w..- {3 - rawrhw... .,. ., .-_ .14,» :\ y. . aw _._ . .. . - .. -_.. , .. h. TABLOlD INFORMATION 3 WM France has about 40,000 acres plant- ed in almond trees. _ Nine experimenters in X-ray work have died from its effects. Telephones are used to teach pal} rots to- talk in a London bird school. The pert of Genoa is to be enlarged and improved at a cost of nearly $7.000,000. v, A corkscrew has been specmlly de- signed for lifting paper caps from milk bottles. New Zealand will make wireless Equipment compulsory for passenger carrying vessels. The United States is ofï¬cially es- timated to have 20,567,000 horses and 4,386,000 mules. ' , eiPETMAJoR BE'ATON or the 48th Highlanders, Toronto. He has been with the band of this well known regiment for nearly a score.» of years; ‘ _ V - REGARDING INSANITY .â€"._.._ A London _ Physician Makes Cinch vatlons on the Topic “Half the great poets were ‘insane. Genius and insanity are closely re: lated," said Dr. F. W. Mott, F.R.C.P.. F.R.S.. who has charge of 20,000.: lune.- tlcs in the London hospitals. “The poets were in many cases the sons of erratic, nervous parents. There is not much difference between the high- ly imaginative thought of the poet or of the genius on one hand, and mean ity on the other. "Heredity plays a great part ih in-. sanity, a much larger part than is gener- ally realized,†he said, "-As patholo- gist to the London County Asylum I have charge of 20,000 lunatics. Cards show that over 8,000 of them are re. lat‘ed. Of this number 730 are brother» and sister, or parents and children. Heredity is not all, however. Environ. ment plays a .big part. ‘ One member of :a family ‘by some chance meets. with fortune and goes on to success , and is respected. .Another meets mis- fortune and goes down to his grave a suicide or dies in a madhouse. Much depends upon environment-c Children of insane parents aretalren out of the gutter by the Barnardo homes. Left alone they would grow up insane. Under proper care they make a sucr cess of life. Oi cOuree. some oi them are beyond hope. You cannot make good out of bad- material, but you can prevent a great deal of good. from her ins spoiled. In cases that l have traced I have found: that insanity ap- pears earlier in each succeeding-gener- ation until it reaches the stage where the child is born insane or becomes insane so early in youth that there is no marriage. In other cases marriage With stating strains wipes out the in- sanity in the following generations?- aoo'ovmd Hie deturn The radium in one of the first-bulbs; that were received in London had a. burious history. 'A physician in Port- land Place was applying the bulb to. a patient. when he acci entally let it fall. and a moment after crushed it under his foot. The value of the ra- dium to the physician was very great. He removed his boat from his feet and cut out a square of his valuable carpet. He had' boots and carpet burned. and out of theg'ash'es refined the ori nal radium salt. It was laced An 3 new applicator, and is _iuso to-day. . . _ l THE HOSTSJS COLLAR . MW It is a crime often laid to the shoe-. ing smiths that they fit the horse’s foot to the shoe. rather than the shoe ,to the foot, but just as ser'aus a crime and often more serious is frequently committed b. the horse‘s own r with respect to the ï¬tting of his collar. Always ï¬t the collar to the Shoulder. never the shoulder to the collar. It is a serious mistake to use one collar for two or three different horses With the same adjustment. The horse‘s shoulder bears the brunt of the work and the collar is the most important part of the harness. A collar which ï¬ts badly is a common cause of pain to the animal, sore shoulders and sore books. It is impossible to estimate the loss to the horse's ~elllcienc'y due to the results of ill-fitting collars. Every work-horse should have his own collar just as every man has his own thoes. your order for Doors, etc. in supplies, or the whole co no. SALE OF ' Tacum Pow er Regular 250. Tips For T" "I i 1430. L... ' - . Two for . a. Quarter 011. Saturday, July 12 cosine Drug Store. \Ve guarantee the composition oi this Tnlcum Powder eqmtlt to- the best, ' Samples of the ingredients on ex hibit at the store. bonate, Zinc- Steal-ate and Boric Acid. It comes in three odors, Violet, Rose and Carnation. A. .5. doom 0 DRUGGIST' AND omen»: .LFVENELON FALLS: PHONE CENTéAL mean longe weather-resisting paint ï¬lm. It longest, putting . . ! a 1, 'Philip Sidney. Bayard. \Volfe, (him: For Estimates On new buildings consult us. We will be pleased to ï¬gure on what you will need W . They consist of ï¬nely powdered Talc, Magnesium, Car- ‘ in Painting I appearance, greatest economy.‘ / THE SHEï¬ii’illV-WILLIAMS PAINT wears longest, because it is made from best materials; because the oil and the pigments are thoroughly combined, making a perfect ground very ï¬ne, spreads evenly, and the colors are clear and strong. It affords greatest economy because being ground ï¬ne it covers most surface, costing least in ï¬rst cost, and because it wears off for the longest time' the need for repainting. Use it and you’ll gittsatisiaction1 f V .V . ‘ . , SQl-D 3V. ' J ‘ Dealer in besthaints and Varnishes. 