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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Jun 1913, p. 5

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' Fell is the contractor. Personal. Mr. J. J. Nevison, who accompanied Mr. S. Nevison and family to Adrian, Mich., about amonth ago, returned home this week. Mr. ll. J. Lvtle of Lindsay was at the Falls on Tuesday. M r. Wm. Kennedy of Bobcaygeon spent Tuesday at the Falls. Mr. W. B. Brandon spent a few days at the Falls, and left again for London, i on an organizing tour. 'Mr. F. J. Kerr has returned from a visit to friends at Newcastle. Mr. R. M..Hamiltou spent the- week end with his family at Petcrborough. Mrs. 'l‘hos. Kelly of Bobcaygeon was at the Falls on Tuesday. ' Mrs. W. J. Heard returned this week from a visit to Toronto relatives. Miss Genevieve Twomey is spending the vacation at her home in town. Miss Lulii Jones is visiting relatives in l’eterborough. Mrs. C, Wellstood of Kinmoupt and Mrs. Ellsworth Austin were in town on Tuesday- Mr. Archie Clark of Wooodstock is spending holidays at the Falls. .. Mrs. Harry Waltonand children of Midland are visiting relatives in town. Mrs. Dawson of Kinmount spent Sat- urday the guest of Mrs. F. Bell. I ’ Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bowhey of Norland spent Saturday at the Falls. , Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gould and children are visiting friends in Orillia and Lind- say. . Mr. and Mrs. Cliff and son of Canning- ton motored to the‘h‘alls last week to -visit Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wagar. a... Mil-.1. Meeting and Lawn Social} . The summer meeting of the Fenelon Falls Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday ‘ afternoon, June 18th, in- Dickson's hall at‘2 p. m.’ Miss Ethel M. Chapman of Campbellville will address the meeting. The same evening a lawn social will be held at the home of Mrs. James Lamb. ‘A good programme will be given. Admission 15c. No extra chlrge for refreshments. All are cor- dially invited. o-e STEAMER SPONY LAKE FOR JULY 12. L. O. L. 996, Fcnelon Falls, has engag- ed th‘e steamer Stony Lake for July 12th. and will run an excursion to Bobcaygeon, wvhere the day is to be celebrated. EXCURSION. The Baptist Church will run . their annual boat excursion on ngnesday, July 2nd, to Port Perry. The Steamer listurion will leave the lower wharf at 8 o‘clock a. m. Plan to take in this de- lightful trip. METHODIST Lamas Au) GARDEN PARTY. ‘ - "The Ladies‘ Aid at the'Methodist‘ Church will hold their annual garden party on the parsonage grounds on Fri- day evening, June 27th. Further par- ticulars later. Burner. canons ran'rv. There will be a garden party at Bethel M'd‘hodist Church on the. evening of \Vodnesday. June 18th. Ice cream and refreshments will be served on the church lawn. Gmd music provided by Feoelon Falls orchestra. Admission lOe. Everybody welcome. ' r W. O. T. U. GARDEN PARTY. ’ The “7.10. T. U. will hold a garden party at the residence of Mrs. Campbell on Oak street on Friday evening, June 2~lth. A good programme will be given and the orchestra will be in attendance, A'lnission 10.3. Refreshments extra. All - cordially invited. --o Fairhairn. (Correspondence of thc Gazelle.) (Received too late-for last week.) Mr. Arthur McGee of Toronto spent a .