To do repairwork that; will give satisfaction Q- and stand the test of time has always been our endeavour. In Watches, Clocks, J ear-313237, Etc, We carry the best lines. _ icon silica Issuer†of Marriage Licenses. 3 gig, The Old Reliable Jewelry Store. Fenelon Falls. M .;.....-a‘u>n':|.l‘ (‘32:.1'415 .e _____.__._.__.__.‘ 'h’iLITTN 1’“) e , '1 EL, FULTON 61. STINSDN. ‘ )ARlel'i‘i-iiii‘l, :mmni'l‘ons, NOTARâ€" 1) ins. Moneyto ill-ill. Special ‘t.ion givm‘ lo invosianoulis. Branch oibce at. “‘UlllJnil i".ulli, open (ivory Tuesday. Lindsay oilieo m'or Dominion liank. R,J hlvlnllilli‘bll‘l.K. C A M. li‘ururumll. A. ' JAs. _«-.. Para. '1‘. ll tirmuon. liOPth‘S, VVEI'IKS ih HOPKINS. ‘ARlilEé'l‘lflitiï¬, SOLlUlTlnthl, AND B Notaries. Solicitors for tho. Bank of Montreal. Money ho loan at terms to “suit the borrower. Olli'nes No. 6‘ William so. south, Lindsay. Out. and at Wood.- ville, Ontario. El. llormxn, K. 0., C. E. \VHEKS, l“. HOLMES HOPKINS, ii. A noon a 1e .1 A UKSON ARRIS'l‘lGliS, SOLlUl'l‘ORb‘, kc. Uf‘ l lice,Willi-.ini sirecl,l.iurlsay. l“. D. Moons. A. JAcnsoN STEWART 8: O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, we'rmuns, aw. MONEY to loan at lowosl current rates. Terms to suit borrowurs. Ollicr on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay, T. Sruwmn. L. V. O’Couxon, B. A. LEIGH R. KNIGHT. ARRIS’PER. HOLlCl’l‘Olt, NOTARY Public. Successor to Molliarmid & Weeks. Visits made to li‘enelon Fans by appointment, Money to loan anp Real Estate bought. and sold. Ollice Kcnt St», Lindsay, To'u phone 41. ) mm; w Dr. s. .I. sms, DENTIST, li‘enelon L‘nlls. Graduate. of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. OFFICE :â€"â€"0ver Burgoync's store, Col- orne street Drs. Neelands 6L Irvine. DENTISTS , - LINDSAY. Natural teeth preserved. Crown and ridge work n. specialty. Splendid ï¬ts in rtiï¬ciul teeth. Painless extraction. Gus tdministered to over 9,000 persons with great success. M MEDICAL. _______.______________._._.__.__â€"â€"â€"â€"- DR. H. H. GRAHAM. -â€"u.o.,c. 31., u n, o a. Eng.,u.c.r. 1.3., Own, 1. r. x. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON 8: ACCOUGH- cur. Ol‘n‘cc. Francis Street, Feneion Falls. DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, Assom'rn conoxnn COUNTY or VICTORIA. SUCCESSOR T0 DIR. A. \VILSON, I l RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- conchcur. Ollicc, Colborne street, Fen- elon Falls. . ' AUCTIONEER. ’I‘ H 0 MAS OAS HORE. AUCTIONBBE - ‘ turkeys. l l i l l i l On and after November lst We will be prepared to handle any quantity of chickens and fowl, for which highest market pricesiwill be paid, delivered at the poultry hence. Will advise later fer delivery of ï¬ver}- FALL AND wrn'mn .. 'ELO’E‘EINGW ~Madc-to-ordcr Suits and Overcoats of highest quality and best workmanshipâ€"you can get them here at reas- onable prices, the latest goods and styles. Be ready for the cold weather with a nice new suit or overcoat, or both. style possible. TOWNLEY uses. - ‘3 Fine Tailoring We can equip you in the best Fenelon Falls _ ,sHOEs FIT FOR A Milli You‘ll ï¬nd us ready at any time to do you a. lot of good for your shoe money; This is the place Where the money you spend represents more good results to you than any other. They’re as good as they look and better than they cost. R OBSON & SON Sales of all kinds conducted in .i. ' ' ' class man! r. Secure dates betor ort- Ycrlising. ’ mirror W ant mm Icrncrmmm WWW momma? WWW“ WW W12? WW .3 _ FENELON FALLS,’ONTARIO, Fl IDAY, OCT. 18, 1912. thll 0F HEAD OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1817 Paid up Capital $16,000,000.00. LodihEAl, 1‘1 ON TR P] +\L. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Reserve Fund $1 6,000,000.00. ' ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. SAVINGS BANIK DEPARTMENT Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be ' withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch Changing Human Nature. Many people think that to become Socialists they must‘believe many things that they now believe to be wrong. Nothing of the kind. You do not; have to change any of your aspi- rations or desires. All your human functions are included in food, cloth- ing, shelter, instruction and entertain- ment, than which you have no other desires. As it is, you are not; getting these things in abundance, and many of you are getting but few of them. Liberal and Conservative alike have not been able or willing to arrange. a. machine that will ever give them to I the majority: Socialism will. You do not; changeâ€"you simply pick up an- other machine or process to get; what you already want and have always wanted. If Socialism will give you these things in abundance for the same amount; of work that; you now put forth, does that mean that you have to change your nature or become a free-luster or destroy your