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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Sep 1913, p. 3

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- . to 190; oresmery. Trustee.- » {KILLED Al R Breadstufls. . Toronto. Sept. 25.~â€"Flour-Ontario wheat ' ours. 90 per cent... made of new wheat, .65 seaboard. Maniwbae-First patents. s x l'““ md‘t' “3395' “'9‘” ngeers'nju a... - Manitoba. wheatâ€"No. 1 grim" Northern. 1-20, on track. Ba. ports; No. 2 at 5-40: No. 3. 69 1433‘; sy forts. -. Ontario wheatâ€"N No. wheat at 64 to 860. outside. , Oatsâ€"No. 2 Ontario cats, 33 to 351-20. outside. Ind at 360. on track Toronto. eastern (Jennie. old cats, 40 Lilo for No. and at 390 for No. 5. Bay ports. ‘ Been-03 to 350. outside. “layâ€"62' at) 65c. outside. ' Cornâ€"No. yeâ€"60 to 620 gr bushel. . ,_ Wheatâ€"52 55c. ‘ now-Meniwa bran. $22 to $25 8. ton. bag. Toronto heights. Shorts. $24. ron ‘ ‘E‘ 8‘ 0’ p 3 LL. Country .Preduss. ‘mlafle dealers‘ quotations to re- lm' }' Butter-(films dairy. 23 to 24¢: interior. 26 to 270 for rolls. and V-Eg so lots of new laid. 26 to 280 1' Son: fresh. 24 to 25 1-20. andhseconds. to .190. r ,Cheesoâ€"Ne-w cheese. 14 1-2 to 14 Me for ~ _. Ind 160 for twins. I' :Besneâ€"Eand-picked, $2.25 to $2.35 per bushel: primes. $1.75_to 31- ' t. Honeyâ€"Extracted. m tins 11 to 11 Me I, to 250 lor.solids. lb. (or No. 1; combs. $6 to $3.25 per also for No. 1. and $2.75 for No. 2. ~. Poul ~Hons. 16 to 170 per 11): chick~ 20 21c; ducks. 16 to 170; geese. 1 .i4c; turkeys. 18_to 200. l Potatoesâ€"Immediate delivery. 70 to 750 ' r‘ba . and future delivery 65¢ per bag. vac l 'Baied Hay and straw. Beled herâ€"«No. 1 buy. 813 to $14. on track. Toronto: No. 2 at $12.50, and mix- ed at .12. , 1 Wed strawâ€"~38 10.88.50. on track. To- 20111.0. ._.-â€"â€"- Provisions. \ ‘an-LOfi‘ clear. 160 per 1b in case ole. ort out. $29; (10., mess, $24 urnsâ€"Medium to light. 21 1.2 to MS svy. 20 1-2 to 210: rolls. 170- breakfast mom-kilo 22o; bucks, 04 to £50. KAISER INVESTS IN B. C. OthergEmlnent Germans Arc Fol- lowing His Example. ' ‘A despatch from Berlin says: It is reported that the Kaiser has be- come on extensive investor in land in Venoouver and elsewhere in Bri- 3’tieh ~ Columbia. ' His _Maj esty.’ 3 re- ‘ rted.‘ investments are purely per- d to have. followed the Kaiser’s example and to hove purchased ' d in British Columbia, chiefly - ' g and forest land. The itransactions have been cbnducted .fior them by‘ Count Von Alvensle- Allen, .who lived in Vancouver for several years, and hats “specie-1- ized" in interesting his wealthy {allow-countrymen in what has been Called “the region ,of unlimited possibilities." Several German syndicates conduct an active proâ€" paganda for the investment of funds in property in British Columbia. . 31s....â€" "TRIP TO CHICAGO. Winnipeg Business Men Will Go at Invitation of Chicago People. 'Apdespstch from Winnipeg says: 'Arrungements are now being com- pleted in the city for a. special busi- ness men's trip to Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, which will 8 made at an early date. The trip . 3 being taken on the invitation of the Chicago Aesociation of Com: ’70 . émall. Other eminent Germans are r1 _â€"+- 00-â€" Accidental Discharge of a '11.”: w . 