‘ fewdays recently visiting friends in this ' vicinity. He was accompanied by his friend, Mr. Hawkins. Mrs. Jas. Tiers spent the 24th of May .with friends in Lindsay. ' | ‘ Mr. and Mrs. MossSmith visited West Ops friends during the holidays. Mr. H. Brolceushire, ‘Pnblic School teacher. visited his parents in Lindsay on Victoria Day. ' Mr. Wm. Elliott madea business trip to Montreal a short time ago. The cheese factory began operations 2 June 2nd with Mr. F. J. i-Ierchmcr of Bnbeaygcon as maker. I The Burnt River Telephone C». are; extending their line in this vicinty at the present timoiand expect soon to? have several more phones installed. - i 1 .Mr. Wm. Green, locnl cream drawer, , was in this vicinity recently delivering . road lists and inspecting telephone poles. Mr. John Elliott recently purchased a 1 new rubber tire buggy. She's a dandy. Miss Etta. Tiers has been on the sick ' list of late, but is out again. Mr. "Geo. Tiers intends building an! addition to his barn this season. Mr. M. 1 -w , Mr. ll. Dcyrnan of Gooderham has sold out to Mr. Gordon Lake, and has pur- % I chased a business in Oakwood. * Court Feuelon Falls No. 626 BANANA" ORDER OF FORESTERS I Meets last Wednesday of each month i Visiting brethren always made welcome. ‘ 37A. W.QUIhELL. w. commons. g . - C,R. RS. ‘ 'x a? '5} no or HUME 11 [up ms Pioneer, of the West Went In With Lord Strathcona and Saw the Country Develop .._... After forty' years' absence from Montreal. Leon Pare,‘fur trader, bon- anza wheat rancher and pioneer of the Duhamel district of Alberta 1" urn8d to his home city for a visit to his relatives. Mr. Pare, whose career has been an active one, was born in St. Sulpice, L'Assumption County, Que" some eighty years ago. It is more than forty years since he left Mon- treal for Fort Garry, as Winnipeg Was then known, in company with Donald Smith, new Lord Strnthcona and Mount Royal. The old man gives the following account of the trip; “There were more Indians than white people at Fort Garry when Donald Smith, governor of the Hud- son's Bay, and I arrived there in the summer of 1873. We travelled by train from Montreal to St. Paul, by way of Chicago, and the» overland trip by stage from the Mississippi River to the co‘inpany’s pc~t at Fort Garry was anything but pleasant. We huda rather rough time of it, but to me the novelty offset the hardships. Then, too, I recalled that Smith had walked alone from Fort Garry to Montreal and return. Travelling in a. stage coach, of course, was easier than walking." B: comes a Trader Pare remained at -Fort‘Gnrry six months and entered rpon five years of service for the Hudson’s Bay Com- Dally at Fort Qu’Appelle and Carleton. From the Indians who came to trade at Fort Qu'Appelle he heard of the large fur catch onL the Battle River. and was told of the opportunities for making money. He severed his con- ‘nectlon with the company ln 1878, and became a trader, with headquarters near Camrose. From Duhamel. Pare made three trips overland to Winnipeg, travelling in a. Red River oxâ€"cart. He would leave in the. early’ spring with a load of furs and r turn late in the fall. At Duhamel Pare had an exciting time during the Riel Rebel- lion. One night his little trading post was surrounded by Indians and half- breeds, who told him that all the white men had to be killed. As Pare was the only white man for many miles around, it would not take thuil'l long to finish the job. They wanztd Pare to open his store. When he .3- fused they forced it open, using a b’g leg as a. battering-ram. ‘The‘ old Hud- son's Bay lock was so strong that the frame broke before the door and by carrying the door away entrance was gained. The invaders took all the goods in the store and departed. A few days later they returned for more goods, saying he was deCellving them. They succeeded in locating h 3 catch of furs’and carried them off as well. This was the end of the tbs- turbsnce,.