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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 Aug 1913, p. 5

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_ l A‘ Pit-fill 4. - ».- J~â€"â€"'_.......k ~_ “ ‘_.2...__-.._._; ll . - . ,--~.~-';‘ ":1 ': v ‘Powles' Corners. . “0‘” “0 An'm‘“ “MW? l' Fall Fairs. 2‘ _ One of the mysteries still unsolved . _.__ C’orreapon~ ace of the Gazelle ‘13 that Of the 591130 by WhiCh m... 3. ‘ . Q t 99 0' ’ lower animals become aware or the, B“?“°,',",‘."' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘0“f"4 The recent showers were very.much app).th of earthquakét __ For thfea Bei‘lvelnm - - - - - ‘ - - - - ~ el) 08-: t0” 1 ‘emirecmte '- '_The 1‘00“ 0'09 “'l“ he ’or four days before the severe earth'- nggrl. 26;, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' “I: '9- :§ if ' greatly be ~ , (1 some of the far- quakes at Guadalajara, Mexico, " Bo‘vn‘lgngvine‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Q:I,Jt'1'§ % 1.’ : “MW-5'8“? 0 ground "may ‘0” many parrots-of the city showed great mbourg ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' Eel t,‘ 24k. 2.1, ~~ i ‘3““1‘9‘1‘7- _‘ _ and unusual restlessness, and during Com,qu ‘ ‘ ' I ' ’ grim. 16,125 r l The many friends here. Sympntmze the period of disturbance the increased pcnekm mus ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' t 11 . l with Mr. B_yron Westaway in the loss of cries of the bll‘ds gave warning of [.Iuiibul.to;, H U l ' ' ' ' ' l ‘ p Qppt 25 1115 only little 1303’ by being drowned the nenrhess of the worst shocks. [(ininount 10 i lilitTuvde'MSbl'l‘geO" Lake- Rats. also. became alarmed. fleeing Lakefield .................... Sept.16&17 i y A few of our citizens are going up to from the city before the earthquake: Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 18-20 . -i ‘thc Exhibition. came. Supersensitlveness to, faint Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 1-3 1 our school will reopen next Tuesday. ShOCkS hardly gives satisfactory 6;». Midland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 25 & 20 i It was the intention of the trustees to planat'ion, for modern seismognaphg, \iillbrook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 2& 3 have a new furnace installed in the are very sensitive, and it is quite un- Minden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 30 , ~basement oi' the school. . There are only likely that tremors too slight 'to be Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 7â€"9 i 1 a few more days to do it before the reckoned-Would be felt so strongly as )ilkWOOd - - - - . . . - - - - ~ - - - - - ~ SOI)t--2‘Z& 23 f school opens. to give alarm.â€"“Science Sittings," 1. Oshawa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 8-10 ,1 ‘5 up... Geo, Argue or Burkton is visiting â€"~â€"â€"â€"--~~-~‘-- “ Qttmva. (Central Canada) - - - . . §enh 5-1? , her sister. Mrs. Jus. Powles. M {)ctgrlllmro ------------------ 58v:- élélg 3 - Dr. Brown of Victoria Universit 00- "r ‘ope ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' c ' " i ’ copied the pulpit here last Sunday.y Port Perry ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' sept' 11 & 12 ' Mr. W. Glaspell intends to sell his "Indclland kept 1685 1’ 3 , . . Lot 25. 3rd Concession, Tp. of Fenelon. Sutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Scpt. 25 & 26 1 “Wm Stile“ and Implements some “me m about 75 acres alleleared, log house and Toronto (Can. Nat.) . . .Aug. 23 to Sept. 8 -‘. the month or 0050mm barn. Large frontage on Balsam Lake. Woodville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 12 ‘ , Dr. Cavon and family and the Morton Possession given next spring. Price and Bancroft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 2-3 l famin have vacated their cottages and terms to, be aarnnged. Apply F. Blackstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 25 & 26 i have gone to Toronto. \ Mearns, 60 Victoria St., Toronto. Victoria Road. . . . . . . . . . . . .fiei.it.. 16 & l7 . Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ross of Toronto are " ' occupying Mr. N. Day's cottage. .-. The world‘s champion Holstein cow owned by Mr. G. A. Brethin of Norwood, Ont" died last week as a result of sun- stroke. She was valued at $3,000, and Was insured for $2,000. --~ For Estimates Lumber. saw logs and other wood smile, to the value of $225,000, went up in smoke in the fiercest tire in Midland's ‘history last week. The fire originated in Chew Bros. premises and spread in the teeth of a stili northeast wind. It was finally stopped before. the town proper was attacked. Fire brigades from Penetang‘ and other places were called to assist. 011 new buildings consult. us. Or give us your order for Doors, Sash, Intcmor Finish, ec . We will be pleased to figure on what you will heed A‘md “milling. tells the Story SO “'011- A in supplies, or the, whole contract. l ‘ 'Ever-l’tl””g for ko‘lakery at our Store- 5* _ . ' J. H. ST~ANTON,-PHOTOGRAPHER, FENELON FALLS; ‘ RC. TAYLOR * «A e « . V The n it Kind of 3‘ FARM FOR SALE. “in... 1...... mm..- ‘ g ' 3 a.. A young man named Arthur Jones‘ , received an electric shock of 6000 volts while working at a. machine in the C. G. E. shops at Peterborough. He ‘was apparently dead, but was revived after twenty minutes work by doctors.. His recovery is expected. Jones is one of the members of the S. A. band and was at Fenelon Falls with them on the 9th and 10th inst. wan-,1... a“ naeâ€"n.5,”...anWsm; chronic intoxication that alfected their l . . . Laying a Ghost ‘ ' l When we hear of anybody having Lot No. 24. Con. 1, Verulam Township, Echelon Fans Fi-iday,August 29, 1913 -“ i .l 3983 a Shoat 0111' first imDUISG 13 to fifty acres, all cleared except one acre Wheat Scotch 61, mm 820.“) 85:. a explain the matter away. There are of bush. soil good clay loam. Good Wheat’m“ 88 to 90 ’ _ _. i i more explanations of supernatural frame house and burn ; good orchard . Wheat’spri‘ng, 75 to 80 . Fm. your boys and girls is up for i ; Visitors than records of their visita- situated one-hall" mile from Villilgle or Barley‘ per bushel 50 to 60 consideration just now. Swag-m- ' ., '3 .tions. We are not allowed to believe Fenelon Falls. For further particulars 0 t ’ b l 1 g3 to 35 I, a copy of ourcorricumm. “3w,” - ,, l i n t "ii i P d lit tl - er a 5* p" “5‘0 ' ‘ - W e have a new and com )1 t - - - " ~ vi n g 05 8'; says the i ed cal ress an app 5 0 ie can \IRQ J B qur Pease, per bushel, 7D to 1.00 _ . . I l e e present some lacts you should :, .. 2 Circular. A .certain house was W * * 'I if,“ Buckwheat, 45c.ioao ‘ line of High and Public School 1"”0‘“ 4 term 1“ 0"0 0‘ “u” .- ‘ 1; haunted in the best sense of the word. «.4 We on a ~ - potatoes, bush‘ 70 to 80 su ) lieq . l d. U sclmols insures a good salary. ' Horrid shapes and shrieks and Sights ,E“ 7 Butter, per pound, 2:, w 26 IP w Inc u 111D Enter any time. ’, "unholy were its necturnal lot. The in- Eggs, per dozen, 19.;020 - . A i. "‘ hebitants enjoyed a pleasantly terri- HzTy, per ton, $10 to $512. , T t B k ' i ; fled notoriety. and the reporters exul. Him“, $1030 L , 6X 00 S Head omces,Cen;rai Business College, A y: . ted. Enter a ganitary Ins-peach He Hdgg’éive’ $800330 $900 S Yonge & Gerrard 81's., Toronto. ' . i found a defective flue which flooded Berri“ i, 8.00 to >3 ‘, crl er “I. ILSHAW Pres-1 H.“ - l, 3, the house with a melodorous mixture Sir-(:pskliis, 5g to 80 ' ‘ S ’ u e) ,. g of sulphurous oxide, carbon monoxide, Wool, 15 to 2’ - WWWMW. -~ ' and other ingredients. The haunted Flmu‘,SamSpll, t0 00 ExerCJ-Se BJOkS " inhabitants were suffering from a I Fliilll‘, W lilllpeg' $2.40 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Pencils bodily health and their imagination. Flour-,V'ictoria, $2.45 to $2.05_ T T R Flour, new prom-N. $2.40 to £52.00 ‘ o . Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $2.55 Pens f l , ’ Advancv In L'ghflng _â€"3'â€"_ "'-"'_"" Bran. per 100 pounds. $1.10 to $1.20 ? , 3 Since the introduction of the in- : . l,‘ candescent lamp, over thirty years ago, I the art of illumination has been as apt an example of meritorious study and its fruits as the world has had. From time to time during the interval from ‘the great E'dison discovery of the property of carbonized filament, ms. \ ‘ ‘5’“‘Wrwemesaswww Crayons "L: ones cost money. We o P Shorts, do., $1.25 to r 135 I k I a e f. i Mimi Chop,do.,$l.50 to $1.60 n S ' Corn Chop, (10., $1.55 to $1.70 Paints _ f - . ' Of the old rigs. New I .3 . make a specialty of re- ’ , up to the present, many additions of FALL TERM OPENS SEPT 2 e Penc11 and Pen Boxes pairing, repainting, etc. ;;, great utilitarian value hare trans- do . t . ' If you have anytliinrr ‘ formed the electric lamp from an 93- Assists nature t0 maintain and P t 6 Drawlng Sets up t d" f a perimentinioa commodity upon which promote hm, health by lweepina the ‘ 8 er Ora 4 Ill 1100 b lklllg up ‘, is dependent the health, comfort and ‘ '. '. . “ n ‘ , bi'ino‘ ' ' 1 u ' general advance of civilization, and scalp clean and eliminating thegrowth g ausiness c0689 9 8011001 Bags’vEtQ” D it llLlL. Or 1f the commercial advantages of which of those elements held responsmle for p _ . g .5 . you need a new one alone havbe1 renderedl possible an in local scalp and hair affections. ; L‘m‘mi :g Everything you want when We 0:111 build itâ€"good / _ ‘ . dfetgqnflna {‘8 pmdua on from “08191.. We carry the full Renal] line "of oi. Gli’esll‘e tFMDiUt-i' essential Q0 '3‘ voii" want, it. as the best,_ ' ‘ l a n us ry' U 1 - .1 l- n, H - , f, ,k' xd if success in various spheres of busr- 3: V D v“ 8h fl; "N m “ti.” 'w“ Mucus b m a] 3‘ iii-es activities. You must he .3 A I v . - “P ' "e a- 0‘ ‘3 Prepam “’"S' ; trained for the, kind of services a . 3 1 ,il Gold is being mined at‘a depth of Trv a cake of Hannah). Rose or i? that tlicgiisiness world is willlling i W“ F' Fl f. ‘1' more than 5.000 feet in South Africa . ' . - , ,.,.- :3: to rewar . Uur courses are t. or- ., , ""3. _ . , . A, i and it is believed that the shafts can lem‘mv‘ V‘Okf; Gll““”.'e 3“},‘9’ for ‘ ough. Modern methods of in- " me'“ “"d 5mm“ , , 3 be sunk 8,000 feet more_ Isalc only at. the chall btore. 5f. “mommh igxpnrganoo.) fenohprs_ FENEI‘IoN FALLS gollnirneIStlifc-ti ,' .' â€"â€" '3 Horne-study Courses. Make your - ‘ ' ' 01100“ ‘‘a s. . 3 Anal zes the Gas (-9, 5g I: q - decision new and let us arrange a ‘ l . A.” l An Englishman invented apparatus ; A a J l WW“: 101' you. Emma-m) j by which the percentage of oxide or v . . v, r. . n , Grzo. Srorron E. E. LOGAN. g i carbon present in illuminating gas iii.I DRL 061'” "\bD OPIICI‘L‘ :3, President. Principal. 3. ‘1, automatically registered. FENELON FALLS, .g'. or "' 7; ~ W‘W WW’ W. i a . " DIED- , 2 E .2; _, i, \\'i£51'.\\\‘.\\'.-â€"ln the township of ane- , ’ _ f f 7 f : f ion on Tuesday. August :Illili. Elli}? . r ‘ V , _'i , j George Rolland Wostaway, aged 7 years, ’ ' ‘ tag}, 2 months and 15 days. I .. , _.,. _._ . .. -. .7. .- Furmlurc delivered to your home at 5:]- : HOUSE FOR SALE. p; f 7 , f f ) ) y , l My residence on Queen street. Fone- I j) P1; in. ’l , ion Falls. especially well built and1 iin- ' ' » ' > ‘ ‘ ’ _ _ , ished. including storm sash, screen ( ours | . W}, ’ and electric fixtures, hard and soft _ I v I 7 I ‘T ) N r r l water inside pantry. Apply to W. L. p - '- f‘OAKmLE” PURE ‘ 1 0U 1U n llIbIX. and Robson, Fenclon Falls, or to the owner, , COOKING UTENSILS , r i - - . ‘ see our wood“ i... it . H. ROB..OX / . b D. , l 94“ 1199 Coliefle Sb Toronto . , YO. auburn food-emf! 1‘00 cinder-in them, then ‘- l ‘- l " ° " ' oimpiypouflnwaterendailtheburntemflwfllcomo ' V; 1 , away, leaving the utensil absolutely dean, sanitary r o I ’ HOUSE FOR SALE. undundamaiied. This inwhy thcymeoeconominal. o . a Z 8 7/“ i- ii.‘ ' __ . Made end Gnu- Md 1,, . , , > Good frame house, on Fidler‘s hill, " “1".de ' seven large rooms, stone cellar, wood- etc., apply to 61 Sussex Ave, Toronto, Ont. his mammal. «A 5,913 ' FENELON FALLS. shed, stable and garden. For terms, ~ h . SEE OUR WALL PAPERS. -./<

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