...w â€" . n '__~.ao~.'_..__.v»- .44: zenâ€"Wm... _ VA WV, . -. * .0 .. HYSICIAN, SURGEON s ACOOUOH- - .coucheur. Ofï¬ce, Colborne street, Fen- ' elon Falls. '. ,eiass manner. Secure dates before ac!- A REUABLE WATtl-l life. Buya Wultham Watch and have a good, dependable timeâ€" keeper. We carry the best quality of goods that can be purchased from-the best manullicturers. iorN siiiri Issuer of; Marriage Licenses}: The Old Reliable Jewelry Store. .Fenciazi Falls. ‘0 “Protessio‘nal' Cards“ M LEGAL STIN SON. i ARRIS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ies. Money to loan.~ Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch oflice ‘ at Fenelon Falls, at the L. H. 35 Power JouiiiiiSSioners' ofï¬ce. Open every Tues- day. Lindsay ofï¬ce over DominiOn Bank. R. J..MCLAUGlll.lN,'K. O. A. M. anron,B. A. big. A. PEEL. T. H: Srinson. ~W HOPKINS, \VEEKS dz HOPKINS. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. AND Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to suit the borrower. Ofï¬ces No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Ont. and at Wood- ville, Ontario. G _H. HOPKINS, K. (3., C. E. WEEKS, :F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A MOORE & JACKSON ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, &c. or ,ï¬ce,William street,hindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON STEWART '& O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NO’l‘ARlES, &c. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Ofï¬ce on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. . Smime L. V. O'Consos, B. A LEIGH R. KNIGHT. ARRISTER,. SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public. Successor to McDiarmid & Weeks. - Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real ‘ Estate bought and sold. Olllce Kent St., Lindsay, Telephone 41. ' DENTAL. Dr. s. .i. Sills. DENTIST, Fenelon Falls. - Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved g methods at moderate prices. 0FFlOE:â€"â€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col. orne street 'MEDIGAL. DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"-ii. 1)., a. BL, n, inn, 5. Eng.,u.c. r. A 5., l Orin, r. r. it. s.â€" eur. Ollice. Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. ' - 'DR. H. B. J OHNSTONE, ASSOCIATE conoxes. cocn'rr or woman. SUCCESSOR TO DR. A. WILSON, RADUATE 0F TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- Aiicrios'sns. _ THOMAS casihosn, ~~z§§gnonssn - PBNRLON suns. Sales 0! all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst . ~§‘ ‘ m l“ I. Is one of the necessities of present times, when accuracy and proniptncss are required . in all departments of business To hare your table supplied with wholesome food all the year round, Wilh- out a miss or a slip. All the freshness, all the goodness- that it is possible to secure in at any time. ‘ It simply me ing of your orders here. Let us repeat what we have times stated. before, and What V proving every business day that the cheapest eat bought ar est possible grade. Always ready to give you our best services. E ay beyours is ans thesend~ _ e are in the year, ables that can beg e those which are of th E3 imany E 9 high 1 WM 3 i a MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON dz ARNOLDB; Lines~ L gmo-WWWWo-o Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Wall Paper. A Stitch in Time Saves nine, and a suit in time keeps you always well dressed. It pays to be a little forehanded in ordering a new outï¬t of clothes,»for Variousreasons. Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit. Up-to-date goods, style and- workmanship. motto is " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.†TOWNLEY BROS. . Fine Tailoring Our Fenclon Falls ““i eases: But always correct in price is what you always ï¬nd prevails at our grocery store. Pickles, cat~ sup and other things- that we handle are always the best. .v The best is always the cheapest, he- can'se it‘s wholesome. . Poor. foods and adulterated stuff is: dear ,at Get our “. any price. Quality.†goods and-be 521 High in HEAD OFFICE - l‘lONTR‘EAL. ESTleLlSHED 1317 INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Paid up Capital $6,000,000.00. Reserve Fund $16,000,000.00. a ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. I DEPARTI‘IENT , Deposns taken of $1 and upwards, which can be Withdrawn on demand. ‘ ‘ R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch WW ‘ The ISEue. Slums in Toronto. Mfume ‘yeliuls 048‘; ‘wilfimused to The struggle for existence in Toron. g r .a speacer a a pu ic meeting to is becoming so acute that people declare that there was then only one who have never even seen a slum a,. tea] Issue bef9re, the world! and that now being forced backward into them6 issue gag) Socialism. I repeat was People are crowded into ï¬lthy houses; piiiuse ecause I was not Wise. I just vacated by some unfortunates “new? I knew Of sevefalfssues ,fa'r who have been moved into still wors more important than Soc1alism, which quarters in the slums P80 16 are to me was a mere dream