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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Sep 1913, p. 5

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~..~ «w. vir- m. A mace... m...» ...... .. e, a)“ ..'..~â€".Lh~ .a,~‘-.-4,.-.w _ . if. Fall Fairs. HOUSE‘FOR SALE. Lindsay Central Breaks Record. . ‘ S . 22-” The Lindsay Central Fair, which end_ My resudenre on Queen street, Fcne- garrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6903.0“ : ed on Saturday, had the largest attend- 10“ Fan-9. especially we” hm“; and fi"‘ Bail; 93110“ ' ' ' ' I . ' ' . . . ‘! E; )t 9 &"]0 ancc and most numerous and best class iSthv ineludlnfl Storm 5351!, screen (1001's Bobewwe ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ,It '05 g 96 ‘ of exhibits in its history. The live and electric fixtures, hard and soft‘ Bo Ye“) 95%]; ’ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ QC gt'fG (Q i7 stock was especially good. Displays by “'"tm' insmc Wm“?- APPIB’ to 'W- 14' 00311111.?! L ' ' ' ' ‘ I ‘ . I - I I ' . Eel“. 04 & 05 local manufacturers and merehantshelp- RODS“); Fenelo“ Fallsv 01' t0 the owner; 031333;; ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' [AK];- 1236 ed the attractiveness of the indoor de- \V. II. ROBSON I.{.,libm.ton '. ' I ' . ‘ ,sbnpt, 2,”, partxnent, those of the John Carew 24” 119900119ge Si; Toronto. Kinnmmm . I h ' ' ' I ' i ' i ' Sept. 15 & 16 Lnniher :(fmnpany and the new Cole- ' quefield “UH” i 1......‘Sept. 16 & lT Burg'errCo. being worthy of special men- 1 Lindsay ' I I . . I ' ' i ' ' . . Sept. 18-20 tinn. ' he former showed some ver .- I I ' ' . ' O " I’ ' ' l i . . I f . . i a -‘ hands‘ome interior llnish work. and till: . . ' ' ‘ latter had a line display of hrasswaro. - *_ “nun-001;...“ . . . , ' ' ' , . . . . . . . Oct. 2 &, 3 The speeding events were as usual :1 Good frame house. on Fidler's hill, Mindon H ' ' ' I _ _ , _ , _ . _ , _ , Sept. 30 drawing feature. The directors of the seven large rooms, stone cellar, wood- Newnmilgég ' ' . . ' . O . . , . , . _ _ _ _ . . Oct, 7.9 fair have every reason to feel gratified shed, stable and garden. For terms, Oqlnmoa ' . I , . _ . . _ . . Sept. 22 & 23 at the success of their efforts this‘ year. etc., apply to (mam, i ' . ' _ . , . . , _ , ' _ _ . . , , Sept. 8-10 There are, however, some improvements 61 Sussex Ave” Toronto Ont-h Ottqu (Central Canada) . . . . . sept. 5-13 needed in the way of enlargement. of ’ petel-bopo I . , , , . , , , . . . . . . . Sept. 11-13 some (if-tho buildings, and other altera- POI-b Hope: Z , , , . . , , . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 7 & 8 tions made for the nu ose of addin to ' ' w - v F . v 2 the n?nvonioncc :indp comfort of gthe h... t; 17 :11 n a u: - . . - ‘ ' r ’ ‘ “:0 mcu‘ lsmg 0“)st that attend Lot 20, 3rd Concession, Tp. of Fenclon, fil‘tfm‘p ' “ ' ' ‘ ' ' 2%) (kt/")3 . mo-“ about 75 acres all cleared, log house and 9m“? ( ‘m' l a ') "‘t lg' oq‘ 8'; '12 ' . barn. Large frontage on Balsam Lake. “OOd‘me ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '2 3 Powles Corners. Possession given next Spring. Price and Bnncf‘om ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' 99. 56 _ terlns to be aJpanged. F. S. 1%!aCl\S.tOCk . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . ‘61) 1.4;) (.r .1 Correswndmce 0/ the Gazette Meams’ 60 Victoria St” Turonto. Victoria. Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 16 Sr. 17 Those who have silos are busy at their corn this week. cutting and filling the Silos. The corn should have been cut - ten days ago. Two night-s hard frost, ivhioh' came the .13th and 14th of this month, injured the corn. Mr. Wm. Dcyman and Mr. Joe Lans- iield were out last Friday and Saturday setting up the new furnace in the base- ment of the school. They will be out next Saturday to complete the job. Last Monday morning the caretaker lit the first lire in the ,new furnace. It_ is . hard to tell who will start the last lire. Fer Estimates 0-. On new buildings consult us. . Or give us Fells Staiion.