'Red Hair is Disappearing Red hair, the real thing. not the Titian tinted, is disappearing, am' there are comparativ ‘y few persom today who possess it. Dye he. probably something to 'do with it. departure. Red-hairedpersons need ever foe‘ any misgivings. 0n the contrary they ought to feel proud when they remem ber that Syllu, Cato. Columbus. Sll Cromwell and Ben Jonson all possess ed red hair. while even Shakespeare inclined that'way. Swinburne was Very proud of his red hair, The curious thing is that Anglo- Saxons ought'not to be dark haired according to a census made recently. Dorsetshire contains more red-haired persons than any other courty. But even in Dorsetshlre the number of men and women with red hair is decreasing. There are still quite a lot of men and women .vith light hair. but a woman with the proper shade of red hair. (her own) is very rare. Most people to-day have darklsh hair. Or give us Sash, Interior Finish, ntract. 'TAYLon9 And nothing tells the story so well. ‘ Everything for kodakery at. our‘vstorc. v .5 1., ,J. H. STANTON, PHOTOGRAPHER, FENELON FALLS. F ENELON FA L LS MARKETS Fenelon Falls Friday, July ll, [913 Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 820. to 85 -.. 'thnt, fall, 88 to 90 Wheat, spring, 75 inc-80 Barley; per bushel. 50 to 60 Oats, per bushel, 33 to 35 Pease, per bushel, 90 to 1.25 Buckwheat, 45c. to 50 Potatoes, bush. 45 to 50 Butter, per pound, 22 to 25 Eggs, per dozen. 18 to 19 Hay, per ton, 9'58 to $l0, Hides, $10.90 Hogs, live, $8.75 to $9.00 Bcei', $ 8.00 to $9 Shuepskins,‘ 50 to 80 ‘ ' Wool, 15 to '23 Flour, Samson,- 8230 to $3.00 Flour, W nnipog $2.70 to $2.00 Flour, Silver Lent, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour,Victoria{$2'345 to $2.05 " Flour, new process. $2.:10 to $52.00 '. WWMWWWI FLTES E'Thellightlii‘ndof illiiSESiHDEillii BMW 3}} I We are handling this year INTERNATIONAL FLYWAY I ROYAL PURPLE, FLY OiL. ;- ESSSVo'is‘téï¬i‘e‘; 2." $32.31- 25.13.35 i , Enter anytime. SHAW’S SCHOOLS, TORONTO _. . For your boys and girls is up for «consideration just now. Send l'or ' r; ‘ a copy of our curriculum. It will, , present some facts you should _ . These preparations: have Flour family clipper 32.35 to $2.55 I . V ’ Ijl‘cadOï¬ï¬ces, Central Business College, L’I‘nnvxpel' 100,130lmdsl ’glflovto 551-20 been “30‘ Oug'hl) flamed out be‘ ‘ image at Gerrard Sts., Toronto. > V , s.‘;r:sr:.s.$:.-;5s.aso...5. fore heme-placed me c . . Corn} Chop, do., $1.35 to $1.45, fl‘et and the." are _gual‘m}te‘ed MW. WWWâ€"0mm ‘ by the makers to gave sutlsiuc- , ’ - _..‘_____ ' V l; "OMV.~I.Q.\W¢â€QOLOQQMNOOWQHOGQOQQoQQOoONON re _ ~ l E 3 711} ‘ fl . I . ., 7 lose sp‘uys me diil'erent . l C O L L from the old fly preparations I ' r g . . o l. v « . ._ . ‘ It E A H O M m that they are more lasso-1g, : .‘ a '. i Thousands of ambitious young peo- 0118 application sulilcmg for I y - T l ple are fast preparing in their own seV-eI-ELIIdayS, ' . homes to occupy lucrative positions ° , 1 I. N as steuographers, bookkeepers, tele- 1 “anon tin {- r ' ‘, i; 1e 0 llgS. 8W . .: graphers. civil servant. in fact every 0‘ 0 « - ones cost lnoney. ‘W'e : U sphere of Business Activitics. You, i l i O i i Q i 3 A L o" t. v. r ‘ may finish at college it, you, so wish. g 2. “anon {m f0“ 00‘“ i i i i l i 2 G. F. VECARS Drnggist and Optictznl FEN ELQN. FIELDS. makea specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. Lf you, have anything that needs ï¬xing up bring it here. Or if you need a new one Positions guaranteed. Enter college ‘ any day. Individual instruction. Expert teachers. Thirty years‘ ex- perience.' Largest trainers in Cana- da. Seven colleges. Special course for teachers. Afï¬liated with Commercial Educa- , tors? Association of Canada. Slimmer - - School at famous Spotton Business we can bulld 1‘tâ€"‘g00d .3 College, London. ‘ ' as the ' ' Pet-erboro Business? College- . ' ’ » , - -. GEQ SPOTTON, RE LOGAN‘ : . Court; Fenclon Falls No. 626» F [, j, CANADTAN ORDER OEFORESTERS '1 ' |_ .f '. .I '2 ' Colborne Strcct' Fenciou Falls. Aleetslnst Wednesday of each month. Visiting brethren, alwaysmudc,welcome.: A. W. QUIBELL, W; CHAMBERS, * C. R. R. s. it 7 President. , Principal. i, l M Oâ€. WNW;â€WWWM«OO« &_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"nâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- GOING THEM ONE . BETTER. Furniture delivered to. your home at LESS" THAN CITY PRICES You run NO RISK. Call and see our goods. 8. S. Gainer. FENELON FALLS. st wear, best has best appearance because it is "'f~'~â€"-â€"-~,.. _.. J HEARD ' «SEE OUR WALL PAPERS. / u._ i†. _ ~ _ _. _ , :) 1 .. .._-.. .- . ..-..v»<-1,«..-....n.-...~..-._.._..~.&W....a..1.-4.~.e...4._;.._....X v -...-.... .m ..