'No other keeps thé’ skin and scalp so clean and clear, so sweet and healthy. Used with Cuticura Oint- ment, it soothes irritations which often prevent sleep and if neglected become ch 1' o n i c ' disï¬gurements. , Millions of mothers use these pure, Future Emperor and Son. Crown Prince Frederick William, of Germany, and his youngest son, Prince Frederick. sweet and gentle emollients for ‘every purpose of the toilet, bath {and nursery. " . Cutlcurs Soup and Ointment no sold throughout the world. A liberal sample of men. with 32-min booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and scalp. sent post-free. Address Potter Dru: J: Chem Cora. Dept. 21D. Boston. U. 8. A. % ‘ A GUINEA-PIG DINNER. tached. s Impertincnt Things. The phonograph talks back. The pitcher has lots of lip. The dictionary gives deuce. The . I‘hc AnimalslAre Easily and Cheap- ly Raised. ' R4 ‘ Why not eat the guinea-pig? And :why not rear guinea-pigs for the Provision market? These are per- ectly serious questions. The gui- nea-pig (which is not a pig at all, but a rodent related to the rabbits, and which does not come from Gui- . 'nea, but from South America) is as {V ’ edible as a bare or a. squirrelâ€"a ' little bundle of fat, perfectly whole- some, flesh. It is small, tobe sure, but so are several other game aniâ€" mals that we seek for the table; a full-grown one 'will weigh nearly two pounds, dressed. The animal, which is, rarely a. navy, is nice in its habits, and feeds wholly on grain and green vegeâ€" tables. It is not subject to the in- ternal parasites, such as tap°- worms, that afflict so many rab- bits, and its flesh tastes much like , that of a squirrel. Its relatives, , the rock-eavy, the agouti and the V ' capy-bara, are highly esteemed in ’ South America. When the Spaniards conquered Peru, they found the ancestors of our pet cavies an ordinary and fav- orite food. The natives prepared them much as we do a sucking pig, by scalding and scraping off the hair, and then roasting or baking the carcass wlhole. European trav- ellers since have found the meat . , excellent. when thus baked or roast- ;. ed, when made into stews, or i served in a curry. It is best when ‘ the animal is about a year old. _ Guinea-pigs are easily and cheaply ,a reared, increase rapidly, and could . readily be furnished by the thou- . sand to town markets, or kept to » serve the home table.’ It is a waste of opportunity not to make use of the animal for food. --â€"â€"â€"-&â€"_ the discovery of Zam-Buk. blood poison ! does not kill! Then again. the science of the thing. know is that Zam-Buk pain. this. Again. As soon as Zam~Buk is ap- plied to a wound or to a. diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's sur- face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk’s secret of healing. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and literally casts of! the diseased tissue above it. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh. of 101 Delorimler Ave, Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty~ï¬ve years he had been a martyr to eczema. His hands Were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To-dayâ€"over three years after his cure of a disease he had for twenty-ï¬ve yearsâ€"he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema! All drugglsts sell ZamwBuk at 50c. box, or we will send free trial box it you send this advertisement and 8. 1c. stamp (to pay return postage). Ad- dress Zam-Buk Co... Toronto. Jibâ€".___ BRICK VERSUS HOLES. Mothers should never forget The Provident Citizen and the Im- provident One. Save something, if it is only $1 a week. The interest on a year’s savings will buy a. ï¬rst-class hat or Hurrah, No More llpair of shoes. And the .will __ meet many unforeseen conditions. ,. This Case Proves That The Best It will also increase your conï¬- . , deuce. Put it into a savings ac- “and Strong?“ Lm'ment EV†count that you cannot easily dis- Made Is Nerviline. turb. Learn to resist the tempta- tion to. spend, and every payday merit of a medicine. no weight of evi- adc! 8' little blb.t0 Wth y011.&1ready deuce is mom convincing than the have,thus making alittle bit more, straightforward statement of some re 35 the Popuhr song “ms. The tlme liable and well-known person who has will come for you when,an Oppor- been cured. For this reason we print the tunity will afford itself to secure a, lverbatim statement of Juan E. Powell. lasting advantage by reason of your {mama "om hm h°m° 1" curlemn' I ready cash. The improvidcnt will uun a strong, powerful man. six feet tall. . d _ 1 k I . h and weigh. nearly tivo hundred. I have “on er at 3?ur {m i 8’ lung t 3"" been accustomed all my life to lift great really doesn t exxst. Study the weights. but one day I overdid it. and rudiments of banking- and learn much“ by Wk badly- Every tendon that every dollar working for you is also assistin others to become 8' When it comes to determining the real , and muscle was sore. To stoop or bend - 'w a on . I had a whole bottle of Nervi- . 