if :v s sis-mm g amt i ls one ofthe necessities of present times, when accuracy . and promptness ' are required in all departments of business - 1 bio. I A v I Buy a Waltha‘m Watch and have a good, dependable time- keeper. V ‘ _We carry the best quality of goods that can be purchased from the best manufacturers. " Issuer of Marriage Licenses. The Old Reliable Jewelry Shire. 7 ï¬nal on Falls. W _~___.. P x-olcssionnl Cal-(ls ~.... .MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON & fl STINSON. ) ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, .NOTAR- l) ics. money to loan. Specxal atten- ville, Ontario. G _H. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, 2F. Homnas HOPKINS, B. A MOORE & JACKSON ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, alto. Of 8 ï¬cc,William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON STEWART s O’CONNOR, KRRISTERS, NOTARIES, 8w. MONEY B to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Ollice on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. v . Srnwsm. L. V. O’Conxon, A ______________..__â€"â€"â€"â€" LEIGH R. KNIcIâ€"In « ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, IjOTsRY B Public. Successor to MGDIanmld. 8; 'Weeks. Visits made toFenclon Falls by appointment. Money" to loan anp Real Estate bought and sold. Olllcc hentrStul Lindsay, Telephone 41. ~ ‘ DENTAL. Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Feuelon Falls. V . Graduate of Toronto University" and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved ' methods at moderate prices. OFFICEzâ€"Over Burgoyne’s sto'rc, Col- , orne street MWâ€" MEDICAL. DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"-M. 0.,0. in, u n. c s. Eng.,M. c. Pvt s., 0247., r. 'r. u. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON 65 ACCOUClL’ cur. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Fenelcn Frills. _________________________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, ASSOCIATE conoxnn couxrr or \‘ICIORIA. successo'n TO OR. A. WILSON, .‘i i i 23 i it a games stated before, and what we are a s a i i i. ‘1 out a miss or a slip. that it is pirssible to secure may be yours ' at any time. ing of your orders here. proving every business day in the year, that the cheapest catables that loan be bought are those which are of the highâ€" cst possible grade. - wholesome fopd all the year round, with- E vision of Green. Hills. ~ E b a EI E Always ready to igivc‘you our best services. ‘ nu: maturatst WW we mser an WWW‘TW “Warmers was?» FENELON FA FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1913. LLS, ON-rARIo, 's.~ -.-- .-.~.w.»....‘.:_.....- e. . - T- r :‘.'r'\‘ ~"' 41‘". \=L'~r‘.' :~ .i-ul‘ HEAD "OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1817 Paid up Capital $16,000,000.00. SAVINGS BANK Deposits taken To have your table supplied i with ‘ The Macon, Ga., News reviews the recent edition of the Appeal, in which some of the horrors of capitalism are » shown up, and says : urtfter reading this week’s Appeal to Reason one feels like he has crawl- ed through a sewer, slept in a coal bin, All the freshness,‘all the goodness It simply means the ‘ sendâ€" ? read Dante’s Inferno and had an aw- .. . v , - E9 ful' nightmare. No wherein it is there ' . Let .us repeat what we have many a breath of fresh air. a vision of green ‘ E hills, or an allusion to blue skies,†That is exactly the. way the average 2* worker in America feels. He is con- Ee stantly “living in an inferno, in a 5,. nightmare, is crawling through a. sewâ€" ? er, and ,is sleeping in'Va coal bin,†be- cause he cannot ï¬nd a home in E which to rest his head. It is this fact 1&1 that is amusing the workers of the 5 world to rebellion against being con- tinuously robbed. “ \Ve respectfully,†says the News, “ suggest to our Socialist brethren that the sun does shine occasionally.†Shine occasionally! It shines all the timeâ€" for a few. There is an abundance of “fresh air,†there is "a “ vision of green hills,†there are “ blue skies†even in peal (lees “ breathe a breath of fresh air,†it does "give a vision of green hills,†it does point to “blue skies.†It is only through the Socialist press that the workers of the world can see anything/of the kind. There is noth- of it under the capitalist system: There is nothing of it in the capitalist papers. But through the vision in- spired by Socialism they I. can see a. time when they who build the houses shall inhabit them, when they who raise the good things to eat shall con-A sume them, when they who build the roads, shall ride on them, when all the wOrk'ers shall- be able to leave the sweat shops and the slave pens. and get into the fresh air, when those now cooped up in the slums shall have a chance to get to the green hills, when those who are laboring in smoky cities shall be able to come under the blue ,skyand see. the stars. It is this vision of green hills, blue skies and beautiful surroundings that is behind the Social; ist movement. It is the realization that the present system is a hell that ~nerves them for heroic effort to get away from it.-â€"Appeal to Reason. §’ E it E; a sick wife cannot take his loved one 5? 5 E3 Er E E4 E9 well dressed. It pays to be a little foi‘éhanded in ordering a new outfit of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us take your'measure for a new suit. Up-to-date goods, style and workmanship. V Our ‘ iiIOtto is " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.