.,.? 3"», .,.-.,..,n-,._r.«,;, nanny... ,__,..,.~, 5... . .,- .v . r ' wemmt-mmtmm-metmw hitâ€"Vwaébxh‘Vt-Ris‘i‘m:Iovi.‘wwm.%~mw®- . _ .m...» V» .L. - . ’1 ~ - ' . W MW»...- .; \ / sposr YOUR TOWN 'BY-ORGANIZING iv BRASS BAND Information on this subject with. printed instructions for ama- teur bands and a printed form of Constitution and. B -Laws for bands, together with our big catalogue, will be mailc FREE on wisest. Address Deng,“ p.†- mas: i rsWILLIAMswans Tososre ONTARIQ meowwmmw i 0.11mi the Wilson; Over all these things and many more I pondered as I sat by the glowing embers until they died gradually out. and the chill night air warned me that it was time to retire. I may have slept a couple of hours when I was awoke by some one tugging furious- ly at my shoulder. Sitting up in bed. I. saw by the dim light that my father was standing half clad by my bedside. and that it was his grasp which I felt on my nightshirt. "Get up, Jack.,gct npl" he was crying excitedly. “There's a great ship ashore in the bay. and the poor folk will all be drowned. Come down, my boy, and let us see what we can do." The good old man seemed to be nearly beside himself with excitement and impatience. ' I sprang from my bed. and was huddling on a few clothes. when a dull booming sound made itself heard above the howl- iing of the wind and the thunder of the breakers _ "There it is agninl" cried my father. "It is their signal gun. poor creatures! J amicson and the fishermen are below. Put ‘ the feathers blown out 0' them? I mind ’ Or, A l'lysterious Affair. - - your oilskin coat on and the Gleugarry hat. Come. come. every second may mean We hurried down to- Q‘QQQ‘QQQQQ‘W a human life!" owuwww -- ' ’ ' ' I“ gether and made our way to the beach, CHAPTER X.â€"â€"(Cont‘d) "Gabriel says that she has explained to you that the governor is always a changed man after this particular date. on which his fears reach a crisis. He apparently bps more reason than usual this year to anticipate that trouble is brewing for this unfortunate family.“for I have never known him to takaso many elaborate precautions or appear so thoroughly un- nerved. Who would ever think. to see his bent form and shaking hands, that he is the same man who used some few short years ago to shoot tigers on foot among the jungles of the Berni. and would laugh at the more timid sports- men who sought the protection of their elephant's howdnh? You know that he ,has the Victoria Cross. which he won in the streets of Delhi, and yet here. he is shivering with terror and startling at every noise. in the most peaceful corner of the world. Oh. the pity of it, West! Remember what I' have already told you chat it is no fanciful or imaginary peril. but one which ,we have every rea- son to suppose to be most real. In. is. however, of such a nature that it can neither be averted nor can it proï¬tably be expressed in words. If all goes well. you will see us at Brankuome on the 6th. With our fondest love to both of yen. I am ever, my dear friends. your attached Moudaunt." This letter was a great relief to us as letting us know that the, brother and 315- ter are under no physical restraint; but our powerlessness and inability even‘to comprehend what the danger was which threatened those whom we had come to love better than ourselves was little short of maddening. Fifty times a day [we ask- ed ourselves and asked each other from what possible quarter this'peril was to be expected; but the more we thought of it the more hopeless did any solution appear. In vain we combined our experi- ences and pieced together every word which had fallen from the lips of any in- mate of Cloomber which might be sup- posed to bear directly or indirectly up- on tho subject. At- last. weary With fruitless speculation. we were fain to try and drive the matter from our thoughts, consoling ourselves witlrthe’ reflection that in a. few more days all restrictions would be removed, and we should be able to learn from our friends‘ own lips. Those few intervening days. however. would. We feared, be dreary long ones. And so they would. had it not been for a new and most unexpected incident. which di- verted our minds from our own troubles and gave them something fresh With which to occupy themselves. CHAPTER XI. October had broken auspiciously with a bright sun and a cloudless sky. had' in the morning been a slight breeze, and a few little white wreaths of vapor drifted here and there like the scattered feathers of some gigantic bird; but. as the day were on, such wind as there was fell completely