1,3: r5“; 0,, in one day. and by night prosperous. Then you will under- ‘I was well again. I know of no liniment Slft'lnd Why ll“? frugal and. PI'OVIdent mossessing (medial! the peneyatiou and citizen constitutes a brlck in the v paineubduing properties of Nervilino.lwa11 of community strength, while ‘ .I urge its use strongly as an invaluable ' liuiment and household cure for all minor ailments. such as strains, sprains, ‘near being a hole as useless matter . . swelling‘s. neuralgia. sciatica. lumbagmfcan Le' Become ‘3' brwkl .1; rheumatism. and muscular pain." †'_â€"_-â€"’“ _ a No better medicine for curing pain was v Do you know, Old man, that ever put in a bottle than Nervilincâ€"rub ,_v0ung fellow saved mé from Buy} it on and rub it luâ€"«that rubs out all lute bankruptcy last year. “How ~ aches. palms. and soreness. Large iam- wag amâ€... “He married the irl ‘ _. ‘ . . ‘ a a I a .. 1 r 3 Li: sue. . trml sun; .51: all don on. I had been engaged to for (or The (ntarrhozone .o.. Buffalo. NL, h u ï¬nd Kingston. Out. ‘ moat s. . The Crown Prince has grown irritable lately under the rigid discipline of the military division to which he is at- - ' ' I looked as if a severe illness were hang- M us impu- wagon sticks its tongue out. We get sauce from the fruit jar. fl WOHBERFUL DISEWERY A story An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most won- - « derful discovery of recent years wasthat WlthOUt 1y mg‘ Just ! breathlessly think! As soon as a. single thin layer of ZamwBuk is applied to a. wound or a. sore, such injury is insured against Not one species of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk .As soon as Zamâ€"Buk is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to skin disease. it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. They care nothing'for All they stops their ' away, will yez thrust me till nixt the idle and wasteful member is as ' : ' Bright, Ruddy Cheeks For Pale Girls Upon I, We TIIE MYSTERY 0F SLEEP. .â€"__._ Depend for Health and Happiness. No Longer Any Need to Be Pale, Weak or Anaemio. That mysterious condition of reâ€" pose in which our consciousness is in abeyance and which. we call sleep has ever been a subject of interest and investigation, but we are still only in the twilight of knowledge in regard to its true nature or the ultimate physical conditions upon which it depends, says Dr. Guthrie Rankin. Cerebralanacmia seems to be an important factor, and this is probably associated with exhaus- tion of the brain and chemical changes due to an accumulation of fatigue products, with consequent diminished receptivity for afferent stlrmuli. We are aware that sleep may be disturbed by a multitude of causes, but in its perfect expresâ€" sion we only know it as “Nature’s sweet restorer,†upon which we all depend absolutely for health and happiness. A hard~and~fast rule LAAAAAA-VAuAAAnnsmAALA-Aâ€"s‘ I; By Followlng tho Advice of Miss McEwen You Can Quickly Become Strong Again. Delicately - flavouredâ€" Highly concen- Tho pallid girl always looks appetite. What little sho cats is badly digested. At night she is restless, she dance, but doesn’t sleep soundly. Vital force must be ircreasodrnew blood must be supplied and a general re- building take place before she will feel like she ought. Dr. Hamilton has invaluable experi- ence in these cases and found nothingso prompt in building up young women as his vegetable pills of Mandrake and But- tel-nut. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills begin by cleansing the system and purifying the blood; they also improve digestion and render food ready for absorption. Additional nour- ishment is also supplied and the patient is fast strengthened and invigorated. Full of spirit, ruddy and strong is the girl that assists her system by the use WHY 'WORRY l Choose your variety and ask your grocer for FARMS FOR SALE H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colbornc Street. Toronto. 