"N n V: “,4 “A, “.09.. . . om" «mowme’oéccoém ‘6 ', O 'cooéooooooooooocoéoooeoo090909999996. i § E i 2, 2 i § § i i i i i i i .EISHERIES or CANADA «Dominion Has Most Extensive Fisher- .Ies in the Worldâ€"Commercial Food Fishes Canada possesses the most exten~ t» sive ï¬sheries in the world. The Waters in and around the Dominion contain 'V the principal commercial food ï¬shes 1in greater abundance than the waters '0! any other part of the world. The fertility of Canadian waters is shown by the fact that apart from salmon, all the lobsters, herring, mackerel and sardines, nearly all the haddock, and many of the cod, hake'and pollock landed in Canada are taken from with- in our territorial waters. The coast ,line of- the Atlantic provinces, from film Bay of Fundy to the Straits of ;Belle Isle, without taking into ac- count the lesserbays and indentations, measures over 5,000 miles; and along ‘this great stretch are to be'foundin- ‘numerable natural harbors and coves, ;in many of which valuable ï¬sh are taken in considerable quantities with little eiTort. 0n the Paciï¬c coast, the province of British Columbia, owing to its im- mense nuuber of islands, bays and ï¬ords, which form safe and easily accessible harbors, has a sea-washed shore of 7,000 miles. Along this shore :-and within the limits of the territorial waters, there are ï¬sh and mammals in greater abundance, probably, than ..anywhere else in the whole world. In addition to this salt-water ï¬shing aarea, we have in our numerous lakes '110 less than 220,000 square miles of “fresh water, abundantly stocked with 't-many species of excellent food ï¬shes. [In this connection, it may be pointed rout that the area of the distinctly Icanadian waters of what are known as the Great Lakesâ€"Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontarioâ€"forms only one ï¬fth part of the total area of the .iarger fresh-water lakes of Canada. The total marketed value of all [kinds of ï¬sh, ï¬sh products and marine ianimals taken by Canadian ï¬shermen in both the sea and inland ï¬sheries, .-during the last ï¬scal year amounted “:to $34,667,872. - HOW TO iNDUGE SLEEP 1 Many -Dli‘ferent Schemes Suggested For Victims of Insomnia A sufferer from insomnia retails a. number of counsels'he has received, of which the ï¬rst comes from the poet M. Leconte, who says: “Open your“ window wide. Lie with your head as low as possible and you will sleep like a post." Another very well writes: “Accustom yourself to take an hour or two's rest in a deck chair after every meal. Take down from your shelves some old-fashioned novel of which you have an affectionate re- membrance as one of the joys of your youth, and read it while you are in your deck chair. The more you are wearied by it the better you will sleep. The secret of a good night *ls not to tire yourself out in the even- ing but to idle away the time, to get comfortably bored until the tinie comes for going to bed. The more :your brain is dulled the better night .you will have. “An important point, though a dim- ‘ ‘clllt one. is to avoid any dread of insomnia. Personally I derive beneï¬t. though'it may have just the opposite reflector: another person, tram calcu- jszms iii: :....1'.;ol:s “cf 3 .Ql‘.3. 35 Jet known man “Sfbflt‘ KdiFiW* ‘ Kantâ€"ha Q, J. ..‘ , a .course and again on the let of Sep- “MW “weeeeeewmee as I tan go; thus 2â€"4â€"'â€"sâ€"'-16â€"â€"82, etc. Or else I count elephants; one ele- phant and one elephant make two elephants, two elephants and one ele- phant make three elephants: three elephants and one elephant, etc. , 'lFinally take no meat in the even- ing. For lunch eat nothing but fruit, stewed for preference, and for dinner a vegetable soup, vermicelli, ashed potatoes, and one or two biscuits. "If this does not do the trick, as a last heroic remedy put a damp nap- kin around your head at night covered with a piece of oilskin and tied on with a bandage. Sleep should come in ten minutes. But I look upon this device as calculated in the long run to impede the natural action of the organs of the body.