†TOWNLEY' BROS. Saves nine, and a suit in time keeps you always 3 Fenelon Falls E Fine Tailoring . no. .â€" NO Socialist will consent to don a red coat and attend the annnual train» ing camps. Dressers. We have several new styles in footwear which will commend themselves at a glance. They are _ the acme of style in shoes and at the same time are as comfortable 77 Years in Business. THE BANK F BANK 0F ' MONTREAL MONTREALJ INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Reserve Fund $l6,000,000.00. ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. DEPARTBIENT of $1 and upWards, which can beE withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgrthe’nelon Falls Branch ExplOitation. The central fact V in the Socialist philosophy, the foundation of the class struggle, is the exploitation of. the working class. The capitalist sys--~ tem is cornerâ€"stoned in the'exploitaâ€" tion, that is to say, the legalized rob- bery, of the workers and producers. The proposition is a pcrfectlysimplo and self-evident one, and a workingâ€"- man, above all others, unless he shut-s his eyes and refuses to look at it, is bound to see it. The tools of produc- tion, great machines in these days, be- long to the capitalist class. To them the workers must go for permission to work, if they work at all. The ownerâ€" ship of the tools gives the capitalists p0wer ever the workers, power to conâ€"- trol their employment, power to take from them what they produce, power, in a word, to keep them in slavery. As long as the capitalists own the tools which the workers must lime if: they are allowed to work at all, the capltalists will get the product-and wax fat and deï¬ant, whille the work- ers will remain poor and submissive, ignorant and enslaved. When the cap- teaching of, Socialism, the,process by which they are exploited and robbed ; and they have united in a movement that is international among workers, and is called the Scocialist movement, through which they propose, when the workers have been awakened to their class interests'and unite, industrially and politically, to conquer capitalism by taking possession of the public power and transferring the tools from the idle capitalists to the producing workers, so that the workers who have made the tools and use them shall also be the ownersof them. They can then- employ themselves without let 0r hinâ€" ’drance, take to themselves the whole fruits of their labor ; so that, instead of being'dependent wage slaves, they shall be men and women in the full sense of the terms, have the means to provide themselves with real homes, and live lives of peace. and content, of inutual good will and brotherly love worthy the name of civilizationâ€"Ex. -¢-.. ,_The SOcialist platform is against. warâ€"â€"ï¬rst, last and always, . A philanthropist is one who dives into a bag of stolen .wealth 'and deals out tidbits to the poor from whom the wealth was taken. ' ~ 1913 u Capital and Stirplus Over $7,600,000. tion given: to illivestpuélntsi‘Bï¬aiiélpoflic: ‘ 5 -:' ., the midst of ..win’terâ€"â€"for those ‘WhO italists all0w the workers to use their .th‘ elnFuls,a ie I. .L' owe D ' ,, . , , - _. . .. I Emnlililssggners‘omcc- Open every Tues_ , ,â€" lidle the dough , but the \\ Ol‘kel \Vltll tools, 1t, 13 only on conshhgm that the): . ; day. Lindsay ollicc over Dominion Bank. ' i‘ V __ _ tum 0V6!“ t0 the Gapltallsts all they C,†‘1 " Eu. MCLAUGKLIN,K. c. an. rams, B. A. . - ’ to Italy 0" t9 “‘6 {nountamï¬â€˜dei 0“ to produce except a small Share, covered .3? *‘ Jas. A. PEEL. T. H. S'rmsox. - , . where the sunshines, It IS the very by what is called wages, required to ‘ â€".__._.-_-â€"â€"â€"‘â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""-â€""â€"â€"‘ » ‘ ‘, fact that there is plenty of enjoyment keep the workers rmd their de . d < a" ‘f A _ ' A, . ,;_ . , \ . .pcn ents HOPLHVS', ‘VEEKE‘ Lines... ' - . . .. .. . . _ . ' . f9? _$F;P‘Q“'.1}?.Clg “.0 3311:3111? IS alf‘oï¬s'~‘alive, so that they may continue to ARRIS'I‘ERS SO I 3, t 1' I . .' r , . i in:!. @1053 W '0 931' I e “N éns 0 t 19 su F l" "labortd "roducé wealth for the l . B Notairicgi Siolicigoiiimiprfgii Boots and Shoes, Groceries, W all Papei. world to msentment rgninst their own Wiggle capitaï¬gbs who own the took ' I . . n0 ‘ * ' ' . . ‘ . . ' ' §§?gԤ{,?bo,.;o§1.e£ omccs N0, (3 William helpless and haplgz‘s filte- The more Intelligent among these 7‘22: St. south, Lindsay, Out. and at Wood- But the News IS nilstuken- The AP‘ slaves now understand, through the ( BANK BY MAIL awn SAVE A - ' rare TO TOWN RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- T sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coneheur. Oï¬ice, Colboruc street, Fen- as an old slipper it is seldom that - such qualities are so perfectly combined in footwear.» So itgivcs elon Fans. ‘ - .. 1 ‘u- t ' "t t ' - ' - â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€""-â€"â€" muoum eyou . For the beneï¬t 9' those who 11vc out of town, we have . AUCTIONEEB- L " _. arranged. a p an by whth you can do your banking ; by mail quite as satisfactorily as if you stood here at our counters. Come in and let us explain the plan â€"-or write’ for the information. ' THOMAS 'CASHORE. AUCTIONREB. - FENELON FALLS. . Sales of all kinds conducted in a'ï¬rst «class manner. Secure datas before ad- , H yertisixlg. BOBSON a son.- Fenelon [Falls Branch WW M.W. Reive, Manager