Of a Paradlse sleeping in stables with. theirphorse: ,never to be' I kno‘Y better HQ‘V’ ha‘f‘ Other workers are sleepino‘ in shifts ' mg learned that this dream is n. sei- those who work b ni ht? am . t’ 63106 dealmg with an evfwyda'y ques' beds as soon as thezia gworkersiJ 122v: Plon’ the most Vlta‘l quesm’n we “fork' them, and the day nibrkers use that lVlg'Etmefl and you}??? have to conSIder' beds at night. The authorities are , .mt ‘5 that Simply how ll? get 3' making their usual useless attempts at livmg. It is not an easy question for remedying the evil by “cleanina u n we ï¬nd it harder all the time toget as théy can it .md tellino a 'i’ bp’f ‘ even the bare necessaries of life. The tommymt to th’e ‘re orters ‘3 “not 9 Canadian press announces that the the use of “cleaning, u n' a 16:? ml: Duke of_Connaught has no home to house in any cityz?wiere do a]; come .to m Ottawa‘3 yet Who 0f 0‘" suppose the inmates will on after they class is sure of even a. shack, let alone have been forced out, :3 house thayt {1 decent home’ to hve ml our ,Amer' has been forced to clean u' A and lower' ican papers tell us that the Presxdent’s its number of inmates gill 01,, . “ï¬fe 1"“ Spend Only $1’000 8‘ year for higher rates for the fewer nuiiili‘egf. 311953 - thyi “"h‘f’ among us ,has_a‘ and the ejected ones will seek another: liousg‘nl fa†yfim, Income 0 mamtam crowded house. Capitalists own slums» “SFW 0 6 mm y ' , . and force the workers to live in them.â€" guow worker’ Phebe Is no mole Vl' Slums have existed for thousands of to] issue than this; it thrusts itself ears and will ,. t l W upon us; it obtrudes itself upon our y - ’ -, , eh†.a’s, 9mg as the th ht. , ,n , H , v capitalist , system is directing. the af~. Dug s at n times' 7 ow can we be fairs oftlie \VOl'ld.’400tbOIl,S Week] happy, or make merry, when we don’t *y’ know how soon our children will be V '-' hungry, our wives be ragged, or we ‘ British War Trust. men getting desperate with anxiety over their lot? To-day, thousands of men will not marry because of this dread fear. How many homes are bro- ken up on account of it? You must answer these questions. Though it cause you pain to lose cherished ideals, yet when you learn of the mi8sion of the Socialist army scorning bounda- ries, creed or color, steadily marching forward till all civilized countries are listening to the tread, the rulers with . dismay and the workers with hope, ‘ : you will rejoice. For it is no dream, i it is a. reality; and in the day of our might we will strike the chains from the industrial slaves of to-day, the pallid children and weary women who labor their miserable lives away, so that’our masters may flaunt their hap- piness in our sight. Let it makcryou voice your discontent, for discontented you are. Come with us. You will be mentally free now, and you will be ' happier than you ever dreamed of, in being one in this army of revolt. What does the future offer when we triumph? Life full and free; leisure to enjoy the life you were meant to live. We will work to live; not live to work, as we do today. I have not offered any more than a sketchy outline of what this issue is. There are many and wide gaps in this brief essay; but read, read, read. You will ï¬nd, as we Socialists have done, that we build on the rock of knowledge, The easiest thing the capitalist class and the fuuture will be oursâ€"Ex. has yet struck is the working class. i» Great Britain has a. Krupp scandal, too. And the Socialists of that coun- try are to be credited with the expose are, just as the credit for the reveal- ing of the Krupp jingo conspiracy is due Socialists of Germany. The entire- front page of the London Labor Lead- er (Socialist) is devoted to a sensation- al account showing that British cabi- net ministers, members of parliament, lords, bishops and other prominent men are shareholders in the leading armament ï¬rms, commonly known as the “ War Trust.†The Labor Leader prints a detailed list of the politicians and dignitaries who own and control stock in ï¬rms manufacturing cannon, rifles, warships and other implements of war. On this list are eight ministers of the crown, 47 peers of the realm, 18 members of parliament and 12 bishops and arch-' deacons. Five of the leading newspa? « per owners of London are also share- holders. Meny of the above are also members of the National Service League, the Navy League and the Imperial Leagueâ€"the bodies mainly responsible for the British jingo agita- tionâ€"Appeal to Reason. -.~â€"~.~ Mr. Workingman, why should n’t your son have a. college education 2 1836 THE BANK F 1913 Bri ish North marina 77 Years in Business. Capital and Surplus Over $7,600,000. PlaaAhead. for the childcare Education Times may be no better, and money no more plentiful, when the education 'of your maturing children begins to make heavy demands on your purse. Open now, in the Savings Department of the Bank of British North America, a special 'r Education Fund, so that you will be able to give your children the start in'life which you owe them. Reive, Manager