5" , 5,: -‘ 3mm." :1. 4‘ iv. v u,. . -, ' have dropped sells itself; the others W. A. IIAGERMAN. Tonight rub your scalp lightly with Cuticura. Ointment. In the mom- ing shampoo with Cuticura. Soap. No other emollients do so much for dry, thin and falling hair, dandruff and itching scalps, or do itso speedâ€" ily,’ agreeably and economically. Full directions in every package. Cudcum Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. A liberal sample at each, with 3%Dfl38 booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and leap, sent poet-free. Address PotterD Com. Dept. 171). Boston. U. B. A. Not Necessary Now. †exclaimed the “don’t you night before you go to bed 1â€Â» “Not any more,†“I uster when I 'slept in a folding bed, though.†h~ \_____________.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€" “Why, Tommy, Sunday school teacher, ers every say your pray replied ’I‘ommy ; Bear Island. Aug. 26, 1913. iMlnard's Liniment 00.. Limited. Dear Slrs,â€"Your traveller is here to-diw a. lar a quantity of We ï¬nd. it {and we are getting: ryour MINARD’S LINIMEN . lthe best Linimont on th We have handled all k all but yours; have to no exception. 13 years and have them its got rid of. ‘_____'______.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- 8111M Horticulturist. Knickeerow do you remember your Wife (to water the plants when lis away I Bookerâ€"I ’tu’b. keep ’em in the bath LIQUID SULPHUR cures ECZEMA et- mwtlvely and permanently. Unnecessary. "You ought to brace up and show (your wife who is running things at (your house.†“It isn’t necessary. w...â€" .Mlnard's Llniment for sale everywhere. Economy. Persevering l aid a begging visit to a n ke me pink, 6 most poverty- img house)â€"â€"«Stri lif that ain’t th I ever struck. istricken ’ouse Percy (who has just eighbor- ’Enery, rug &: Chem. ket making been in business inds. but be pushed She knows.†that. Why, iblow me, if there ain’t two ladies iplayin’ on t be same planner. .Try Murine Eye Remedy in or Granulated E elids. gâ€"Soothes E e vMurine Eye lMurine Eye Salve Eye Boo :25c, 50c. sin. you have Red, Weak. Watery Eyes Doesn’t Smart Dru gists Soil omedy, Liqui , 25c, 50c. in Aseptic Tubes, ks Free by Mail. ‘ All We Tolls Rood hr All Even that Mood can Murine Eye Remedy Co" Chicago There is nothing purer than hon- iesty; nothing sweeter than charity; than love; nothing nothing warmer richer than wisdom ; nothing brighter than virtue; nothing more isteadfast than faith. If you would be popular make iothers believe they-know more than neither friends thought he woul non himself. UNCLE JOE’S WRITING. Uncle Joa Cannon writes a very illegible hand, and w of the United States Congress re- ceived a letter from him one was able to read but a sing He disliked to bother Mr. Cannon, so he went to several friends among the congressmen and ï¬nally the letter, except for one word, was made out. This word seemed LIQUID SULPHUR Iu Tiukle! Wilburâ€"Do they always keep that big hell on the cow? '1‘. very taut, as it was underlined, but as the congressman nor 1115 could make it out (1 consult Mr. Can- Hc told him of his trouble in reading the letter and explained that with help from sev- liir. Joseph Cannon. cral other members of the House he had made out all but the word in question. _ Cannon looked at his letter,'and then at the congressman, and then again at the letter, his face mean- while taking on a sion. Finally he looked at the con- gressman and with mingled anger and laughter said: that word is ‘con peculiar expres- ( lVVhy’ ï¬dential.’ †____â€" xuriates your bath. 'l‘inklc I Papaâ€"Yes, Wilbur. making of VICTIM observed peated were Beyond do you take me f ed all day, exit, the wid not exceeding man’s invariab could be gleane sequently ï¬remen an ed for hours witl bars to remove p beneath which the but the rock prove number of artillerymen t. but at midnight they were marched back to the barracks, having ac- complished nothing. Wilburâ€"I suppose i her from falling asleep quiet place. ~.._â€"- Mlnard': Llnlment cures Burn's| Etc. Young wifeâ€"John, hope you will . my very hear like this ca t and soul it. Husbandâ€"Oh, I say, or a cannibal? by this LIQUID SULPHUR*r0lieves sore feet. 011‘ DEVIL’S WILES. Extricaicd From Living Tomb Af- ter Hours of EiYort. A “victim of the Devil,†3. mid- dle-aged Northern been taken to the Gov pital at Hong being extricated w culty from rocky heig preaches to the city. The man’s legs and arms were some grass cutters Chinese ernment hos- Kong, China, ith grept difï¬- a living tomb among the hts that guard the apâ€" through ï¬ssures in the rock. police who were summoned searchâ€" but failed to ï¬nd any est Opening in the rock six inches. lc answer to the re- inquiries of an interpreter “the Devil put me here.