family or deny your present belief in a. God’.l \Vould n’t you vote for the other old party if' you were certain it would do this for you and everybody else? \Vho told you that. you would have to change human nature to have Social- ism? Howdid they know? Did they study it so carefully that they know? Maybe they do n’c know any more about it than you, except‘wbat some- body has told them, and that teller may have only been told. You must know by your own investigation. That is what. every knowcr does. Otherwise they are no better than parrots. Are 4 you afraid to read a book explaining Socialism? Are you so superstitious that you are afraid that a. few letters printed on white paper can ruin you? Did it ruin the fellow who told you Socialism was such an awfully bad thing’l In what way was be ruined? It; was said that free schools would ruin the countryâ€"but have they? Have they ruined England or Germa- ' ny 'l Has n’t the lack of them ruined Spain, Italy, Portugal, Russia and other countries? There was a time when the people were warned against- speaking to a chemist (alchemist), al- leging they had sold their souls to the devil. But do you not. see that such people were foolish, no matter how honest they may have been? The that the men who were trying to work out the problem were in league with the devil. It is just the same kind of g same was said of qhe art; of. printingâ€"â€" minds, the same ignorance, that to-day tells you Socialism is against human nature and contrary to the laws of God. If you will read one book on Socialism by a Socialist you will see for yourself. I do n’t care how many books you read against. it. after that. I have more conï¬dence in your intel- ligence than to believe that if you 76 Years in BusineSs. Farmers’ bear both sides you can be deceived. And you will not have to change your nature, either. Socialism is growing more rapidly today than any other idea that ever yet came to the human race. Every intelligent; person should know what it is, what; it wants, and what elfecb its agitation will have on society.- To be afraid to read a book shOWS somebody controls your mind, and that. you are a bigot; or a coward. Read up, and fight; us if you don’t like- what we want-.-â€"-Cotton’s Weekly. â€"0 + ._._._ Pi ve-rty in the Midst of Plenty 'Muny years have come and gone since the great French dreamer of Utopia, Charles Fournier, predicted that we should come to experience a practically universal problem of “ pov- erty' through plethora. â€â€"-starvation because there was plenty, people goi ing without; the necessaries of life be- cause they are too abundant. That is the problem of “overproduction,†that Carlyle made the subject. of his scorn- ful satire. Ibis the workers who, be- cause tbey’ have produced too much, must go hungry, illl‘ed, poorly housed, and cold in the winter nights and days It) is their children who are dying of hunger because they have produced too much wealth. And the reason for this lies in the fact; that, not being the owners of the machinery with which, and 'gbhe resources upon which, they work, their product. belongs to the master class. And that; master class having to sell the things produced for proï¬t}, the workers must; starve when. the markets become ; and even in normal times receive in wages only just enough to keep them alive in a. condition enabling them to produce more goods at; the same rate. There- fore it is that; the Socialist calls upon his fellow workers to unite in a great political struggle to wrest the means of life, the agencies of wealth produc- tion, from the grasp of their masters, and to establish, by the peaceful revo- lution of political conquest}, a syctem in which wealth shall be produced for use instead of for proï¬t, in which hu- man life shall be valued above gold, in which babies shall be counted of greater worth than poodle deanâ€"n: J ohn Spargo. l â€"â€"..oâ€"â€" The discontent; throughout: the civi- lized world is the most hepeful sign of the times. The brotherhood of man can only be realized by the cessation of the class struggle. Men are not prosperous because of the capitalist- system. That system produces misery and poverty. The strong arm of the law letsthe capitalists escape its grip. The laws were made to keep the petty thieves in order, not. the big ones. Banking as well as that of Ranchers, Cattle Dealers, Miners, Lumbermen and Merchants, receives our special attention. Sale notes discounted or Collected. Cheques on any Bank cashed. Money Ordersissued for amounts up to $50, and Drafts for larger sums. vanced to reliable men Money ad- to discount their bills, purchase stock or extend their business. We invite your account. . Fenelen Falls Branch ‘ MW. Reive, Manager, 4 1. A .3" may... <(I,§l_(g‘. -34., ‘~ "3113‘.â€" “flvMkaï¬gwï¬f‘xr‘mï¬l‘f “31"?“r’k ‘ . ‘ a, ¢ » .0- v v v a, -‘V‘x.