_ a n...WW.W-WwW.. ...._â€" Anaâ€; .‘.». ...._.. . Wm.wa-.m......w-...,,.,:-..,...--...we..." "Aw..." ,,..g.-\_ --....... . .:......-, .......m...-... n..- .c..'-,---. .V... n . - mu»... ... .. . . 4. . .- -. M W . r~mw- . new: w. .m. ~. 'W'ARE MAKES ClllCLE Secml'ngly impossible Pei-hm Accomplished by a New Tool â€".~ ' The seemingly impossible achieve- ment of making a circle by means of a. square is accomplished by a new de- vice which has been lately patented. A view of this implement is given herewith and anyone who may he the least bit familiar with the construe HOW A CIRCLE MAY BE MADE WITH A SQUARE. ~tion and use of a T-square will see at once how it is’done and also the advantages of the improvement ‘ A flat, graduated rule has a socket at one end, designed to hold a point such as a piece of lead or lead pencil, «and the length of the rule is traversed by a metal slide, designed to be se~ cured at any point and adapted to per- form the ordinary functions of a. square. .The slide. is supplied with a projecting point which is used in mak- ing the circle in conjunction with the lead or pencil point, as- shown in the illustration. DOGS OF THE WILD Australian Dingoes or Wlld Dogs Easily Domesticated Although the highest authorities agree in stating that the dingo was at some remote period introduced into Australia, and that it subsequently reverted to a ,wild stateâ€"like the "wild" horses of the Andesâ€"there are still those who regard this dog as. one of the original Wild dogs from which I our domestic dogs are descended. in any case, the breed is one of very great antiquity, and therefore of the highest interest to all dog lovers. The dingo is about the size of a collie and much resembles a. wolf in appearance and habits, but he is much more easily tamed. Those who know him best are warm in his praise, de- claring that the dog may not merely be tamed, but is capable of readily acquiring useful habits, and of becom- ing a good companion. Even his voice alters as he comes under the influence of domestication. In course of time he learns to bark, an accomplishment unknown to the dingo of the wild. WW EXiMENATlJNS PAPERS _ l W For Beauty ODoetorq Do complexions ever run to seed? Can we know if beauty is only skin deep by sounding the woman? . Can porcelain teeth be worn with enameled faces? How often should a picture of beauty be touched up? Are crow’s feet the footprints of time? > Should your motto be pretty soon? How can lines of age be rubbed out? Do you believe in making up for lost time? ~ Write ï¬fty words on beauty." _â€"â€". Does a patient with an aching canine booth lead a dog’s life? Is it necessary to make a good im- pression when advising false teeth? Does chewing teeth? What is the best way to cure a girl of a sweet tooth? Are gold crowns ever abdicaled'? If your treatment gave a patient the lockjaw would you bolt the team? What is the best way to ease the pain when extracting a fee? ., ; Write ï¬fty words on how to, “drill†teeth. = For Seamstrosses. What is the easiest way to mend a man's ways. w What needle is used when taking a. 7 stitch in time? 3 Are ruflied tempers stylish? Q Is a spool necessary to hold the' thread of thought? ' What is your version of a. ripping. time? I l When is a woman justiï¬ed in going on a tear? » Does a cross stitch ever good-natured? - I Give several ways of wearing out“, welcomes. ~ ‘ Can you make punishment m the crime? I become ._....._‘-o “Age before‘ For Dentists . the rag injure the, 7 l l | l l l _ Write, ï¬fty words on basting the -. meat. ‘ a ..._...... ..._.._,.. ..__7...-... .. ... . .... .7... . ., Natural Tlmepleco There is no need for clocks on the JEgeau See any day when the sun is shining. There nature has arranged her only timepiece, one that does not vary through the centuries. This natural time-marker is the largest sundlai in the world. Projecting into the blue waters of the sea is a large promontory. which lifts its head three thousand feet above the waves. As the sun swings round, the pointed shadow of the mountain just touches one after the other, a number of small islands, which are at exact dis- tances apart, and act as hour marks on the great dial. Still doing business in the same stand but. not in the same old way. We ad- vance with the times-and are in a posi- tion to do better work than over. New designs, new granites, new and improved tools and methods, in fact, the most up- to-date Marble and Granite works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. Shopnnd show rooms llaml 13 Cum- bridgeSt.. immediately north i f fireball Lindsay Marble Works .. ROBT. CHAMBERS, PROP. i‘or