†remark, d from him. (1 police work- 1 chisels and crow- art of the boulder man was pinned, d too hard. A you fool, t is .to keep dear, I do ke. I put hen a. member day he is word. impor- he A in this into the has after The The nothing Sub- hen tried, Some Chinese quarrymen were next day man, form. United States war making an opening allow of the man oraw who is a comp the locality, requisitioned, but th touch the boulder o superstitious {ea-rs of the who had imprisoned the man. The of sailors from a ship succeeded in large enough to ling out. The a party ._.__â€"â€"’ lets stranger in was not seriously inâ€" jured, though his mind appeared to be affected by fright and shock. How he found himself in this amaz- ing situation remains a mystery. ey refused to wing to their “devil†‘ Borrowersjaro source when Sou have nothing but trouble to ion . easiest thing in the world to ï¬nd fault with and the hardest to re- 1.! Miss Nettie E. Call known young writes as follows: for two years with a rash, and ugly looking pimples tha face. blood evidently comp order. pairing sort of a cas treatments did but friend of mine in Toronto, t Dr. Hamilton’s 1‘ ï¬ve boxes. wâ€"-â€"looks and I felt I advised me to go Pills, so I sent at once to In two weeks I felt lik improved, spirits rose, was getting well. I have used this remedy for a long time, and now wouldn’t be without it.†ailing health, have stomach trouble, or Hamilton’s Pills will help you quickly. All druggists and 11 Dr. Hamilton’s Pills blood disorders, headaches, Dr. storekeepers se 6 and Butternut. Prep four weks before t saved her wages and immediately doling she hunted after the we d asked her to take her mistress an charge of the fund. “I’ll take it, of course, puzzled woman, you need mone honeymoon ’1’ ’ “does myself wid a strange niggah dart money on me i†Do Your Looks Quite Satisfy You? If Your Color Is Bad, If You Sui’fcr Here Is From Pimplcs, Good Advice. â€"â€" Fine Results In Two Weeks. lady My color was Certainly it If you are in There certainly is an immePse 10,13 Substitutes burn be In this cures the corn. Use only the bestâ€"“Put- of power running to was nam’s†250. at all dealers. broad nation. ,1 LIQUID SULPHUR removes the causes of RHEUMATISM. ___._â€"-. Consideratc. "So you want to become my sonâ€" inâ€"law, eh ‘1†“Yâ€"yes, sir. afford it.†MInard's Linlment Cures Dandrufl. .-_â€"â€"-.r Suspicious. A negro woman in Savannah was aring to get ,marrled. For he ceremony she : “Miss May,†Surprised. Robinsâ€"Joque found a surprise awaiting him when he got home last night. Dyerâ€"What was it? Robin- 11mm" I - .. -_ . -‘ .u- ‘:'~.‘~>..:C. EMEER z fll' '"lliiiliilill beneï¬cial to any skin. aghan. a well- ln Middleton, “I was affected t spread over my poor, and my lotely was a. most 9, because various little to help me. 6118 That is, if you can †said the “but Mandy, won’t y to spend on your said the you think Ise goin’ to trust sâ€"His wife was asleep. The ointment you put on your child’s skin gets into the system inst as surely as food the child eats. impure fats and mineral coloring ’3 matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child’s blood! Zam- Buk is purely herbal. No pois- onous coloring. Use it always. 80: a! All Druggtsfs and Slam. ? Buby’iOwn Soup have made it = a universal fascists. Its use.“ _ of of out of des- at Ont., 250. per lip LONG LIFE IN BIG CITIES. German Statistics Show 546 in 1,000 .Life is longer in the German cities than in the small towns. This is the discovery announced by the German 'Statistical Bureau, which penguin], has published ï¬gures showing that flavoured... 