i f f Ffï¬â€˜ ‘ a}' ,5. M...,.,. AM», omâ€. . . a.-.» .. ~_.. wanâ€"1...... ....,....... -.. rw i 'i l ."i oro‘friod and : Stood the Test l IDODD’S KIDNEY PILLS MAK- ING A REPUTATION IN THE WEST. ‘Saskatehewan Man Tells How They Cured Him, After Four Months’ Suffering from Baekache and Other Forms of Kidney Disease. St. Phillips, Sask., April 21 :(Special).â€"In a new country, {where changes of climate and 1m- ‘pure water are among the difï¬cul- ties to be surmounted, kidney trou- ble is prevalent. It is the kidneys, the organs that strain the impuri- ties out of the blood, that ï¬rst feel any undue strain on the body. Con- sequently, Dodd’s have been well tried and tested in this neighborhood. ‘ They have stood the test. Many settlers tell of backache, rheuma- tism and urinary troubles cured by iDo-dd’s Kidney Pills. Mr. Otto [Olshewski is one of these. In speaking of his cure he says: “I suffered from kidney disease for four months. My back ached, I had heart flutterings, and was alâ€" ways tired and nervous. My skin had aharsh, dry feeling; my limbs were heavy; and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. . “I consulted a doctor, but, as I did not appear to improve, I de- cided to try Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I used six boxes, and now I am all right.’.’ Dodd’s Kidney Pills always stand the test. Ask your neighbors. ' ‘1‘ The Origin of the Heel. It is said that the heels now worn on shoes had their origin in Persia, .where they took the form of flat " reï¬t." ~--v -~-‘-~~~ 3.3%? NEW COMPASS FOR WIRELESS .â€" Clever Contrlvauee Tells Sender Direction of Distant Station. With the new Telefunken wireless compass the direction of a distant wireless station may be found. To carry this out, the sending post is provided with a certain number of antenna, each of which sends out waves in a certain direction on the horizon, so that by connecting the apparatus on to Antenna No. 1 the waves travel north, No. 2 to north- east, and so one. In reality there are used as many as 16 different points of the compass. To connect in each antenna in turn there is used'a contact drum rotated by an electric motor. A separate antenna sends, out a. time Kidney Pills signal in tall directions. Just after the time signal is sent the drum roâ€" tates so as to connect on one an- tenna. after the other. At the dis- tant station the operator has a watch device with a hand rotating around a dial at exactly thesame rate as the drum. When he hears the time signal he presses the watch button and the hand commences to rotate. At a given time one of the signals comes in his direction, and here the sound is loudest, so that he stops the watch, and now the hand :points'to the direction of the other station. ' The time of each rotation is one- half minute, and he can repeat the. observations so as to arrive at an accurate result. It is said that the method is accurate to within three or four degrees. ’ ï¬ll DR. TALKS OF FOOD. Pres. of Board of Health. "What shall I eat?†is the daily “mm on sandals to raise “19 feet inquiry the physician is met with. and protect them from the hot sands. It was many years after- ward that this fashion was intro- duced into Venice, but the reason for its adoption in this case is said I do not hesitate to say that in my judgment a large percentage of dis- ease is eaused by poorlv selected and improperly prepared food. My personal experience with the ful- to have been quite different. Here 1y_cooked food, known 3,, Grape- the originators of the fashion were jeaulous husbands, who reasoned that their ladies thus equipped would not venture far outside the precincts of their dwelling. These eels were called “clogs,†and in order to satisfy the vanity of the wearers and perhaps to sweeten the pillâ€"that is, the discomfort of ap- pearng in themmthey were elaborâ€" ' ately adorned, sometimes being enâ€" crusted with gold and silver. The height of the clogs determined the rank of the wearer. ‘1‘“ Mlnard's Llnlmon! Cures Distemplr. The Solution. “Ma has solved the servant girl problem.’ ’ ‘ “That so? How?†“She’s decided to do the work herself.†FILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO DINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 500. Looking for little faults in your neighbors enables you to overlook a lot of big ones in yourself. ulnard's Llnlment Cure: Garza: ln Cows Ignorant. Mrs. Kellerâ€"Cooks are such ig- norant ' things now-a-days. Mns. Justwedâ€"Aren’t they. They can’t do the simplest things. I asked mine to make some sweet- breads the other day and she said she couldn’t. om PILLS DRIVE our ‘ Thoao Pains in the Kidneys. Mr. Thomas Stephenson, of Lachute Mills, P. Q., writes 2 “I was troubled for many years with Kidne Disease, and a friend told me to take IN PILLS. After taking a few boxes I was greatly relieved, and after ï¬nishin the twelfth box the pain com- pletely eft me. My wife is now using GIN PILLS and ï¬nds that she has been really relieved of the pain over her Ki neys.†50¢. a box. 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto: 133 Maypole Soap TH E C L E A N H O M E D Y 3 Give: rich. even colors, free from streaks Indolnolul- ely fut. Does not stainhondsor kettles 24 colors, will 'vc any shade. Co We, block l5c. n ’ your dealer's or l- id with milkin“ldow lo Dye" from '3' 'F. L BENEDICT & GO. Moniml Nuts, enables me to speak freely of itsmerits. , “From overwork, I suffered sev- eral years with malnutrition, pal- pitation of the heart, and loss of sleep. Last summer I was led to experiment personally with the new food, which I. used in conjunction with good rich cow’s milk. In a. short time after I commenced its use, the disagreeable symptoms dis- appeared, my heart’s action beâ€" came steady and normal, the func- tions of the stomach were properly carried out and I again slept as soundly and as well as in my youth. "I look upon Grape-Nuts as a perfect food, and no one can gain- say but that it has a'most promin- ent place in a rational, scientiï¬c system of feeding. Any one who uses this food will soon be con- vinced of the soundness of the principle upon which it is manu- factured and may thereby know the facts as to its true worth.†Name given by Canadian Postum 00., Windsor, Ont. “There’s a reason, and it is exâ€" plained in the little book, “The Road to Wellville,†in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They an genuine. true. and full of human Interest. ‘F A teacher asked his class what the four seasons were, whereupon a little boy replied, “Salt, mustard, vinegar and pepper.†H s- Mlnnrd': Llnlment Cures Diphtheria. as CLEVER NEW BURGLAII TRAP! Placed in Front of Counter, Auto- matically Imprisons Thief. An ingenious device is the inven- tion of Mr. William Norreys, of Yattendon Road, Horley, England. It consists of a false floor, which may be constructed in front of the counter or whatever other part of the shop or ofï¬ce a thief might be expected to stand upon. This floor, which covers a pit, is supported by projecting pins, which can be with- drawn into their sockets by means of a lever worked by a brass rail on the shopman’s side of the counter and running along the whole length of it. The floor being set free to fall, the thief upon it sinksquickly into the pit, alighting upon spring or pneumatic shock-absorbers, that he may not be injured. His weight works another lever, which causes a sliding door to close over the mouth of th epit. The device can be set at night for burglars or safe- breakers, the retaining pins being so adjusted that the false floor will fall under the added weights of a burglar. .__a-___._ Even a reputatiopkwill get» rusty if you don’t keep it'in constant use. If Breathingiis Difficult, If Nostrils arc Pluggc , You Have Catarrh NEBUCIIADNEZZAR’S PALACE. Priceless Treasures Lie ,Buried Everywhere. Fro-m the engineer’s camp I fol- lowed rthe course of the old river of At Last a Remedy That Already Has Per- Babylon down to the famous City manontly Cured Thousands. Perhaps you haven't heard of the new romedy~it's so pleasant to useâ€"ï¬lls the nose. throat and lungs with a healing balsamic vapor like the air of the pine woods. It's really a wonderful remedyâ€" utilizes that marvelous antiseptic only found in the Blue Gum tree of Australia. The name of this grand speciï¬c is Catarrhozone, and you can’t ï¬nd its equal on earth for coughs, colds. catarrh or throat trouble. You see it’s no longer necessary to drug the stomachâ€"that spoils digestionâ€"just simply inhale the balsamic essences of Cntarrhozone, which are so rich in healing that they drive out every trace of Catarrh in no time. “I look upon Catarrhozone as the most valuable medical discovery of recent years," writes R._ V. Potter. of Prince Albert. "As a long sufferer from nasal and throat catarrh I was obliged to take considerable medicine. and, although it helped me, my digestion was always dis- turbed and the eatarrh didn't go away. With Catarrhozone it was different. It cleaned my nose and throat of all phlegm and discharges. enabled me to breathe freely, relieved a stuffy feeling in my nose and frontal headaches. Today I am entirely free from catarrh, and I use my Catarrhozone Inhaler a little every day in order to prevent the disease from re- turning." I With Catarrhozone experimenting ends. A permanent curative action begins. Last- ing relief from Catarrh results. The large size costs $100, last two months and is guaranteed. Small size 50c.~;, sample size 250. All storekeepers and druggists. or The Catarrhozone 00.. Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. 