Estimates 011 new buildings. consult us». your order for Doers, etc. ‘ Sash, Interior Finish, We will‘be pleased to ï¬gure on what you will need in supplies, or the whole contract. F. C. TAYLOR WANTED. A capable girl to assist with general house work. _ 'MRS. R. M. BEALL, 35 Adelaide Sh, Lindsay, Ont, _,____ -ll NINETY THREE â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- Ill Till GUARANTEED Assists nature to maintain and' promote bail- health by keeping lluf: scalp clean and eliminating the growth ‘, of those elements held respmlsibie for 9 :3; ï¬ï¬‚STnBSS .COeeege .5 local scalp and hair affections. \Ve carry the full Renal] line of goods including their famous skin and toilet preparations. Try a cake of Harmony Rose or Harmony Violet; Glycerine Soup, for sale only at the “ Rexull Store.†' A. J. GGULD DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN FENELON FALLS. PHONE CENTRAL. FENELON FALLS MARKETS Fenelou Falls Friday, Oct. 17, 1913 Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 82c. to 2350. Wheat, fall, 88 to 90 . Wheat, spring, 75 to 80 . Barley, per bushel, 50 to 60 Oats, per bushel, 83 to 35 I Pease, per bushel, 75, to 1.00 Buckwheat, 450. to 50 Potatoes, bush. 50 b0 00 Butter, per pound, 25 to 26 Eggs, per dozen, 19 to 20 Hay, per ton, $10 to $12 Hides, $10.00 . Hogs, live, $7.00 to $8.35 Beef, $ 8.00 to $9 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 15 to ‘23 Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 Flour,Winnipeg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf. $2.50 to$2.70 Flour, Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 Flour, new process. l, 2.40 to $3.00 Flour, family, clipper, 82.35 to $2.55 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.25 to $1.35 Shorts, (10., $1.25 to $135 Mixed Chop, do.. $1.50 to $1.60 Corn Chop, do., $1.55 to $1.70 v v v ,1. 4‘4 FALLTEnm OPENS SE'PT.2 Petert’ioro 0-5 5 v 0.; Limited ,v, Gives the training essential to .1. success in vu rious spheres of busi- ti: ness activities. You must be ,9, trained for the kind of services that the business world is willing to reward. Our courses are thor- ough. Modern methods of in- struction. Experienced teachers. Home-study courses. Make your decision now and‘l'et us arrange 2|. course for you. «3020' »:»x«z~sonx«x»r~ww we wwwwee 3* GEO. Sporron, E. E. LOGAN, ,3: President. Principal. ‘X’ ï¬iï¬â€˜WWWWW'MMM .. 2* “A c“?- B . -- .1 .v- a: :~-- ' ' The ring; of Kanam- ‘ 5.: THE day has gone past ' when: a wise woman 1,- will put up with an inferior ‘- cooking apparatus. She has. heard of :57 “ apps“ " Thought†Range, - If by chance you do not know the merits of The “Happy gmgnt" you owe it to yourselx to investigate. look into the ï¬rebox and flu-s, weigh the covers, note the patented ‘5 dampers, the w-ntiiated. illuminated oven. the corrugated oven plates, and all the different features that make this Range 80 diflferent and so superior. You don‘t know true household comfort if you don’t know The" Happy Thought" Range. Write the Manufacturers for Illustrated Catalogue. "b?" The WM. BUCK STOVE CO.,“§‘}§ï¬;"o.n W HEARD .J- UCH‘S HAPPY THOUGHT " ‘- .V ,- ~'-’1'2:_~’tï¬,\-<)"‘J. ,' " Juicer ‘ >flfa‘.#~' ‘7"qu v ._ 'a I ~ The Corrugated Oven ~ and her neighbors tell her what it will do. p,â€" Sec the Range, Or give us I i z 'We handle the lNTEBNNTlQNAL “Tolâ€" Nee x ‘3'“. And nothing tells the story so Well. Everything for kodukery at our store. J. H. STANTON, PHOTOGRAPHER'FENELON FALLS. vmuum shutout T um: ' Tale. Cue. and the ROYAL EUB'BhE? Stock» Foods and Remedies, and our past experience with these goods proves to us their reliability, so we have no hesitation, in gum-an». teeing- them». Your money re-.. turned if you are not satisï¬ed. G. F. Vl'CARS Druggist and Stationen FENELON FALLS. EDUCll For your boys and girls is up for consulerntion just now. Send for a copy of our curriculum. It will present; some facts you should know. A term in one of our srhools insures a. good salary. Enter any time. 'SHAW:’S SCHOOLS, TORONTO Head Oï¬ices, Central Business College. ‘i‘onge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. W.. H, Sl-IvAlV, President. O‘f‘tlie old rigs. New ones cost money. We Kali? a, speciality of re- pmrmg, repmintiéng, etc. If you have. anything that bring it here. you, need it Or if as the best. F. l. Elli/[Elli Colborno Strcob Echelon Fails. GOING THEM ONE new one. we. can build illâ€"good WWW needs ï¬xing up BETTER . - Furniture delivered to your home at LESS THAN CITY PRICES You run NO RISK. Call and see our goods. 15’. S. Gainer. FENELON FALLS. SEE OUR- WALL PAPERS.