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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 24 Jan 1913, p. 4

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..._._,_,_ . .. ..,_. . ,. ,_._.,_.. .. ‘.__.__ .1 high JANUARY 1913 Two Licenses to be Cancelledâ€"Coun- $43-40, dra‘vif‘s grfiv‘i‘v shifi’W-‘nw “ _ _ . ;.. c“ has La, 8 Audience old account, 82c.--$50.42; Toro ‘ School (_ l SUN l 0 SAT 9 ' Supply Co., $7.76. an __ 1Masticâ€"- Foamsâ€" That to” rsodbo 00m; the munici- as ed or~li teen cords of 24 inch b y Pafhhlihtilyolimtllbnilillaoe of Fenelon hardwood, ten cords to be delivered at O. . south ward and llvc at the north ward Falls has transacted business .without 501,001, by tenaers' to be in on or before spectators, witnesses, 'or anything that chruary lst, 1913. might properly be called an audience. Jflhnstone.~ Ixeal'llSr- That Messrs. Alone and unattended the town fathers Feed Dr. Hess’ uck Tonic To your Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Pigs and keep them 2 19 committee for the north ward school, a 1 in good condition during the Winter months. Dr. Hess med; moved) seconded and passed and that Messrs. Kearns and Stanton b0 committee for south ward school. . . . ‘ ‘ d various motions by~laws Stock Tonic makes the digestive organs convert mOie food sundry an . . nto glbwth Fully guaranteed 3?“; Jenaton Gates Eagette, and accounts. Except for the periodâ€" 7 . . . O . BEEEE BEEEE WEBER BEBE IEmD QEQDQ EEHDE Brandon, Johnslone and Mason be a have deliberated, cogitated and calcu- earetukers monthly during the current year. Kearns,â€"â€"Mason.-â€"â€"That the Treasurer Johnstone, ~Kearns.â€"That the 'l‘rcas- i nrer be authorized to pay teachers and V 1 ______.__._â€"\_.__. ical attendance of civic oilicials or FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1913. applicants for oliice, or the occasional . . '1 ’ v ' intrusion of Some forgetful individual Single? icéilpolugoardl ligla’lllihll’gl‘LZZd ', ‘- ‘ ' . - ~ - , in) v '1 mu 1). ranr- , Drl Farmers Dec'are for Peace “Nth. 8' beli‘ted. b1" fm hujgé all monies due this school board as 1 F . .G -d haShlly tthhmg It on the tame a” required for school purposes from time 4 ' mm the Gm" Gmwe" m e' hastily departing, the operations of to time, and that the Secretary be in- J 0f “'11 the Splendid work that the the council have been undisturbed for Stl‘llcted ’50 give the Vilh'g0 Treasurer Is guaranteed to cure poultry ills and make hens lay. organized farmers have done for the many a10,,gd,,y_ “1116:2133: 311351113qula,gmuig:Ԥs.regn‘fl; . . cause of genuine democracy, nothing But on Monday night last the acâ€" mceéi‘ngs’ of this‘goam‘bo held on “‘10 Bumble? them to SUCh {3' 'Rm‘hmehh customed solitude and quietness Were fourth Wednesday in each month, at ,8 ‘a Place In the hiSt‘h'y 0f CIV‘hmtmh f“ broken by the appearance on the scene 9- 111- ~ the bold and patriotic declaration 1p of a hanfu] of people apparently ex- 'g --_' favor of peace, disarmament and arbi- pecting «doings.» They were not, dis_ Fenelon Falls Council. ,_. tration made by the Grain Growers’ appointed. In a few minutes Reeve Council met pursmnt to adjournment A I & cl A A N D. convention at Brandon last week. Tiers arose and stated that anyone All the members present. the Reeve in if ' Man1t°bahh5beeh deluged ‘Vlthnews' desirous of addressing the council the chair. The minutes of previous , papers and all kinds of literature might do so. Dr. Gould, as Spokesman meetings were read and copi‘irmed. _ , ‘. " Painting the glories 0f either the 00h' for a numerous delegation of citizens, inglgf gargahget‘hfid “j i r SérYa’tlve ,0? the L‘be‘hl .theme for then made the he‘lheSh that? in View Of Mr. Deyman chairman of the llnancd takmg mflhons upon ""111th Of d01' the large vote for local option, and the committee; Mr. Taylor chairman of the F ' I ‘ lars from the public treasury for the very narrow margin by which it was plroperty epinmitfee ;t and Mr. Robson : . ' . ‘; - ' .h 'S i I . ‘ , ciairman 0 tie eiari y committee. criatizn plf naval‘ aiinamém‘i; defeated, the connoil should not giant The following accounts were passed: I]: no a a' necessary, a." _ , more than one license to sell liquor in E. Fitzgerald, D. R_ 0., $4; 0. w. Bur- .1 only b? 9‘ further maentlf’e to naval Fenelon Falls after the first day of goyne, D. R. 0., $4; \V. B. Brandon, - expenditure by other nations. There. May next, and that the offices of the Poll Clerk, :52; Alvin Gould, Poll Clerk. ' is not a single member of the House I of Commons who has had the courage Depends upon the intelligence and skill of the watchmaker. to enter even, a feeble PI‘Otest asamst ' the naval.policy of his own particular _ - k party. In the light of these circum- ' We have a well earned reputation for doing good watch stances it isagreat tribute“) thein' 1telligence and the steadiness of char- 1. work. Bring, or send, us your watch for repairs. 'acter 0n the part of the Manitoba . Grain Growers that they have not All work guaranteed~ joined in the hue and cry for naval lexpenditure, though many of those who favor it are undoubtedly sincere. , ‘he resolution passed by them has m i t t o n B S. already been sent by telegraph and $2; A. Seinpcr, Constable, $1; .1. T. Thompson, Constable. $1; Wm. Jordan, rent of ball. $4; Times Printing Co., stationery, $7.30; E. C. Edwards, ac. count, $2; M. Lansficld, express amt I cartage. 400.; T. Scott, snowplowing, y etc., 88.00; S. Corbett, 6 months salary '41 caretaker cemetery. $7; John Donnie, 3‘11 snow shovelling, $2.25; \V. J. Heard, 51 account, 5855; Sick Children's Hospi- «.34 tal, grant, $5 ; J. Jones, salary Jan. 13th,. 1913, $46.25; a. Fitzgerald, salary, es. :1 Corbett,â€"â€"Deyman.â€"That By-law No. - “9 dâ€"eiititled a by-law to appoint auditors be now introduced and made first time. By-law read a. first, second and third‘ time and passed, signed and sealed. Robson,â€"«Corbett.â€" That By-law N ., â€"â€"-entitled a byJaw to limit the num- ber of hotel licenses to be issued in the municipality of Fcnelon Falls be iiOW' introduced and read a first time. municipality should be left open for applications. "The Reeve asked if any one else wished to speak, but there was no response. In less than half an hour a by-law was passer] limiting the number of licenses to one, in accord- ance with the request as stated. This action by the council means that two of the three licenses now in force will be out 01f on May lst. It has nat- urally occasioned a. great' deal of com- ment, and much speculation as to which one of the three licenses shall be allowed to remain. . "s7 21‘ .n. , a, ‘3‘. . cable to every corner of the earth, and Fenelon Agricultural Society's Annual Meeting. . has given added courage and hope to , F001- oF KENT s11, Lmnsny, ' those who are working'for the cause - ' 9 of peace. It has placed the Grain l l l . By-law read a first, second and third‘ I l . .‘ iGI‘OXVeYS along Side the great peace , time and passed, signed and sealed. .1 . Inspectors of G. T. R... Time S‘erVice: partles 0f the Umbed States, Great The annual meeting 0f “‘9 Fenelml Corbett,â€"Devman.â€"That By-law No.2 l ‘ ‘ Britain and German These eace Agncultuml soc'ety “’35 held on The? -â€"entitled a by-law to extend the time ‘ l ‘ ’ ' ' ' . . i P day afternoon“ The usual muffin? bus“ for the return of the Collector’s Roll.. i , ____.___. 9"gamza‘F10hS afe “ Olklhg to have 3'11 ness was transacted. _ It was-decided to be now introduced. , ,fi . :- . . â€"â€"._. international disputes settled by hon- hold the Fall Fair this year on the same thlaw read a first, secund and third on 5. orable men in an international court dates as 1355 3’93!" September 10m “ha timé and passed, signed and sealed. "" ;, jof arbitration. There is no more rea< 11”" The Secretary 5 who” Showed 3' Corbett,â€"De_vman.