away and the air be- came close and stagnant. The sun blazed down with a degree of heat which was remarkable so late in the season. and a shimmering haze lav upon the upland moons and concealed the Irish mountains on the other side of the Channel. The sea itself rose and fell in a'long, heavy, oily roll. sweeping slowly landward, and breaking sullenly with a dull. monoton- ous booming upon the rock-girt shore. To the inexperienced all seemed calm and peaceful. but to those who are accustomed to redd, nature’s warnings there was a dark menace in air and sky and sea. My sister and I walked out in the after- noon, sauntcring slowly along the mar- gin of the great sandy spit which shoots out into the Irish Sea. flanking upon one side we magnificent Bay of Luce, and on the other the more obscure inlet of Kirk- maidon. on the shores of which the t, accompanied by a dozen or so of the in- tell their one tale they'd have a gey lo to speak of. When the Jedgment Day comes round that water. will be Just. bubbling wi’ the number 0' folks that Will be coming up free the bottom." “I trust that there will be no wrecks while we are here," said Esther earnest- 1 . yThe old man shook his grizzled head-and looked distrustfnlly at the hazy; horizon. “If it blows from the west," he said. “some 0’ these sailing ships may ï¬nd it no Joke to be caught without sea room in the North Channel. There's that bark out thereâ€"I daresay hcr maister would be glad enough to' ï¬nd himscl’ safe in the Clyde." ,’ > . “She seems to be absolutely motion- less," I remarked, looking at‘the. vessel in question, whose black hull and_gleam- ing sails rose and fell slowly With the throbbing of the giant pulse beneath her. “Perhaps, lamicson. we are wrong. and there will be no storm after all.†_ The old sailor chuckled to himself With an air of superior knowledge. and shuf- fled away with his shrimp not. while my sister and I walked slowly homcward through the hot and stagnant air. I went up to my father‘s study to see if the old gentleman had any instructions as to the estate, for he had become engrossed in a newâ€"work upon Oriental literature, and the practical management, of the pro- perty had in consequence devolved (entire- ly upon me. habitants of Branksome. The gale had increased rather than mod- erated. and the wind screamed all round us with an infernal clamor. So great was its force that we had to put our shoulders against it. and bore our way through it. while the sand and gravel tingled up against' our faces. There was just light enough to make out the scudding clouds and the white "gleam of the breakers. but beyond that all was absolute darkness. We stood ankle deep in the shingle and seaweed. shading our eyes with our hands and peering out into the inky obscurity. It seemed to me as I listened that I could hear human voices loud in entreaty and terror. but amid the wild turmoil of na- ture it was difficult to distinguish one sound frdm another. Suddenly, however, a light .glimmered in the heart of the tempest. and next instant the beach and sea and wide tossing bay were brilliant- ly illuminated by the wild glare of a signal light. ‘ She lay on her beam ends right in the centre of the terrible Hansel reef, hurled over to such an angle that I could see all the planking of her deck. I recognized her at once as being the same three-mast- cd bark which I had observed in the Channel in the morning. and the Union Jack which was nailed upside down to the jagged stump of her mizzon pro- claimed her nationality. Ev,ery spar and rope and writhing piece of cordage showed I found him seated at, his square “by up hard and clear under the livid light rary table. which was so heaped with books and papers that nothing of.liim was visible from the door exceptga tuft of white hair. "My dear son." he said to me as I entered, “it is a. great griefto me that you are not more conversant With Sanscrit. When I was your age I could converse not only in that noble language, but also in the Tamulic, Lohitic, Gange- lic. Taie, and Malaic dialects. which are all offshoots from the Turanian branch." “I regret extremely. sir," I answered, “that I have not inherited your wonderv ful talents as a polyglot." “I have set myself a task," he explained, "which if it could only be continued from generation to generation in our own fam- ily until it was completed. would make the name of West immortal. This is no- thing less than to publish an English translation of the Buddhist Djarmas with a preface giving an idea of the position of Brahminism before the coming of Ba- kyamuni. which sputtered and flickered from the highest portion of the forecastle. Beyond the doomed ship out of the great dark- ness came the long rolling lines of black waves, never ending. never tiring, with a petulant tuft of foamhcrc and there upon their crests. Each as it reached the broad circle of unnatural light appeared to ga- ther strength and volume and to hurry on more impetuously until with a roar and a jarring crash it sprang upon its vic- tim.’ Olinging to the weather shrouds we could distinctly see ten or a dozen fright- ened seamen, who when the light revealed our presence turned their white faces to- ward us and waved their hands implor- ingly. The poor wretches had evidently taken fresh hope from our presence, though it was clear that their own boats had either been washed away or so dam- aged as to render them useless. The sailors who clung to the rigging were not. however, the only unfortunates aboard. 0n the breaking poop there stood With diligence it in possible three men who appeared to be both of a that I might be able myself to complete diil‘ercnt'rnce and nature from the cow- part of the preface before I die." "And pray. sir." I asked. “how long “"00. ering wretchcs who implored our assist- Leaning upon the shattered taff- would the whole 'work be when it was rail they seemed to be conversing together ï¬nished?†. "The abridged edition in the Imperial Library of Pekin," said my father, rub- Whit'h surrounded them- b'n h- h d amen-"homing of 525 light flickered over them we could "see Them 1 g IS an s tog weight of ï¬ve from the shore that “these immutable Then the preface, which must strangers were red fezes. and that their volumes of an pounds. . embrace some account of tho Rig-veda. average as quietly and unconcernedly as though they were unconscious of the deadly peril As the signal faces were all of a swartliy, large featured the samwveda' the Yagubveda and the type. which proclaimed an Eastern_origin. Athmwaweda' with the Brahmanâ€, could There was little time, however. for us to hardly be completed in less than ten vol- take note of 811011 detalls- The *3th W38 times. Now if we apportion one volume to each year there is every prospect of the family~coming to an end of its task about the date 2250, the twelfth genera- tion completing the work, while the thir- Eieenth might occupy itself upon the in- ex.†"And how are our descendants to live. sir," I asked with a smile. “during the progress of this. great undertaking?" “That's the worst of you. Jack," my fa- ther cried petulantly. “There is nothing practical about you. Instead of conï¬ning your attention to the working out of my noble scheme. you begin raising all sorts of absurd objections. It is a. mere matter of‘detail how our descendants live. so long as they stick to the Djarmas. Now I want you to go up to the botliy of Fergus Mc- Donald and see about the thatch, and Willie Fullerton has written to say that Bi‘anksome property is situated. It \vaslllifl.mi1k-COW is bad- You might 10015 in too sultry to go far; so we .soén seated ourselves upon one of the sandy hillocks, overgrownfwith faded grass-tufts. which extended along the coast line. and which from nature's dykes against the , croachmeiit of the ocean. Our rest was. soon interrupted by the scrnuching of heavy boots upon the shingle; and Jamie-, son. the old nian-o'-war's-maii whom I have already had occasion to mention. made his appearance. with the flat cir- cular net upon his back which he used. for shrimp catching. He came toward us upon seeing iis.‘and said in his rough.l kindly way that he hoped we would not take it amiss if he sent us up a dish of shrimps for our tea at Brauksome. "I aye make a good catch‘before a storm." he remarked. “You think there is going to be a storm, then?" I' asked. "Why. even a marine could see that," he answered, sticking a great wedge of tobacco into his check. "The moors over near Cloomber are just white wi' gulls and kitticwakes. What d'ye think they come ashore for except to escape having all a day like this when I was wi‘ Charlie Napier ofl’ Cronstadt. It wellnigh blew us under the guns 0' the forts, for all our engines and propellers." ‘ “Have you ever known a wreck in these parts?" I asked. ‘ “Lord love ye. sir. it's a famous place for wrecks. Why, in that very bay down there two 0' King Philip's ï¬rst-rates foun- dered wi' all hands in the days 0' the Spanish war. If that sheet 0‘ water and the Bay 0' Luce round the corner could tats sue; 1, . For Everybody THE ‘Pssrscr SHOE FOR SUMMER SPORTS. ASK Yet-momma. l Sud my father had retired to their rooms. -.