‘ > r p > > ‘I _ ,J“ ‘ . . : .. 3‘ W V . « .. y A “H. V. _,_,- V; t , v-1. , r, .. ~'. ., “W ’ .. ~ ~ - n ‘ ' v most incaldm‘abie, for more than 6,400 L' pounds of pure ivory was used in its “W ~' construction. Only the ï¬nest and most flexible strips of material could be used, and the mat is like the ï¬nest woven fabric. .s C H O 0 I. S Give courses in all Business sub- jects lending to positions as Book~ keepers or Stenographcrs. zind for Civil Service and Commercial Specialists' examinations. These schools include the Central Busi- ness College of Toronto, with . ' Good Results by Any Caméra Lover ' Ex ense Exce t for the w‘th' "tars: SIR Papaâ€. For Churnlng Day - Never ï¬ll a churn over one-third to' It is an easy matter to enlarge owes]: full, so as to give the cream snapshots to a suitable size for framâ€" room for agitation. s mg and it Is not necessary to have -â€"â€"â€"â€"____________ four city Branch Schools. Stud- 5 ‘ -‘ â€"'*_ fwâ€"_"_~_ ~__ ents may enter any time for ,5 a 1m 0! fancy and cosuy happgmtus :0 FENELON FALLS MARKETS these courses. No vacations .2 do it: “uh' ding)“ an}; :31 2:32): Write for catalog. ’W. H. Shaw, eff; Eggrggsullgs fannegea’rgbtgmed Fenelon Falls Friday, Oct. 24, lill3 Presxdent, 393-390 Kongo street, a The principal requisite is a réom Wheat,Seotch or Fife, 820.to 85:. "t' in which all light can be excluded and “"188 {37210 80 which. has a window that will let in Bn‘fél‘yggg‘l'ï¬ghgl ‘50 to 60 I. i“%‘15"“.i‘ei.ll§hé.:i‘.%‘:.’3: £352.: onsrper bushel. to 35 SECOND DIVISION COURT “S†b fl E the can†Pease, per busheifl? to 1.00 IN THE mom WI e ne' ven Buckwheat, 4K7. to 00 can be used if the cellar has a window that admits a lot of light Cover the 5"? pmmms' 1"â€1" 55m “0 . COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Butter er cund 25 to 26 glass in the window sash with black Eggs, {ï¬rdgzen' w 25 .- t“ xfffléï¬ir‘ > paper and make it absolutely light Hay, per ton, $10 to $12 'The next sittings of the abovepourt I {I ï¬ght. except for one place that is Hides,$1().00 Will be held in Twomeys‘hah, m the ; just the size of the camera box. If Hogs,1ivo, $7.00 no :33 35 Villaee of Fenelon hills. ‘3; the window sash has four panes of Beef $ 8.00 to $9 , glass it would be well to take out one Sheepskins, 50 to 80 on Tuesday! "ov- "‘h: 1913, pane for this purpose. Fit your cam- IV5001, is to 23 980 t (:3 00 commencmg at 130 oblock in the after 1‘! era tightly into the openins- If pos- OHII‘SymSE’m $§;, 70': “.290 noon. Friday, October 31st. will be the Jr“. sihle let this really be a hole in the 12101“) .iumprog 'f‘ém -8? ,1, .0 last day of service on defendants resid~ {3' - window. You can then add to the 1‘}°“‘"$‘. ‘10? “3%,; 1". E3 qg'gg" ing in this county. Defendantsliving in a: ' light by equipping your camera back gum“) ‘cymfa’ “0,3345? $060 other counties must be served on or I. I with are reflecting mirror. . Flo"? iielxnpl “$9 35°t'(")Ҥ.', 55 before Saturday, Oct. ‘151h. .‘ Fit the back of your camera to the . .0“ ’ a 'V' m ' “ - " "'.â€" Womce hours from 10a. 11]. to4 p. m. I: .. Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.20 to $1.30 It opening in the window and see that Shorts do $125 to $1.35 _ . there are no leaks of light around it. Mixcd’Ché’p‘ (1‘0" to $130 ELISHA MARK, 13.1). I'IAh‘il), The entire amount of light let into Com Chop’fio" $1.55 to $1.70 , Bulliï¬- Clark- the room should come directly through the camera" the plate or WWW which you are to print I I I a...†5%.; . in- a plate holder or printing frame and attach it to the back of the camera so that the light will come through it and pass into the camera. Fix your plate or ï¬lm with the image upside down. Then place a table near to the win- dow and put an easel or drawing board updn it so that the beam of light pass- ing through the camera will fall on the board. Close the shutter of the camera. Pin a piece of bromide paper to the drawing board while the light 5-. is excluded from the room, and when ‘ all is flxed'open the camera. The light ,>, passing through the plate and then the lens will print the image accurately on the bromide paper. The size of In the enlargement depends on the dis- tance the drawing board is from the lens. \V‘nen you have your picture printed as you desire ï¬x it in the way prescribed for bromide papers and your enlargement is ï¬nished. Simple, isn’t it? And yet it gives the ï¬nest sort of results. BlUNOERS iN NOVEiS l Women Writers Have Made Some ‘ Amusin‘g Mistakes Writing of Sport That popular novelists make all sorts ‘ of funny mistakes and perpetrate mar- vellous anachronisms when writing their tales is well known. Dickens, Scott, Thackeray. Reade, and so on, even Mrs. Florence Barclay, have all fallen into the trap. But in nothing are so many laughable blunders made by novelists as in relation to sport, _. and this is particularly the case with I 3, women writers. . “Guide.†was probably the most as- i: toundlng of all great story writers of ‘ I her sex in this respect. Speaking’of . ,, one of her heroes who was taking part ‘t in a famous boat-race, “Ouida†makes this astonishing statement: ,5 “All in the boat rowed steadily, but vi? none rowed so fast as number six.