- 'r"«rm-.'~ “rags , . n, M. h M V, . gown-n7 v. ,..‘,,N n‘ AY. OCTOBER 17, 1913. No. 32 , vFRID FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO w. BANK OF M0 NTBEAL, Iâ€"IEAD OFFICE DIONTREAL. ESTABLISHED 1817 INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Paid ,up Capital $6,000,000.00. Reserve Fund $6,000,000.00. ' 'ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. SAVINGS ' BANIK DEPARTBIENT Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be ' withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fen'elon Falls Branch M present times, when accuracy and promptness are required in all departments of business life. ‘ Buy a Waltham Watch and have a‘ good, dependable time- To have your table supplied with wholesome food all the year round, with- out a miss or a slip. . . 3 All the freshness, all the goodness We Carry ' the be“ qu‘mty i that it is possible to secure may be yours d to work, but also the right to be lazy. The workers, when they have produced suflicient wealth by their labor, should have the right to loaf, to go on a hol- iday. This demand is one that is ab- horrent to the capitalist class, for they live upon the differance between what the slave gets and what the actual value of his labor is. Should the slaves get the right to be lazy when they have produced enough for the working class, the master class would get no revenues. They would be forced to actually go to work and earn their own living. The right to be lazy is a pretty good right for the working class- to demand.â€"Ibid. ' . o- If a Man Moves. . i ‘ - d is one of the necessities of g The Nation in Danger. The London Times declares that the stability and security of the Brit- ish nation is in danger by the obvi- ous sympathy between the English and Irish working classes. The Times is owned by Lord Northcliï¬'e, a multi- millionaire. The Times looks upon the British nation as being composed sole- ly of multimillionaires, rent receivers, land owners, proï¬t getters, cutters of coupons and the like. The working classes are low creatures whose duty it is to obey the laws, and hand over all the wealth they create to the mem- bers composing the British nationâ€" the parasite capitalists above describ- ed. The workers have no right to be looked upon as part of the British na- tionâ€"save as a. very low and insignif- icant part. When these low creatures show sympathy ror each other, when they unite by thousands and tens of thou- sands and hundreds of thousands, and when they demonstrate that they are getting strong enough to cut off the revenues of the idle and useless classes which the Times considers to be the British nation, naturally the Times becomes alarmed. But from the reck- lessness and revolt of the working class will come a new Britain, wherein the stock broker, the landlord, the cou- pon cutter, the capitalist parasite, will no longer be known. There will come a Britain of free working people en- joying the full value of what they pro- duce. Slums, hunger, misery, poverty keeper. of goods that can be purchased from the best manufacturers. It 81mph, Ineans the send- at any time. ing of your orders here. is 3 i Let "Us repeat what we have many stimes stated before, and whatwe are _ )rovino' ever business da in the ear Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 3 l b y y y a The Old Reliable Jewelry Store. that can be :vbought are those whiCh are of tips high- A est possible grade.‘~': ;: _ fl § Always ready to give you our best services. Fenelon Fails. It is astonishing how people in thinking about Socialism, persist in bringing into the idea the present or- derof things. For example, one says: “ Suppose in an industry employing 5,000 hands, one of these employees dies. What becomes of his share in that industry? Suppose an epidemic kills oï¬' half the people owning this industry. Who will own the other half? Suppose one of the machinists desires to locate in some other state. How is he going to give up his owu- ership in the industry he desires to leave? How is he going to get a part ownership in a similar industry in an- other state ? †The entire difficulty of this friend comes from his persistence in intrud- Will all hate vaniShEd- The Britiï¬h ing capitalist conditions into socialized nation known to the Times will have industry He seems to think that, so; completely disappeared, and 3 110131613 cialism is a sort of joint stock compa- better, happier British nation have ny where the workers own only where-- come in its placeâ€"Cotton’s Weekly- they buy an interest in a certain plant and then dispose of it. It is nothing of the kind. All industries are to be ProtesSionzu Cal-1.15:. ._ _ LEGAL MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON & STINSON. ARRISTERS,‘ SOLICITORS, NOTAR- l ies. Money to loan. Special atten- tinn given to investments. Branch olhce at E'enelon Falls, at the L. H. & Power Unmmissioners' oflice. Open every Tues- a day. Lindsay ollicc over Dominion Bank. R. I'M'cLAuosmu‘JC C.‘ 'A.l\l. Fumos,B. A. Jss. A‘. Plan. ‘ T. H. Srmson. _w___f__._,._..