-.:,â€w i. UUA-ulllueu to sit and smoke" Dy- the smoldering fire. What was going on in the hall now. ‘I wondered? What ‘did Gabriel think of the storm, and how did it affect the old man who wandered about in the night? Did be welcome these dread forces of nature as being of the'same or- der of things as his own rtumultuous thoughts? _ ' from the date which I. had been assured upon your way' and ask after it.†I started off upon my errands. but be- fore doing so I took a look at the baro- meter upon the wall. The -mercury had en-- sunk to the phenomenal point of twenty- eight inches. Clearly the old sailor had not been wrong in his interpretation of nature's signs. As I returned over the moors in the evening the wind was blow- ing in short angry puil‘s. and the western horizon was heaped with sombre clouds which stretched their long ragged ten- tacles right up to the zenith. their dark background one or two livid sulphur colored splotches showed up ma- lignant and menacing. while the surface of the son had changed from the appear- ance of burnished quicksilver to that of ground "glass. A low moaning sound rose up from the ocean as if it knew that trouble was in store for it. Far out in the Channel I saw a. single panting, eager steam vessel making its way to Belfast Lough. and the large hark which I had observed in the morning still beating about in the offing, eiideavoring to pass to lthe northward. At, nine o'clock a sharp breeze Was blowing; at ten it had fresh- ened into a gale; and before midnight the most furious storm Was raging which I can remember upon the weather beaten coast. I sat for some time in our small oak- paneled sitting-room listening to the screeching and howling of the blast and to the rattle of the gravel and pebbles as they pattcred against the window. Na- ture's grim orchestra was playing its world-old piece with a. compass which ranged from the deep .diapason of the thundering surge to the thin shriek of the scattered shingle and the keen pip- ing of fLightencd sea birds. Once for an instant I opened the lattice window. but a gust of wind and rain came bluster- ing through. bearing with it. a great sheet of sea-weed. which ilapped down upon the table. It, was all I could do to close it again in 'ilie face of the blast. My sister ‘ an ~ - m I†- < n ' v at lily mu "Liar-"3T0 we... “Sine (or .. -.*.. 1.... -. It was only four days now was to mark‘ a crists‘d'n his fortunes. Would he regard this sudden tempest as being in any way . mysterious late which connected with the l terrible surge.†threatened him! not-hing.†breaking rapidly. and. some effort must be made to save the poor sodden group of humanity who implored our assistance. The nearest lifeboat was in the Bay of Luce. ten miles away. but here was our own broad, roomy craft upon the shingle, and plenty of brave ï¬sher lads to form a crew. Six of us sprang to the oars, the others pushed us off. and we fought our way through the swirling. raging waters. staggering and recoiling before the great sweeping billows. butfstill steadily de- creasing the distance between the bark {and ourselves. _ It seemed, however, that our efforts were fated to be in vain. As we mounted upon a surge I saw a giant wave, toppingall driver following a flock. sweep down up- on the vcssclhcurling her great green arch over the breaking deck. With a rcnding, rivmg sound the ship split in two where the tcrriblc serrated back of the Hansel roof was sawing into her keel. The after- part with the broken mizzen and the three Oriciitals sank backward into deep water and vanished, while the forchaif oscillated helplessly about, retaining its precious balance upon the rocks. A wail of fear went up from the wreck and was echoed from the beach, but by the bless- ing of Providence she kept afloat until we made our way under her bowspi‘it and rescued every man of the crew. We had .L_.. Against“. not got half way upon our return. how- ever. when another-great wave swept the shattered forecastle oil‘ the reef, and ex- tinguishingthe signal light, hid the wild denouement from our view. . Our friends upon the shore were loud in congratulation and praise, nor were they backward in welcoming and comfort- ing the castaways. They were thirteen in all, as cold and cowed a. set of mortals as ever slipped through death’s fingers, save indeed their captain, who was a hardy. robust man, who made light of the affair. Some were taken off to this cottage and some to that, but the greater part came back to Branksonie with us, where we gave them sncli dry clothes as we could lay our hands on, and served them with beef and beer by the kitchen fire. The'cnptain. whose name was New (lows, compressed his bulky form into a suit of my own. and came down to the parlor, where be mixed himself some grog land gave my fatheraud myself an ac- count of the disaster. "If it. hadn't: been for you, sir, and your brave follows.