†, If "Ouida" has any_blunder to sur- -3 pass this amusing error in a sporting contest, it may be found in her de~ , scription of a great horse-race. wherein 3 her heroine is supposed to be the owner of the winner. And, this horse _ having Won, the female novelist goes 4 ~ I on to show the sensation made by the i g lady owner when “she came proudly into the paddock, leading the winner of the Waterloo Cup." The Waterloo Cup is the trophy amarded for the ï¬nest dog-race in the world. ‘ Even Marie Corelli is not always, ; accurate. Says she, in “The Treasure. ; of Heaven,†when her hero is speak- ing in that book: “After school-hours I got an evening , job, with a shilling a week, for bring,- - ing home eight Highland bull-heifers; from pasture." Bull-heifers, indeedl. What sort of creatures are they? One of our living women novelists made her readers wonder, especially v‘ those of- them who were swimmers or ’ sailors. Indeed, the feat her hero. .. achievedâ€"according. to her storyâ€"â€" = ; ought to be immortalized in letters of gold. The hero was supposed to have Jumped headlong into a, raging river to rescue the heroine and the follow- ing way is how he did it: “With one hand he held her lovely head above the seething, waters, and with the other he called loudly for help." Another feminine novelist I ‘ makes her hero win the English Derby 1 and sstonlsh his friends‘by his prowesa ' t at partridge shooting two days later, - i regardless of the fact that the Derby w K&.â€-ï¬i-~r‘s«"~i‘;fl 1r: xerés‘rir“ as. :1": 1, And nothing tells the story so well. Everything for kodakery at our store. J. .H. STANTON, PHOTOGRAPHER, FEii-ELON FALLS. t .3; THE day has gone past when a wise woman will put up with an inferior cooking apparatus. She has heard of ' The "H Thought†Range, 3.. and her neighbors tell her what it will do a“, , .‘- My. .. Q. o «avastâ€"Eire: . 2-.- l l i 7:052 ‘ T .1, .' A. g“ - ~‘. - Tho Corrugated O‘von :xv..a<u‘:<i‘i\b*l1r I u “2:: you owe it to yourself to investigate. See the Range, look 1nto the ï¬rebox and ï¬nes. weigh the covers, note the patented dampers, the ventilated, i‘llumi hated oven, the corrugated oven plates, , .____ â€"_.______ and all the different features that make this Range so different and _'E so superior. You don’t know true househoId comfort if you don’t know -1_.A The “Happy Thought" Range. .3. R Write the Manufacturers for Illustrated Catalogue. Mtge The WM. BUCK CO Limited - ! nnan‘rronn For your boys and girls is up for. consideration just now. Send for a copy of our curriculum. It will present some facts you should know. A term in one of our schools. insures a good salary. Enter. any time. SHAW’S SCHOOLS, TORONTO 5i Head Ofï¬ces, Central Business College, Yongc & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. W. H. SHAlV, President. I “we. :wmmm’fu‘ - . Aâ€)... rssr'stl at area For Estimates On new: buildings consult us, Or'give us your order for Doors, Sash, Interior Finish, 'etc. Of the old rigs. New. .. « ones, cost, money. “Is 5 ' make-a, specialty of re- 7 pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything ’We handle the INTERNATIONAL," and the Hunt PURPLE Stock Foods and Remedies, and our past experience with these goods Jproves to us their reliability, so" I we have no hesitation in guaranâ€" teeing them. Your money res gturned if youare notT satisï¬ed. G. F. V'ECARS Druggist and Stationer FENELON FALLS. that needs ï¬xing up bring it here. Or if . .- you need a new one 3 f we can build, itâ€"good ' as the. best. ‘ " F. t. CHAMBERS. ; Colborne Street, f H Esnslantlialia ' We will be pleased. to ï¬gure on what you- will need in suxpp'riw, er the. whole contract. F. C. T A Y LO F. v ,_.. v . ~ . 1*.“ \' no GOING THEM ONE BETTER... Furniture delivered to your home at LESS THAN CITY PRICES .Avluï¬. o. “v .3)... On any package of‘ medicine or toilet articles means guaranteed QUALITY. If it does not give satisfaction bring it- back to5 our store and get your money back. It belongs to you and we. want you to have it. We carry the full line oi REXALL Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, for any cough. REXALL Tickle Stopper, steps that tickling. REXALL Throat Gargle, for Tonsilitis; etc. REXALL Grip Pills, cure and prevent influenza. REXALL Plastiklae, for reducing inflammation. REXALL Wine of Cod Liver Extracl, best of tonics. REXALL Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, with Hypophosphites. There are but three mats of ivory REXALL Predi‘gested Beef, Iron and Wine Body builder. in existence. The largest one mea- , J nst try one jar of-' Itrbutns Complexion Caeam " Harmony of Boston †and you; $3: agitate mnjrtftfeg’f 8331'! aaltï¬ggg: will never use any other. Gome in and see the Rexall line in the :_ Greek design for a. border. It is used ‘ A T R , only on State occasions, like the sign- Lâ€" Iâ€" S O E . . ing of important State documents. A. J, .. g, 1116 cost 9: this precioumstmss 3.1: ‘ “ '- - " ‘- ‘ “T " ' ‘ I. Manny. “wow You run N O RISK. Call and see our goods. 8. Gamer. FENELON FALLS. is run early in June and partridge shooting does not begin» till September. _Mats of Ivory. SEE OUR WALL PAPERS. "Vï¬Y“NMVYï¬â€˜v“W'V\ an.“ (-9. ~,' '."~.\:‘ yre’vaw,‘ ' . 4 < - ‘ , . WV