My...“ - Q UEEN ALEXANDRA’S 'I‘ACT. HE In the bright days of her reign at .. Buckingham Palace it came to the knowledge of Queen Alexandra that r I lone vi ilic iousemaids, who had for __ lscme yfar, been in the Royal Scr- .!':.C:'.‘ 7";Lls ff“ ".‘l’ ' ‘ TILL IIE FOUND RELIEF Ir. ,fmm, of m: ,jggfltfw’m l W†“n DODD’S KIDNEY PILLs- Queen Alexandra sent for the -__. . girl, and after learning all about the matter consoled her and sent ' Fred. Swanson, of Saskatchewan, he, ’ i. 3‘ sends a message of cheer to those who feel the wearincss and dis- 'couragcmcnt’ that comes from broken rest. Macklin, Sask., Jan. 13 (Special). -â€"Thosc who suffer from sleepless nights and get up in the morning feeling tired and discouraged will ï¬nd renewed hope in the statement made by Fred Swanson of this pllace. He could not sleep at- nights. (2 discovered the cause. It was Kidney trouble. He discovered the cure. It is Dodd’s Kidney Pills. “Yes,†Mr. Swanson says in an. Interview regarding his case, “I was troubled with my Kidneys for over a year, so bad that I could not sleep at nights. After using one box of Dodd’s Kidney Pills I found great relief. Four boxes removed all my pain and now I sleep well and I am as strong in my Kidneys as any man.â€- " If the Kidney-s are wrong the blood becomes clogged with impuriâ€" ties and natural rest is an impossi- . bility. Strong, healthy Kidneys mean pure blood, new life all over the body and that delightful rest that is the sweetest thing in life. Dcdd’s Kidney Pills always make. strong, healthy Kidneys. ï¬leâ€".â€" MUSICAL LEGS AND WINGS. s..â€" How Ifatydids Fiddle and Seven- teen-Year Locusts Drum. Many of the little folks of ï¬eld and forest have ï¬ne musical instru- ments and play them night and day for three or four months of the year. The long-horned grasshopâ€" per, or true ka-tydid, is the leader bf the band. He has two sets of wings, the change. Queen Alexandr' . ____________.___, errant lover, who also held a do- mestic position in the Palace. After a kindly and tactful homily, Queen Alexandra, with humorous tact, sent the young man also to Sand- ringham. Very shortly thereafter the couple returned to town, and there was a wedding sequel, with the Royal blessing. ' ~_- L14 Had Pains in Back, ‘ Side, and Chest off to Sandringharn for a. Then her Majesty summoned the Suffered for Weeks, But Finally k' t-l b v d ï¬ddle. ones mg mg Up 16 0“ an Found a Quick, ‘Sure Relief. Near the base of these inner wings Is fastened a set of. strong veins. When he moves them so that the Cured Quickly by "Nervlllne." Veins on each wing rub together it .__ makes a. funny little wiry sound, nd that is what is called “grass- oppcr’s ï¬ddling.†‘ i Our common little green grassâ€" . hopper is another ï¬ne player. His . ï¬ddle is attached to one wing, and ' he uses his hind leg for a bow. On this leg is a line of little beadlikc lumps, from each of which grow a 3 ~ number of ï¬ne hairs. When Mr. ’ {Grasshopper draws this log back and forth over his wings his love ; Bong-s thrill out on the summer air. I His poor little mate tries hard to ‘:~ {make the same kind of music; she .goes through the same motions, but can never produce a single sound. :1... She never grows discouraged, but " keeps it up night and day, and I suppose her lover takes the will for the deed and loves her just the same. ,3 ' Another ï¬rst-class ï¬ddler is the cricket. His tune is loud and . shrill; One time by night, one by day, is his rule. He has even been f known to change his note when the ' clouds darkened the sun for a 4:. while in the day. Some insects 'beat little drums when they want to make music. I The seventeen-year locust has two tiny drums fastened to his ab- , domen.‘ They are ï¬xed ï¬rm and "' tight, and to each one is attached» a strong muscle which. the insect can tighten or relax at will. It makes a sound something like beat- ing on a tin pan and will drown out every other musical note of the summer day. Another queer player is the d-ea.thÂ¥wastch beetle. He burrows into old wood, and makes a tapâ€"tap- -.