. “MW... .-..-...,, mag... w-F....n,--._....- e._... mâ€. F’ENELON FA LL .....-r.,,.4.s_...... -,._.,_.... a. ... . ..._A. S, ONTARIO; FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1913. *ll .. , ‘ll ls one of theâ€"necessities of ‘ present times, when" accuracy , V and promptness are required in all departments of business life. , ‘ Buy a Waltham Watch and have a good, dependable time- g keeper. V . , ' -We carry. the best quality 3 of, goods that can be purchased from. the best manufacturers. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 3 Thc’Old ltcliable Jewelry Store. Fenelon Falls. Protessio 11le Cards LEGAL W3 i STINSON. 1 ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ies. Moneylto loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch oflice athenelon Falls, at the L. H. & Power Coxnmissionors' ofï¬ce. Open every Tues- day. Lindsay Oilice over Dominion Bank. a. J. MCI.AU011L1N,K. o. A. M. Fumes, 13. A. JAs.'A. Past. ’1‘. H. Srmsou. M normns, WEEKS & HOPKINS. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal: Money to loan at terms to suit the borrower. Ofï¬ces NO. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Out. and. at Wood- ville, Ontario. 11 H. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, ‘_F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A MOORE & JACKSON ARRlS’l‘ERS, SOLIUITORS, 811:. Of ï¬ce,William street,[.indsay. F. D. Moons. A. Jsouson STEWART & O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, &o. MONEY to loan at lowest current. rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Office on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. . Srswmr. L. V. O’CONNOR, B. A ______________.____â€"â€"-â€"â€" LEIGH R. KNIGHT. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public. Successor to McDiarmid & Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real Estate bought and sold. Oï¬ice Kent St., Lindsay, Telephone 41.. on. each pair you buy. well dressed. DENTAL. W? Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, FenelOn Falls. Graduate of Toronto Univerity and Royal college of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latestimproved methods at moderate prices. OFFICE:â€"Over Burgoyne’s store, 001- orne street W MEDICAL. Fine Tailoring DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"â€"11. n.,O. 31., 11 n. O. 11. Eng., 11.0. r. s 5., “ Own, 1. 'r. x. s.â€" RYSICIAN,’ SURGEON. & AOOOUOH- our. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. DR. H. B. J OHNSTONE, Assocn'rs 008.0st ocean or VICTORIA. successes 'ro DR. A. WILSON, . RADUKT'E‘Y OF TORONTO UNIVER- G sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- concheur. Ofï¬ce, Colborne street, Fen- gelon Falls._ . p 1 , . . AUGTIONEEB. _________,____.â€"â€"â€"Â¥â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" THOMAS ‘OASHORE. malignant! - panama FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst . class manner. More 35' yertising. m could possibly. make '..'you. VVe'make it. superior eat-ables. the bestto use? Because they give better resultsâ€"more satisfactionâ€"are more health fulâ€"' 5 and go much further. Let your money buyall the value that it can. DO this by spending, it here. , ' t a _ ' are: a: Large stock of wall paper at reduced El'prices. If you intend to buy wall paper this season wOuld advise a; you to call early. lV‘e have a lot of bargainstor you. a: see: Everything in our boot‘a‘nd shoe stuck will be sold at less than cost prices in order to make room for our spring stock. Now 8 th e time to buy your spring ACLAUGLI‘HN’PEEL’ FULTON & a stock of shoes. We can save you considerable money ngWWMWWW Is the best.bus111esspropOsition theta merchant Why are ‘3 Saves nine, and a suit in time keeps you always It pays to be a little forehanded in ordering a new outï¬t of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit. Up-toâ€"date goods, style and workmanship. Our motto is " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.†TOWNLEY BROS. Fenelon Falls lhe Pedestal of Honor Is a ï¬tting place for our ladies’ footwear. Shoes such as shown here are so far above the ordinary that you must see to appreciate them at their full value. May we expect you .to honor us with a visit of inspection ? We are sure a you will enjoy it as much as we. Ladies" Shoes Like ours are not to be round in every store. .. WE“ WW mwmrinarurnorï¬urw WWWW‘W‘ .3 ‘ in the big bankers to ask their opinion I BANK OF M NTREEM, * Iâ€"IEA‘D OFFICE ESTABLISH ED 1817 Paid up Capital $16,000,000.00. - DIONTIEEA.L. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT .5» Reserve‘Fund $6,000,000.00. . ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT , O7Depos’it's'.takené'bf $1 and upwards, which can be ~ ‘ _ withdrawn on demand. . , R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon .Fall's Branch , “ W ,‘ l I II‘HI‘HI"U“'~""~~ Another Knightly Holdup. According to reports from Ottawa, MacKenzie and Mann have demanded that the Government hand over to them (under the name of the Canadi- an Northern Railway) an immediate cash gift of $25,000,000, to be supple mented by an additional loan of $10,- 000,000to help these two gentlemen out of their ï¬nancial difï¬culties. It appears that Sir William Mackenzie is now over in Europe endeavoring to raise more money for his railway en- terprises, while his running mate, Sir Donald Mann, is camping in the of- ï¬ces of the Cabinet Ministers and Op- position leaders at Ottawa. Sir VVil- liam has found that his credit is pretr i ty nearly exhausted in Europe, but that the coï¬'ers of the British invest- or will be opened up just as soon as Sir Donald can pry the lid off the public treasury at Ottawa. Mackenzie and Mann claim that they have the same right now to cash gifts from the treasury as the Canadian Paciï¬c and the Grand Trunk had in the early days. The situation is one not by any means new, as these two gentlemen have been trained to look upon the public treasury as their own special preserve. The Government has called on the matter, and has evidently re- ceived permission from the Kings of Finance to aid the knightly twins. ' But after the bankers had 0. K’Qsihe deal the C. B. R. entered a prdtest," and Sir Thomas Shaughnessy was in Ottawa personally to present the pro- test, but he has been smoothed down (just how it doth not yet appear) and everything has been arranged so that Mackenzie and Mann will be al- lowed to put their hands into the public treasury and take out a sum greater than all the proï¬t which the farmers of the three.prairie provinces made out of, the wheat crop of 1912. - The report goes still further and says that arrangements have been made with the leaders of the Liberal party by which the two old parties will line up together to donate this money in magniï¬cent testimony of the esteem in which they hold William and Donald. This information seems superfluous, because it is taken for granted nowadays that when Macken- zie and Mann want anything both parties get together like little men and give them all that they ask for. Of course the people are not consulted in the proposition whatever. Appar- ently it is none Of the people’s busi- ness what is done with the money that is taxed out of them by the tariï¬â€˜. Let us us not forget that it was only a year ago that the Government handed out to Mackenzie and Mann a. cash donation of $6,300,000. Whether that little bouquet was in payment for elec- gNW WMWMWWWM-g tion services we have not been infonn_ v led, but at any rate when they saw the ‘ surplus in the treasury it set their mouths, watering, and they have be- . come less modest in their‘dcmands.- The C. N. B. system, such as it is, is" built on public credit. Mackenzie and- , Mann have succeeded-in getting huge' bond guarantees from nearly every Govcrment in Canada, to the extent Of nearly $175,000,000, in addition to cash subsidies of $16,000,000 andl land grants worth $40,000,000‘1nm'ec or a total of $231,000,000. In return,- these Governments have no more conn- trol over Mackenzie and Mann and. the C. N. R. than they have over the Cape‘toCairo railroad in Africa and its promoters. The public have never been able to learn anything about the way the C. N. R. has been financed, nor whether Mackenzie and Mann have ever put a cent of their own- money into it. ' It is well known that these two‘ knightly gentlemen control coal mines in British Columbia and Alberta, as wel as iron deposits and foundries in Ontario, street railways in Winnipeg, as well as in Toronto, Mexico City and. Rio de‘ Janeiro, and have immense» holdings in many of the large {imam-- cial institutions tl1rougboutCanada,. Mexico and South America. Where .did__ they getrthe money for these other enterprises? ‘Less than twenty years ago they had little or nothing. The history of the C. N. R. is a profound secret, and it is time it was uncovered. If our governments are allowed to do- nate to Mackenzie and Mann as freely in the next twenty years as in the last sixteen years, these two men will dominate Canada. from one end to the other. We are simply building up a. machine that is going to turn upon us and destroy the hope of future free» dom. What earthly chance is there of securing any legislative reforms if Mackenzie and Mann and their col- leagues are Opposed to it, when they have all this power at their command I ' The time has come to put a stop to this damnablc system. It is all very well to say the country will suffer if the Government does not come to the rescue of the C. N. R. and its pro- moters, but we do not believe the country would suffer any more from such a situation than it has already suffered at the hands of this same ag- gregation. \Vhat have they done with the money they have already gotten from the public treasury? Their railâ€" ‘way system in the Prairie Provinces has been a shame and a disgrace for years, and if the Government is going to do anything further, the ï¬rst thing they should do is to have a. full and a complete public investigation of the Canadian Northern system, so that the public may know what is being done with their money. We believe it is time these two gentlemen of knightly fame were given their walk- (Concluded on page 8.) 1836 p ll “nil :1; Bank . ~ Money Orders Are Safe And Convenient Fenelon Falls Branch TH BANK OF I. l 77 Years in Business. Capital and Surplus Over $7,800,000. ' ' 1913 1103 Ia~i;». If you want to send any sum up to Fifty Dollars, to any point in Canada, Yukon excepted, or to any of the principal cities of the United States, buy a Money Order at any Branch of the Bank of British North America. The cost is triflinv. MW. Reive, manager. . . _s;_-.._..,_-_r,‘,_.r-......H;g_.....,. a... .. ... w M; - 7:1... gr . 'i“ ' ' 1- .w --‘< x .- ' , ~~ -mw~m2;: » my '41