01:12am», Sept. 21.â€"-Tbrough a. ter- . title mishap at the Rockclil'fo rifle imnges Saturday afternoon, Que-r- l termster - Sergeant T. Stanley ;Ea.rris, Ottawa, of the 5th (Prin- ', cess Loufae) Dragoon Guards, was ' shot and killed. The fatal shot was lfired just as several teams rcprcé 9061115113 the corps of the Ottawa 5 garrison were preparing to shoot the Duudonsld match. Team cep- ; trim had just drawn for places, and l, the first squads were taking their ; positions at the butts, when the ’ sharp crock of a. rifle shot attracted the attention to the right of the fir- ing line, and Harris was seen to r- . and full, shouting “0h, fI'm shot, I’m~ shot.” A phy- ' was on the ranges as u Ipebtctor, was ‘called,.b_ut Harris ‘medicsl assistance. ,Exeminetilm revealed a. terrible 'woundin the right arm and another “‘in‘thehfp, the latter of which was “Prices of These Products in the ~Leading ‘ Markets are Here Recorded 0 5 $1.46 1-4 bid; December, $1.45 7-3 asked. Quartermaster-Sergeant Harris warm "1...... . Hp w“, I110.0031 AT liEXANDRIA' A Mother Kills Her Daughter and Wounds He: Grandchild and» Herself ._.___.â€" _. J . H. A. Taylor, of Montreal, shot streaming with blood. and killed her daughter, Mrs. Hsr- It would appear that Mrs. Toy- old W. Norton, and seriously 101', who has been suffering for some wounded her 14-year-old grand- time from melancholic, found a child. Lulu Norton, also of Mont- leaded 32-031ibre revolver in a. real, about ' six o’clock Sunday drawer in her son’s dresser. She! mornnig, while they were asleep at concealed it in her clothing and) the homeof her son, J. A. H. Tey- came downstairs to the room in lor. She then shot herself, but not which Mrs. Norton and her child,‘ fatally. Lulu, were sleeping. Without any Mr. J. H. A. Taylor was a. warning, and while they still sleptu Montreal business men who came she shot Mrs. Norton in the left}, to Alexandria. .a. short time ago in- eye. She then shot the child in the tending to carry on a. model form temple, and turned the gun on herâ€"' to supply Montreal markets with self. This last shot, however. eggs, poultry and other farm pro- failed to kill her, pas-sing. ducc. through her upper lip and nose) Alexandria, Ont., Sept. 21‘.â€"â€"Mrs. llight of the ‘m’orm'ng with her face i Lnrdâ€"Tiercce, 14c; tubs, 141-40; pails. 14 1-20. Montreal ' Markets. Montreal. Sept. 23.â€"-Corn. American No. 2 yellow. 84 to 850. Outs, Canadian West- ern. No. 2, 41 to 41 1-zc; Canadian Western. No. 3. 400: extra. No. 1 feed. 40 1-2 'to 410. Barley, Mun. food. 50 to 51¢; multm . 63 to 64c. Buck wheat. No. 2. 58 to 600. F our, Mun. Spring wheat patents, firsts. $5.60; seconds. $5.10; strong baker-5‘. $4.90: Win- ter patents. choice. 35 to $6.25; straight rollers. $465 to 84.85: straight rollers, barging. 3%.05 to 932.21% Roélzogs 0mg. burrisalg. ~. ; a s. 11., . . run. .. , , gyms...“ Midgliugs, $21.0 Mouillltle, Madame Liuic, . ay. 0. , per n our 06. . . . - 312 to 313. Choose. finest westerns. 151-2 described by S1r Oliver Lodge as 1° 13 54‘” ““es" “Stems' 15 ‘° 13 3‘8“ 3"" the greatest of all Women scientists, ter. choicest. creamer-y, 26 to 26 1-40; see. I ' °"d"' 25 1‘2 1° 25 34°. E - fresh. 52 in who was. honored by the. British She contributed to . . O u s - . 