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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 17 Jan 1913, p. 3

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’ . ~ ’ . , . w r ~ W1: ‘ : m, ‘i' ' hm. 1m ’ \. gwmfiiw our mm. , :n ‘gw-wstg-jfiwwnwwww . v.7 n'ga grad, . _. . 4 .. ._.._..._q .4- m...“ an in: at ‘ Sins Colossal Scheme to be Subject of the Next British' , 4. _ v Governmsnt Legislation ' t mg 7. PACKING PLANT BURNED Calgary" Has One of the Most Destructive Conflag- rations that EVer Visited Western Canada on FIRE IN MID-ocean. g..â€" Passcngers on Allan Liner Have a Thrilling Experience. A despatch from St. John says: A narrow escape from destruction from fire and severe experiences by passengers and crew were reported by the Allan Line steamer Cartha- ginia-n, which arrived here on Fri- day night from Liverpool. The steamer lett Liverpool December 28 for St. John’s, Halifax and Philadelphia. Capt. McKillop said that when she was three days out her cargo caught fire in some un- explained manner. The flames spread so rapidly that it was neces- sary to pump an enormous amount of water into the vessel to drown them out. The fire was finally exâ€" tinguished, but for (twelve hours the water was knee deep on the lower deck. It is estimated that repairs- to the vessel will cost $10,000. _A large part of the general cargo was A despatch from London says; Item, oi education was chaotic and The Government has decided that'must be altered. It would be an the next great work in its profiexpcnsive problem to handle, and gramme of social reform, to be un- :the expense must not be borne by dertakcn as soon the Home Rule. 'thc inxpnyc rs. It would be a. proâ€" ~- t-he Welsh Disesiublislunent- and the ‘Kductivc expenditure. and was abso~ Franchise Reform Bills are dispos- ‘glutcly necessary “if our productive ed of, will be a. colessol scheme for ipowcr is to be maintained in com- improvcment in elementary, seconâ€" ‘prlrison with that of our rivals,” he dary and higher education. fad-d:d This important nnnouucementj The explanation given by the was made on Friday on the author- Ministerialists is that the. land ity of Premier Asquith and Chanâ€" question cannot be dealt with until cellor of the Exchequer David the land valuation scheme under Lloyd George by Viscount Haldane," taken in David Lloyd George’s fam- the Lord High Chancellor, at a po- ou-s budget is completed and that litical meeting in Manchester. Visâ€" this will require at least another count Haldane said the existing sys- couple of years. "not its iiiâ€"hi 51. Gain of Nearly 23 Per Cent. Over the Dominion’s ‘ Record for Previous Year A despatch from Calgary, Alber- 12.30 o’clock Sunday morning.