1‘ TO GET GREAT IIORSEI’OWER. Lay Trial Tidal Plant at Schleswig- Holstein. Millions of horse-power are going to waste which the sea could fur- nish us if only some practical way of running a tidal plant could be found, says the Polytechnical Re- view. The idea is in the air at preâ€" sent and there are several projects in hand! which are likely to be taken up before long. One of these is brought out by Engineer Pein, of Hambur , and he proposes to lay out two large basins on the sea. coast in Schlcswig-Holstein. Two tidal basins are used and the water takes a swift flow bet-ween the ba- sins on somewhat the same plan as has been used on a modern scale and for running as large a plant as the 5,000-horSepower one which he is now designing. Part of the work is already done by a 1%amile jetty in the sea connecting with Nord- strand island. The basins will have 2,500 and 1,000 acres surface and the height of the waterfall between the-m is four or ï¬ve feet, so that with a great volume of wateihit is possible to run a set of SOD-horseâ€" power turbines, ten in number, so as to have 6,000-horsepower. This is only a trial plant, and should it succeed a much greater amount of power can be obtained in this way by using larger basins and in greater number, as the sea will give an unlimited amount of power. >l‘ A fool says, “I can’t,†a wise man says “I’ll try.†.y .. ,1 i9 21- . quickly atone coughs, the throat and lungs. ':: :: ~ and beasts, bath-tubs, bowl-shaped of Nebuchadnezzar, where the Gerâ€" man Oriental Society is digging up the records of 4,000 years ago, writes a correspondent. I saw the famous stone lion; the hasâ€"relief of N ebuchadnezzar himself, with his quaint curly board; the stone goose which was the standard measure of weight in ' Babylonian grocery stores; the odd tribe of kinky-tailed cats; the thousands of queer dishes, urns, vases, utensils, ï¬gures of men coffins and cuneiform tablets which have been unearthed by. the careful Germans. They showed me the ma- ‘gic name of N ebuchadnezzar stamp- ed on numerous bricks, and I walkâ€" ed through the very banquet hall where, peradven-ture, the handwrit- ing came on the wall at the feast of Belshazzar and “a. thousand of his lords.†On the perfectly pre- served wallsof the palace I beheld the strange ï¬gures of mythological beasts and the everlasting bull, which held a high place in Baby- lonion worship. Under German guidance a host of Arabs have toil- edâ€"toiled for a quarter of a cen- turYâ€"digging carefully. as they dig at Pompeii, not to crack or ruin the price-less treasures which lie buried everywhere. And each day brings some new surprise. it Are You Droopy, Tired, Worn Out? Here is Good Advice to All Who Feel as if Their Vigor and Life Had All Oozed Away. This Condition Can be Qulckly'cured by a. Good Cleansing Msdlclne. Your experience is probably somewhat similar to that. described by Mr. J. T. Fleming in the following letter from his home in Lebanon: "I think I must have the most sluggish sort of a liver. In the morning my mouth was bitter, and that foul, soft feeling that tells you ‘No breakfast needed here this morning.’ A cup of coffee would sort of brace me up, but in two hours I was disposed to quit. work, all energy having oozed out of me. Supper was my only good meal. but I guess I didn't digest very well, for I dreamt to beat the band. A friend of mine put me wise to Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. I think they must have taken hold of my liver, perhaps my stomach, too, because at the very start they made things go, right. Look at me nowâ€"not sleepy in the daytime, but hustling for the mighty dollar and getting fun out. of life every minute. That's what Dr. Hamilton's Pills have done for incâ€"they have rebuilt and rejuvenated my entire system." To keep free from headaches, to feel young and bright, to enjoy your meals, to sleep sound and look your best, no. thing can help like Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25c. per box, live for $1.00 at all drugglsts and storekeepers or postpaid from The Cat-arrhozone Co, Buffalo. N. 1'., and Kingston, Canada. ‘2‘ A Woman’s husband doesn’t so often come up to her ideal as her . ideal comes down to him. ._,_. Charity may begin at home, but . , ldon’t conï¬ne it to the house, or it cures colds. and healalwiil soon run away and lose its 25 cents. rigor, just as a person would. A sensible young man never Mlnard's Llnlmani Gurss Colds, sin. throws himself at the feet of a girl who throws herself at his head. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, Drnggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE‘S signature is on each box, 25c. pâ€"__ Gone tothe Bad. Frayed Philipâ€"Wot’s become 0’ .Pete l 5â€".â€" As It Is Now. “I’ll tell ,me big brudder on you.†“Aw, me big sister kin make him jump through hoops. See ’1†.â€".. When Try Murine Eye Remedy Noflraartlngâ€"Feela Flnoâ€"ActsQulckly. Y Try ltfor Red, Wonk, Watery 1': 'es and 0 Granulated Eyelids. Illustrate Book in each Package. MURINE is com- ' _ ) ounded b ourOcull toâ€" t "P to t Grltty George Pete? Oh) he 5 iledlclnwbntnsedlnssucgiiisallPin-3- gone to de bad. F. P.