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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Feb 1913, p. 1

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VOL. XL F NELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 1913. HEAD OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1617 Paid up Capital $6,000,000.00. Is one of the necessities of present times, when accuracy and promptness are required in all departments of business life. Buy a \Valtham lVatch and have a good,dependable time- keeper. 'We carry the best quality of goods that can be purchased from the best manufacturers. Wanted at Once. Workingmen wanted at once to join with their comrades in making a new world. Friend, do you know it is a good time to be living, the best the world ever saw, if you are a live one? We are living in a time in which a great epoch-making change is going onâ€"the Industrial Revolution. John Stuart Mill said: “The industry of the future will be an association of the workers themselves on terms of equal- ity, collectively owning the capital with which to carry it on, and work- ing under managers selected and re- movable by themselves.” Socialism is the world movement bringing that to pass. The failure of the 1848 revolution in Europe gave political power to the middle class. Their liberal parties with schemes of social reforms by means of soup kitch- ens, charity, taxes on incomes and the like have failed, and Europe passes on to Socialism. The same situation pre- vails in Canada. Socialism is a move- ment of the common working people. The workers alone have the economic motive to make a better world. The people at case are satisfied with things as they are. \Ve depend not on bril- liant leaders, but on the solidarity of the common people : are you with us? It is a world gone wrong that we live in, and it is the duty of every true ‘man to set it right. The hour has struck. Capitalism is tottering to ruin. Poverty, want, unâ€" employment, vice and disaster are evi- dent. The capitalist class can no lon- ger keep the wheels a-going. Hirelings in universities, editorial rooms, pulpits and on the bench madly shriek against Socialism; but do not be fooled by them. Our Socialist clubs are stronger than ever 5 we are winning seats in the legislative halls of the world 3 one aft- er another will the civilized countries raise the banner of Socialism triumph- ant. We are going to remake the world, and leave it to our children a. golden abiding place, with want, pov- erty and vice banished. And this is not a movement dependent upon the great and wealthy; it is a movement depending on the workersâ€"on you and me. Our dimes pay the dues, our hearts feed the fires : ours shall be the joy and reward of victory. Are you in with us? If you don’t know where the nearest Socialist clubis, write to Secretary H. Martin, 61 Weber St., Berlin, Ont., who will tell you how to join the movement.â€"â€"â€"Cotton’s Weekly. Keep them warm too. Any care that you give your feet at this time of the year will repay you. A maxim says ii that if your feet are right youare’ allE A. good deal of truth in it too. There are rubbers here for any shape of E They are this year’s goods, strong and durable. Put a pairon and'E your feet will never guess that the g. ground is wet and slushy. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. The Old Reliable Jewelry Store, Fenelon Fans. shoe almost. Prolossio 1111.1 Cards LEG L MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON & STINSON. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ies. Money to loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch oflice at Fenelon Falls, at the L. H. St Power Commissioners’ office. Open every Tues- day. Lindsayoflice over Dominion Bank. R. J. McLAuouuN,K. O. .A. M. FULTON,B. A. Jan. A. PEEL. T. H. S'rmson. ___________._...__._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" HOPKINS, WEEKS dz HOPKINS. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to suit the borrower. Oflices No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Ont. and at Wood-. ville, Ontario. u H. HOPKINS, K. C., C. E. WEEKS, F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A ARNOLD’S. % g .i , MOORE 8t JACKSON ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, &c. Of- fice, William streel,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. Jsonsos STEWART dz O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, «to. MONEY B to loan at. lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Oflice on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. 