V OL“. XLI * -,p«~. ..-. n... -...~.:._,~. t .\.>.... . . es ginfln ï¬nk“ .mm Mï¬hï¬ zï¬t flamfl: mum. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, \ -_. .... . .-...»..., \ -. . 5i h‘EiEsdiE ‘ BANK 0F ENTREM’ ’ ’ ' ' , ‘ ,- HEAD OFFLCE - MONTREAL; ~ , ‘ ESTABLISHED 1817 INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT _ Paid up Capital $16,000,000.00. Reserve Fund $16,000,000.00. l . , . . ’ -ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. I h p . ' I . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTI‘IENT is one of the necess1t1es of: Deposus taken of $1 and upwards, which can be present times, when accuracy withdrawn on demand. and l‘TOmPtneSS “"6 Teqmwd‘ i R M Hamilton Mgr Fenelon Falls Branch m “‘Ider‘meMb 0f bubmebs To have your table supplied With . life.. Buy a \Valtham Watch and have a good, dependable time- wholesome food all» the year round, With- out a miss or a slip. Freedom Near at Hand. watchword. The daily press is larger looked upon as a gossip sheet. The 3;, kce my. , I ,- , ' . , .A few ,ears a 0 the Socialist a_ Socialist and labor press is eagerly it “17 . . , the best C “flit , . the f) 8511118887 the gOOdneSb pars of theiworld ï¬nd not the courfge scanned to see how the brotherhood of ; f edcatllldt] b 1‘ 1 ii ‘3; It is pOSSIbIe to secure may yourS to say that the capitalist system would m“? 1: progresssmg; r b ' t _ 0 00 s .m can e pure laser ' V- ‘ not last long. Sta wering alona with 0' “y 13 ‘0‘â€â€œ13 Press ‘5 no “1 s. no?“ the be“, nmnupnpcturers. at any tulle. blmply 111331118 the SGIICIâ€" a, p00,. circulation, “it’d weightedadown the least timid in prophesying the fall - . ino- Of your orders here. with ï¬nancial worries, the hope that Of cupltimsm at ""1 early d‘we- ’1.“le b * was Hem. at hand seemed very far dis_ have the facts back of them. lhey : “sass stares if}: Mai. mus. €55»: :d'auri‘fr mm ‘9‘ :ï¬axxï¬hufln' M W181 flmfluï¬uï¬: Jan: 2mm 33: Let us repeat what we have many times stated before, and what we are proving every busmess day 111' the year, WIEEWWWWM'WWWWW’W‘WWWWWWWW’E‘ “IF tant. Today they are more sanguine. They get their xiews from the wide world, and this news tells them of the unrest and strife the workers are enâ€" gaged in. From places which we hardâ€" know the feeling of the masses. They see the handwriting on the wall. Nev- cr before in history have the workers of the world been in such a state of ’ discontent and revolt. Never before Lisum. “f Murrlnge Lwcnses, ‘ ’ , I I knew Weâ€, on the ma comes news has the capitalist system made such . g The. OH “Mame Juwclry Store. LITth the Cheapest Oatabies C'ddl be 0); unrest. From every calan in Eu_ elephantine blunders as .it has in the it. , ‘ - ' _ ° . - ; - .- . . Vii few rears. Ca italists of ever .3. O. 1 z w r _ a, rope in Asia and in Africa the masses Pl 3 .3 . t .Y F a F H ‘3‘] 6 those Vth/h 3’16 the hlgbh are ’sending forth glad tidings that §0unbry have heel} Hi)ng and f-E‘mfy" one an a. S. est pOSSlble grade. » they me awakening South America, mg at each other"s bank accounts in . - the Islands far off in the Paciï¬c and :uchl “"1 “WW mat" the)’ haw" "05. -__...___...__.W glve our the farmorth contain the men .Wlth ï¬eldâ€? f3I:?1'LI;II),ft"lf"?llh hump 0t L119†g. .) _ _ . -._ _ .. . l . , .. the splrit of revolution and desire to "‘C “mulls ‘05 b 0 ‘Wm' r. 1 l ol(,.-ar.)u.ll (Mu ( a. . i . m. cast oli‘ the chains which have burden- A9 who" has advanced) 3" has the A; ... vs. "31v: ans-«ma gr 5*. my LEGAL MohAUGLIâ€"IIN, PEEL, FULTON & STINSON.. ‘ )ARIHS'I‘ERS. SOLICITORS, NOTAR- h ic-s. Money to loan. Special atten- tion giver. to investments.- Branch oflico at h‘enelon Falls. at the L. H. & Power ()onnuissioncrs' olllce. Open every Tues- day.""‘l"Ji’n‘deEry 'oill‘cc'over Dominion Bank. R. J Mrlmuoutm, K. 0. A. M. FnLron,B. A. Jas. A. PEEL. T. H. S'rmsou. hOPKlNS, \VEEKS «is HOPKINS. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND B Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to suit the borrower. Ollices No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Out. and at Wood- ~ville, Ontario. H. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, ‘F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A _______________._.__â€"â€" ' MOORE 31. JACKSON _ BARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, &c. or ï¬ce,William street,hindsay. F. D. moons. A. Jonsos W STEWART & O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 5:0. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Oflice on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. . Srswmr. L. V. O’CONNOR, B. A. LEIGH R. KNIGHT. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public. Successor to M cDiarmid & Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real Estate bought and sold. Onice Kent St., 'Lindsay, Telephone 41. DENTAL. W.â€" W Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Fenelou 11‘s! 115. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. ' .OFFICE :â€"â€"Over‘ Burgoync’s store, Colâ€" orne street W MEDICAL. ______________________________â€"â€"â€"- DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"-n. 9.,0. u, u n. o a. Eng.,u.o.r. s 3., Orrin, r. r. n. s.