‘The 0a, sayszOne of the most disastrous whole of the easement was in fires in the history of western Can- flames, and the packing plant do- Ida. occurred on Sunday, when the partment, augmented by all of the Large packing plant of P. Burns it city fire department, was unable to Company was totally destroyed by make any headway against the fire. The loss, including carcasses flames. Repeatedly the firemen en- in cold storage, will probably be in tered the basement, only to be excess of $2,000,000. On account of driven back by the. overpowering the low water pressure the fire de-’ ammonia fumes. In a short time partment was unable to do cffec- the fire had gotten into the greaseâ€" . tive work. The loss is serious, in soaked floors of the upper stories, that the local plant was the largest and when this occurred the water , institution of its kind in the west, had no effect whatever. Several from Which all Of the Western citieS, of the firemen had narrow escapes including Vancouver and Victoria from exploding ammonia tanks, but and the coast cities, draw largely no one was seriously injured. The for their meat supply, and butcherâ€" fire raged furiously all day and by damaged. ing in the open may have to be re- night little remained of the magâ€" ‘X‘â€"â€"-â€"â€" : lorted to in ordel‘to Pl‘evellta meat nifiCent plant but charred ruins. GASOLINE LAMP EXPLODED. "“‘"“‘”'““x“"' “ ' _ famine. The storage plant con- The property destroyed was fully .â€" 9Q mined from 15,000 to 20,000 cm“ insured, the insurance 0f the StOCk Jonquicrc Woman Killed, Another . a basses. . in storage being in the neighbor- The fire was discovered about hood of $1,000,000. ~ w . i’iiiBES of an annual Baied Hay and Straw. and Two Children Hurt. A despatch from Quebec says: A fatal accident occurred on Thurs- day night at Jonquiere, 10 miles from Chicoutimi, by which one wo- man lost her life and another we- man and two children were badly . r; ‘ .gponrs "mm 1-"; tgAn'Nn 1n“); Quotations. track. Toronto:â€"-Baled hay, , > . can“: 0‘: “Mme.- ligo. 11:1)? ttg 234630;]3N3. g, wggstisgsgé burned. In the residence of one A dcspatch from Ottawa says: Canada in the percentage of trade ‘1 o. , ‘. .; no a . . - u - ' 7 -' x .4 .y r. = 3mm ‘ Hick, an employe 1n Price’s paper Canada’s total trade for the twelve Sm‘Wh dunnis' ,bhb DQSL lb“ 3031‘s, "“"‘ namely, Argentina. 133: the end of mm, 3: gaSOIiHB lamp EXPIOdC’d. in- months of the past year passed the In“: at cattle. Grain. Cheese and cum Montreal Country Produce ‘ ' ' . ' c. ' ‘ ' ‘- ' ‘ - . . the fiseal near 1t 1“ ex weird that "Nu" “ mm. and Anna‘ Homi‘eal't Jiliil 4g"gilee6§_Fineat tweet. iiiiiiily Llllkdlni-licl: bluwn-douar mark by a' hula over Canada. will have 2:roai‘hed tenth - erns. cc 0 - ; 0., nos ens erns, ' ' ' ‘, ,- - - . '- - , , ’ g ' ’. ‘ areausmfls‘ ' 121-20 to 123-4c. Butterâ€"Choicest cream- and two of her cluldren were badly file and 3' half ml‘lhon don‘ms- place among the countries of the Final or detailed figures will not world in respect of total trade. The be avalmble for some weeks yet, Dominion’s trade has doubled but the returns received so far by Within the past s1x years and trcb» cry. 500 to 3014c' do., seconds. 261-245 to 271-2c. Eggsâ€"Frail. 550 to 60c; (10.. select. ed, 500 to 520; (10., No. 2 stock, 210 to 220. burn-ed. How the explosion oc- Toronw, J an. 14.â€"~Manitoba Wheat-Lake ourer is unknown. The house was rte, No. 1 northern. 941-26; No. 2 920: 5' o. 5. 891-20; feed wheat. 650. 5: Ontario Whomâ€"ho. 2. 