4 RUIT. STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIB! ' Farms in all sections of Ontario. "time snaps. ~ ACTOR? SITES. WITH OR WITHOUT ' . cannot be applied tolindieate the 4 Emmy “new,†In Toronto. of Dr. Hamiltons Pillï¬- m amount of sleep required by every Brampton and (Mar inwm and. "m". g ‘ The following recent letter from 5“ individual in order to secure com- . ‘ Ins N Etta, McEwcn, of Haliburton. speaks for 'l I BSIDbNTIAL PROPER/1‘ A. plate restoration of nervous energy, No two persons are similarly conâ€" stituted, for whereas one is refresh- ed and reinvigorated by four 'or ï¬ve hours’ repose, another requires , seven or eight hours to achieve a like result. Sex, age, tempera- ment, occupation, habits, climate, and environment are all factors of importance which bear upon the faculty of sound sleep, and as each of these conditionsis of, individual application, it follows that the per- sonal equation makes any general rule impossible of universal applié. cation. ' ‘ Brampton and a dozen other town!- itself: . . "In using Dr. Hamilton's Pills I ï¬nd my system is wonderfully built up. It. is certainly the most effective ‘remedy I ever need. I have now a good appetite. sleep more soundly, and. awaken in the morning feeling quite refreshed. "Formerly I felt tired and depressed. H W. VDAWSON, Golhorno St. Toronto. c 1 q I d ‘l d i 4 d 4 l 4 l g 4 4 4 1 .l 4 a ‘ _ .4 NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. .} OUNTRY 'WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent Opening for man of energy. Write Wilson Publishing Company, Toronto. .‘ STAMPS Mm come: f TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED piP~_ L- forcnt Foreign Stumps. catalogue. Album,'only Seven Cents. Marlin Btam Company. Toronto. - . MALE HELP WANTED. MENWANTED YOUNG MAN BE A BARBER. I TEAO you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly an. furnish tools free. .Wo give you sotu’al s'hop experience. Write for free. out.» loguo. Molar College. 212 Queen Bk Rant... Toronto. " ' MEN WANTED . ? lug over my head. “Nothing could give quicker results than Dr. Hamilton's Pills and I strongly advise every young woman to use them.’ rAll dealers sell Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. 250. per box or ï¬ve boxes for $1.00 by mail from The Catarrhc'zone 00., Buffalo, N.Y.. and Kingston. Ont. â€"’l‘ Time Will Tell. is going the rounds about a local juryman, an Irishman, who cleverly outwitt-ed the judge, and He came into court saying, . E Manslaughter. in Second. Degree. Cutting come with a razor ~is_ danger- ous and useless. The only remedy is Putnam's Corn Extractor, which removes coma and warts in one day.. Because painless and safe. useouly "Putnam’s." ‘ "Oh, my Lord, if you can excuse 250' W“ bottle at all†dealers. MISCELLANEOUS. ' 0 know WhiCh ‘ - ' v . muons, LUM‘PB. are. I medvgifr; Er my daugh- “ InconSlStent' Ali‘ncfkrliial Tnnd external. curfed $12.2; ’ â€"â€" r .i 1_ our home treatmen . r ten†“Dear me! That’s Ba’d’†Hbey you really must reduce ligthldfloi‘le )tbo late. Dr. Bellman Medical said the innocent judge- (‘Certa’in‘ 5,0111. dress b11151 my dear; they are (‘43.. Limited, Collingwood. Ollt. far too large. 4 Mrs. Newlywedeâ€"How inconsist- ent you men are. You speak just ly you are excused.†The next day the Irishman was met by a friend, who, in a sympathetic v01ce, asked, ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. 7i dcr Stones. Kidney. trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively ‘ ’th the new German remedy. “How’s your Wife 2†“She’s all 3‘5 though I made out the bill's. 'c'gigblflybrice $1.50. Another new remedy .. n “A d -’z‘â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" for Diabetes-Mellitus. and sure euro. in ï¬ght, thank you. I'm your “Snnol's Anti-Diabetes." Price 82:00 from danghter 2†[SShe’S all right’ too‘ druggists or direct. The Sunol Manufmy Canada. Limited. Why do you ask 2â€. 'f‘Why, yester- day you said you dld not know which would die ï¬rst!†“Nor'do I. That is a problem which time alone can solve.†turing Company of is the most bonefloent medical Winnipeg. Man of the present century. our methods of living system of some gradients. SULPHUR. did not discovery The change in I has deprived the of its most necessary in- Our grandmothers gave us but the doctors laughed. It assimilate with the blood. The and Telegraphy Courses of the moat. discovery of liquifying SULPHUR has “ complete and Wider“ Mn" “Wit changed the doctor's opinion. LIQUID right it ‘your own homob‘ Sth‘ Minard's Llnlmcnt for sale everywhere- SULPHUR assimilates readily with the Telegrap and Reilmd “33%,; .........._. ‘blood. Leading physicians are rocom- Gerrard St. But. 70mm“)- mcnding LI UID SULPHUR for all blood troubles. L QUID SULPHUR is a. posi- tive. cure for ECZEMA. Hundreds are Willing to testify to the beneï¬t it has been to them. A few drops three times a day will cure the most acute case of RHEUMATIsM. For sale by all druggiste. 