â€"'1‘hat By-law No;. satisfactory condition of alIaii-s. The field crop competition will be continued, and in this connection it was noted that Mr. Tlios, Isaac, who won the competi- tion last year, was among the prizewin- ners for oats at the Ottawa Fair. This is doing exceedingly well for a start. Presdent Knox briefly reviewed the past season's. work, and expressed great confidence in tbe'fnture. Good progress had been made notwithstanding unfavor- able circumstances, and there could be- no doubt that the removal of someof‘ the drawbacks that had been. experien- ced would. ensure'a- very large degree of success. The secretary, Mr..IL Naylor, and Mr. Knox, spoke of the commend- able way in which the past president, Mr. John Aldous, had continued towork after retiring from office, and Mr. Aldous made a. fitting reply, stating that he would continue to do all he could’in the: interests-of the Society. The following oflicorsiwere elected‘for’ 1913:" President, M r; John-Knox ; Secretary, Mr. I. Naylor ; First Vice-President, Mr. Wm. H etherington ;. Second Vice-Presi-l dent, Mr. Joe. Moynes. Messrs. D. l ' ’ ‘ ' ' ‘ . - â€"entitled a by-law to appoint a- mom-- i. _ h Whg. Clvéhzei ndt‘il‘onshihopld :ibble ber of the local Board of Health be nO\V‘ { .x i ' ' ; em 15p“ es y s ermg 0?" introduced and read a first time. {p , I isands of the finest; Citizens of their By-law road a first, second and third’ ' g. - - ~‘ : ’ time and passed, signed and sealed. ~ g ' . ’ Corbett,~Deyman.-~That applications f ' for the position of assessor be receivecifi up to Monday, the 10th day of Fébruary,. 1913. The CouneiLadj'ourned. .231 “' 9‘4:‘:‘“W¢§4 ‘ ‘ “Ask lands, and throwing tens of thousands =fof widows and orphans uponthe world :without a breadwinner, than there [is . . . ' 7' ' K _ i - t- I i that rivate uarrels should be settled dueLq between pri- ' ,vate citizens are settled by the courts Ilwithout bloodshed, and disputes be- :"tween nations should be settled in the . .. .. . same way. Arbitration is growing in Inspection 111V1t6d.. . favor with tremendous strides, and will become an: assured fact just as ;soon as the peaceelbving peoples of the learth compel ‘thei'n governments to cease the miserable-game of diplomacy and apply the principles of the Scr- / _ .mon-on'the Mount.. ‘ . The politicians tel'i’ us that Canada must have a navy in. order to protect ,her trade. But Norway has a greater écarrying in proportion to her popula- Personal. M'rs. Jos. Heard and daughter Beatrice: are visiting Miss A. Burtchaell. Mr; Hathaway of the Bank of B. N. A» has returned from a vacation. Miss Sara Isaac left on Monday for-- Alpena, Mieh;, to visit her niece, Mrs. W..T'. Roberts of that city. Mr.- Robertson of Victoria, B. C. isa visiting his brother, Mr. D. Robertson. Mr. W. A. Robinson, editor of the- Cannington Gleaner, was in town on- Monday and gave the Gazette a pleasant’. call. Kearns, M. H. McCallum, Dr. H. B. John-- stone. McCallnm, â€" Johnstone.â€"â€" That Dr. Mason be chairman of the Board. Mason,â€"Kearus.â€"That M. H. McCall- um be chairman. Dr. Mason withdrew on’ account of! parliamentary duties which took him away occasionally when the Board‘s meetings came (Inc. Mr. M. H. McCal- lum. was then unanimously elected as chairman for the current year.. Johnstone.â€"Mason.â€"That Rev. W. H. A. French be re elected secretary of Fenelon Falls SebooLBoardJor the year 1913 at former salary. and: that J. L. Arnold be elected treasurer of Fenelon Falls School Board at a salary of $30.00 and-bond; and that J. L. Arnold be 'granted an .honorarium of $30.00 for M ' , . .21. .. .- .- Duggan‘ H'. B. Raby, Wm. Tolmie and lilies: Gladys French 6f .the Royali hon than .Wen (518°?) Bnmm’ and Dr.- J‘ohhstone were addedto the list of Victoria Hospital, Montreal, ishome oni ; Dumb: SWISS ahd‘ 323 gm“ memhanhs directors, and the name'of Mr. D. Tolmie a. VISit. carry on trade inlevery COI'neI‘ 0f the struck 011, be having removed to the m. â€"- " I" . ’ . * ' - . '. z i. . . globe. Yet none or those nations have ngtlféngsgfgplsmril Mgfid PUBLIC LIBRARY MEETING_ -' ‘ ' " r "r a any navy and no army that amounts Knox ma Mr Nwl'orywme 1p aimed: _ . _ . 