NA- Dnu-co. z ._:' Jinx“ 3 r ‘21‘ ' '1 3‘ *- “1 caught one of those nasty coldsâ€"fortifyyourself against them by taking a course of v Na-Dm-Co Tastelessi‘s Preparation of " Cod Liver on" This “builder-up" is rich in the medicinal i l ‘. .>‘. t. and nutritive properties of the disagreeable taste. tone up the whole system and and Bronchial Tubes. your druggist’s. CHEMICAL CO. 0F ;-';.Pi:epare Yourself , For Winter’s Worst ,1.â€- - Don't wait till Norwegian Cod Liver Oilâ€"without the It also contains Extract of Malt. Extract of Wild Cherry and valuable Hypophosphites. which parti- cularly strengthen the Lungs, Throat In 50c. and $1.00 bottles, at NATIONAL DRUG AND you have best 305 ONLY A MONTH; OR, A CURIOUSMYSTERY EXPLAINED. \__“ ing free to the end of my life. Be lieve me, I am content.†- DYE, one can buquhy you don‘t even have to .iznow whet KIND of Cloth your Goods are made actually doesn't intend to renew the partnership.†“What!†cried his wife, “not now that all this affair is cleared up, and you have apologized so handsomely to young Falck’i†“No; it’s perfectly disgraceful,†said James Horner, looking like an angry turkey-cock as he paced to and fro. “I shook hands with Falck and toldhim I was sorry to ' ’ have misjudged him, and oven owned to Boniface that I. had spoken hastily, but would you be- lieve it, he won’t reconsider the matter. He not only gives me the sack, but he takes in my place that scheming Norwegian.†“But the fellow has no capital,†cried Mrs. Horner, in great agita- tion. “He is as poor as a rook! He hasn’t a single penny to put into the concern.†“Precisely. But Boniface is such a fool, that he overlooks that and does nothing but talk of his great business capacities, his ,industry, his good address, anda lot of other rubbish of that sort. Why, without money a fellow is worth nothingâ€" absolutely nothing.†. “From the ï¬rst I detected him,†said Mrs. Horner. “I knew that . the Bonifaces were deceived in him. It’s my belief that although his character is cleared as to this ï¬ve- pound note business, yet he is real- ly a mere adventurer. Depend up- on it, he’ll manage to get everyâ€" thing into his own hands, and will be misting Roy one of these days.†“Well, he’s hardly likely to do that, for it seems the sister has been keeping her eyes open and that vectivcs again the Bonifaces. .“When is the wedding to be ‘1†TEMeaning or a Name gs I . ‘x g I. .~. t" .1 means everything that “SALADA†means the .; a; _ ‘ ~. , A " _ ‘ . i... _,....,,....- nmmow‘. .m .,."‘. I‘m,“ ,. ,...i.3,~,..q.sflas‘.. rm ._.‘_\___\.aar.v|‘ , h is choicest in fine tea. world’s best tea -- “hill- grown Ceylon’ ’--with all the exquisite freshness and flavor retained by the’sealed lead packages.‘ _ BLAGK, GREEN or MIXED m ~â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"_____._._==_ . bye, we must, I suppose, get them proof that trouble had not spoiled ,some sort of wedding present." “By good luck,†said Mrs. Hor- n‘er, “I won a sofa-cushion last week in a raffle at- the bazaar for the chapel organ fund. It’s quite good enough for them, I’m sure. I did half think of sending it to the youngest Miss Smith who is to be married on New-year’s-day, but they are such rich people that I suppose I must send them some- thing a little more showy and ex- pensive. This will do very well for Sigrid Falck.†Luckily the opinion of outsiders did not at all mar the happiness of the two lovers. They were charm- ed to hear that the Horners were least about thorn.†or soured the lives either of CecilE or Frithiof lay in their keen enjoy} merit of other people’s happiness. ’ The wedding was to be extremely" quiet. Early in the morning, when’ Cecil went to see if she could be of any use, she found the bride-elect in her usual dress and her house? keeping apron of brown hollde busily packing Frithiof’s portman-- teau. “Oh, let me do it for you,†sbel said. “The idea of your toiling away to-day as if you Were not go-; ing to be married l†Sigrid laughed merrily. ‘ “Must brides sit down and do“ nothing until the ceremony ’1†she, “Wait,†said Cecil, “does this. . I a .l. . . leavin London and when ' du “ 5 . . H . idiot of 8. R0 is cm to marry . g ’ . .’ m e RSkC‘d- 1550; I am 501‘1‘)’ for them‘ i CHAPTER XXXVI__(Cont’d) discouraging tone. Is it that her}; y g 3 time, the SON-01151110“ al‘l‘lV’ed, 5111“ I couldn’t sit still if I were to try," ;P “But what a terrible autumn for which makes you so late? However, INTO marry Sigrid Falck :2); ex_ mounted by Mrs. Horner s card, How glad a111.w think Frithiofl ’ 1' youl†exclaimed Frithiof. “And “K’s 0f 11.0 consgquenceï¬â€™o me If the claimed Mrs. Homer, starting to 513“le “ho had be?“ m the. blessed and Swanhlld W111 be at Rowan! : to think that all this should have dmner 15 SPOfled: qlnte the °°n' her feet. “Actually to bring into chd‘tlon 9f expelftmgï¬olltï¬g: was Tree House while we are away! I} i 3- sprung from that wretched ï¬ve- tmry’ I am P015 parglf’ular‘l But i the family a girl who plays at danc- :‘f Eltcr’flzvnteh?ï¬ Smitmgthcl ehnfOte 5110111d_never have had a moment’s, ; {pound note! Our stories haVB beg you won t.grum,, e If he mea ing classes and partiesâ€"a girl who Eda .S’ .tc, y Ids Stia’gdt 91" P930? 1f I left them here: #0? SWflP‘i : ibeen curiously woven together, 15 gone to “ï¬cmden . ,, sweeps her own house and cooks {3‘1 h 51.13? 101 5» mafe‘ b? 0MP hild is after all only a child. It is: . Sigrid.†~ . * , l. Igeï¬'fi' ï¬llnd the dgpnef, her own dinner," ofuguflign‘ an uncom oita 0 sense 30kgood of Mrs Bommce to have; ‘ I ‘. r1 , ca ious . u - - t As she thought of the contrast £3356 otï¬er tï¬iggg-to taink 05f, than I don’tfkliloYl _that Eh: As any “And after. a“ †remarked Sim asuesd thcml k. _ k l ; thetween the two Stories her tears overdone joints - That fool Boni- the worse 01 3mg t a , sail1 rid to C’ecil “we feel] owe a r it f mce you'gre'ta’ mg Roy away’ ’ l, . g'broke forth afresh; she walked on face has taken “'16 at m word and James Horner. _It s not the glr d6 It M i H V ‘ I); I _f h8g3 d rom us, ’Ithink ‘1t is the least you. ; If * lsilently, hoping that he would not; y , ’ herself that I object to, for she s 9- ° 1‘3. 011181, 01 1 § 8 It, could do, said Cool], laughing. “Iii ’- lnotice them but a drop fell. right “ ' Pretty and Pleasant enough, but the net “de me to that Children 8 W1†be SIlCh 8‘ help‘bo have them i ;on to his wrist' he stopped sudden- connection, the being related by faDCY‘bau I Sho‘lld never have met this evenmg, for otherwise Wei ' ly took her fade between his hands marriage to that 0di0us FaICk, Who Madame LeCheriuer’ and how 0011151 Should a“ be feeling A very flat, I 1" mid looked fun into her eyes, 'has treated me so insufferably, who fzeheger 133130 11erd‘ 3]“ tflï¬ethel‘ 1f know.†' , I i ' “You dear little goose,†he said, 10°12“; down on me and Is as s‘mnf} 1 “a no een 01 “at “And “’0 Shau'be 0'1 our way W 1- ’«cwhab.makes you cry? was it be- off-15h as if he were an'emperor. In those days I think Mrs. Hor- the Riviera,†said Sigrid, pausing l j ’cause I said our stories had been “If, there is one thing I do de- ner rather liked you, but somehow for. a, few minutes in her busy pre.‘ 5, .woven together?†I test}; said ers. Horner, fit is yo‘ii‘glilavc offfended heir. ’ b 1partitions; a dreamy look came into; ,r N , . 1d 'pus. mg peop eTa sure Sign o vu’- . 1y, .0. course 1 was y earn- er clear pl-Mticzfl eyes and she 3,. havletgeg’rfcgï¬iz ,1; xshsotgï¬gdfou garity. But its partly Loveday 5 mg my living and setting up in let her 1123311 rest, againsé the side' ’. “But it wasn’,t to be n he said fault.. If I had to deal With tlfle nifdlel lodgings; I utterly shocked of the bed. , i « 1 _ l 7 , . . , . , f quietly. “It is an odd thing to say Falcks they would hate been taug_t a, er 1 cos of propriety, and, :«Someumes, do you know,†she, i. . . ~ their proper place, and all this when once you do that, goodâ€"bye .1 - H .V - v c ‘ l y to you to'mght’ When your new hie 1d not have ha ened †to all he es of remainin in Mr em almed’ 1- can t behave-tins 18’ " i' r is beginning but tO'night I also am 7 » ~ w-O“ - p9 ' , , p g 5' all real. I think I am Just imagin-‘ ,I ’ ’ At this moment dinner was an- Homer 2; good books. It would - ' , , . ha V because now at last my C p . . . mg it all, and that I shall wake up- . . pp~ ‘ . . . ~ r. * -,- Z ; nounced. The overdone meat did have grieved me to displease any 1 ' - i , struggle is overâ€"now at last the ..______;______ , - - » -- t . M, H "ENS tam er of vour relati m if - , 1 Presenty @1101 ï¬nd myself Playmg i 5 . ï¬re is burned out. I don’t want - ' “‘ OHEDYE'WAU. KINOSO'W no 1mPr°Ve 1' 0 p ’ ~ 0 ~y°u yomse V95 the Myosotic waltz at the academy i : . ,b . th f be_ _, _. " and when the servants had left the cared for them, but the Hornersâ€" .it was always such a God tune g l: . anything ut just e peace 0 l it's the CLEANEsT.SmPIâ€"Es'r.andnssrnons room he broke out into fresh in- well, I can not pretend to care the to dream to.†1 ‘ g l i . Her throat seemed to have closed up, she could not say a word just because she felt for him so intense- :ly. She gave him a little mute caress, and once more they paced 'along the garden path. But her" o(.--So hit-takes are Impossible. Send {or Free Color Card, Story Booklet, and Booklet giving remit: of Dyeing over other colon. The JOHNSON-RICHARDSON CO., Limited, ‘ _' ‘ Montreal. Canada. OUR COURSE IN asked his wife. “Some time in February, I be- lieve. They are house-furnishing already.†. Mrs. Homer gave an ejaculation of annoyance. ' The two girls were in the little sitting-room of the model lodgings putting the ï¬nishing touches to the white cashmere wedding-dress which Sigrid had cut out and made for herself during the quiet days they had spent at Rowan Tree make it feel more real?†and hast-l ily going into the outer room she- returned, bearing the lovely wed- ding bouquet which Roy had sent. “Lilies of the valley 1†exclaimed: Sigrid. “Oh, how exquisitel And. 1‘, l" ;whole soul revolted against this no« GENERAL , “W myrtle and eucharis liliesâ€"it is the- ' t . - all the sooner we leave Lon- House. Every one entered most . hon-Cg conteï¬t' iii-e underslfï¬fdg don the, better,†she said. “I’m heartily into all the busy preparaâ€" mosh beautlfm bouquet I ever i‘ ’i ’1? mt e as I? e S?! .16: ’uélarfh ilm 'ELECTRO 0R not going to be mixed up with all tions,‘ and Sigrid could not help Saw- . ,I his ï¬rst baht 6 1111 613 an 5 e C thinking to herself that the best (T0 be contmued-) V l l l it indifference of the comrade who lies in hospital; Surely Frithiof was to‘havels‘omething better in his life than 'this -miserable parody of love? This passion, which had been almost all pain, could surely not be theonly glimpse vouchsafed him.of the bliss which had trans- ï¬gured the whole word for her? There came back to her the thought SCHOOL NURSING Qualiï¬es you for the best ’ , positions. Study at home or attend the School. Gradu- ates earn “5.00 to $40.00 er week. Semi for Free hook on Nursing :n ~Rail Glass School of Nursing 358 Queenst. West TORONTO. - CRNADA this, we’ll avoid. any open breach with the family of course, but for goodness’ sake do let the house and let us settle down eisewhere. There’s that house at Croydon I was very partial to, and you could go up and down easy enough from there.†' “We’ll think of it,†said Mr. Hor~ ner, reflectivcly. “And, by .the __â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-__ __._._ -_.__... , . 25c. a box at your Drugglsi's. Sick headachesâ€"neural gic hesdachesâ€"splittin g. blinding headachesâ€"all vanish when you take Na-Dru-Co Headache Waters They do not contain phensceiin, acetanilid, morphine, opium or any other dangerous drug. NATIONAL DH‘JQ L CHEMICAL CO- O'CANADA. LIMITED- 123 of the old study at Bergen, and she / I /) fl n - __ seemed to hear her father’s voice saying: _ . j I, “I should like an early marriage . racirgi‘xsi’.‘sr in; arts: S‘PARKLING WATER, cool and ' 9 l 7 ‘ 3 know how 1 5110"“ 9““ Spare . sweet, refreshes the farmer who , 2', you.†' ' g; ‘ . / ., ._ And she sighed asshe remember- 2% \ 5 . builds a " "3' ed how his plans had bilen ci'gssled , 5 2‘ and his business ruilie , an 115 C W T I L heart brokenmhow both for him and e I for Frithiof failure had been de- 2/: Z I: creed, _ . ., ‘ . . . .- ' . let. “‘9 Chmth hens "an 0“ HE FA RIVIER, above all others, appreciates good water. He drinks " ‘ in this world of strangelv mingled _ _ _ //) I‘, f 50,. and sorrow, and meg; brought, more water than the City man. The Cityâ€"dweller IS dependent upon ‘ hér much the same message that the public waterâ€"supply for the purity of his water, While the farmer can r; had been groulght go her by the s1~ ._ have his own private source of water, and thus be sure that it is pure ' 3) Ience on Jer'ms o: -, '-'- . , é ,9.) "There is a better plan which ;% . and healthful' ' . " " W,†sh said to her- , I . V . I/ r go “10"†e 'MAN hasn’tfound a better drink than cool .water, properly collected and stored. But 1n order to keep l; ~â€"~ _ _ Water fI'CSh and PUI‘C, a tank or well casmg that Will keep out every possible impurity must be used. :2? V CHAPTILR .\.\:\V'l.l. †y "I have some news for you, said % CONCRETE IS THE IDEAL MATERIAL FOR TANKS AND WELL-CASINGS. ~ gl in Mr. Homer to his wife a few days . . I , I†z, after this, as one evening he enter- IT ‘is absolutely water-tight, prci‘t'ccimg your 'water {rem_seepage of all HEREare scores ofotheruscsfor concrete on your farmâ€"on every farm. If . ed the drawing-room. The huge k'mh- it “Mm mt .f’t 33mm "3' It ‘5 “my Clcatgcri mSldc- Time you would like to know ofthem, write for ourbook, “What the menchan ‘f‘ " . .' ‘ . ' End Wm", milead 0f “mung 1‘ ‘0 dccaYs “many make it stronger. Do With Concrete." The book is absolutely free. 4 t , gold clock nith the little white face ,1 .~ : pointed to the hour of eight, the OUR Fame". Infamouon De- Adam" Publicity Mums" WHENyou go {a buy cam"! golden pigs still climbed tne goli fagyvguugmegbfyontodccia bewruhaummbelhon _‘ h ' .' ,' h u an , ram aparc - . I t. I H f†it†if. i213? Similaritifél 413$ m Canada Cement Company 5231.3533132:it’s: . é can 1 8. H _ u ,gd . you don’t even have to promise to g . Limited ‘ I cement mat “la farmers of- . staff. kill“. orner, Iarrayde _ in baud. When mdoobiasktnemformq Gama“ have jam to be m t! eacoc '~ ue satin, g 3.1108 Irom anon Department. be“. r l lien-husband to the clock and back V ‘ I I y H % “8.33:5; .z’.€°;h’;“ff§,"d,'n , distinct“, . s , - - ~ MVWWMEW.AW’WW“MN “'1 brain‘s,“an- 1' w. , '- ,4 » . -15. ’" " __-_l-_, . . . .