†. EQUINO(_3_T|_Ai__ GALES A Popular Fallacy, According to One Who Has Studied Them From childhood up we have all heard of equinocital gales which many appear to fear with alarm. Equinox means, of course, equal day and night, so about the 21st of March when the sun crosses the equator in its northerly tember when it recrosses it in its southerly course, we'are‘told by the so-called weatherwise that great gales will occur. ‘ We are not informed where. but presumably at least throughout the northern hemisphere -â€",-for naturally if the sun in crossing the equator exercises such an in- fluence in one portion of the glabe, it must equally do so in all the re- maining portions. No reasons are given why the passage of the ,sun across the equator should occasion such an upheaval of atmospheric pressure, and meteorologists are at a loss to discover that such conditions do exist, ,however, the statement is made by irresponsible individuals that this is the case and accepted by the great majority of people as a fact. Figures taken from a carefully pre pared table, according to Mr. B. ‘C. Webber, prove conclusively that there is no marked increase in storm energy about the time of the equinox, and that a term of any other six days in any other part of the months of March or September. I .______..___ i Vagaries of Electric Current I ~Stray electric currents from a rail- road are supposed to cause the trees on one side of 9. Brussels street to bud again and some times blossom after they once have shed their Leaves every fall. Motorists’ Telephones Telephones are being installed Ir. small houses along the main high- ways in England by an organization of motorists to enable members to summon aid or repalrmeu when their cars meet with mishaps. Telling the Time To permit a person to tell the time while lying in bed an Englishman has invented‘an electric clock which pro- jects a magniï¬ed reproduction of its face on the ceiling when a button at the end of a cord is pressed. Simple Refl.ctor An extremely simple reflector; has, been invents which can be snapped upon an in ndescent lamp bulb, and freely moved‘t'o any'posltion around it. _. - . ' . " “ ' o For sealing fruit: jam 8. Wisconsin man has patented anyim lement'that presses the tons. agalns the rubber rings until air tight Joints aregformed. Mdiliji’ii hi3?“ l Telephones Displaclng the Telegraph For the Actual Handtlng of Trains The new system of despatching trains by telephone inaugurated by the Grand Trunk Railway between Montreal» and Toronto has been in use long enough far a thorough and satisfaCtory test. It is intended even- tually to despatch by telephone over the entire sysicm. The method followed is slightly c-.- Terent from the ordinary telephone line in that it is always under the ‘direct control of the chief train de- spatcher so that the wire cannot be used by operators at Way stations except through his allies. It is a .marked improvement on the old teleâ€" graph system .‘whi‘ch was subject to interruption while being used for transmitting train orders. The tele- phone is exclusively used for hand- ling orders fcr the movement of trains, ordinary. railroad business be- ing still conducted by means of tele- graph,- The old rules are still made use of. All orders are repeated back to the despatcher .by the operator for refer- ence to the oi’ginal copy before the signal “0.K†is given. The numbers of trains and engines, the stations, names of conductors and engineers and other important parts of orders are spelled out in full both in trans- mission and repetition. \ __..._......._..__. Kites vs. Balloons In exploring the air in the interest of meteorology box kites have carried self recording instruments to altitude of 12,000 feet, while balloons have taken them up nearly 60,000 feet. “Autolsta’ Ankle" A fatty degeneration of the ankle and leg muscles of men who use automobiles in preference to walking has been described by a physician as a new disease chargeable to motoring. “Is he a man of his word?" "Only when he gets to singing ‘I' Won’t go home till morning.