546 persons In each 1,000 in cities Higmy reach thc.vagc of 50, compared with 539 reaching the same age in cities 544 in towns of fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. These ï¬gures pay a remarkable tribute to German efï¬ciency, said ’ Prof. A. Frankel, director of the Municipal Hospital of Berlin. We believe that speed in the cities tends to shorten life, but it helps to cure other evils. one of the principal reasons for life being longer in cities is that medi- * cal attention is prompt and expert there are "fewer physicians. and hos- pitals, and often a patient dies when efï¬ciency might have saved his life. Another great reason for longer life; is the success of the. recent cam- paign aimed at saving babies in the large cities through giving free in- struct-ion and assistance to moth- ersin the care of infants and pro- v1d1ng pure milk, free nurseries and supplies. This is a difï¬cult matter in the smaller cities because of the lack thing that is particularly brutal his wife tries to excuse him by saying: “Oh, well, he is only human.†____________._____â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- COUNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR. opening for man of energy. Publishing Company, .. .....â€"- Reach Age of 50. more than 100,000 inhabitants concen_ trated. between 20,000 and 100,000, and WHY WORRY | Choose your variety and ask your grocer for We believe that EDUCATION. LLIO’I‘T'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. TO~ Canada's Popular Commer- Magnifloent Catalogue tree. FARMS run sALI. ' H. w. DAWSON. Ninety colbnrno Strut. Toronto. , ronto. cial School. the same time. In small towns â€"_-_-_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'-â€"_-_â€"â€"â€"-â€" F RUIT. STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIRY Farms in all sections of Ontario. Roma Innps. _______________.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€""' 4 ACTORY SITES. WITH OR. WITIIOUI‘ . Railway trackage. in Toronto. nrnmntnn nnd other tnwnn and cities. R ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN ‘ Brampton and a dozen uthol‘ Iowm. H- w. DAWSON. Colborno 51.. Toronto. ____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘"â€""â€"-____________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" STAMPS A‘I'l COINS TAMI’ COLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIF- L. ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album. only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp of Mandrak . . . box, ï¬ve for $1.00. Sent postpaid by of organization. The result 15 that the Catarrhozoéle (310-. BUEaIO. N-Yu 39 more bables in every 1,000 live W and Kin ston ana a. . . . _______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- g Liaâ€"w..- though the ï¬st year than was the QEND 15 CENTS FOR THE wanrz , ~ . , case 10 yea-rs ago. \ Song Success. "My Wonderful Girl.†But Is it Running to Vi aste? , N. Wilson. 25 Melinda. St., l‘oronto. r: . e b '5 . ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. are. . Tonha've aha? WM WS“ 121 internal and external. cured with. 1101198, say-s 90186 3,0 ona‘ .: It h d _ out pain by our home treatment. Write “but to be able to do w1thou‘t IS apl’ene 15° 3' 10031 “1133155 “ml: us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical power ,, sold a. cheap acid corn salve instead of Co. Limited. Collinzwood. Ont. ' “3° reliable Putnam‘s 0°“ Emacwr- ALL STONES. KIDNEY AND BLAD- Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German remedy. “Sanol.†price $1.50. Anothcrnew remedy for Diabetes-Mcllitus. and sure cure. [I “Sanol's Anti-Diabetes." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manulao‘ turing Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Man. the fleshâ€"Putnam's j der Stones. _.)1‘ When a married man does any- when buying your Piano insist on havmg on “one rarest." Piano Action. Mlnard's Llnlment Relieves Neuralgla. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent Write Wilson Toronto. bride, an’ all Don’t let Body of torpedo type. a genuine ..................,...$1,500.00 “Russell†Model “38.†This car is fully equipped and is bargain. Price ' “Russell†Model “22.†Five-passenger tour- ing, fully equipped. Wheel base 120 in., wheel 36 in. Has Knight engine and is'in splendid shape. Price .............'.........$1,500.00‘ “Russell†Model “R.†This is a high-class ï¬'p- passenger car, fully equipped with fore (loops and accessories. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$900.00 00.. LIMITED. 100 RICHMOND “ST. WEST '1‘ «O B O N T O _____________________.___â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"