__as the Indians were snub moned to help Riel at“‘Batoche. .r Takes up Fianchlng “After I quit trading/i, Pure said. “I took up ranching in the Duhamel district. It was a wilderness, the only other white man in the territory being Father Dellevaire, who looked after the Indians. Later, I went'in for mixed farming and made Jots of money. Neither Calgary nor Edmon- ton could boast of more than a hand- ful of people when I first saw them. There was not much at Cnlrary when i went in with a catch of furs on the first train sent out over the Can- adian Pacific Railway. The Hudson's Bay Company's trading post in Ed- monton was then known as ‘the last house in the world.” 3 The Generous West An immigration man persuaded N. F. Lamborn, a native of Denver, to visit Saskatchewan some three years ago. He did so and bought a 2.300 acre farm near Herschell', Susie, and he now has sufficient money to allow him to live in com- fort for the rest of his life. » He bought 2,300 acres fcr $12 an acre and sold’the farm for $65 an acre, getting 3126.500 for the land he bought for $27,600. He .had 1,340 acres in flux his last year on the farm. This ere-p netted him $37,800; he got 27,000 bushels of flux for which he obtained $1.40 per bushel. Mr. Lam- born made, his living for three years and in addition cleared a profit of some $150,000. ' Blacksmith’a Knife A North.0arollna inventor’s knife for paring horses' hoofs is mounted at right angles to the end of a handle and provided with a guide to insure an even cut. ._ Record Lifting Apparatus . W, T ' v V .m‘ quesfifiunw HAibéfii-fiDâ€"Wuscu.u~.wh :* ~.. .V-‘t-‘fi'w ______....â€"__ _....__â€"-â€"-. | ‘One for each everyday ailment: The largeat electric mine hoist in“ the world will be installed in a South African gold mine and will ‘be able to lift 16,000 pounds of are at a speed of 3,500 feet a minute. Mirror been granted the Truthful A patent has iNebraska inventor of a mirror em- iploying a glass of a pinkish tint that Ireflects the Human features more truly than ordinary mirrors. _‘__/ -. ‘ l~ x,. . 4 s-...uu:-..r:.‘...; ;::)'.. Claimed 'He Had a Vision. A dospatch from Seabright, Out, to *v the' Lindsay Post says: A sad case of religious dementia was brought to. the u ' f ff ‘ 1 notice of our Reeve. A_family by tho ‘ name of Edwards living about four miles l 8 I out in the bush, was visited by the V ; Reeve. and Medical Oiiicur. They were . \ e ' . ' actually starving for food. The husband, ‘ ‘ father of four children, had a vision . " . . T from the Lord thathc was to stay right Comes but once 1n her lifetime. Let ‘ there until August, when the the Lord . .. ' . . . I. ' . 7 . ' . 1_ will reveal himself again in another the pm thut plebeHe: ,the lecmd 0t. V vision, and strange .to say, the whole - that happy age. A v1s1t to the photo- family is allocth that way. The doctor . . . . .7 .~ , ' I 7 says that perhaps the next vision will g‘aphel keep" fi [m 1““ t'mu’.‘ the lead to a tragedy. Mr. Hill, Mr. '1‘. Mc- budding charms of Sixteen or the bloom , Leish, and Gilbert have bl'i)ll"llb the r n - , , fl -. ,V ‘ man out and he is now cared for at of, twentl ' ‘Hunl‘ What tho“: piet'meb , Lindsay. Money was left in the hands W111 mean to you and to her 111 the of a neighbor to buy food for the rest. after year”: Alodern equipment and Furniture 33,933”. the natural home his surroundings cf â€"« H F the up-to-date studio, insure hutblul Good bargaiis in socont land 'urni- , , °, - , ,, - , turc, Stoves, etc., at .105. Beanchamp’s, and ‘u 1'15th pm t’l‘l’lt’ul 6‘ Jno. Shane‘s former residence, south of me“ 0”” a” “me' J. II. STANTON, Photographer, DIEâ€"El Fenelon Falls. J0l1xSTON.â€"â€"At Fcnelon Falls, on “'ed- '- , nesdny, June llth,'1913, Mary Ann -/‘ Johnston, beloved wife of 'l‘hos. Johnâ€" ston, aged 63 years, 11 months and 21 days. 1 THE COST Ol‘ a Business or Shorthand Educa- tion In the / TORONTO. ONT. A CARD. We, the undersigned hereby agree to. sell-a package of live standard size 5 cent boxes of Silver Tip Silent Matches for twenty cents. Quality guaranteed. ' A. & C. McFARLAND. .m..;..:..;..;..1..;..;..:..3..;.,z..;..;..;..taz..:.,:.g..:,g,,z,*,.. Do you know Just how little it costs v? to secure a thorough busmess educa- ?