†he said. smiling across at X~7ne. “we should be ten fathom dccp by [this time. As to the ‘Bclinds,’ she was a. ilcaky old tub and well insured, LO neither the owners nor I are likely to break our hearts over her." “I am afraid," said my father sadly, “that we shall never see your three pas- sengers again. I have left men upon the beach in case they should be washed up. but I fear it is hopeless. I saw them ‘go down when the vessel split, ,and no man could have lived for a moment. among that (To be. continued.) I k...â€" \ ‘ , ’ Difference of Opinion. “Aren’t'you afraidyour wife will catch cold? She goes out on a cool (lav ’wiihnothing around her neck.†"‘What!’ you call a pearl. neck- lace worth ï¬ve t-housaud dollars the others. and coming after them like a ’ A “SAMBA†exquisite freshness and fullness of Pure and clean As long ago as the reign of Ed: ward III. the hunger strike was known in England. Cecilia, Rife oil John de Rygeway, was in 1357 con-1 ï¬ned in Nottingham Jail on ma. lluiiger Strike in 1357. l I 1 Tea possessing I and there, according to the old re-. cords, she abstained from meat; andi drink for forty days. Which, being reported to the King, he “was moved with piety, and for the glory of God and the Blessed Virgin. to grant the woman a pardon.†The', records say nothing ofkiicr guilt ort innocence, nor do they throw an}; l l flavour not found In other Teas. to a leaf. light on fourteenth century ideas 0 iN SEALED LEAD PACKETS forcible feeding. ' ONLY. '1‘ Black,Gi-een and Mixed. One has everything his own way'i " 069 â€"â€"until he gets to be about a year, The teacher in looking round the room saw a new face. , Tommy’s Misfortune: 31:. When through old It permmed age the bodily to a little boy. She called him to . ‘1' herdesk functionsbecome sluggish u 7 ' H ' aSkgzllflit is your name, dear? she Na_Dru_Co Laxatives “Tommy Hunter, mummy he give gentle, timely and answered. effective aid, without “How old are you '2†“Six, going on for seven.†“You don’t look more than ï¬ve,†she said, after a careful scrutiny. “I shall have to ask you to bring me a certiï¬cate of your age. When you go motlier'to write me a. note telling me born. After lunch, when the children had reassembled in the schoolroom, Tommy presented himself at herl desk, glow ever, after note began to cry. “What is the matter i†asked the teacher. ~ “Iâ€"I’ve lost my excuse for belin’ discomfort or distress. 25¢. a box at your Druggist’s. :73 . National Drug and Chemical h. Co. of Canada. Limticd. , f I , ..{,.. home at) noon ask your when and where you were I) ego of murdering her husband, ' HOME STUDY" The Arts course ' may be taken by ‘ correspondence. but: students desir- - Jog to graduate must attend on X session. For calendars write a G. Y. CHOWN Kingston, Ont. EDUCATION, ' MEDICINE. SCIENCE. including ENGINEERING Arts Summer Session July 2 to Aug. l6 flushed with triumph. Thel soon faded frém his face, how- as he feltgi'n his pockets one another and failed to ï¬nd the his mother had written. He born,†sobbcd Tommy. All men are bbrn equal, but a] mother believes that her ï¬rst baby i: is more than equal. V {i l ; i . ~ - sag-rec... hie Grier in . . l, 3.1": n .F._ gouge; .3 her because the " '3 “Turpentine - 5; Easy to Use. Good for the. Shoes '2 ‘ . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'1 ARE you suffering with RHEUMATHSM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICH, - LUMBAGO, IHFLAmmATORV -RHEUMRTISM, PNEUMONIA, GOUT, or the worst kind of HEfl‘WlCHE or TOOTHRCHEI? 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We , ; mention it merely as an example of how carefully and é’.‘ thoroughly the Standard is built down to the smallest " " l detail. A booklet. explaining the entire construction of 4 the Standard cream separator, and telling why it has earned the name of “The World’s Greatest Separator,†will be mailed free as soon as we get your name and address. Drop us a post card to-day. “the Renfrew Machinery no... Lilli Head Ofï¬ce and Works, RENFï¬EW, BAHADA. . BRANCHES: SUSSEX, N.B.: SASKATOON. SASK; CALGARY, ALTA. » . Agencies Everywhere In Canada. ' .