- tap as he pushes along. L : The-longicorn beetle produces a ‘ .rattling sound by the friction of his scaly neck. Many'others of our fairyâ€"like friends have musical ar- rau cments that make us think of fldd es. In fact the violinS'of our own use were probably suggested by these little ï¬ddlers of nature. ’I‘ Painful . Corns Removed ‘ By New Painless Remedy * You're a chump to suffer a day longer _ nEver-yone of those stinging oorns can be _peaoofnlly and quickly removed by point- “ r in: on Putnam‘s Corn Ex- mum. It" really 3 mar. vel how Putnam's Exs tractor takes out. the pain. how It drawn out the sore- nou, hour It lifts the corn ~ right. out by the care. It ‘ is a not. clean job that ' p \Pntnunn mm doorâ€"no remedy so v“. ck:ndsmu_l§o.bomoofm 'l lists-mm and recommmdéd" No stronger proof of the won- dcrful merit of Nerviline could be produced than the letter of Miss Lucy Mosher, who for years has been a well-known resident of Windsor, N. S. I "I want 'to add my unsolicited testimony to the efï¬cacy of your wonderful liniment, ‘Nerviline.’ I consider it the best remedy for a cold, sore throat, wheezing tight- ness in the chest, etc., and can state that for years our home has never been without Nerviline. I had a dreadful attack of cold, that settled on my chest, that fourteen different remedies couldn’t break up. I rubbed on Nerviline three times a day, used Nerviline as a gargle, and was completely restor~ ed. ' I have induced dozens of my friends to, use Nerviline, and they are all'delighted with its wonder- ful power' over pain and sickness. “You are at liberty to publish this signed letter, which I hope will show the way to health to many that need to use Nerviline. (Signed) “LUCY MOSHER.†All sorts of aches, pains, and suf- feringsâ€"internal and external -â€"-â€" yield to Ne-rviline. Accept no substitute. Large family size botâ€" tles, 500.; trial size, 250., at all dealers, or the Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. i I it, .-»_ outer ones used for flying, the inner l a l i I A Little Sermon. “I don’t profess to know much,†remarked the Cheerful Idiot, “but I have discovered that' anything you get for nothing is worth just what you paid for it.†"5" a. ’r'.†~ Only One “BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip 'n Two Days. 25c. Smoked Longest Pipe. Though few have heard of it, there is an English pipe smoking champions-hip, though meetings do not seem to be held regularly. The last contest was held at a hall in Holborn two years ago. when a new English record was set up for the length of time a pipe could be made to last. In these contests ex- actly one-eighth of an ounce is weighed out by the judge, the use of adultcrants being strictly for~ hidden. The winner, a barber from Southampton, who had won the me- dal twice previous, coaxed his pipe into delaying its ï¬nal puï¬ till two hours and ten minutes had elapsed from the time it was lit. These smoking contests are very popular in Belgium and Holland. ‘ Ska: something terrible,†said the young man, as he paid the third install- ment on the engagement ring. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OIN’I‘MEN’I‘ fails to cure any case of Itch- lng. Blind. Bleeding or Protrudiug Piles In 6 to 14 days. 50c. dissatisï¬ed.’ ’ who gets her wants l’ ’ Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Colds. Etc. hostess at a Sunday School treat, ( ies’Z†tie. pockets.’ ’ was the regret-fill answer. " lbw. J Hair ls C01lllll8011ll (Intern Soup and tritium Tonight rub your scalp lightly with Cuticura Ointment. In the morn- lng shampoo with Cuticura Soap. N 0 other emollients do so much for dry, thin and falling hair, dandruff and itching scalps, or do itso speed- ily,’ agreeably and economically. Full directions in every package. Cutlcum Soap and ointment are sold throughout the world. A liberal sample 01 each. with 82-year) booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and scalp. sent post-tree. Address Potter Drug 4: Chem. Corp.. Dept. 17D. Boston. U. B. A. FREE TREAT. littltfiitfltf Nothing qnlle so nice as a benutllnl head 0! mm. Let us send you absolutely ‘ _ ~_ free one treatment of - '. Luxurlne, If It In only to . , prove to you that it colors grey halr and makoslt grow stops itching, remo- ves dandruffnnd makes the , hair of man or woman or child heavy and beautifully glossy. You have only to send us your address, with 100. enclosed for mailing and packing. and we wlll send you anywhere our treatment. at our own expense, Write (0â€"day. Address DR. PROSSE, Dept 2 203 Commissioner Street. Montreal. .2 9%. V ‘ S431. W Grim Prospect. According to Prof. Fisher, of Yale University, by the year 4000 the average span of human life will be about 250 years. People will then, we. imagine, be more nervous than ever of marrying. Mlnard's Liniment 00., Limited. Gentlemen,â€"â€"Last winter I received great beneï¬t from the use of MINARD'S LINI- MEN'I‘, in a severe attack of LaGrippe. and I have frequently proved It to be very ef- fective In cases of Inflammation. Yours. .W'. A. RUTOEINBON. â€"â€"_.