33c. saluted. A9 to 300, i o. $gtt§v€gést7ng \Afisouauon. 28c; No. 2 stock, 20 to 210. . bug. cur lots, 70 to 800. the address on radium. flair“...- BULGARIA AND TURKEY. ___._â€" A. Taylor, her husband, her daugh- in her forehead, and finally: tcr, Mrs. Harold W. Norton, and passed into the ceiling. There her granddaughter, ‘Lulu Norton, were four shots fired,- but just came from Montreal to Alexandria. where the fourth shot went is un< New All Is l’cacc Bciwccu ithate on a. visit. It all appeared to bc a known. After the shooting Mrs: ' ' Conlbutnntgl happy family reunion. The family Taylor then threw the revolver 3‘0? £0623.wiii<§%rdguli) filiflmi‘llfi‘nglfi: A dcspatch from Constantinople gatuggd latedsziibllfda’filffght’ Mrs' “way and ruShe‘?‘ upst’mrs' She was haguglgl.1§§pt%gi5.â€"fl§heaf on finfifilg} 1 says 1 omci a1 announcement is or n .011 is: c 1 I sleeping met on the stairs by Mrs. Taylor. . . L - 0” 18F". 0- downstairs, w-lnle the others slept Jr., and Mr. Taylor, sr., who were United States Markets. Minneapolis. Sept. 25.â€"â€"Whentrâ€"Septom- bcr. 851-8c: December. 88143 to 88 1-4c; May. 930. Cashâ€"~No. 1 hard, 89 3-80; No. 1 Northern. 86 to 81 1-2c; No. 2 (10.. 84 7-8 to 86 7-50; Germâ€"No. 3 yellow. 70 1-2 to 71c. 2. (10.. 86 1-2 to 870; Septembor. 87 340.3819 made of the settlement of the from . . ed: December. 88 1-2 to 88 3-40 naked; May. - , - 1 , d upstairs, and all was peaceful till awakened by the screams and shots her question between Bu guns. on . , , Sunday morning at daybreak when below. She could g1ve no motiv 93 1â€"4 to 93 3-80 naked. Linseedâ€"Cash. T 1 I T1 Th i t. . ur rev in mice. 8 ronvier , ~ Mr. Taylor, Sr., and the other 111- for the deed. Drs. J. T. Hope and‘ 81.46: May. $1.481-2 nellndisngh; fiiyptemlicr, ' ' ’ ovem er' starts at the mouth of the Maritza r f h of Midi“, on males were startled by revolver Ix. McLennnn were at once called... shots and screams. Mr. Taylor, but in spite of their efforts Mrs. Sin. rushed to the stairs only to Norton died from the effects of the, meet his mic coming up in the dim wound about noon. 1.46 asked; October. S River and ends nort ' the Black Sea. Turkey rctnms Menu“, Sew gfipfime been“ 61., Adrianople, Demotlka. and lurk- to 6 1-2: lcnn hooves. 2 1-2: bulls. 3 1-4 to Killisseh, while Bulgaria. retains 3 34‘ “W’ker’s' 3 1'2 m 4 M; cow" 83° to Tirnovu, Mustuphn Pasha. and Or- __ $65; calves. 2 3-4 to ,6 1-2; sheep. 4 to 4 1-4: , ‘ . , . lambs. 61-4 to 6 1-2: hogs. 10 1-4 to 101-2. izukol. An agreement 1n principle . '1‘ to. Se 0. 23.â€"Cu.l' s~â€"Gocd veal, ,, . ‘ , - ,, SPRING WHEAT 102 517 000 The enernl condition of the live 38.72133 $10; cgmmon. 34.79610 $5.50. Stock- 113s,b‘30n_ ,Hmrhcd on tho SuthLb 05’: - ’ ’ Stock i: very satisfactory being em. ore and feedersâ€"Steers. 950 to 1,050 nationalities. 0 t. u ' a 1 I H , . , dJ pounds. 84.50 tgo of; gagllii‘cfltstgrnfisilogoth J}, 1.10.1 Places Canada. 3 brand 10- pre-ssed 1n percentages of a. stun ..3. :1 11....0 _, ‘ U V. _. -. . , 33° sillf‘“%n§op mill lambgsâ€"Light ewes. 01111.1) uI-rn MA’l‘UiLS. “1 M 211 Million Bushels- “‘21 “hm? represent“ ’1 Tali”: $4.50 to $5; heavy. $3 to $3.50: bucks, $5 __ N d t] f O __ an t r1 ty state, . as 94...7 or to $5.50; spring lambs. $2.25 to $6.75. 