â€"Iu jail, is he? N d clans' Practice for many years. how e e dedicated to the Public and sold by a r e gmgï¬lslfn at‘lzvaWc {ï¬r Damage. Murine , . , - yo nven nepous,25¢‘,60c. G- Giâ€"VVOTSe n that: he 3 work Lâ€" Murlne Eye Remedy 00.. Chicano ing regular in a factory. ISSUE 17â€"13 ED. 7. u..â€" Eifective Remedy. A prominent physician was re- cently called to his telephone by a colored woman formerly in the ser- vice of his wife. In great agita- tion the woman told the physician that her youngest child was in a bad way. “What seems to be the trouble i†asked the doctor. “Doc, she swallowed a bottle of ink!†“I’ll be over there in a short while. to see her,†said the doctor. “Have you done anything for her 'i†“I gave her three pieces 0’ blot- tin paper, Doc,†said the colored woman doubtfully. It was never meant that lazy people should reach the top of the ladder-there would be no place for them to sit down. our BURNING only FACE Very Bad Case. Little Blisters Broke and Formed Scabs. Thought Would Be Disï¬gured for Life. Used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment a Month. Completely Cured. -â€"â€"_...___... Cold Brook. 81:. John, N. litâ€""Cutich Soap and Ointment certainly cured my little girl of a very bad case of eczema. She had eczema on her face for al~ most two years. First little white blisters covered her face, then these would break . and form scabs, and they ' were very itchy and harm lug. I used to have meat trouble in getting her to sleep at night. She scratched ‘ so I had to do all I could to prevent her. for sometimes she would scratch the scabs off and then it would be very sore and burning. She was certainly a great care. I treated her for it and also used different kinds of blood medicine, and olntmont but got no cure. I thought she would be dlsflg‘ urcd for life. “ It had lasted about two years'hvhen one day I saw an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment in the paper so decided to give them a trial. I had not used them for more than a month when she was completely cured. I cannot praise Cuticura .floap and Cutlcura Ointment enough. or course I continue to use Guti- eura Soap as I ï¬nd it the best soap on the market for children." (Slgnod) Mrs. John Newman, Doc. 30. 1911. Cutie-urn. Soap and .Cuticura Ointment are sold by drugglst's and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-1). book, send post card to Potter Drug 6; Chem. Corn, Dept. 30D. Boston. U. B. A. FARMS son sun. I -, H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborno street, Toronto. GOOD STOCK FARM OF 600 ACRES with Three Houses: large Bank Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for quick sale. I HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontario .on my list. If you want a farm comm“ me. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. TIFTY ACRESâ€"7 MILES FROM LON- don market; soil gravelly clay loam; 2 acres orchardz’ buildings fairy Price Four.Thousand. ‘The Western Real Estate Exchange, London. Out. a ARM‘ IN SASKATCHEWANâ€"EQUIP- ped; in crop; must sell: terms easy. Percy Love. Hawarden. Busk. MALE HELP WANTED. Q T ONCEâ€"MEN WANTED TO LEARN Barber Trade. Great demand. Good wages. Twenty to thirty advertised for daily in Toronto papers alone. Can teach you insix to eight. weeks. Send for Cata- logue. Moler College, 221 Queen East. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. ‘ TAMP COLLECTORS-HUNDRED DIF- k ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto. . MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER. TUMORS, LUMP-‘1, ETC, J internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Fm. Limited. Colllnrrwnnd. Ont. ALL: S'I‘Or‘iluzi, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbngo and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remeddy. "Banal." price $l.50. Another new remo for Dlabetes-Mellltus. and sure cure. "Ranol’s Anti-Diabetes." Price 62.00 from druggists or direct. The Hanoi Manufac- turing Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. ll'lnn. Refilling a Slander. A man can thread a needle all right if he feels the sewing has to be done and there is no woman around. I consider MINARD'B LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. I gotvmy foot badlv jammed lately. I bathed it. Well with MINARD'S LINIMENT, and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLEN. ’Twas Ever Thus. “My son has become acquainted early with woman’s pcrï¬dy.†“How now?†“A little schoolmate persuaded him to lick her slate for her, and then declined to kiss him on ac- count of possible germs.†Bad Blood is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and clo ged-up kidneys and skin. The un igcsted food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Morse'a Indian Root Pill; I act directly on the bowels, regulating themâ€"on the kidneys, giving them easeand strength to properly ii ter the bloodâ€"and on the skin, 0 ning up the pores. For pure hi and good health take Dr. Morse’s “ Indian 'RoOt' Pills Al-LLKLLJALLAumnnnsaAA.LA.A_A.-‘.--_-r.. . l _ . .