‘ tion that will not only increase your earning capacity but will enable you in contact with influential people ’ who can assist you to further advanâ€" cement ? Our catalogue will give. you full particulars. A postal card â€" one effortâ€"we do the rest. W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL Corner Yongc and Alexander Streets. v v v v 0 45‘9‘ .(v-b‘ooxéozoo‘w. v v Q v v 4 o-oXoo’o‘oo‘eb“ V 4 to WHAT Iii IT? and how to save money by the use of this oldest and the newest finish FUR FURNITURE _, FDR FLGD‘BS FOR BDATS Alli) {SAHUES Comes in three-sized tins, 30, 50 and 900. Guaranteed by the oldest and largest. makers of reliable Varnish in the cities of sw«:«x«z«r«x~x~z«ze 0 6 >3 >1» . EABY * CARRIMES *«Xufi ‘%%~X»M*§0Mu V o g. Boston and Moplrcalk... , - . I I mistress - AN D Go- CARTS g ' Agency at ‘” ’3‘ e a 4+ 9 'e - 0 one I a WM. A.GOODW111’S- « A 'good line just roasts»: w: .«tulntwr‘lviui .oe«>+eoe¢:-e~»w»~Mo. MM»: hares. assesses: r . . g. “an Paper and Frame Sh” recclved. Call 111 3} Next Simpson House :5! andsee them, __ e :i: . , LlN_D$hV.: ._ '2"? e 3 .o a‘ o L. DEYMAN & SON I FURNITURE DEALERS, “MM-r~x«x«:»:.+.:«x~e~x«t+o:~e51»?iota» .. Sold and Guaranteed by all good Druggists They know the formulas FOR. SALE In Alberta, Saskatchewan and ' Manitoba. ALEX. CON N ELL Local Agent, Fenelon Falls. I BlfliBliiS. TUIOIS. 80118. lilllllVIlillU, I ~ IllCiiiS. SHOW“ Kill! mlliSri nwnrn ‘rnmu or n; moon noun. nva no luv-I Ohm-w) n a “flu.” or“... n-nlu um!” . mummy”: ‘ ‘. 0* “‘r‘” o r wee-noun ouâ€" ., .snsnnuu. lEllllW' nocx j snumtu. Pnlcxu nu. mums ronssmr no IRON. i m m: "wily mum IWIOD. l I _ . was-FULL noses-4100 War onf'i: ' JV 9'44 _ For sale by. .1. iiiflllth ' FENEL N FALLS. ' to get a position where you will come i E C. P. R. Lands You run NC RISK. see our goods. 8. '15". ' Game 7" . FENELON FALLS. WWMWW SUMMER SCHOOLS_ For courses in all Business sub- jects leading to positions as Bookkeepers or Stenographcrs .-, and for Civil Service and Com- 9 mercial Specialists examinations will be conducted in Shaw‘s Scliools, Toronto, (The Culltl'fll . Business College with four city Branch Schools) from July 3rd to August 16th thisycar. Students may enter any time for general courses. N0 vacations. Write W. ll. Shaw, President, for cata- logue, 391 Yonge St., Toronto. WWW WW- - Local Representative W a nted ' To handle lots in Parkway l'leighls subdivision, Welland, Ontario; the fast- est growing town in Canada,â€"â€"26 Manu- facturing,r plan Lsâ€"seven railroads. Paris- way Heights is the only high-class residential subdivision within the city limits, Seven minutes walk from the Post Ollice. Electric Light, Sewer-5,. Gas, Water are all available. Car lines. being extended to property. This is one of the best investments in Canada to-day.~ Apply with references. LAUGHLIN BEAlJTiLlliilTED 32 Adelaide St. 16., Toronto. the Can 1 Of the 01d, rigs. New - .ones cost money. \Ve make a specialty of re- ] pairing, repainting, etc. If-you have anything that needs fixing up bring it here. Or if you need a new one we can build itâ€"good' as the best. F. f. CHAMBERS. Colbornc Street1 h'cnelon Falls. 3 humanâ€".â€" ._ GOING THEE” ONE- “ BEJ‘TEEug Furniture delivered to your home at LESS (17â€"14 N OUT P121 0198 Call and OUR WALL PAPERS. ‘i “khan... . ..k... a... -m..~..a-mba'¢.wm wmgm - M a N 91’ é n i , b i, , 4 r.“ ‘. ., (‘v ' i .3: <3 4‘ - n ‘ I \‘ ‘l .A y i 'C I ‘I ,4 ; V x 1 K. .1) 'u y. :4; .s‘ 3 , (‘. a" v ’ i

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