'l‘. Srswsm. L. V. O’Cosson, B. A Saves nine, and a suit in time keeps you always well dressed. It pays to be a little forehanded in ordering a new outfit of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit. 3 LEIGH R. KNIGHT. BARRIS’I‘ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public. Successor to McDiarmid & Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real Estate bought and sold. Ollice Kent St., Lindsay, Telephone 41. W I" DENTAL. Upâ€"_to-date goods, style and workmanship. Our motto is " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.” l .. Dr. s. .I. suns, DENTIST, Fenelon Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latestimprovcd methods at. moderate prices. OFFICE:â€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- orne street # MEDICAL. TOWNLEY BROS. Fenelon Falls Under capitalism the man who works is the man who starves, while the man who shirks feasts. Fine Tailoring The workers should quit dispensing the men who will not work. . â€"Mm DRIED FRUITS DR. H. H. GRAHAM. --u. n.,o. 31., x. a. o. s. Eng.,u. o. P. s 3., On, 1. 'r. u. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON e ACOOUCH- our. Olfice. Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. ________________._._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. H. B. J OHNSTONE, assoowrs conossn comma: or vmroam. sumséson To us. A. WILSON, RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- G sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- ooueheur. Office, Colborne street, Fen- elon Falls. . WWW AUCTIONEEB. ___________________â€"â€"~â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" THOMAS CASHORE, AUGI'IONEBR - renews mus. Sales of all kinds conducted in a first glass manner. Secure dates before ado. firming, Are now so skilfully prepared that they make 0f meter WhiCh record-‘3 ward prosperity. b H; t f .th fresh article .- an excellent su s 1 u e or e , par There are hundreds of Bank of ticularly at this season. We carry a complete line. Our stock of groceries is also as usual, of one in your home? vide one. ROBSON & SON.‘ the very best quality. j Fenelon Falls Branch their charity in the form of profits to success-meters in the homes around you. If not we will gladly pro- BANK OF normn, LION'FIIJCAIL. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Reserve Fund $1 6,000,000.00. - ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch Conscripti n a Trap. It is difficult to regard any agitar tion of the moment in its proper per- spective; but we shall probably not widely err if we take the actual move- ment towards conscription as belong: ing to a clearly marked political tent denc‘y, of which the purpose is the res- toration to the aristocracy, through militarism, of much of the powers of which the history of the nineteenth century gradually deprived it. A hun- dred years ago the aristocracy ruled the country with but little let or him drance from the classes beneath them" Large towns had no representation in' parliament, and the working classes in town and country had no political existence. The course of history alterâ€" ed these conditions until the govern- ment of the country approximated in form to a democracy, which threatens increasingly 'the remaining privileges of birth and wealth. But these privi- leges, well-nigh lost on the political side, may to some extent be recovered by covertly introducing such military changes into our constitution as may again subject the poorer classes of the country to the domination of those classes which alone have leisure to dev vote to military organization. Conscription is the means by which this is to be accomplished. That it is really needed to protect us from inva- sion, or to improve our morals, or our wealth, or our industries is the great- est imposture with which it has ever been attempted to delude us. In short, the principle of aristocracy hasveveryv thing to gain, the principle of democ- racy everything to lose, by the milita- rization of the country, and more es, pecially by the capture of our schools. Nothing more need be feared from Labor, nothing more. need be hoped for by Labor, if only the laborer can be made a conscript by compulsory military training. This is the trap that is really laid for us beneath all the fine phrases with which the conâ€" scriptionists regale us; and into this trap only too many appear as willing to walk as the fly in the fable into the spider’s parlor. â€" Australian So- cialist. â€"â€"-e-. i Vicious Circle. “ As I understand it,” said the heathen, “y0u wish to civilize me?" “Exactly so.” “ You mean to get me out of habits of idleness. and teach me to work 'i ” “That’s the idea.” “ And then lead me to simplify my methods, and invent things to make my work lighter?” “Yes.” “ And then I will become ambitions to get rich, so that I may retire and won’t have to work at all?” “Naturally.” “Well, what’s the use of taking such a roundabout way of getting just where I startedi I don’t have to work now.”-â€"Ex. YOUR SUCCESS-METER Regard your B.N. A. Savings Bank Book as a sort plainly :your progress to- these British North America Is there 73 YEARS is 3050533 ,cAPITAL nun RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 M.W. Reive, Manager. 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