‘ your order for DOOrs, Sash, Interior Funsh,‘ s _ . Gazette OEpondence. €130. . , /{' Quite a number from here and the sur- 13nd “0t.lnng. tens the Story so “'en' rounding country attended the Lindsay Everything for kodakcry at 0111‘ store. Central Fair on Friday and Saturday of J. H. STANTON, PHOTOGRAPHER, FENELON FALLS. We will be pleased to figure on what you will need in supplies, or the whole contract. ’ Eo.TAYLoa last week, and report- thc exhibition much in advance of previous years. Miss Oswald of Kimnount is visiting her sister, Miss M. Oswald, at Mr. Joe. l’oulsozn’s. ' V Mr. E. Lane, of Lindsay, was the guest of friends at; Honey Grove over Sunday last. ' Mr. Fred. Pouls'ozn. while trolling in Lake Cameron .1 short time ago, [looked a maskinongc that tipped the scales at . _ 2-1; lbs. Mr. Poulsom was returning A capable girl to assxst w1th general home from Fenclon Falls in his canoe house work. and said he hadn't much diliiculty in landing the Whopper. Who can beat this? Mr. C. H. Moise. of Port Hope, visited his sister, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, recently, and enjoyed a few days fishing. Mr. Will Parker, of Lindsay, is visit- ing friends at Honey Grove. Mrs. John Balm 3r and daughter Eva, of Burnt River, 'speut the week end with Mrs. Bulmer‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood. Threshing is the order of the day and the grain is a good avu‘ago yield con~ sidering the very dry season. WWMW' The'Righl Kind of FENELON FALLS MARKETS Fenelon Falls Friday, Sept. 26, 1913 Wheat,Seotch or Fife, :10. to 85.5. Wheat, fall. 88 to 90 Wheat, spring, 75 to 80 Barley, per bushel, 5'0 to 60 Oats, per bushel, 33 to l’ease, per bushel, 75 to 1.00 Buckwheat, 4:30. to 5'20 Potatoes, bush. 70 to SD Butter, per pound, 2:3 to :36 Eggs. per dozen, 19 to 20 Hay, per ton, $10 to $12 Hides, $10.00 ‘ MRS. R. M. BEALL, 35 Adelaide St., Lindsay, Ont... For your boys and girls is up for consideration just now. Send for 7. . a copy 01‘ our Curriculum. It will ll e have a new and complete present some facts you should line of High and-Public School k‘m‘“ A “1"” i“ “"0 0f 0"" V . . . schools insures a good salary. supplies, including Enter any time. Text Books I SHAW S SCHOOLS, TBRONTOJI? Scribblers . 1 Exercise Books Hogs, live. $8.00 no so 10 1 Head Offices, Central Business College, Bea i". a? 8.00 to Yougo & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. W. II. SHAW, President. WWWMWM». , Sh--epskins,-50 to 80 \‘.‘..«.l, 15 1:023 l’lonr, Samson, .S2.Sl) to 00 1"lnur,W nuipeg $2.70 to $2.90 M“ 9... ST. JA MES' CHURCH. N in. :1r,Sil\'er Leaf, (0.32.70 P-Uur ‘rictoria .2045 to I Special Harvest Home Thanksgiving ‘1 ’ W Penells services will he held on next Sunday, m V 7 ‘ _ Flour, family, clipper, September 23th. The Rev. it. (il'efl-VOS, 13. A., Rector of Christ Church, Bobcay- 7 geon, will preach morning and (Evening 1.; $2 35 ti) $2.55 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.15 to $1 2' , Shorts, (10., to I , Mind Chop, do.. $31.50 to $1.60 , in St. James' Ch urch,.and in St. Peter's E Cor-1101101,,d0,’ $1.55 to 1 Inks Church, Bury's Green, at 2.30. ,.__-___. - - Paints 1 hour, new process. $2.10 to $53.60 ~â€" . ‘ _.0S T W.F..\l. MEETING. 0f the old 119.. l\ew GUARANTEED if . a Pens I V Th0 mum] tll'lnl._ofi01‘ilm month)” of $.35 ;..;..:..;..3..;..g..;..;..1..;..1.4..;..3gapqgoagoyg. Crayons 01103 cost money, VVG ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ w ‘ .‘ ° 5 4 b = . make a Specmlt of re- ~ the W.I‘..\1.b.of St. Andrews church, 2: FAIL-TERM OPENS SEPT 2 , a . I Fcnelon Falls, will be held at the Manse _ . , _ 3. ' ' .3. Pencfl and Pen Boxes palring, repalnting, etc. on Wednesday, October lst, at 3 p. m. Assmts nature to maintain and .3 a. If. , h‘ r ' .tl . (T A large attemlunce is0‘11‘110$tll'I‘CQW‘Sgt' promote hair health by keeping the ’2‘ Peterfioro :: Drawing Sets you .1-\ e (1.11.) , 1111.0 1 of Lindsay will scalp clean and eliminatingthegrowth Ii: _. g: ‘ thth needs ,fixnig up a m a" of those elements held responsible for 3: 5115111955 C0889 9 .2. , - v . brlnrr 1t here. 11- - .~-_-.-.~_w_ . . . . _ ,, c 00 ags, $0. a AUCTIOV Sn Fq local scalp and hair affections. 3: Limited a. you need a new one I - A. n t A 4b.. v - g ,x. . , . . M “hm ism 1 H H” ' “I 7 1 We. carry the full Pie-V1” line Off: Gives the training essential to >3 Everythmg you, want when we can blilld 1tâ€"â€"good - ‘ r' .l m 'rnkpe “1 he )3 pl”- O‘OOdS 1110mm”? “101" famous 3km “did 33° success in various shheres of busi- ‘l‘ -‘ '- " - 4-1 A b 1 ‘t he auction on 11 ednesdav, October lst, b . P a. V . . . , t b 3‘ 3,011 want 1t, as. u H. to... his {aim stock and implements, including tO‘let‘ l’l'epdmtlom‘ é. ‘tl‘f’faw‘c‘lcggytt‘jfg' kilxlouoflzléivice: or sew" head or “OFSOS' “we.” ("TVS 3"‘1 TV." a cake “5 HMmmY‘Rose ("WEI that the business world is willing $ :22” Wort (amine for to G- 5- “CARS F f CHll’lQ-ERS .s,: pee .r, N) ' A, A. ,, 5,, r. r I ‘ ' .._ . furnitupg‘ a quantity of my. manch sale only utthc ‘chall More. 2 gélfifgfioglofgg;Selig‘gif‘lggliequhefi; ; V Druggist and Stationer . l l b 1 and millet. Usual credit terms cash 3. ' ' ' “ ' , .' ' o '. - ,. ‘ . a . . - . - ’... a Home-study courses. Make your 3, a 1 1 _ Commute Sta-.004; fut mm" W' h' M‘uqms' aubtmnu‘l' A J a; g n ,2. decision now and let us arrange 3. ¢ FLNELON BALLb- Fenelon Falls. Mr. Thos. Argue of.Dongola will hold I a e:- W go course for you. ‘3: ‘ an unreserved sale of farm stock and , ', V . H 3: ‘ ill..l)lelxu_ll‘.s on Thursday. 0mm 2nd. DHL‘GG [5 {V ()PllCIétN é‘ G120. g "w-mwâ€"i Usual credit terms. ’1‘. Cashore. auc- FENEUJN FALLS g: ' ‘ ' % tIHIIOL‘t‘. $1‘01)lll.\‘. * i i i i i v § -â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" (in Sitnrrlay, Sept. 27th, Mr. Chas. PHONE CENTRAL I Loy will dis'msu of his l:ouso and lot i :1::.'i‘.'.‘:'r::'.:.E:;:;::::.33113.3: .:.?::‘;:;.',.:3;::::, ” ' G OING T110711! ONE BEZTERJ Wagon, carpenter's and mason‘s touls.] L‘th five cords of good maple wood, and Furniture delivered to your home at LE 7S 7711er CITY P161 0138 some good :ixehandlo hickory. Sale at 2 o‘clock and without- reserve. Terms i You run NO RISK. Call and see our goods. cash except for house and lot, terms for l which will he made known utsale. '1‘. . I . 4 x .8' . G 0m 92 e 7“ .. EENELON . FALLS. (Inshore, auctioneer. See hills. . YOU CANNOT DESTROY quxerLn" PURE ALUMINIUM ‘ oooxmo UTENSILS You can food-stun to a cinder in them. than oimplypour lnwater and all the burnt atufl will come away, leaan the utensil absolutely clean, sanitary and undamaged. This is why theym no . ‘ Bold “ares” by U Mauritanian“ gum) llmllod (live Qi-III‘SOS in all Business sub- jects leading to positions as Book- keepers or Stenographers. and for Civil Service and Commercial Specialists' examinations. These schools include the Central Busi- ness College of Torrnm, with four oily Branch Schools. Stud- cnts’ may enter any time for these courses. No vacations. Write for Catalog. W. 11. Shaw, President, 39‘1895 Yunge street, T t 3: -°“m'"m'” ' " g, " _. ‘,sEE0UR‘VrALL'rArEns. “13-; :24 :x-rsfitt;=zr§$.-»z‘ is. .v~'-*.-‘,.-’.~"-.,v-w’ -‘ r A ital-i."- ziaq L 93’ -.

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