__________ Coming High. “This increased cost of living is pâ€"â€"â€". FILES CURED IN 6 ‘.‘O 14 DAYS Why. “She looks so discontented and “No wonder, she has a husband everything she pâ€"._ yâ€"___ No Room. said the hospitable “Bertie,†‘won’t you eat some more cook- “I can’t. I’m full!†sighed Ber- “Well, then, put some in your “I can’t. They’re full, too,†ISSUE 3â€"‘18. MAY SOLVE LIVING PROBLEM. 5â€". A Fruit Tree Called the Avocado Grows In Mexico. Meat is still going up in price, but this fact need not worry house- WIves much longer, for a new food product has been discovered by some agricultural ' experts, says Pearson’s Weekly. This new product, which it is claimed will help to solve the ques- tion of the increasing cost of living, is a fruit t-ree called the Avocado, growing in Mexico. " The fruit of the tree is pear- shapcd, but the queer part about it is that it is composed of the subâ€" stances which arc to be found in meat. It contains about 20 per cent. of fat and many other ingredients of great food value, and it is said that one good-sized “meat†pear ‘is quite sufllcientto make a meal for the average man. Some experts have grown quite enthusiastic about it ; it is far su- perior to the banana, they say, and is, in fact, “the most valuable fruit known.’ ' ' The natives of Mexico live almost entirely on the Avocado, and it is hoped that with aâ€"sufï¬cien-t supply of the trees the world could do away with meat entirely. If this does happen how vegetar- ians will welcome itl . The reason why the fruit is so little known at present is because it is grown nowhere on a large scale, what few tree-s there are grow round the huts of the natives, where they flourish with little care, and afford easy meals for the indo- le-nrt owners. V I‘I‘â€"â€"â€"- SPEND THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. Attractive rates will be quoted via variable routes. affording the ï¬nest scen- ery. The Les Angclcs Limited. leaving Chicago daily 10:16 pm. for Southern Cali- fornia, the San Francisco_0verland Lim- ted. leaving Chicago 8:30 p.m., less than three days en route, provide the best of and Japan Mail leaves Chicago daily at 10:45 p.m. for San Francisco and Los An- gcles. Illustrated literature on applica- lgorth Western Ry., 46 Yonge St., Toronto; nt. Ills Size. ' Old Gentâ€"“Gentle disposition! Why, he wants to bite the head off every dog he meets. You’ve swindâ€" led me!†Fancierâ€"“Lor luv yer, guv-nor, you didn’t oughter keep dogs at all! A gent with your tempera- worms 3†Fâ€"â€"-â€"-â€" Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Dlphtherla. More Than They Thought of. “Mr. Pigg is altogether too lit- eral.†“How so 2†~ “The last time he was at my house I told him to make himself theroughly at home, and in less than ï¬ve minutes he had quarreled 'with my wife, kicked the cat out of doors, discharged the cook, spanked the baby, and told me I was a fool.†When Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smurtlngâ€"Fcels Fineâ€"Acts Quickly. Y Try lttor liedflVuak, Watery Eyes and 0 Granulated Eyelids. llluutrntud Book In each Package. lllURINE Is com- E‘y e s oundcd by our()cullstuâ€"nota“l’atent ledlclno" ut used in successful Physi- N d cluns'PrnctIco for many years. how e 6 dedicated to the Public and sold by Ilrugulsts at ate-53c per bottle. Murine Eye Salvo 1n Aseptic Tubes, 2504-00. Murine Eye Remedy 00.. Chlcaso “Why don’t you give your wife an allowance?†“I did once, and she spent it before I could borrow it back.†Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Garget In Cows. To Aid China Agricultnrists. The republic of China has estab- lished a department of agriculture and forestry on modern lines, and this institution has begun publish- ing an agricultural journal (all in Chinese), which appears three times a. month. It is understood that a national meteorological ser- vice will be established as a. branch of this department, and that it will be under the direction of Dr. Hing Kwai Fung, who was educated at Cornell University, and who for the year past has been attached to the bureau of plant industry in Wash- ington as an agricultural expert. Dr. Fung has started for China by way of Europe, where he will make a round of visits to meteorological observatories. White enamelled kitchenware can, be kept in excellent condition if it is occasionally cleaned by placing the utensils in a large vessel with cold water, to which a tablespoonful of lye has been added. .Place on a stove and let the water boil, then wash the cnamelled ware in ordin- ary dishwater. ' ' Tlie housewife who wishes to keep 7 her hands in good condition should wear housemaids’ gloves. Wâ€" Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Dlstemper. TIRED refreshing TRY IT WHEN YOU'RE You will find it wonderfully LIPTON’S everything in railway travel. The China] tion to B. H. Bennett. G. A., Chicago and . TEA sustains and cheers My“: My, '5’.“ «.04, I: Mums won on“. Toronto. â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"~â€".â€". UNDIIED ACRESâ€"COUNTY Eamon. H. Good House: Building“ Orchard. Cheap and on easy terms. SEVENTY-SIX ACRES WITH k buildings and apple orchard: I 1 ï¬ve miles from Hamilton. H. W. DAWSON. Toronto. ONE HUNDRED {loans 1N anon!) County; soil cay and and loan; ï¬fteen acres mixed timber; 2 nor 0:» chard; buildings fair. Would one run†for city, town or village repel-try or [(3 smaller farm. E. L. Frau lin, Eastwoo nt. SITUATIONS VACANT A GEN-TS WANTED EVERYWHER . Applv immediately. Hemlock 0 Liniment, Halifax, N. S. STAMPS AND COINS. â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘_ ‘4 TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIF- 5 forent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company’. Toronto. m: lMlSCELLANEOUS. ANGER. TUMORS. internal and external, cured with. out Dam by our home treatment. er us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medics Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_____.______, G ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- ' dcr Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new _Gcrmnn Rented . "Banal." price $1.50. Another new reme y for Diabetes-Mellitus. and sure cure. to "Sanol's Anti-Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Mannie turmg Company of Canada. Limited: Winnipeg. Man. . CLEANING LADHES’ manila: on curiae suns- Cnn budono“ perfectly by our French procau. Try It. British American Dyeing 00. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa. and Quebec. H. w. nAwsou. Nlnoty coihornu emu. LUMPS, are, ' ment ought only to go in for silk~ Sixty Thousand (rappers now send pa their Raw Furs. by not you? We pay highest prices and express charges. charge no commissi ndun send money Inna ‘ V9 . any goods are rccel illlons of dollars are old trapper: push year. Deal with I We are the largest in our relic lc house. line In CunndA. On;- "Up to the minute" Fur quo- tations and the last Edition of HAILAM'S TRAPPEIIS GUIDE. 3 book of 00 pages. mulled FREE. “’rite to-dn to aim Hallnm. Mall Dept. 80 . TBRO TO.111Front SLR. Doctor (to small “Put your tongue An Anatomical Fact. boy, aged 4)-â€"â€" out, please.†The .juvenile protruded the tip of his tongue. “No, no; put it right out.†“I -can’t, doctor,†was the dis~ tressed 'reply, “it’s fastened on to me.†~â€" A caterpillar eats 6,000 times its tvcv. $013."er .\.â€"‘.ur1..c\ ~'- ~. App? Zam-Buk to all wear: 3 and sores and Y0“ will besurprised how quickl 1t 'stops the smarting an age case. It covers the wound with a layer of pro- tectwe balm, kills all poison germs already In the wound, and .; wamb other: entering. It: rich nlin h :5 I , , 1 up {tofu thankful“:ch then bold 2am Buk’l ulnrit lib-Dad m Imitation! nemwozk guru. Beadier an: get the ranking. "Zorn-Butâ€: titled on every packet of the 5:0qu . 50c alIdru ah kCo 'I.'oront§.gi m“ 0‘ own weight in food each month. <'»iv“mm«wa¢avwiyï¬w>wg, . '9 I. a. - ._;r_‘n s ._‘\Q 0G“: ' I .' v v‘s-c-v" a» M- iv v.» ~ ï¬re-“3;†' s. \.,.: