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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Apr 1913, p. 2

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dollars. There will also be a- new $300,000 theatre. the new Dominion Bank building and other important structures. Hon. W. T. White. Toronto people. regardless ‘ poltlcs. are following the Finance hIlnls~ ter's career with the keeth interest. Hon. W. '1‘. White is a real native son. and he has been smashing whiskered axioms, so why shouldn‘t they be taking an ‘IIILOI‘OSL in him? He has proved for one thing that to be a. Ministerial success does _not imply a previous training as a professional poli- . of party ‘ t I In foal or tool at foot. having Distemper or Influenza. or any 0 or form of. Cents. ious Disease, may with absolute safety to are and Foal be 2 van SPOHN’S LIQUID DISTEMPER CURE £52 ' '.war=-r%r.-mr..::r....f 0. - - . It also is the ver best Remed to prevent mares slipping foals, and should be Even to all ares, Colts, Stallions and all “’01 . - d th- for ’ others. in bran or onto or on the tongue. Then you Will have tile fifumfiu‘tlo $103.35 A: Issiiihnce illignister 1.. very little trouble With sickness of any kind among your he has not been revolutionarx And To 1'; h°“°“‘ ronto thinks that outside Mr. Borden ho "‘ ““‘ " -~' ' :E *{ SPDHN MEDIcAL cm. is the “max: fiflfi§$§fiabmeh MAKENG E Chemists and. Basic ‘Iologlsts. Goshen, Ind., U. s. A. His friends note with some anxiotv mat E ,_ . his hair is1 turilijnggrey aCI‘id that ri‘ecfr-r- , E ‘7 rows on iis row are eepening. .an- . g . - I. ada loadds up her Cabléle‘l‘i it‘liiilister; wtitltihu - :4 V. v' _ . N T; E ~ tremcn ens amount 0 e ai an n. 8 ~ ~ I - ,. ... sum. new... . 1 -- . DISI NFECTING SINKS. E .. in tie espatci 0 one rivm i In 0 s ; ‘ .P .3 business. And the position of Minister. of . . *- .- . . IE '. Finance is probably tho most outstanding -- . E illustration of these things in the . _f ‘ soLD EVERYWHERE E A. . coun ry. . . . . ,. '- I‘.» A Splendid 10 cent Household Specialty is being Introduced allover Canada. It is ap- by ,1 â€" .. K . , .- REFUSE 5” BSTITUTES E . rsciated b the Thrifty Housewife who wants things " Just alittle Better." Send Poll ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ , E ‘ P ’ LEATHER BEING INVENTED. .. . , .. . . . . _. .. .. .. , , ,_ , * Card to-day. Simplysay;_. "Send Package of Household Specialty ‘ u.n lib. i It Is Funvus Y W . 5,4 . , ., G“ n Groimgis Emu“. ° rum CE MAY VISIT BERLIN. private dinners at the palace, when \ Advertised m my Newspaper' O f h 1 be t G be t If G 1â€"}â€" _ . the conversation is carried on in ' hâ€" ‘ Iodâ€" ah the Risk. AddressRO. “6 0' t e a“ ‘3 erma‘n poi n s ‘5 “ma” 3 ‘055 sm'Viceablc FrenCIL . ’ 1‘ Boxighnhlohltlrezozgi.“Thigggg-tz‘ypirfghdhffir’l9.8.‘YsoexldtZ-dayl protects a method of preparing 0' Than His French. The King’s French, as is well ' ' _.“ m _ .. _______ m substance which 1018 asserted ‘can _ known, is not very good, nor is his â€" be used as a. substitute for lientnor- .The Prince Of TVBJCS’S Present German remarkable. It is nndcr- 3‘ This “all leather” sub-stance is Visit to Germany is to be the first Stood than; King George determined pre-parednfrom a special mildew or of two visits, the second to take that the Prince-of Wales, when his fungus grown on gelatine era. sinu- place during the long vacation, time came, should be trained in lar substance. Various kinds of when it is probable that he will visit llanguages. so that he could follow y fungi can be grown by planting Berlin as well as Mccklenburg-Strc- King Edward in the round of Euro- ‘ their spores on the gelatinc surface litz. The Prince’s German is fairly pean Vinita. and then keeping the surface lwct. zergji‘ceabfia, but it is less so than Some of the growths are color-ess, is irenc . ' - ' c .- others have red, brown, gray or This is natural enough, for de- olgpag‘lftummes always Skunk “1th .’ even bluish tints, and all the lighter spite his ancestry the Queen has ne- - ‘ shades seem capable of taking dye. ver carried his. German education We have prepared a folder dealing with one of the most attractive 7% investments in the present market. *l‘____ Copy argued on Request Beauty is only skin deep, especi- . The leather produced .up to now very far, the reaSOn probably b-e- any if a girl 112}an any money. a; é. has been thin, very soft and rather mg 8218.0 her fierman governess - r; > . l x ' ' ~ weak. , Prov a'n'l'wipalt “Obie. While her Mr. Ba â€"If a cullud man as “f” E ' _ The inventors are, however, now French lectricc, Mme. Bricks, be- to can ycglg‘; liah, 5:11,. What wovflld 3 ‘-. \ ‘ . LIMITED working to get a. stronger material came an intimate friend and is still yo‘ do? Mr, slack._w]mt size cul- r ' ‘ ‘ by the addition of white of egg or the most frequent guest at the small Iud man, sah‘l ' .-- ' n OOHFEDERATION LIFE BLDG., - TORONTO, ONT. glue, by means of which it is hoped H_~___ . . ‘ . '~ that several thin layers of the new '“‘" y 4" I product may be tanned together ‘ and that there will be no limit to the thickness of the new material. THE ‘ - . $11....â€" SPIII 4i] CURB} 'AI Alli [II 85 Thankful to H; Medicine That Gave --I[ini Ability For the Task. A VERY INTETlESTING CASE. DOMINION SECURITIES . CORPORATEON LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1901 " HEAD Omca: 26 KING ST. EAST. TORONTO , " MONTREAL LONDON. E.C.. ENG. _ :2 ‘CAPITAL PAID UP. $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND. $500,000 ,1 . t‘ - Iinclude other cities and Toronto, and. he .r E R may be successful. A. . While there are two burlesque theatres * - in Toronto. some comment has been caused . -â€" bv the fact that the campaign for clean- ;- ' inc up the theatres. which found its chief ; WHAT IS BEING MOSTLY DISCUSSED AT inspiration in Rev. B. B. St. Clair's reve- ‘ THE PRESENT TIME lations and charges. has been almost en- tirely directed against the Star. â€" A Newspaper Censor. Rev. John Goburn at the Star-Theatre Since the appointment of Wm. Banks. ' . Sem. to the position of censor. there have. Plays are Censoredâ€"Worlds BIK' gowiivef, been few complgints. Mr. ' ‘ ’ an s s a newspaper man 0 many years' 59‘“ cross-Toronto GroWIflg' standing. a prominent member of the . . Globe stafi and foremost in various frater- When Rev.=John Coburn donned whis- Ba} and social organizations. He is 3 k6” and hBPWYJB-Tk 13:}119 spectacle? and canny Scot of quick perception and shrewd boukht a seat: for the gods 84.31018 SW." inclement, with a will to backu his opin- . theatre the other afternoon he made a 0115. so when he says sometth has to ' hit Withtthgzyoung “sports who frequentlbc cut out. it iscut out. And t at’s the - the burlesque houses. Even if he had and of it. . 4 come to _spy on the performance. they (10- In his work he is assisted by two other “6“ ,- ‘ mired 1118.01‘1K}nnhty and the 1.3311119? 1“ newspaper men. who devote Monday af- ' ' which he Carried-out. his plan- ternoons and several evenings a week to "mV'Y“?'TY’WY7"TWmmuâ€"~n-7m.p 7..., .3. I . \- . Our Quarterly List just published conialnacom- plete particulars of these Investments I GOVERNMENT BONDS AND MUNICIPAL ' ‘ DEBENTURES , ' 1 Few men of eighty-five years of age can boast of much else but poor health and failing strength. And such, was the con- dition of Mr. Benj. Marsh, who is known to every soul in the neighborhood of his home at Lime Lake. Out. “Quite unsolicited," writes Mr, March. "I 'wish to say how I have been bothered for years with stomach trouble. I tried everything I could think of without benc- fit. I was terribly afflicted with swelling and gas. and had much distress between meals. I tried everything I could think of. but without benefit. Then I was re- Amoun! ” Security ' Income Yield 3 50,000 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ..................abcut 4 % 30,000 CITY OF OTTAWA, ONT. 4%% , - I 10,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER. '4%% - I00,000 CITY OF VICTORIA, B.C.....,............4%% to 5% , I 3 I: - - The show .was entitled T'Dante's Dnughâ€" Visitinu the various theatres and seeing r» 7 ‘ tors.” though in reality it was a made- that everything is on the level. '. ever performance of the "Darling's 01 Much of the censor’s work does not ap- ' Paris," which got‘ so much notoriety pear on the surface. For example. It is i ,‘ - through the exposures of Rev. B. B. St. said that be virtually prohibited the ap- ~ ' Clair. Mr. Coburn was aware of this fact hearance here this season of Gertrude Hoff- - and decided to see the first performance. man. a famous dancer. who reduces wear- So be donned his disguise and headed for in: apparel to s. minnimum. The story the gods. His blue glasses were so 0 aqua is that he put his foot down and said if 200,000 CITY OF ST. BONIFACE. MAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 % , 11 had d uit, she-put on her act here he would ut her _ . . ' ggtfihllrmulhargllb’ 63331111“th The gheatr: at; in Jail. Anyway she hasn't come xyet. commended NerVi‘line. dMy. dbut Nervilliio 50.000 CITY OF BRANDON, MAN. - - - - - - . . - - . ~ - - n c % tendants put him in the bac row an . did me a power o 200 ~â€"ma c a new man 15’ ‘ xv rare? “arms: tfct.h:&$id.2 .g' E "".°.'."°f’“.'""°2i. .. . of me. so that with“ “at We" 9333 $313.75: W'EL'AM ONT" ' ' ' ' ' % ice 1:. . . r, uene 'eee,wo, e meo . - , ,,,,,,,.,_,,,., bB- Then they Rot suspicious. They knew writing. Ts stricken with a Serious illness, I have been able tofumt about forty cords YO K’ ONT ' % what "Datililte’Ii Dfuglzitgrs" {sally Was as: is (gne aid the prominent citizens of To- 0f Stove W00d- I W111 always 3W3: tio N“; 7.000 TOWN OF WELLAND, ONT. . . . . . . . . . .. ... % were on e 00 on or c'crzymen 8D mu 0. an ossibly the foremost Roman "1i ill 1 recommen t. an '. . . gawk-18th. Clair. yg‘w walledngge “9:191; gatholtip laggmpn m a}? hProvince. 1m. $013: ‘13:: “£0 u‘fe‘evtayaimfie and convince 17,000 DISTRICT OF OAK BAY. % I -« r. I no Ion as year‘- ey examl ugus inc em n ry. w is new rear n , , . . - ' . . g. blind man closely. discovered his 1318211169 its walls on its :‘plendidésite on Scurborg them If 1“ doubt as to What Nervume 11“ 50.000 MUNICIPALITY OF COLDSTREAM, B.C.. ..... % i .i “ and tried to elect him.‘ But he stood hiB Bluffs, about ten miles east from the cor- done for ire." . . grfliud’ mg: the: End‘s: slfgtvgdhltlfiefggotgg net of King an? 300,,158 Bin-$.36, wi‘nitStang For sour stoma-(3hr nausea. belching. of l5,000 CITY OF NANAIMO. B.C. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . ... v 5%% « ,, woeper misc. . asamnu ‘ . ."'-' ‘0 admired his ingeniousness and pluck. afl’ectioriJ 101;“?ng churbsh.puHisc gigirm athe 333' “M‘nt and Budd” Blame“ at night' 18'000 CITY OF REV ELSTOKE» 30- o - o o - - - o - o o - - u- 5%% " ’- Zv It. is possible the endvof the Star theatre project in 1910 of 31:0.000 made the enter- nothing: is more helpful in the home. nO- ‘5 1 , l i 18 ml] Sighth‘houl‘}; “7 ist.t°°°§°°‘llmÂ¥efhgg prislo DOFSbSIEIO.t.8.1nd digs ihas si'i‘lilsequjgntly thing any“ so much pain and distress as .000 CITY OF NELSON, B.C, . . . . . .. ... . .. .....u 5A% - , - ro ec . n nma gama ion w ma 9 ’I; , ' . . ’ . . : blinders..." .5... is ttheamixnagemeélt 5.1.. $e2%15.t‘i‘ttdhol iii: “.53.... '13 Negro 1ng gully fuekbottles' 50°}; 15.000 TOWN OF CASTOP» ALTA 6 % .. l ' o t_e circuits. sen ing on ur esque p r- or or um _ as 3 has for yam-3 been sma size, 0.. a a sore ecpers an " g. form'auces, has resulted in theHStar thea- a generous contributor in all departments. druggism or The Catarrhomne Co” Bub 27.822 TOWN OF YORKTON, SASK“ . .. . .....u... 6 % f, tre, Toronto. being "frozen out. and miter On one occasion he presented a church, f 1 N . < “:3 user 2:832:- ;‘ strainers smear .rredr‘ “me. a?" " °' '/ ' 7â€" ’ " ‘g a e go a re ice .0 e man " ' - ' . its present source. The preprietor is try- poration. a o m mama r ‘3 v .1 | far: to organize a whim of his own to Chamberlam to m F Lucky. ‘ ‘ ,‘i '1 In- recognition of his serziceZDan char- H be I “I’ 1-, th' but ‘ Amount securiw - Income Yield me. he was m .909 WWW... Chamber. . 0 bâ€"H V6 8: en duo 3‘8 CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Iain to his Holiness the Pope. SHOW 3 5 for I3 1‘08 ays- (E ui men: Bonds) At Market I a" V linMr‘B60.Keefe its now it zerytfildhiman' be. -Lady__uYou poor man! V‘Ylla‘t q P ... . . . . . . ..... ... ........ .- 2 years 0 age. 11 mi i rec t - '- ': illness he retained unusual activflity. aI‘n would you have done had 1b been $30'000 TQRONTO ET,YORK RADIAL RAILWAY COY’ , ' ' ' gnangialt citritzles gm isBprganetnR belgg summer time 2” ‘ " (FirstMcrtgageS sGuaranteed by Toronto Railway Co.) 5 % ‘ ~ reseueie ome an.u it 2 _ Breakfast figsinszhofi hm“... fibatdhfifl .§.n?..§3 u I ~ . . 7 P 25,000 ELECTRICAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF ' » {I ; im Wi is i e'wor an as een t â€" 1 ar- - ' . n I . ‘_ ~ source of his “mun Originally a ban: 1 C“! 311' :1 your Plague“. H 11 ONTARIO. LIMITED (First Mortgage 5 s) . . . . . . . . 5%% . ' » I. clerk. he omnmzed in 1861 the Victoria 0m” (W 056 "‘15 regs 1“ a We.‘ 10000 DOMINION STEEL CORPORATION LIMITED ' ‘ , ' P l .Brewmg' Co., afterwards merged in the known suffragette)â€"Yes, she’s lu ' ' ' r0 Dresent company. Though born in Cork f t th ' I (5% Debentures). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5%% , county. Ireland, he has lived in Toronto or wo mon S agam' - ' , , ' since he was seven years old, _.___..___.....__.â€" 25.000 P. BURNS énCOMPANY, LIMITED (Packers, Ranchers ; I 1 ‘ A bowl of cusp. sweet I Blggest Cross In the World. ' and Provisioners. Calgary, Alta.) (First Mortgage 6's i ' , At 81;. .Augustiiizet Stemmagy is tie iué'uéfihus, 0 r n due lst April. I924). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L . 5%% ._ ra. inn :1 i on or . . g _ \r t Church: 1? 15%;}? surfiounte; by 3 h3g3 on ,the cab or Shened Imp Leam‘ing 25,000 and Refunding Mortgage 6 3 due [5: January. 5 9! P _ cross, ee lR’ . wit a cross piece of . - . - - . . . . . . . . . , . . . - "‘ j . * ‘9 feet. This cross will be 500 feet above or Wh’te on” 1" Dent 51-33 per buSh‘il- ) 4 % ' m Msfim'ebvfi .Magse «w.- .T‘rrw- m... ".7 . l I I Toastics makes a most delicious meal. I These crinkly bits of toasted white cormready to serve direct from pack- age“? are a temping break- fast ‘When served- with cream or milk. or fruit. ‘ " The Tcasties flavour is - aâ€"plcasant surprise at first; . then a happy; healthful ‘habit. ’ - ~ Kline. Mémoryi Liegefs” j V '. w Canadian .‘Ponum Oetepl 00.. Ltd. Windsor. “Ontario. the level of Lake Ontario, as compared to the 328 feet elevation of the weather vane on St. James’ Cathedral staple. - The cross is to be illuminated with eighty strong electric lights and will, no doubt. 'be impressive. It is said that it will lie the largest illuminated cross in the world. In connection with the lighting of this cross there may be an interesting- con- troversy. It is said that the present plans of the Church are to light it only on cer- tain occasions. governed by the Church celebrations. But there will. no doubt. be a demand on the part of sailors on Lake Ontario to have it lighted continuously. as it will be the most powerful beacon on the lake. If this is to be done. the Church will ask the Government to pay for the maintenance. And one can see the possi- bility of religions controversy which will arise if the Government pays for the light- imz of a cross for the Roman Catholic Church. ’It is so easy for this country to drop into religious controversies. The Seminary is to be open in August next. with Rev. Dr. Kidd. who was sec- retsry to the latenrchbishep McEvoy. in charge as President. Dr. Kidd is an On'~ - iii-lo product. a native of Adjsls, town- s p; ‘ ‘_ , I ‘ Toronto mu .Boomlng Along. Toronto's growth showsino site of slack- ening 011'. Building permits forâ€"the mouth . of March totalled practically $2,000,000. as compared to 81.500300 lnAMaro‘h. 1912. number‘was 782. as against 514.’ Apri will be another record month‘. They will include‘the new Royal Bank building at the north-east corner of Kin and Yonge streets. which is to be so star as hizh. and ...-m r'rql in round figures a. cool million Longfellow $1.50; Compton's $1.60. Freight paid in Ontario on 10 bushels or more. Bags free. Write for catalogue. GEO. KEITH a. soNS,-Toronto. Seed merchants since 1866. orig Wearin If you.a.re looking for a pair of gloves that are as tough as a Mexican Snake whip and that will give you full satisfaction or a. new free askyour dealer for - v '7 ' 118$.an Sieiiciores These are the bestweariug gloves ever turned out from a (salary. Send I iorJniercsting story “The Pluto's Shell". . - ’- mmsou' BAY KNITTING co. Conadflexpu-t Glove and Mil: Halters. - woman“. , - £2,000 $25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25.000 25.000 WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY. LIMITED (First Mortgage 6’s due ls: March, I928). . . (First and R’efilnding Mortgage 6’s due ls: September, WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY. LIMITED (First Mortgageé's)................ . . . . . . . . . . SAWYERvMASSEY COMPANY. LIMITED (Firs: Mortgage6's).............. .. DUNLOP TIRE éâ€" RUBBER GOODS COMPANY. LIMITED (First Mortgage 6's) . . . . . . GORDON, IRONSIDE fr FARES COMPANY, LIMITED (Wholesale Packers. Ranchers and Pro! visioncrs, Winnipeg (First Mortgage 6's). . . . . . . . . . . J. H. ASHDOWN HARDWARE COMPANY. LIMITED (First Mortgage 5's). . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . THE HARRIS ABATTOIR COMPANY, LIMITED (FirstMortgage6’s).,......................... stool-oceans: 5.60% 5.91% 5.78% 5.90% 6 % 6 % ’16. % * (MADmNGOvnnmmMUNKIPAL‘ ANDCORPORArionBONDs

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