â€" HYSIOIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- eur. Olï¬ce. Francis Street, Feuelon Falls. DR. H. '13: JOHNSTONE, ASSOCIATE conoxsu cous'rv or VICTORIA. succssson To us. A. WILSON. Jr, L. ARNOLD’S-‘ 1 _ Hes Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Wall Paper. mm In! as: answerer newscaster “assessments: a" v 'R um W W Mï¬-uflx stalk I 1w WWWWW museums warmsrar werme was: WWW WWW WOW WOW? A Stitch in Time Saves nine, and a suit in time keeps you always well dressed. _ It pays to be a little forehanded in ordering a new outï¬t of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us ’take your measure for a new suit. Up-to-date goods, style and workmanship. Our motto is " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.†Towntsr ssos. Fenelon Fails HIGH IN QUALITY acetate But always, correct in price is what you always ï¬nd prevails at ' -_ our grocery store. Pickles, cat- =‘, sup and other things that we The ed the working class for ages. The masters are frantic. They are ordering their henchmen politicians to make huge grants for armaments. They are forcing conscription on every country they think will stand for it, they are making conditions harder and harder for the workers, they are try- ing to smother the universal spirit of liberty which has broken out. And they are not succeeding. Time was when they could fuse together and crush the masses with the immense power of their capital and the brutal fury of their police and soldiers. That time has passed. The workers fear not the billy and the bullet; they have ' ceased ï¬ghting individually ; they ï¬ght side by Side, and are learning to use the most powerful weapon in the world â€"â€"thc ballot. Newsmongers of the daily press carefully censor everything from for- eign countries which tends to show the uprising of the proletariat. Noth- ing is allowed to pass through which would give any other indication than that the workers of the world were in perfect harmony with the system of exploitation. Only the most glaring in- stances and the largestrstrikes are re- ported._ If they report astrike on an’ European railroad they carefully con- ceal the reports of. hundreds of other strikes and uprisings in the old world. They have a purpose, but it’s a failure. " Millions of dollars have been sunk in papers on this continent and in the older countries for the cause of labor. Hundreds and thousands of men have cast aside high positions and enor- mous salaries to take up the ï¬ght of the workers. Socialist and labor pa- pers of the world number into the thousands. These papers are giving the facts in their true light. The slaxes of one country translate the writings of their fellow slaves of an- other language, and they are printed and read and studied. Unity is the capitalist. But he is too late to stem the tide. He, and his beloved system, will go down with'the rest of the use- less hangers on and parasites who feed oil the workers. And the time is not far off. If you read and study the signs of the times, you will surely come to the conclusion that it is very; near.â€"Cotton’s \Veekly. c-9â€" Gome Along, Lads. Some English immigrants in Lon-- don, Ont., have been evicted from a building in which they have been liv- ing under the supervision of the City Relief Inspector. The bedding and stoves .they have been using were taken away frein them, and they have been cooking meals by lighting ï¬res in the park drives. The civic authorâ€" ities are determined to make them ob- tain houses for themselves, and they retort that there are no houses to be obtained. So says a London daily pa- per. Come along lads; there’s plenty of room in this glorious, free and pros- perous Canada. Come along, sleep in. the open, and eat at the free lunch counters. When there are enough of' you here, the masters will be able to- sell their jobs away lower than they are sold in the old country, and you may take their jobs at their own price or starve. There ’s lots of room here. There are thousands of miles of terriâ€" tory, and not nearly so many capital. ists as at home. Only about forty' have the control of Canada, and they are certainly making hay while the sun shinesâ€"for themselvesâ€"Ex. __..._._â€"_. - - Man has conquered the elements and created the machine, which is now used to conquer and oppress him. Capitalism has nothing better to oï¬'er than a job and a tolerable life. Socialism offers you your full product and a complete life. Years in Busmess. E BANK OF Capital and Surpius Over $7,6 0,000. 1913 I .. ,.n .- .1‘ a, . .. ;. .,, .1' ' handle are always the best. best is always the cheapest. be- cause it’s wholesome. ~ Poor foods ~ and adulterated stuff is dear at .. any .price. Get our “High in Quality " goods and be safe. ROBSON & soN. - are 13.12:. , Bank by Mail and Save a Trip toTown. For the beneï¬t of those who live out of town, » - _ we have arranged a plan by which you can do your banking by mail quite as satisfactorily as if you stood here at our counters. Come in and let us explain the planâ€"or write for "the information. .ooucheur. Oï¬ice, Colborne street, Fen- elOn Falls; AUCTIONEER. THOMAS CASHORE. AUUHONBER - mums FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducts d in a ï¬rst class manner. Secure dates before ad- Yflmy ' L MW. Reive, Mazpager.