‘ " Strength of Concrete A concrete motion picture theater 'ecently built in England is 80 feet (mg by 45. feet wide and 18 feet high, rat the walls are only two inches hick. Known Centuries Ago Asphalt was known to the ancients ind‘ is said to have been used as a binder in masonry‘by the Babyloninns. YEARS" 60 TRADE MARKS Dcsmws ' a . CGPYREGHTS sic. Anyone sending a sketch and descrl'itlon may ' ulekly ascertain oar: opinion free w miller an avenliou ispronnbly pntentnhle. .mmuunivu- mmsrlotlyconudeuflnl. HANDBOU on Patents sent free. Oldest a on for securing stems. l‘nte to when t 90, Munu & 0. receive mgcial lea, without arse. intho tie Human. A handsomely minimized weekly. est cir- of any scientiï¬c journa‘l. Terms for 5333* In inf-mature plenum. Sold b! Uniï¬oa'minid ‘rwWWWHr’I‘M’X‘W' ngflgpappaagmaflnpagaa THE MYSTIC '7 f“â€" '7____ werewewwwwweweewwwasee-ewesas". On Monday, July 7, which is the 7th month of the year, we commence a. Day Wonder Sale. For fuller meaning see bills. # TERRILL ' BRO . Gille' . v wwewwm ' O cesareaweeeewwwmeemarm : Will. A. GOODWIN’S :3 '3‘ 2i i i ease-Mess“ r'X'm'i‘ti‘MflMM ‘ .1. ,g. Marble and Granite Monuments i ! Still doing business in the same stand i but not in the same old way. We ad- g vancc with the times and are in a. posi- tion to do better work than ever. New designs, new granites, new andimproved ; tools and methods, in fact, the most up- I I to-dnte Marble and Granite works ini this part; of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. i , Shop and Show rooms 11 and 13 Cum- briclcht.. immediately north (' ï¬reball. Lindsay Marne warn RUBT. CHAMBERS, PRUP.’ THE COST a Business or shorthand Educa- tion in the r- TORONTO. ONT. Do you know just how little it costs to secure a thorough business educa- tion that will not only increase your earning capacity but will enable you to get a position where you will come in contact with influential people who can assist you to further advan- cement ? Our catalogue will give you full particulars. A postal cardâ€" one effortâ€"we do the rest. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. m I WMtrd'WH‘me’X‘MW KYANIZE' WHAT IS IT? and how to save money by the use of this oldest and the newest ï¬nish FOR FURNITURE FUR FLOORS FUR BOATS AND CANUES W e Wï¬l‘W . ‘ 0 e v v v 4%.: 5%.†v o o ‘1‘ 9? Comes in three-sized tins, 30, 50 3,: and 900. Guaranteed by the 3: oldest and largest makers of 3. :‘g reliable Varnish in the cities of Boston and Montreal. See folders for colors and instructions. Agency at 0â€: v‘v * v v i o . L l i . ', v s o ‘. Wall Paper and Frame Shop Next Simpson House LINDSAY. 9 90â€â€œMMW MWWOW OWNWOONNW “MOONWNNOWOOMO om WNWNO§§OM¢QO 0 THE MEANING OF WWâ€. mocwoouooconeoo†ewocecweeeeeooeccwenoo i i l 96 _|___.._____._ ‘ CANADIAN ,PAcI Ft: HOMESEEKERS’ E XC U R SI 0 NS T0 MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 28th. inclusive, Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton-and Return 43.00 Other points in proportion - Rctum Umit two months. . H “SEEKERS' TRAIN leaves Toronto 2. 0 . . each LTueeday. May to August. indusfve. Best train to take. as Winnipeg is. > reached.wa morning, enabling passengers to make all branch line connections. Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Particulars Cm} dian Padï¬ cuts at write mm the. MUIEPIAï¬I, D.P.A.; C.P. Ry.. Toronto 3 BABY CRRRIRGES AND GO-CARTS A good line just received Call in and see them. L. DEYIIIAN & SON FURNITURE DEALERS ‘.»,-.’."'., r r,--_ 11y lie Excel We have the most modern, the most practical and the best equipped school in ’Eastern 0n-‘ tnrio. The courses are thorough and fascinating. An entirely Canadian Business Procedure ,2} for the training of til: ambitious ‘ young people of our country. Our graduates are successful. Ask a. student or oil-studentâ€" thcy are our best advertisements. HOME STUDY COURSES. lindsay Business .Builege C. R. B. "331‘ , A. H. Spotton Frigi’gipai 3" President ENTER AN Y .DAY.