90¢ to 91° for car Fatima-war baa. car lots- 750 to 850. only slightly damaged . . ‘ figdggw‘d“ mug“): am“ m 70" f“ “0°! United States Markets. _â€"â€"â€"â€"-,x, the Trade and Commerce and Cusâ€" led wlthm the past thirteen years. Ontario Oats-4‘70. ’{white 550 to 340,15“ Minneapolis. Jan 14.â€"â€"Wheatâ€"â€"May. 863-40: SIXTY VESSELS READY. “3111.5 Departments ShOW that the The 111111011331 gains m QXPO'I‘PS western paints, 370 .0 sec on track. 0‘ July. BBS-so; No. 1 hard. 811-40; No. 1 .__ bllllon-dollar mark has been well durlng the past year have been in northern, 840 to 85 3-46: No. 2 (10.. 82c to 83 3-4c. Cornâ€"No. 3 yellow. 41'1-Zc to 42c. Oatsâ€"No. 5 white. 300 to 301-40. Ryeâ€"No. 2, 541-2c to 581-20. Branâ€"$19.00 to $19.50. Flourâ€"Unchanged. Duluth. Jan 14.â€"â€"Wheatâ€"N . 2 hard, 95c; No. 1 northern, 840; No. 2 (10., 820; July, 881-40 asked; May. 87c bid. Live stock Markets. Montreal. Jan. ilk-Choice steers, $7 to $7.25. r'ood at $6.50 to $6.75. fair at $5.50 to 86. common at $4.50 to $5. and. canners at $2.75 to $3.25 per 100 pounds. Lambs. $7 to $7.25 and sheep 85 to $5.25 for ewes per 100 pounds. Calves ranged from $3. to $12 each. as to size and quality. Sales of selected lots of hogs were made freely at "~ . roam. Manitoba Oate-No. 2 (1. W. oats. 411-40. 1, ‘ fuck bay ports: No. a 0. W” 391-40; No. " . feed. 391- c for prompt shipment. ‘ . . Cornâ€"American No. 5.. all rail. Toronto, December shipment, 541-445. I’ens-â€"No. 2. $1.10 to $1.20, car lets out- i * ' hide. i . passed. As compared with the exports of agriculture. mines and Dominion’s trade for-1911 this roâ€" manufactures. The increase in presents a gainof nearly $189,000,â€" ports of agriculture has been over 000, or 23 per cent. Import-s for twenty-five millions, in mines over the past twelve months totalled ap- twelve millions, and in manufacâ€" proximately $654,000,000, While ex- tures over seven millions. Exports ports amounted to nearly $352,000,- of the forest and of animals and 000. The gain in imports was near- lthcir products have shown a falling ly $140.000,000, while exports inâ€" off of. several millions. due, doubtâ€" ereased by nearly $49,000,000. Ohly less. to the increased demands of one country in the world rivals the home market. Unique Result of Sending Icebreak- crs to Fort William. A despa'tch from 'Fort William says: Ready with the first breaking of ice in Thunder Bay and Lake Suâ€" perior to steam out of the harbor to their destinations, sixty vessels are tied up at the elevators in Fort William with 13,000,000‘bushels of grain in their holds. This work, which has never been equaled at the head of the lakes, is due to liiickwhcat~â€"No. 2, 470 to 480. Rye-No. 2, 75c to 760. Rolled Oatsâ€"~I’er bag of 90 pounds, $2.- ; per barrel, 54.85, wholesale, Windsor . 1". Montreal. .' Barleyâ€"«Good melting, outside, 600 to ‘20. Millieetlâ€"~Mauitobb bran. $19.00 to $20.- ?7, in bags, track, Toronto; shorts, $22.00 a i i 3,, 323.00; Ontario bran. $19.00 to szoeo, in i ianiwba riour~rim patents, 5.50 in I l 5: shorts. $22 to $25.00. , _..____â€" . .. . .. ......__._ steady prices. . _ . . A , . , . . flute bags: second patents. $4.80 11 jute Toronto. Jun. 14.