111056 [Pundin 8, .ma Cm ) Wm” Burn 4 ‘ 651?“ f" mm ttawa my" ' horses, 91.37 for mllch cows; for V9.75 fed um M:- ' {4 t I i L U .- A bulletm 1ssued by the census and other cattle 93.54, for sheep 90.41, â€"~$9.40 fob. to drcvers: With :1 Loss of About $5,000. statistics office of the Department and for swine 94_83_ of Trade and Commerce gives pre- tered. and $10 elf ears. 4 “MTâ€" . -_â€"“:#-w‘ A (leslpatch from Brantford says: . . H I. , ‘ Dllul) 0h HIS INJURILS. The hams of John Momma. new llnignsly estimates oi the yield of ‘ "â€" smut Ridge four miles from Brant- Slums “hem” rye’ oats and bane-l" (10”) FIND REPORTED. Boy Wk“ “ins Run on“. by Sir 1" lill‘d were, destroyed bv fire on as compliiEd from the mporbs of ""‘ Rublin’s Auto1uobfle. Irll‘ll‘.gllay ni {It u The‘ fire “.85 correspondents “13011 the a'pI)‘-"fl~'1" PI'OSIlCClOI' Says H0 HRS Found ' l g y . I “nee Of these "0135‘ Something to Rival Klondike. A despaich from Winnipeg says; caused by c'lnldl-cn‘_ playing with of Spring wheat the' average Wilfrid Thompson, the elm-en_year_' matches. The loss is estlmutcdht yield per acre is pmvisionany plac_ A despntch from Edmonton says: old son of Gibson Thompson, who $5,000, all the season’s crops being ed at 21.24 bushels per acre which After searching 32 years for gold, mm undel- Sir Redmond Roblin’s destroyed, as well as the impleâ€" upon an area of 8990 500’ acres, John Gentle, aged 72, arrived at automobile when the Premier was mcnts. Four Brantford autoists, makes the tow} Viéld’ of spring Edmonton Monday morning with being (lriven'home on Wednesday passlllg‘ut the tune, succeeded in wheat to be 192517.000 bushels_ the news that at last he had reach- afternoon, died M 4 o’clock on. suvzng live stock valued at $500. This (lua‘ntitv added ‘ to 18,481,800 ed Eldorado. To substantiate his ' ‘ statements he brought several nug- Thursday morning. The TlluTflpson ‘ v , ‘ T“ , bushels of full wheat us ublished . . boy was playing with other chil- 31”“)“1‘ FROM HIS HORSE- last month, giVGs thdtotell) produc- Setsifiome Over all 0111108 In Weight.‘ He Interest-ed three local profes- dreu in the street end ran directly "‘5 tion of wheat at 210 998.800 bush- . . in front of the ahtomobile, which “"10 Marsmu WON} S‘llfcrlllg “'0‘” 015, compared with the line] c-sti- global men, “Khan deemed to file was moving slowly, and the author- Concussion of Brain. mate for 1912 of 199,236,000 bushels, Claims on What may be a new lilo!" (like; They left Monday mght, itics attach no blame to the Pro.- , p , ., , , and for 1911 of 215,851,000 bushels. . . . . mierk Chmtfieur. 1‘. (185119-1011 from I-UlldL‘n 5435- The yield per. acre in 1912 was 2099 then‘ destination being somewhere Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood is t} f tle d f t 1 th W...“ . r . ’ .1 ‘ u. bushels for fall wheat and 20.37 “01 1 0 '. en 0 5 Be on e KILLED BY STORE ROBBERS_ confined to 111s bed Wit-h ccnous. 10D bushels for Spring Wheat MacLeod River. _ Live stock Markets. lery store of J. J. Thompson here Most Likely to Follow Proper :l‘lilt- Barley" a, yield per mm of 31,05 It was announced at the Militip De- cal-r13; on g‘llirsdsy Eight, commendâ€"( iug. - bushels, and 1» total yield of 4-1,â€" PMt-mellb that a- new rifle 31%” at he c or s. to t row up their. . 4.40 000 buchelg 'q 5 .‘9d it} made by the Ross Rifle Com an I , , V , As old uge' advances we require ‘ “ .~ ‘1' f'ompm “ l ' - - p y hands end \\ hen the) rcfuscd open: less mod to replace waste, and fwd an average yield at 3.1.10 bushels and adopted by the 130111111100 GOV- ernment Will be issued next year. and 11 101131 of 114,014,000 bushels in . ' . ‘ The milltm authorities say that 1919.. The estimated yield of rye is i5.~' after next yearveveryone shooting cd fire. John A. Thompson and Ed- , ,- . . . . - q, - . ward Smith fell dead, and Paul w,” “film-Ob (,flle‘lt‘l?‘ the (118644“) ("guns \Vlllll.‘ supplymg true nourâ€" Townseud was probably fatally Mme“, _ . . . woundul. The bandits escaped. "gu‘ch"m i 19,11 1., d i, f” l 3 425,000 bushel-s for 127,000 acres, at the Dommlon Rifle Association The three victims were alone in the G'" “ N :g ( ,1 JOE 1“an being a yield per acre of 10.06 bush- and at the provmclal .matches will store when the robbers entered. 1‘1”);- 1“ TIE“??? 10 C “I‘K‘L 015 as against in total of £1,594,000 have to use the same sight, namely, Townsend, who was taken to a. 10- film Jars-l ’3‘ 9”“ 3“ ‘m’f “PK {‘0' bushels in 1912. lth 0119 adopted by the Govern‘ cal hospital, wa-s able to tell the tau“ 0; ‘lmtbm‘cy l‘l‘ilcl‘ For the three northwest Pro” man authorities only a few words 0011- 1::ZEEES.U;JZ,T an 1 m 0 a mo“, 1' "ifices the tom] b’ield 01' SPrmS . - -. C " v nt': V' .t188018000 v .7 . (crumg ilu tinged) 111g, phosphates also, placed up 1:11:11]: Sillsmglllfllcmmoo gushgh’ 'lllIANliSGIVIEG DAY. â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" under the outer coat of the wheat, mac fat .78 '156 000-1311,“). 1.“. at . 7"“ , ‘ ‘nrc included in Grapeâ€"Nuts, "but are 612,080 bus):st ’and flax 30,15,056,- Order'm-COHHCII leos Date For 'l‘demg in “'hltc‘ “0111‘ beam-“0' tho 000 bus-hols, as compared with u. to- Detobpr 20th“ , "Me" coat,“ the Wheat darken? “‘0 tul yield in 1912 for spring wheat of A (lcspatch from Ottawa. says: flour and 15' 1*?“ 0111‘ by the mlllel'- 183,322,000 bushels, oats 221.857,- An order-in-council has been pass- l‘ht’fié ‘Ufl'tum-l Phosphates M0 llO~ 000 bushels and barley 0120071000 ed fixing Monday, October 20, as cessm'y lo the well-balanced bulld- bushels, lThanksgiving Day. inc: of muscle, brain and nerve : ‘" icells. l “I have usvd ‘1‘ 1. Gun Caused the Death ofi 00310013 OFPlCES Now‘zos M . Grape-Nuts. ' ' {writes a. Western man, “for eight yours and feel as good and am stronger than I was ten years ago. fats-l, as the blunt-nosed bullet ol‘i “Among my customers I meet a. lead covered with nickel must have inflicted a. tcrriblc internal injury. . . The shot which killed Harris was man every day who is well halon'g in fired from the rifle of Sergeant yours and attributes. 