60 cents per bottle. ‘ 4: {or particular: and lamplo’lunona. Security. w. H. Shaw. Pres. Milliganâ€"If I‘be afther laving security aquil ter what I take WHOOP iiER UP, GIVE on ,0 Boys I littleoi' our time and get your too of the best and most popular of all wake? Sands (the grocer)-â€"Certa1uly. Milliganâ€"-Well, thin, sell me two av thim hams, an’.kape\ wan av thim till I come agan. ._._. ~l4--â€"-â€"‘ Pater~“I wish Mary’s young man would come round after sup- per.†Materâ€"“That’s all he does come after.†Seoul, Baseball or . Indian Sulls. '01 ab olutel. FREE Try Murine Eye Remedy â€"â€" “$5.11,, “0,1,. of on. _ I If you have Red Weak, Watery Eye. Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Burn's, Etc. ailiru‘tifigmï¬aï¬ggï¬igguma . i or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn’t Smart . 10,, each, Your "10,, _Soothes E 3 Pain. Dru gistg Sell A Good Trait. Wlll gladly buy savers each. Murine Eye emedy, Liqui , 25c, 50c. em Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonic Good [or-All Eye: that Need Car. No money rennin We trust you. CHIEF MFG. 00. z. Beebe. P.Q. "I’m such a poor conversationalâ€" 15h.†she said. “What would you adVls-e me to do 7†a“- [00 Chief 3 Id Murine E10 Remedy Co" Chicago “Cultivate the habit, madam, cultivate the habit I†he replied Rl‘l‘lt- . ' The Latter Kim], QUICle- Employerâ€"It takes half my time fl -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"__ rectifying your mistakes! Ofï¬ce Boyâ€"Oh, well, I will take my vacation next week, and you can rest up! The Man-What kind of a bunga- low can you give me for $3,000 Drafsmanâ€"Do you want one to live in or just to refer to? Carterhall, Nfld. Minard's Linlmont 00.. Limited. Dcnr Silvaâ€"While in the country last summer, I was badly bitten by mosqui- toes, so badly that I thought.I would be disï¬gured for a couple of weeks. I was advised to try your Liuimeut to allay $3,},’§_§fff§;‘°1"'e§,?&t‘égl iamighï¬pflfgï¬ï¬g to Los Augelcs, San Francisco. Portland, ' n- I ‘ Salt Lake City, Scuttle. Victor-1a,, Vau- iflibrlhi'les 93:: couver. Nelson. Roseluml, and many other MINARD'H LINIMEN'I‘ jg also a good points. _'i.‘l1rough . tourist sleepers and article to keep oil’ the mosquitoes. free I'Ocllllllll: chair cars from (lineage. Yours truly, Variable routes. Liberal slop overs. I'm- W. A. V. R. full information as to rates, routed and literature,,wrlto orcall on B. II. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street. Toronto. â€"â€"â€"_‘ Mlnard's Llnimont Cures Dandruff. Low Colonist Rates to Paciï¬c Coast. ' _, Via Chicago and North Western ltail‘ way. On sale daily Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th inclusive. from all points in Canada Paw Knows Everything. Willieâ€"~Paw, do you know every- thing? Pa‘wâ€"Yes, my son. Why? Willie~Well, why doesn’t a rose smell good as long as a moth ball smells bad? Pawâ€"It’s time you were in bed, my son. A man in speaking of a relative The Story is tom Of “Ramâ€?! “1.23" ‘ , - V V I ' v v ' ' 3 v 1 v1 Sheâ€"ms it a m .m hanged. he died rim,°:::;;,.2‘:.;“:..“..i ding ’1â€, H Heâ€"“Yes; two poor mg a tight-rope performance. ï¬ce one day, observed on the desk SlmpS. ._.__. a cheap alarm clock. “Taking It ' home,†he observed, "towake you up in the morning?†The lawyer smiled. “No,†he replied; “I am keeping it here to wake me up when it’s time to go home.†Minard's Linlment Rollcvos Neuralgla. Perhaps You’ve seen IIiln. Once upon a time there was a tailor who announced to a cue- tomer: “This is an exclusive pattern. Im- ported st-uff. I’ve got the onlyl piece of this goods in town. When you get a suit of this you may rest assured that you will not see an- other like it in the city. Exclusive pattern and weave.†"So the man was much pleased.“ He went about the streets thinkâ€" ing, “I’ll, knock ’cm stiff with that new suit? Not another like it in the town. Gay life. ~ There will be no one arrayed like yours truly. I won’t see another suit like it.†Nor did he. Only about 543 like ISSUE 39~â€"‘13. it, did he see. Dr. Moran‘s Indian Root Pill}; . - I exactly meet the need which so often arises in every family for a medicmo to open up and regulate the bowels. ‘ Not only are they effective in all cases of Consti ation, but they help ' reatly in brea "ng up a Cold or La ri ï¬e by cleaning out the system an purifying the blood. In the same wa the relieve or cure Bilioueuesu, In iges on, Sick Headaches, Rheum- atism and other common ailments. In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Morse’e Indian Root Pills are 41 A Household Remodr~ ‘11,,‘A3AAAAA‘V'A A, -A‘ A “a..- A A'LAL A A A LA AAA-AA “All '