â€"-Cattleâ€"Qllolcc bu_tch- keeping the harbor open after nav1â€" FROM TRIESTE T0 SLL'O‘ND DEA-“1 FROM 90180)- Mu; strong baker-5'. $4.60 in jute bggs. §E.75s6.zgmt&ogs.agé7§o?g $1§r$§hu$§fi$5gas :2 gation had closed. The vessels >â€" r-d ELEM" hm” “m “mm mm“ D" a“ 52252 bulls, 3’; it 3525'; 'ca’nnersi’ 32 to were able to move to different ole- Aust‘ro-Canadian Line by the C. 1’. Pul‘riil Bacon Eaten- hy‘ London Ontario Flour~Wimer When" “01"- 90 2'75' Culves'e‘md “31' $7 to 59‘ °°m' vators with little or no assistance It. is Rumored. liilllllll’ Kills TW" (illlldl'l-‘ll- men. $5 to $3.25. Stockem and Feedersâ€"- Steers. 650 to 750 lbs.. at $3.25 to $3.50; feeding bulls, 600 to 1,000 lbs.. at 82 75 to $4.25; vearllngs, $5.15 to $3.50. Milkers and Springersâ€"~From 350 to $80. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Light ewes, $4.75 to $5.25; heavy ewes. $3 to $3.50; lambs. $8 to $8.65. and Without any undue rush. Ice- breakers are breaking ice two feet thick in the harbor and will con- tinue to keep the river open until A despatch from Montreal says: _ A dcspateh from London, One, Mr. G. M. Bosworth, Viee-Presi- says: John Murphy, the eighl‘ccn- , dent of the C.P.R., would neither mouths son of John Murphy of. . = confirm nor deny the rumor that Blackfriar’s street, West London. ‘ ’ .10. delivered Toronto, and $3.90 see- fir cent. patents. is quoted at $4.05 to and. Country Produce. l i :' orcnto wholesale sellin prices :-â€" _ t .c... - H ~.8.60.!'d «1 t , 's,0 x 2. .' lr . . . . . . .A. . . I l, . kt‘gfigimfi‘tsgfii“£5033 is: $3852? 88%? flab- e an wa area and Bys m gigggyherg ha‘irrlgztégafiadégl the Canadian Pacific Railway Will died at Victoria .Hospital on Wed ‘ “11°”! “‘58” 8‘ 4‘30» and America“ '3‘ there will be no Dec ssif _ f’ ‘ rk shortly inaugurate an Austroâ€"Cana- nesday of ptomame pelsoning. 111s l "h‘i‘lfié‘éfiédfi?’ new. 143.40 to 15° and CiVAD,\!§ WHEVP IN BRITKIN bein done after th: i0: frerfifls dian steamship service. ' “The fom‘â€"ycar~old sister, Christina, suc- 55% £°Y51;" 1:1'2‘“ Egg "1‘9959- gm“- ; L ‘ " k " ‘ ' " ~ quitg ' " company,” Mr. Bowerth said, cumbed to convulsions induced by - 0: ar e. y..â€" ._ ._ .â€"-.â€"-_.__.. NEW RAILWAY PROJECTED. : Butterâ€"Latest but er quotations are:â€" l emery prints, 51 to 32/3: do., solids. ‘ to 300; daaynglnu. 26 to 270; inferior Imports From‘ Dominion Exceeded Only by Those From India. ion regarding such a service, and malady is} attributed to the eating “has not made any definite decisithe same cause on Tuesday. The as the matter stands now it is only \of bacon, which is said to have been : l akern’). 25 .. . . . . J 3039?”!lmhemw 9.0 bound in this and A d h f. L0 d . . , ' a rumor.” The rumor current m in a- state of putridity. ,_ 1n barrels: strained clover greasy. 68138150 10111 D 0“ 5111's- Uanadian Central & Labrador to London is that the proposed line ~_.____.%.,_,._w 33%;: iii? it ltpfs’t'lin‘l“liuÂ¥- 1131.13 vaemmf‘g” ref“? 511°? that “'1” "0m Comm“ East‘i'al‘il- will run directly from Trieste to HUGE c. a. norm. ’ ... ' ana asen ere as ear wen - 1 "- ' ' ..- N": 3-50,,13? ‘3“3‘“ “mm 35 d 11 1f ~n'y ,y A despatch from Ottawa. says: Canada, and that Montreal Will g -â€"~- ' » “pouit?