' FIXTURES FIXTURES t n FOR SALE ‘ , FOR SALE ’ . R D“ E g , r t m__ r "3W ï¬sh." is ringworm. may also WHITEN ED HAIR . p râ€- . effect adult cattle, causing itchingfl v ‘ “a†599%- on the body and especially Dim-gm. Opinions 33..., Change of WHICH SCHOOL unsweewewesweetness: 3t abput the tan‘head‘ Treat by scrub‘ Color Over Night ( - 9 ‘ é. 7-" H __' ._ by: clean mild wgttlng with a solution ', . ._.. p. I L I A .1 '1 E 1\ D . ‘ - >3 "‘ ow to Prevent and Control Lice and 0 W0 90““ 5 ° SUIDha-te 0! copper one reams dccasionau In 110791., and e . I to a gallon of water applied hot. y ‘ ,' g‘. ‘ An important question. All busi- . 'x‘ . i ,v Ringw‘m“ . 0th" ,memture' 0f caï¬ses 111. “h‘fm 9‘ ness colleges are not alike. Careful 3i: ' ' V a -- , Persons hair was turned white Within judgment is absolutely necessary é: . ' : These two pests of housed cattl‘e one single night, under some severe write today fertile catalogue of thé vi: ‘3’: ztrouble most in dark, damp, dirty, bad- mental stress. An alleged historica % 2:11? ventilated stables. Remedial mea- . _ case or this kind is that of Marl ' D 3 ('1‘. sures fail if only the animals are Antoinette. The true cause of the ) ELLIOTT ' I « treated. Sc: long as calves1 and adult ‘ bleaching of the hair is a- matter of ' ca e rema n on pasture t ey are not some dispute. says a scientist who. 0 and how to save money by the use bothered with vermin or skin disease; investigating a case of sudden greyins: ‘ of this Oldest ï¬nd the newest Ell-1t Yglent theg'l 80 tiDEO W’i‘liter quarr pt a man's hair reported that the inner TORONTO: ONT- d Tl . ï¬nish z 3' 91's 8 mu 8 s at B. e Pea-son canal of the hair had bccome ï¬lled It will help you to dcci 9. HS ;; ' is that eggs ("nits") of lice remain This was Eight Thogsand Years Ago with small air bubbleskwhich imparted sch-001 is conducted on the highest if in the stable from season to season, "w'nters Gr°wm9 c°lder and to it its white appearance. According plane of efï¬ciency. We are proud of , while the vegetable parasite of ring- Summers Warmer to another physlcgm on the other hand its record. Students admitted at any is separated to prevent licking of the part of winter centres about February Th. - i v .e I. ointment. which is poisonous. - Ring. ‘4, but. from this-rapproximate' date the on ï¬gextggztï¬mzl“: V . C R Bower A H Spotton worm _ll.rr,lndlcated by bare, white, curve ascends ï¬rst slowly and than we“. 0: mean. Mung teem] 2‘ L & - brincipal . .President ‘ pectin/crusty spots upon the face. more rapidly. crossing the freezing- mo Math in the hulzmm god ' ' ENTER ANY DAY ' 83:8 and on ï¬le. necrk or point in the direction‘of warmth on g m 13 1mg“ from one as: ‘ 0 cm: . ‘- . -. ‘ - ’ ' y 8 ca 6 mt Marcil m »._“':1.c§_.§,~m r in union. so the consumer :- FURNITURE DEALERS _â€" -Drepared for their reception. worm lives on damp walls, partitions, fences and other woodwork as well as on the skin of animals. Both pests, _rtherefore, are acquired in the stable. , in animals are to be made comfortable ’by keeping them free of lice and ring- ‘worm the stable should be specially Each animal should be allowed four square feet‘of window-glass and ï¬ve hundred ‘ ‘ to eight hundred cubic feet of air- ‘space in the stable. Good ventilation, too, is absolutely t "necessary, and by preference should “he of the King system. In this method of ventilation the fresh air enters at the ceiling, drives the hot air down~ ward upon the backs of the cattle and is sucked out through wall vents ,near the groundlevei and connecting «with pipes discharging through a high chimney in the roof., The cleansing process consists in removing all loose ‘trash, litter and soiled feed, sorub ‘ -blng walls, mangers, partitions, floors Jlnd ceiling with a 1-50 solution of‘ ' coal-tar disinfectant or crude carbollo acid or solution of four ounces of for- maldehyde or sulphate of copper to a gallon of water. Fresh-made lime Wash is then applied with a spraying pump. which forces the wash into every crack, cranny and crevice. An .nddltlon of onepound of chloride oi lime to three gallons of lime-wash makes it more effective. To rid animals of lice a 1:100 so .lutlon of coal-tar dip may be sprayed .on and brushed in, when the weather is not too cold, or an even more «effective solution may be made by steeping four ounces of stavesacre- seeds in a gallon of boiling water and losing when cold. Frequent applica- tions are necessary, as new broods of lice hatch out from "nits.'.’ In cold weather dust the infested part of the gkm freely with flowers of sulphur. or Persian or pyrethrum lnsect~pow- tier. Mercurlcal oinment (blue oint- ment) is eflective when applied to the poll of -the head and along the back, boner; 'bu't treated animals must be, by‘icrsplng and scrubbing each spot . Wm“ If you are not taking advantage of the bargains offered each day, then you are the loser. LSpeoialiy large discounts are being offered on the following: f Furs, Ladies’ Coats, Boys’ Clothing, Dress Goods, Underwear, etc. The greater part of what is now the city of Toronto was once covered with water, if wemay believe L118 statement of an eminent scientist, Dr. A. P. Coleman who deals with the subject in a volume issued by the Canadian Institute. The high ground in the northern part of the city formed the shore of the old glacial Luke Iroquois, which is». known only by name, having been taken oi! the map some eight thousand years ago. In Rosedaie. now a district of artiste- cratic homes, mammoth and caribou once wandered,_and at a more distant period fresh water molluscs abounded in .the water that spread over even this area, now several hundred feet above the level of Lake Ontario. With the gradual wearing away of containing Mr.'B.. F. Stupart's repeat of the weather of the Toronto dis- trict, climatic conditions have slightly changed, winters being colder than in the early days of settlement, autumns and summers warmer, but with the springs practically the same. Spring now lasts from March 10 to May 20; summer from May 21 to flop; tember 1.0; autumn from September 11 to November 25; and winter from November 26 to March 9. During the 73 years of observations taken at the Meteorological Institute there, the maï¬a annual temperature has been found to be 44.4 degrees, being, according to the seasons 23.4' in winter, 41 in spring, 65.8 in summer, and 47.6 in autumn. The heat record Was broken in July, 1911, with a tem- perature on six consecutive days of 98, 101, 103, 97, 95 and 93. February. 1875, was the coldest month on record, with an absolute minimum of 16 de- grees below zero. The downward curve of the temperature curve is stated to be gradual during the autumn, not reaching 50 degrees until October 7, and dropping to the freezing point on or about November 26. The coldest I u “ ERRILL B the phenomenon is .due to the destruc- tion of the hair pigment by the phago- cyte cells. Others deny altogether the truth of reports of sudden blanching, or assert that where it. has occurred this may have. been due simply to the fact that the person in question was suddenly placed-under. circumstances compelling the discontinuance of the practice or hair dyeing. The Shape of, the Head Scientists declare that during the last quarter of a century the shape of the human head has altered owing to the development of mental power, caused by the ever-increasing ~edu- cational facilities. Size is of no consequence. It is the shape that tells. Twentyotwo to twenty-three and a half inches is a of the first order. but powerful in- tellects are indicated by heads measur- ing up to twenty-four and bhreequarter inches. Heads indicative of skill in mechan- ism, detail, and manufacturing work are usually large, rather wide about the ears. and with a broad, although not necessarily high, forehead. The broad, protruding Beothdven forehead indicates musical skill. Knock For Montreal According to Mr. T. H. Mawson of the Uanerslty of Liverpool, an ack- nowledged authority on the subject of town planning, Montreal’s streets, for'a city its size, are the worst on the continent. - -.~...-.. Sheepskinedin Gas Meters It-wlll undouubtedly surprise many to learn that sheepskin plays an im- portant part in the construction and operation of the gas meter. This leather' is used to form the "dis. phragms" or two bellows from which gas is drawn 'when. a jet is lighted. time. W. J. C orncr Yong,‘ ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL (:1! Alexander Streets. Marble and Granite Monuments Still doing business in the same stand but not; in the same old way. We ad- vance with the times and are in a. posi- tion to do better work than ever. New designs, new granites, new and improved tools and methods, in fact, the most up- to-date Marble and Granite works in this part. of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 and 18 Cum- bridcht.. immediately north ( " ï¬reball Lindsay Marble Works ROBT. CHAMBERS, PROP. CARRMGES [AND GO- CARTS A good line just received Call in and see them. OS. 3 Next Simpson House . FDR FLiiDRS i FUR FURNITURE g FOR BOATS AND CANOES . V Comes in three-sized tins, 30, 50 and 900. Guaranteed by the oldest and largest makers of i reliable Varnish in the cities of BOston and Montreal. Sec folders for colors and instructions. Agency at uuu. A. uu'uuuuu’s . Wall Paper and Frame Shop 6 -LINB$AY. *MM'FrX‘WW'X‘ seam-Mi- *WWWflWéW'Wdâ€?%W%PMM’: r Wy We have the most modern, the most practical and the best equipped school in Eastern On- tario. The courses are thorough and fascinating. An entirely Canadian Business Procedure for the training of the ambitious young people of our country. Our graduates are successful. Ask a student. or ear-student;â€" thcy are our best advertisements. HOME STUDY COURSES. m iindsay Business College Greater bargains than ever are being ofiered at ’TEERILLS’ GREAT some inner SALE I the vast forests, says the chapter standard for the literary type of head 1:10am ind .then"“,rubbing in iodine _ ‘93 “93-99, 995.9!!! “PM " jevarvpthsr day until veil. . ,