, .1, . ,,., ,’ _ _ A RELIABLE wAfjrcH _ Is one of the necessities of present times, when accuracy and promptness are required ‘in all departments of business life. . Buy a Waltham Watch and have a good, dependable time- ke eper. We carry the best quality of goods that can be purchased from the best manufhcturers.. ‘ierr stares Issuer:‘of Marriage Licenses. The Old Reliable Jewelry Store. Fennel on Falls. W _____________________.__.__.__â€"â€" Protesasionul Cards MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON «Sr, STINSON. I ARRIS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ies. Money to loan. Special 'atten~ tion given to investments. Branch ofï¬ce at Feuelon Falls, at the L. H. & Power Commissioners' ofï¬ce. Open every Tues- day. Lindsay oflice over Dominion Bank. R. J. McLAuostm, K. 0. A. M. FULTON, B. A. JAS.’ A. Past. '1‘. H. Srmson. HOPKHVS, WEEKS dz HOPKINS. ARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, AND Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to, loan at terms. to suit the borrower. Ofï¬ces No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Out. and at Wood- ville, Ontario. u H. HOPKINS, K. C., C. E. Wnsxs, F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A MOORE & JACKSON ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, be. Of ï¬ce, William street,Lindsay. F. 0. Moon. A. JACKSON ___’_.__________"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- STEWART & O’CONNO R, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 3m. MONEY B to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Olï¬ce on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. 'l‘. Srawaa'r. L. V. O’Coxxoa, B. A -â€"-,-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"L§â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"'â€"" LEIGH R. KNIGHT. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public. Successor to McDiarmid & Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. '1“ oney to loan anp Real Estate houghtand ‘sold. Ollice Kent St., Lindsay, Telephone 41. M W’ ' , DENTAL. Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTlST, Fenelon Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latestimproved methods at moderate prices. OFFICEzâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, 001- orne street » _______._..____â€"â€"â€"--â€"- ____'_-_â€"â€"-â€"yâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"‘~â€"â€"~_â€"_ \ MEDICAL. DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"u. n.,c. u., u a. 0.5. Eng.,u.o.r. a 8., Orrin, r. 'r. u. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON d! ACCOUCH- cur. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. DR. H, B. JOHNSTONE, ASSOCIATE CORONER COUNTY OF VICTORIA. suconsson T0 DR. A. WILSON, RADUA’I‘E OF TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician, Surgeon and Acâ€" co‘uchenr. ’ Oflice, Colborne street, Fen- elop’ Falls. Anchorman. THOMAS CAS‘HORE. AUCTIONBBR - FENELON FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst class manner. Secure. dates before adâ€" vertising. c S S value . that it can. on each pair you buy. I High Grades at Fair Prices Is the best 'busmess proposition that a merchant ould possibly make you. We make it. Why are uperior eatables the best to use? Because they give better resultsâ€"more satisfactionâ€"are more healthfulâ€"- and go much further. Let your money buy all the Do this by spending it here. Large stock of wall paper at reduced prices. If you intend to buy wall paper this season would advise 'ou to call early. We have a lot of bargains for you. i i a E i i, l i E g E «AC use: Everythingin our boot and shoe stock will be sold at less than cost prices in order to make room for our spring stock. Now is the time to buy your spring took of shoes. We can save you considerable money ARNOLD’S. E E E E ass - E E E E E v Warmévww vmvwmmv,vi WW mm mm W- l l i A Stitch , in Time Saves nine,'and'_a suit in time keeps you always well. dressed. It pays to bee. little forehanded in ordering a new outï¬t of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit. Up-tonate goods, style and workmanship. Our motto is “ Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.†TOWNLEY sacs. Fine Tailoring Fenelon Falls ~ l l g . l WWWWWWW DRIED FRUITS Are ‘now so skilfully prepared that they make g an excellent substitute for the fresh article, par- g ticularly at this season. _ \Ve carry a complete line. Our stock of groceries is also as usual of g the very best quality. ‘ Ross on & SON. ’ FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAR. 14, 1913... HEAD OFFICE ESTABLISHED 181T rh‘l."’ . < - :rx» , .. . . w *"‘*‘“‘_‘“‘“’€ ~ BANK OF nomm. - l‘lONTJIICApL. I INCORPORATED BY ACT or PARLIAMENT Paid up Capital $6,000,000.00. Reserve Fund $6,000,000.00. ASSETS OVER $240,000,000 ' SAVINGS BANK DEPARTDIENT Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon' Falls Branch Disreputable Labor. There is abroad at the present time among the lower orders a reprehensi- ble spirit, which is generally alluded to as labor unrest. From Hodge, in his damp and dilapidated, but never theless picturesque, cottage, rearing his brood on three dollars and a half a week, to the miner, the autocrat of labor, who by eight hours labor a day under conditions which might have inspired Dante to add an extra circle to his inferno, and at the ever-present risk of his life, earns as much as would pay the annual subscription to a golf club, labor is moving in unrest. Labor, to put it bluntly, is becoming a bit of a nuisance. The comfortable man is being irritated and annoyed, and some thing has got to be done. The com- munityâ€"those persons with incomes of three or four thousand dollars a . yearâ€"demand that labor unrest shall be put an end to. I cannot help being reminded of the story of King Canute and his courtiers and the Atlantic Ocean. The comfortable man demands that he shall be protected against la- bor combining for its own ends. It is rather pathetic, this sudden demand of the comfortable classes for an age of rest and security. The world is to be made into a safe place for the com- fortable man. The wage earner must be content to submit to the fluctuaâ€" tions of the" labor market, but the comfortable man s gilt-edged securities are to be made a ï¬xed quantity. I want to know what is the meaning of this sudden demand on the part of those who used to talk so bravely about the battle to the strong, the survival of the ï¬ttest, God helps those who help themselves, and so on. But, unfortunately, the laboring man is be- ginning to help himself, and so that law is not so popular as it used to be. We used to hear a good deal about might being right, but the comforta- ble man of to-day seems to have a sud- den revulsion of feeling in favor of the Sermon on the Mount. ' I am very much afraid those estimable persons who are demanding that labor shall cease from troubling and that the world shall become a nice comfortable place where the comfortable man rest, are in for a bitter disappointment. Labor has got to be Considered as well as capital. I myself regard labor un- rest as the healthiest sign of the times. If the laboring classes showed no sign of diséontent with their pres ent conditions it would mean that hu- man vitality is flowing to its end. I am not afraid of labor, at whose mod- oration I marvel. Social revolution has got to come, and it is the duty of every man with brains in his head to help to prepare the way for it, that it may come upon us, when it does come, 1836 Br' id! . THE BANK or not armed with anger and hatred and envy and unreason, but pro.nise in its handâ€"Jerome K. J erom 3. .-o The Middleman; “ From the producer to the con. sumer.†That is a phrase which is fre- quently seen in the dopeshcets of Can- ada. We, are told that the middleman is unnecessary, that he but adds to the cost of commodities to the ultiâ€" mate consumer without ren’l'cring any service. The commission which exam- ined into the high cost of living in To- ronto in their report declared that the multiplication of retail stores was one of the causes for advancing prices. Pressure, irresistible pressure, is being brought upon the politicians at Otta- wa to introduce a parcels post system, whereby chickens, eggs and other farm products may be shipped directly from the farm to the city consumer. At Sarnia, Mimico, West Toronto,_ North Bay and a number of other Ontario points the National Railway Association has established branches for selling goods without proï¬t, to rail- way workers. From New Brunswick, . Neva Scotia,Quebec,0ntario and Mani- toba, country merchants have been feel- ing the competition of the mail order houses. They have met in their little assemblies and have demanded legisla- tion against these inroads into their territory. They put upthe plea that they pay local taxes, which mail order houses do not. The legislation has not been forthcoming. The middle- man has no friends. The employers of Canadian slaves want to have the living of the slaves cost as little as possible, in order that wages may be as low as possible. Hence the high cost of living is not to their liking. It is true that the can-‘ ners combine, water the stock, beest - the price of canned goods, and raise the cost of living. It is true the land shark and rent lord boost the price of land and rent and send the cost of living higher. It is true the mine- owners boost the price of coal and send up the cost of living. It is true the meat trust sends up the price of beef. But you know, this is all 1mm. mate proï¬t, and proï¬t is sacred. But the cost of living soars, and wages must be raised much higher. This is the terrible calamity which the prolit lords'do not wish to face; Hence their remedy, abolish the middleman.- Slug him out of the ring. Start co-opcrat~ ive stores and parcels post, and bring producers of food stuffs into direct re- relation with the slave. When the middleman is reduced to the. rank of a worker, and has had a dose, more or less severe, of the terribly galliug na- ture of wage slavery, he will become a Socialist, and will be raising his voice lustin for the‘abolition of the capitalist labor skinneraâ€"Cotton’s Weekly. 1913 I 77 Years in Business. Capital and Surplus Over $7,600,000. A Service Business Men ' Appreciate ' Fenelon Falls Bra,th The complete and valuable ser- vice rendered by the Bank of Brit- ish North America has secured and retained the accounts as well as the conï¬dence of a goodly propor- tion of Canada’s prominent business men. you, whether your account be large or'small. The same service awats MW. Reive, Manager.