§‘â€"'x:iێ chickeng'rwiigielia'ale 100 on? an a a nu 10H hundred‘ Anrailwa from Cochrane Ontario probably be the landing port in Company Shortlv to l‘ll'ect One of I 11° D" “"d‘ Rm" é“ m 100‘ alwks’ welght Of Wheat’ the rim-(t large“ ' thy "it 1' t '1 ii i summer and St John in winter "00 ll ll t'vl c to 130; ivo turkeys. 15c to 170: geese. figure to twenty_five mllhons from across to glen. new tin-91am o » r. . ( .oouis lll -. on tun . f w 10“ mesa“ mulm" 2“ to 3° 32°" the East Indies Canadian cattle Quebec" to cape bt'.‘ I‘eww’ 1” Lab‘ - - 1‘ . v - A dos latch from Mr ntreal wive- siamgnfiaiigm' exam.“ dress“ tut eye imported ’otalled 6 800 as against “(101" With bmmhes to the mouth DIED 11‘ DII‘NH'ST'S CHAN" VI‘ILl-(fllflb ill run oJr 'ili‘e dvlllll‘ , ‘ -- . . , , ~-( -. it'e." ' ii: , L‘. 1. ~ :1, V hfxfifigfgkfdlfa for primes and $2.85 for 42,239 m 1911. The value of Canw oi the Hamilton. River and to the ‘ I ‘ _r . VI . '4 I diam Northern Railwav‘ Wm Show City Of Quebec, 13 DI'OJOCl‘ed. rthe 'Wounm at Sussex, 1MB” 11 ""3 l" 1,: conuneuei- the erection of a large dian bacon sent here was £1,175,- 000, over six hundred thousand less than in 1911. The United Kingdom sent Canada. 1,600,000 gallons of spirits. The most noticeable thing Potatoesâ€"Ontario potatoes. 900 to 950 1- bag: oar lots. 800; New Brunswicks. 1.05 to 81.10 per bag. out. of store; 950 n can lots. . Spanish OnionkPor case. $2.50. Canadian Central & Labrador Rally From Anaesthetic. _ V n _ . u Railway 00,1,“ given notice of My . A 1 .t f E“ g ‘ r \T 7 sevenâ€"ln‘nxdredâ€"room. hotel in .1 out- 1.. ti topmrlirn btli qq- n s ( 050M113} '10111‘ i 115503. -L -- '-a real.' The new hot-cl wtll face on P 103' 0" _ ‘ ‘ lie“ 1 5 59‘9" says: Mrs. Harry heeley, of Mark»- Mcull] College avenue, and be for a’ charter for the undertakmg' haml’ine: near here, dled in it dell“ within two blocks of the new C. N. ! - Provisions. .. , ‘ . a. - r bu. Incl. rm. .- '1 .. .- Wholeaale dealers are selling to the “1’01”? BritlSh ekpmts to Camila? 13 “’ ‘.‘ -' ‘ y “ “SL5 0 ‘1“ 0“ 919W- - 1‘3“ 301mm it. station. fistula; iollgwg~ q u d ‘1 mm" the steady drop in raw material, MISSIO'EAR‘Y ’_ S0); KILLED' woman was havmg some teeth exâ€" ' .-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘I< ~~~~~ - no on ry .n e . MUS" r“ and the steady increase in finished tracted. An anaesthetic was :uzl- The. sixâ€"year-old son of Lorne oked, 14 3-40 to 15m hams, medium, 170 1'! 1-80: heavy. 151-20 to 16¢; breakfast .’ neon. 18c: long clear bacon, tons and ‘ am. 151-20: backs (plain), 2114.3; bucks eameal 22c. Gmn eatsâ€"Out of pickle, to less than «naked. 4‘. ' l- ‘ 'p l ‘ i V a n u - linden?!“ .OY Rel" 1" 0' mmlsbm‘ed by IL 131115101311 and the Jackson of Mount Forest was Jon‘fic “mt “5 Ulmes" Rul’l’m's' operatiouearrial through, but Mrs. thrown off a sleigh, breaking his A despatch '_from Pekin says: 30019.17 failed to “my after‘vfl’rds- lneCk- ’ Chinese robbers shot and killed - m-«wm-w - «- John, the five-year-old son of the Rev. R. O. Jolliffe of the Canadian Methodist mission. A party of missionaries were returning by boat to the town of Tzeliutsing, when they were attacked by the robbers, between Chengtu and Chungking, in the province of products. ‘1‘ James Mackay, aged ‘30, of Ham- iton. e d hi. io .