1113 good Robert In“es of the Ottawa Engi_ health to Grape-Nuts and Pest-um near Corps, :th wag in the act of which he hnsnsod for the last five explaining to one of his men how to diam-3‘ He mums G'mpe'kul‘s mt}, load the magazine of his rifle to Postum and says they go imc toâ€" prcvent the cartridges jamming. grille)" _ He drew buck the bolt and closmll For many 3.6”” before I mgan ' to eat Grape-Nuts, I could not say it a sin and tl h ' .' M . . . “WE he’did no]: 1:13;,“ng igigggf llhst I enjoyed life or knew what it . I r - ‘, A. x + g y ‘ n < ' Inncs was overcome with grief, and "a"? “0 infill]? ‘01 *a-l'. I am “‘E‘H' ultimately almost lost control of lI- “flora gloat-y “ml constlpl‘“ ‘ tron, but now my ‘lléilJllfS are as hislmind when informed that the The Total Number of Persons Employed in the Department is 3,250 A dos-patch from Ottawa snyszlly and liberal-additions have been The number of Customs offices “(mil-nude to the staff, the revenue has increased by 32 .per ccnt., from ‘ ‘9 .. ‘ I- . . l 02““ WWW“ ’3 ‘05, “'5 Comm“?! $79,000,000 to $115,000,000, and the with 001 two yours ago. Thus-1n proportionate 00.35 of collecting the Early or fill-y places the public have revenue has , fallen gzeatly. In _ ‘ the opportunity of transacting their 1908-8 4.15 per cent. of the Customs bullet from his rifle had caused rcgulur as over in my life. Customs business in their own revenue collected_wus absorbed in death. \thncvcr 1 make extra effort home town instead of buying to go the cost of collection. In 1909-10 it _ . I . I depend on Grapeâ€"Nuts food and to udistsnco. ' , had fallen to 3.32 per cent.” my] in In addition to the mquest opened it just fills the bill. I“ can think The number oipersons cmplbycd’ 1910-11 it “eases percent; With by Coroner Dr. Bnptle, there Will and write agree-t deal easier.” _ in the Customs Department now is the-advent of the Hon. J. D. Reid he a. military 111(1111!‘y_1nt0 the-ai- “There’s a. reason." Name given 3,250, of: whqm' 220 are on the in- as Minister of Customs there wax a fill?" It 15 the first fatal accident- by Canadian Pestum 00., .Windsor,_ side. and 8,030’Sn'rt-heout'sidc staff. sharp decline to 2.78 per cent. in at the Rockcliffe ranges. Harris is Out. Read “The Iloal'd to '11'031- The increase m-‘twc yearshusbcgu 1911412, that constituting ‘0. record , - , 3 8 ln' V1110. n a a: >4 ll -1 n ' Y Sill Vibed a: “ldo‘b fl. 1 S s3] 0‘ cent 1n In hone." lyeur. Ever use the above 1mm. A nsvl mn September, 1911, having been 2,459. the‘department did better still, the saucers lrom time to time. The er . - - “mum, um, ma 1,," a, human map”: 'Vi'hllc offices have beenopened frec- cost follmg to 2.73 per cont. .15; On Sa-turdny evening Mrs. J. H. and then cutting a, deep gimle of the brain as the result of being Omts with an average y;e]d of q.__________ ,._ l I, _ I l , thrown from a. bolting horse which _ (f ’ V _ ‘ , , .1 Double ,llllgul} Occurs «It (.mml Mame frightened at ,m WWW 109? 13115313315 Per We on 9,040,400 1\EW man Slcnr. Rapids, Michigan. bile acres, gues} eltotnl production of ‘ ' "95.341 000 nus 1e s as a. ainst an - ' .- . - .' - ~ ' A despiltdl from Grand 13-317le, . 1")?“ :wcrugc yield of 30.25 bfishels and “mm” :‘nthm'tlcs buy It Mlls‘ Michigan. says: TWO robbers, with l "5”" 0L” AGE- 0 total yield of 301.723,000 bushels B“ 1‘50“ at A" Match“- drnwn 1‘01011‘91'5, entered the jcwclâ€" M I in 1012. l A dcspatch from Ottawa. snys: ‘ ’4 ~v - f’vv‘w‘ybfc": 11‘1- .h. g .n_ e. ‘ - . , V ., if), (v.5. ,f 1, ,4 9.2.- 313? J .14 ;.~ Tu“:- 7" ’ o y. 1 r ; .o s, « v... a1, .f‘. 4“'1“v":~ “t s . .' Mir”- 2" - 111 a 1'». ' “a #3:}, H was af'

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