.c'u. ' l ,. , . , ,._-.A..,_-_.‘...r.. ‘1‘; w»pnw;g~_u_ ,_ n..- . " "am-aw.»â€" w. r. m' . “Law-vâ€" » , " . A 1. . w ...,,..r ‘ if .vr. elon Falls. ~class manner. Secure dates before ad- g W “g i t 59 g. t t E5 i a Which Is one of the necessities of present times, when accuracy and promptness are required in all departments of business life. Buy a_Waltham'Watch and have a good, dependable tinie- keeper. ‘ We carry the best quality » of goods that can be purchased from the best manufacturers. JOHN Sisï¬d Issuer of Marriage Licenses. The 01.1 Riliable Jewelry Store. BANK flit MONTREAL, HEAD OFFICE ,- BIONTREAL. ESTABLISHED 1817 INCORPORATED av ACT or PARLIAMENT Paid up Capital $16,000,000.00. Reserve Fund $16,000,000.00. ‘ ASSETSUOVER $240,000,000.~'"‘~ SJLVINGS BANK DEPARTIVIENT Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. . R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch- «and lit TROUBLE To have your table supplied With wholesome food all the year round, withâ€" out a miss or a slip. “WWW The louder the ruling class talk of peace, the busier they are increasing their armament and preparing for war. They can no longer ï¬nd any moral ex- cuse for the horrors of war, and so they have become the patrons of peace. First at one place and then another a peace banquet is pulled 011' where they swig champagne, and the Andycarne- gies and Lymanabbotites pledge each other in the spotlight, and with the plaudits of their devotees in their ears to bill and coo with the dove of peace forever-more. It is all very amusing to see these old parasites disporting them- selves at so-called peace demonstra- tions, while the nations they are sup- posed to represent are outrivaling one another in their abject worship of the war demon. The leading nations on earth to-day are , loaded down with their military establishments. They are madly striving to outdo each other as bristling bullies, strutting and swag- gering about and boasting of their prowess as murderers, while their high priests convoke peace conferences and proclaim to the unsophisticated multi- tude how ardently their masters are engaged in the promotion of peace. It is high time the people rose in revolt against war and the class whose exploitation makes war necessary, and high time that the working class, who are the victims of all wars, resolve to cut each other’s throats no more to in- crease the board of their avaricious masters. Spurious peace shootings should not deceive the working class. As long as the ruling class only talk peace while they load up with powder and arm themselves to the teeth, the curse of militarism and the rule of brute force will be upon the people. The Socialist movement is prima fa~ commanders were ready to shout : “Form! Charge! Fire! Slaughter!†Everything was ready, when a curious thing happened. The workers con~ fronting each other said : “ We work- ing class men are brothers. Let us not slit the veins of our own class, simply to satisfy the vicious pride of snobbish masters. Let us save our own blood and tears.†This international cry had a wonderful effect. It was like an il- luminating flash of lightning at mid- night; and when men saw that they were brothers ‘of the working class they fraternizcd and felicitated each other, and snecred at the frowns of their commanders. Realizing that the workers could not be made to butcher each other, the capitalists declared the war off, and the capitalist press closed like an oyster and kept the news from its readers. Only the Socialist papers reported the sublime event. \thn France and Germany were almost on the verge of war a short time ago, the Socialists of both coun- tries sent messages to each other stat- ing that they would not ï¬ght, and did not. The international Socialist move- ment, with a. vote of over twelve mil- lions, will do all in its power to pre- vent war; and the only answer to the Canadian naval policy that the work~ ers can give is: “ we want no navy~ we want the full product of our toil.†â€"â€"â€"\Vestern Clarion. ' All the freshness, all the goodness that it is possible to secure may be yours at any time. It simply means the sendâ€" ing of your orders here. Let us repeat what we have many times stated before, and What we are proving every business day in the year, that the cheapest catables that can be bought are those which are of the high- Fm‘a‘m “555' est possible grade. ‘r n mummsaxmzm W "WfluJï¬u-Ewfluï¬t Whmzï¬nflsz‘bcflxflrflr Always ready to give you our bestservices. L’i-01\>.-sg'iiniitl Car-(1:5 I of» LEGAL d MCLAUGLIIIN, PEEL, FULTON & STINSON. ARRIS'FERS. SO LICITORS, _NO'I‘AR- l ies. Money to loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch 011106 at h‘enelon Falls, at the L. H. 85 Power Comiiiissioncrs' ollice. Open every Tues- day. Lindsay oilice over Dominion Bank. R. J. McLAuantiN, K. C. A. M. FULTON, B. A. JAs. A. PEEL. T. H. STINBON. HOPKINS, WEEKS it HOPKINS. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms. to suit the borrower. Oflices No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Out. and at Wood- ville Ontario. .. H’. HOPKINS, K. C., C. E. WEEKS, F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A MOORE & JACKSON ARRISTERS, SOLIUITOR-S, &c. Of lice, William streel.Lindsay. WWWWE‘ W'W’EF WW’E“ m’a‘ L_ _AR NO L_ ['38. mes Boots and ShoeS, Groceries, Wall Paper. o-‘ It Had m The parcels post has arrived in the U. S. The express companies fought the public carrying of parcels with all their might. The U. S. government ï¬nally installed the public service, and the nation was’amazed at the volume smmwmgmm $39“ WWW WW’E'WWWW m Vervvwwwwww WWWWW F. D. Moons. . A.JAOKSON WWW WWWMM We cie an international eace movement. of trafï¬c developed. Millions u on g I f h l i) 't ' '11' f l t t) d tiso t eworcers, \Viose missioni 1s mi ions 0 parce s were ranspor e . STEWART 5‘ O’CONNOR’ to end exploitation and thereby des- The express companies, who were. ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, &0. MONEY - . . . . ‘ H I . , , I ,u _ ‘_ h B to loan a, low“, cunentmlea. Terms A t h ‘ T tioy the incentixe to mm. In the chaiging ingi prices for an infeiioi to suit borrowers. once on corner of Kent 1 c meantime if the capitalists insist upon service, have tried to meet the compe~ and York streets, Lindsny- ‘ ' war, let them out each other’s throats tition, and they cannot. The mine of - , Smwnu. L. V. O’CoN-‘mï¬a 3- A- ’ ' and perforate each other’s bodies with their shares is falling continually, and i . _ . - M leaden slugs. We are for peace, and they will soon be Worth nothing. The- LEIGH R. KNIGHT. Saves nine, and a Slut in time keeps you always therefore against capitalism and its gavernment of the U. S. has OlliiCOIll~ ARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY well dressed. It PRYS to be a'little forehanded in ‘V‘u‘iBCitmg “‘1 hute'engendenng "e" peled the .1"th c°mp““‘es' It has Public. Successor t0 MGDial’mi‘l 3‘ . . gime.â€"â€"Appeal to Reason. ruined their business. It has destroy- Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by ordering a new outï¬t of clothes, for various reasons. .-. the value of their shares. Yet no cry ointment. Money to loan imp Real E2 to bought and sold. onice Kent so, Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit.‘ Lindsay, Telephone 41. Upâ€"to-date goods, style and workmanship. Our DENTAL. motto is " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.†TOWNLEY BROS. Fenelen Falls is raised. The people say that the ex- press business was a drain upon legiti- mate industryand had to go. When the producing class are a little better educated to their own interests, they will see that the private ownership of industries is far more hurtful to them than the express business wasâ€"Cot- ton’s \Veekl y. A. Plot That Failed. .In 1905-6 the Norwegian and Swe- dish armies' (working men, of course) were ordered to the front to butcher one another. They were assembled at the national boundary, and everything was done to influence their hatred and excite their prejudices. Tens of thou- sands of homes were desolate. Fear Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Fenelon Ifulls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to tholntestimproved was in the hearts of thousands of “Rum†“‘ “mum†{nices’ gmmwwmmmmmwmwg “'OmGD imd Children Of the working OFFICEiâ€"OV“ Burgoyne“ 3‘°'°’C°l' class. Reporters were present from 0"†“met all parts of the world to flash the news W . 'â€""â€"â€"' of the butchering around the earth. MEDICAL. Fine Tailoring .-. The robbers are getting richer, and the robbed are becoming poorer. Kings and rulers salute the dollar mark. They have to, or else lose their soft job. _____â€"- DR. [1. ll. GRAHAM. â€"u.o.,'o’2 31., u n. c s. Eng.,n.o.r. 53., 02m, 1. r. n. s.â€" ’ HYSICIAN, SURGEON 6i: ACCOUCH- eur. Ollice. Francis Street, Fenelon Falls. 1836 1913 mg;- g I . â€"; v: , ' '7'. :3 '3‘ 77 Years in Business. Capital and Surplus Over $7,600,000. You Can Send Money Safely In amounts 'up to $50 by means of our Bank Meney Orders. at a trifling cost. For larger sums, our Drafts payable in any part of the World, are at your service] For immediate payments at a distance use our Telegraphic Transfers, and when travelling, our Letters of. Credit and Travellers’ Cheques. Fenelon Falls Branch MW. Reive, Manager. DR. H. B. J OHNSTONE, ASSOCIATE conoxcn COUNTY or vwronm. SUCCESSOR T0 DR. A. WILSON, g ' V .32 what you always ï¬nd prevails at RADUATE 0F TORONTO UNIVER- g p -' our grocery store. Pickles, cat- ‘3 sup and other things that we handle are always the best. The ‘ best is always the cheapest. licâ€" , causelit's wholesome. l’oor foods and adulteratcd stuff is dear at , any price. Get our ‘.‘l>ligli in Quality " goods and be safe. sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- ooucheur. Olllee, Colborne street, Fen- a" rate etc But always correct in price is nucricnsnn. 'l‘ HOMAS CASHORE. auo'rmma - FRNELON mus. Sales of all kinds conduct; d in a. ï¬rst worming. Power and Peacer The capitalist collin trust was delightâ€" ' __._._ ed at the prospect, and gold-braided 1w}; p . i- r a... <;:A"A‘I-"‘.¢.;.AA“AAA ‘..“./.~.\ ’» . ,. _, .. 1 w a‘. .. fv‘vg‘é ‘ .. a-‘u’w xx x vv‘ .-\ i"; . VI A 9‘ny a, ‘V. 5,". f .1? V’s.- ,