‘n ' Porkâ€"Short cut. 626 m 028 not barrel; 1 ' n ed 3 If With cubdm i v mono pork, 021.5010 522. amdv THE DAIRYING iNDUSlRY «_ p . Startling Results Announced by Chas. F. Whitley 82601111051- bone 01‘} the I‘Obbfirsk‘ms ' at Eastern Dairymen’s Association Meeting e ’ “b t 0 mm m to! .. ‘ on ' “w w v (I ' 1' ‘1‘ x - v , l h ilfffili'lhi’i 'I \ " .1. A. despatch from Kingstmi say52ithe Province, and the cows" that Sui. URAEIE‘DI. S’lRAMHID. i -- - " “ litiwiifiiywlmw V “ ' 4~ ' l it i ‘ In “In address E“ “10110 romtmt‘ic were not moneywakm‘e We” being Struck on Lodge While lllunoeuv- . . " ' ' ...'J‘ V. 4 :z I i" i '5 v l than the. story of Cobalt. the great weedcd. gut“ Disorder .flnd Chaps pin" for 2]. Pilot 4-. . "U " l i I '. A. . ’4'“. E i i V " i I ‘ri ’ Fossil-mill“: oi the rl'iirving indus- we'“? g1an wail to Symon" may . -r = ~ i I. " A 1' "' {I I i do“ ' ‘ i x ‘ v ' " _ “ ~ ‘~ ’ faction and profit. l A (.lespn'tch Irom Halifax says: ' ' ’ ', ~' ' ' ~ " . ‘- N7 0: “Mano we”: WVWW-Hl to ill“- C‘ompariug the perinmiance of lFrom the stranded steamship i- . ' r. "".~ -. Dairymen's Associathm of‘ l'lastoru the three huh-tired ln‘niv cows in Ow ' Uranium 5‘0 passengers were taken ‘ ‘ it at (i’holuu-to Head, at the en- rance to Halifax Harbor, and «ruched here in safety. No lives '01» lost. The Uranium struck at Ontario by Charles lr‘. Whitley of tario with the three hundred poorâ€" l ' the Dewy Division of the Federal est. Mr. Whitley said the l'l‘i'ul'lli‘l‘s ‘1 l l l l ""C H Department of Agriculture. Even working under his direction had fie most inveterate optimist must obtained some amazing informaiimi n i . » ve been startled. [last year. The three hundred poor 11 o’clock on Sunday morning in ‘4 .3 \ “Ontario has 1,235,000 milk l anuna-ls had yielded $33.33 each, thick weather. She crashed on the, ' -. V, , sown,” said Mr. Whitley. “With the cost being 3313, leaving a. profit Ledge :1 quarter of a mile north of; . an increase of only $10 each the of 33 cents. The best three hunâ€" Chebucio Head light and fog sta- ax'tre revenue derived from them ,dred cow-s yielded $104 each; food tion. How the captain got out of ' might easily be over $12.000,000 a. cost $40, leaving $64 profit per ani- his course in this way is amystery. or, and that is very conservative. real. The best three hundred gave He was manoeuvring for a. pilot at a possible extra profit is 824.- over two million pounds of milk the time. Word was at once sent 000,000." . more than the poorest three him to Halifax for assistance, but there Mr. Whitley said that systematic dred. Thus the startling discovery was some delay, and it was so’clock / cow-testing, the bedrock principle was made that each one of the before the Geiiernment steamer of dairy. herd improvement, was be- three hundred good cows made as Lady Laurier, the Bridgewatcr and coming more general throughout much profit as 195 of the poor kind. other craft went- down to the wreck.

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