3; The King 91' Range:â€" “BUCii'S riArsY THOUGHT" to anything Their trade is Safe and delegates to the‘ Central, Assdbiation . Th‘i'a‘mbual “1002‘,” filth" @330 13b"? ‘ their credit stands- higher in. the meetings in Toronto on Feb. 5th and 6th. ofifinfifis anl-ill thégdfigezgl ' I. _' _ world’s mono markets than. that of At the close of the meetinn‘ a unani- “ ' ' ‘ i”; l I -â€"â€"â€"â€"___One HundIEd and Fifty Thmisah'l (‘i‘lm‘ilm Wm???“ ‘3’ German and )Great Britain with their mOhS “9301mm” 0f condomhceth’ibh Mhs- rcqueSted.â€"__.-....__._ la; .‘ . ‘ y , . P. Pcrdue was passed, regarding the I I if, ‘ " huge “hmmhehhs- 1he [muons that death of her husband, and the secretary ‘ CHOSEN FRIENDS MEETING; ‘1‘}, want Canadian produce would suffer was instructed to forward-the resolution An importmt meeting of the Choqen, 'n ' nursrnnmnrsmrrm mmnwnmpmmmr . ‘ w" annnry ... ’ meni ersarc rcques -~ ‘5! s lle' ’ ‘ t t' f ed tob s t.. .. astnctrsnarnsxt romMWBWmmmm Gris--~ ‘. her as safe without a- navy as it will‘ I I B l b WOMEN’S TEMPERANCE‘LEAGUE-I ' . 1 with ten Dreadnaughts on each coast, T10 hard met on t ‘e a 0‘70 datehs The Women Temperance League will. and‘tlie people will be more happy and per Statute‘ Present” Dr‘ Mason‘ H“ W' meet in Jordan's hall on Monday, Jan.. prosperous. The western farmers know as much about the needs of Canada in regard to a navy as any member of the House of Commons, and it savors too much of Russia to have any naval scheme foisted upon the people by 221 mem- bers of the House of Commons, who have received no authority from the people to spend one cent for such purposes. If the people of Canada want to spend money for a navy let them do so, but those who are op- _. posed to such an expenditure should "Ligafifirpom , at least have an opportunity to say 1' 1 ' > “ No. We Will venture that at least the past year.s work. Ohe‘thh'd 0f the People Of China!“ are Kearns,â€"Mason.â€"That the following opposed to both naval schemes, yet accounts be paid, and that the Chairman they have not a representative in PM. Sign .orders for the same: Thos. Scott, Iiamenb and they have no voice in the drawmg water for north ward school, . . . 500.; Thos. Scott drawing water for expehdlhhm Of this moneY- And thls south ward school, 250.; J. H. Brandon, is Canadain. the age dffcivilization. I 6 tons and 490 lbs. coal at $7.75 per ton, 27th. A full attendance is req uested,. as special business is on hand. u - ..___.___. BOARD OF TRADE... A-public meeting will be held in Two-- mey’s hall on Tuesday eycning, Jan. 28th ,. for the purpose of electing olllcers and discussing other questions that are 0 f: ' great importance just now to the people of the village. ,0. ROBERTSON, Sec. Don‘t be imposed on by » “just as good” talk. The construction of The “Happy Thought” is patented, its design registered, it is‘totally diflerent in every respect to any other. There is none like it. There can be none so good. If you only knew the time. the trouble, the labor it would save you, how little fuel it uses, you would not be one single day without one. ,, “In 2 ,‘ng. cor. SALVATION ARMY SUBJECTS. Commencing on Sunday next, Captain: Davis,.ol’ the Salvation Army, will give- a series of talks on special subjects, to: be announced each week. These will form a Bible searching contest, prizes being awarded to those who succeed in. finding the passages of scripture from; which they are taken. Two sub'ects- are announced for Sunday, the 26b ; at 10.30 a. m. “The Gospel Sum in Addition,” ‘ and at 8 p. in. “ The Painted Lady.” Alli are invited, and anyone may take new inthe competition.. w. .. , r .. ,, . _ v-- v. n, .. .. A .. ,.. ... .. . .. z w. _ .....«........,...,.. ..... .. .. . .....,...,....../,...,,,.. .. .. r . ... rm w. .r punk-yam“ 7. _ , “snub-“a...” . .... , > I > V V I ‘

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