.00to $0 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 12 to 17 . Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 Flour, W?nnipeg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver_Leat‘, $2.50 to$2.70 o Flour,Victoria, $2.45 to $2.6 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $2.60 Flour,~family. clipper, $2.35 to $2.55 Brain-per 100 pounds, $1.35 to $1.40 Shorts. d0., $1.40 to $1.45 :3" :‘L‘l 14:52:.‘mr‘si- .1 Mil/IE SCHOO Students may enter any day. 0 Open the cut-ire year. Now isa ‘_ good time to enter. Largest train- , ers in German. Graduates get; best positions.‘ Thousands studying at home. School of Isaac l’itman. The largest and most popular school in Eastern Ontario. Our management trained 2,000 stud- _ cnts last year. There must bea reason. The only school in East- ; ern Ontario aililiated with the . Commercial Educators Association of Canada. \l‘rite, phone or call '- to investigate. ‘1 SPU'TTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. sporron PRESIDENT New Telephone DireCt'ory. The Bell Telephone Company of Cana- da is soon to print a new issue of the OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for the District of Central Ontario, including Fenelon Falls Parties who contemplate becoming Subscribers, or those who wish changes in their press his entry, should place their ordersâ€"with the Local Manager at; once to insure insertion in this issue. Connecting, Companies Should also report additions and changes in their list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager, or direct. to the Special Agent's Department, Montreal. ‘ The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. For Estimates 011 new buildings consult us. 01' give us. your order for Doors, Sash, Interior Fimsh etc. We will be pleased to ï¬gure on what you },will need in supplies, or the whole contract. - EC.TAYLOR . n .12... “TE-MIMI FARMERS ll Gains At Attractive Prices 20,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted Highest Cash. Price at the North Star Roller Mills. We would be pleased to have you call and see these , “also our up-tnâ€"date stock of Furnis. ture. We make a specialty of picture framing. L. ~DEYMiill & SON. Cement A fresh car load of Lehigh Cement just arrived. Several fresh milch cows for sale. J. H. BRANDON. 5,000 FAR LABOREIIS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN-WESTERN CANADA " GOING TRIP WEST.“ :L' RETURN TRIP EAST.†$10.00 TO WINNIPEG“ $18.00 FRO WINNIPEG ‘ lo frOm Winni 11 Plus hai centpermi efromsllpoint on. to! train aggé’indl’ï¬lg} or Edmontonipw p MaeLoo ,Oslguy or Edmonton tow nos (‘0qu DATE? '. (hâ€" l l a South of the Grand Trunk Main AUGUST 20 33.1 #333303: 01l‘nia, innclud‘lhI E:‘li stations on the‘ C.P.B. Toronto to indsor (Inc naive and Branch L use including Guelph sub-division from uelp South and from Brampton South. but not incl“ ding the crud - AUGUST 23111â€"me cronto and all stations north of. b - k Line, create to Semis, and from Toronto east to. at Kingston, Sherbet Lake and Rent-raw: and CPR. Lines west 0 ' R r w. AUGUST 28thâ€" rom allixtateions in Ontario, Toronto and East, OéirllggdgnddSooda " at. unction and east; also east 1 North Bay, nd East m ‘2 â€"- T to and all sta ens west. in uteri ' orth Bay an ' AUGUST 30“ inrcolxd‘dingorCFPR. stations, Budbury to Sault Stag/lads, Ontario. ‘SOLD '10 WINNING ONLY 3. ONE-WAY ï¬EGOND-GMSS TICKETS WILL I! c - a second ass tickets to Winnipeg only wli be sold. Each ticket will include a = vedflglt‘lo‘h gertlï¬mte, with an utension coupon. When extension coupon has been signed “- at Winnlpe by a farmer, showin he has an aged the holder to work as a farm laborer. the ‘ "i coupon will be honored up to ptember ldoth for ticket at rate of onehaii‘ cent per mile 5; I (minimum ï¬fty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Paciï¬c. C nadian , _ s Northern or Grand Trunk Paciï¬c Railway in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. at not . . west of Edmonton, Calgary or McLeod, ts. i k t M to return . A certiï¬cate will be Issued entitling p rchaser to a eegggggszr‘ g T ‘1‘: Paciï¬c ‘ a station on-thé Canadian Paci . Canadian ' ‘ -' In Alberta. Saskatchewan and Manitoba east 0 aoLeod. dm%ntfon, > . . to original starting point by the sa 6 route as travelled on goin joum y on or e are ove’mber 30th"'1912. on payment (i)? one half cent r mile (min mum ty cents) up to added to $18.00 from Winnipeg. provided 6 holder deposits th certiï¬cate with r Calgary and ' in pe a t n arrival at destination and works at least thirty days at, rves :15. r the Egciiï¬fepzrt‘lculars see nearest; Agent. or write-e . i M. G. MURPHY. D.P.A.. O.P.ll._'l‘o_ronto (wnNG Emma ONE -mEflmwa- Furn’ituredelivered to your home at LESS, THAN CITY PR1 0E8 You run NO RISK. Call and . 48% our goods. 8. Gainer, EENELON FALLS. SEE OUR 'WALL PAPERS. Do You Own a “ PARKYTE †OR ARE YOU A SLAVE TD ILL-HEALTH ? A “PARKVTE†Sanitary Chemical Closet - in your home is the strongest; kind of insurance ‘ against the germs of disease. It is a preventative ‘. against epidemics and contagion in the sominer, 3, , and an absolute necessity the year round. Requires neither water nor sewerage ; can be» placed in any part of your home ; costs less than one cent a (lay, and, lasts a lifetime. . . . ' Endorsed by the leading physicians and health oilicials ; speciï¬ed by the most prominent architects and adepted by whole municipalities. Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian homes in less tlmna year. Ask your dealer for prices. . The Parkyte Sanitaay Chemical Closet. is made in Canada by PARKER WHITE LIMITED, Winnipeg, Man. . ‘ Branchesâ€"Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver, and is sold by F. KELLY. - FENELON FALLS.