__ HOPKINS, WEEKS & HOPKINS. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms. to suit the borrower. Otï¬ces No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Ont. and at Wood- villc, Ontario. . c. H. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, j W Linesâ€"â€" F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A ________.’â€"â€"â€"â€" MOORE it JACKSON ARRISTERS, SOLIUI’I‘ORS, &c. Of ï¬ce, William streel,bindsay. - . . u - . F. D. Moons. A Jonso gowowwmwo-OWM moo-WW MM Move? The Right To Be Lazy. owned by a" the people, without any STEWART 35 O’CONNOR: ‘ â€"â€" distinction of ownership. BARRiSTERsf NO'IlARIES’t Mi'esmgl‘lquni o . . The masters insist upon the workers hYou caprarriveIf at a solultion ofdall - ' ‘0 on“ M owes 0mm.“ -'m ' A S h T havino the riu‘ht to work when the t ese r0 ems i on wi consi er m sunbormwem‘ L933“ on comer “Kent masters want :laves. \Vhen the mas- how tilings alreadyysocialized are Opâ€" and York “New, wifeâ€;- 0.00,...“ B A ters do not want slaves, the slaves erated. A man does not buy an inter- . STEWART. ' ' _... i . - have a right to starve. In the days of est in the public roads or the public . - - - - chattel slaverv when the master own- schools. If he moves from one state LEIGH 3' KNIGHI‘; saves nlne’ and a sult‘ 1n tune keeps you always ed the body of the slave, the master to another, he does not sell his right i well dressed. It pays to be a llttle forehanded in fed the slave when he had no work for in one state and buy in another.. This weeks, visits made to Fenelon Falls by orderino- a new, outï¬t of clothes, for various reasons. him. The old slave was better 011' than is because the lpterest is undrvrded appointment. Money, to loan Imp Real . a . g you wage slaves. .Now a great reform and inalienable. Phe death of a. num- Estaté bought and 9°1d° omce Kent St" can In and. let us take your measure for a new Sult- is being engineered by the radicals. ber of people does not add to the in- Lindsal†Templmne 41‘ - Up-to.da,te goods style and workmanship, Our This is what is known as the “ Right terest .of those remaining. The influx “WE u. i ‘ c. E h' ’ ~bl T '1 ' 0. t 1) 1 P - n to \Vork.†This means that the slave of others does not detract from their $1" motto ls , as 10m" e m orlnc’ a OP“ ar rmes‘ shall always have work for which he interest. There is never any transfer - shall be aid his kee . If the rivate of stock. There is alwa 3, instead, the D" s' ‘1' SIMS, DENTIST’ ‘ masters have no llabrdr, then this state privilege of use for all \iiho may come. Fenelon Fans“ N L E Y . B I shall give the slave a job building This is how it would be with indus- Gmdnale of Toronto Universny ï¬nd roads and the like. try under Socialism. Wherevera man “331001199 °f Deninlsurgems' This is a reform which the capital- went he would have free access to ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY Fenek’n Falls ists do not fear so much, as the slaves the machinery of production and dis- Perfmmed “coming to the latedtimpmved will still be producing surplus values. tribution. Death or removal would not memo“ M moaeme 9mm gmwwwmwwwwmmwmmwwi As the capitalists own the state, any affect it one way or another. The difli- work done by the wage slaves for the culty is not with socialized property, state will beneï¬t the capitrlists. The but with productive property as it is workers should have not only the right controlled todayâ€"Appeal to Reason. _ WWW THE BANK OF 1913 i sh . OFFICEzâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Gol- orne street . Mfrâ€"fl MEDICAL. ____,__..â€"â€"â€"â€" DR. a. H. GRAHAM. â€"u. n.,o. LL, n a. c. s. Eng.,n.o. r. A 5., Osr., r. r. u. s.-- )HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUOH- 1 sur. Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Fcuelon Falls. '_____________________.â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, assocu'rr. conossa COUNTY or vwronu. SUCCESSOR T0 DR. A. WILSON, RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER-‘ G sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur. Ofï¬ce, Colborne street, Fen- elon Falls. The Grocery Question Is one which interests every family. lts successfuf solutions means satis- faction and savings. LET US HELP YOU SOLVE IT ' We have an assortment of groceries that it will be hard indeed to ï¬nd fault with. There's satisfaction in using them, and they are placed so 3 77 Years in Business. Capital and Surplus Over $7,600,000. are issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, with the exact value in the leading foreign currencies stated plainly on the face. They are payable. without discount, , ' so that you can realize their full Cheques reasonably that every purchase means a saving. Is that the combination you appreciate ? value without trouble. Hotels and Transportation Companies acCept them as cash. Fenelon Falls Branch _ THOMAS CASHORE. wouoxsna - res-saws FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a. ï¬rst f i V g ’ M.W. Reive, Manager, class manner. Secure dates before ad- 'vertismg. ('5. 5‘ an" _ ,‘x 5% .