s» iuni HALF-SPEED . Hay'hew, MAN AND WOMAN What It Meansâ€"When You Feel “All Out of Sorts.†You'know what it means to feel Wall out of sorts.†Mast people have felt this way at some time. Nerves out of order, irritable, lan- guid, depressed. An aching head, a lagged brain, appetite bad and digestion weak. With some people this condition comes and goes; with others it is chronic; they can’t shake it off. It interferes with buslâ€" ness, spoils recreation and robs life of=all its joys. ’ hese men and women are only able to live ' and Work at “half speed." ‘ Half speed people have lost that abundant natural vitality which en- ).bles others to go “full-speed- ahead†through life. Their energy and nerve power ‘have evaporated Lâ€"they cannot work long without breaking down. The trouble is nerve weakness and is caused by Leer, watery blood. You can begin improve your condition to ay by taking Dr. William’s Pink Pills. .l‘hey make rich, red blood once more pulsate through your veins, Ind your nerves thrill with fresh ligcr. Here is convincing evidence that new strength and full health Ian be had through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Mr. Newton North Tryon, P. E. I., lays: "I am a farmer; and naturally have to work very hard. The re- )ult was that I found myself very huch run down. My blood became thin and watery, 'and my muscles tabby. I took doctors treatment at it did not help me and I grew )0 weak that I could scarcely work It all. As I found the medical treatment was not, helping me I iecidcd to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pill-s, and in these I found the medi- bine I needed, as in a short time I was restored to my old health and (vigor. I shall always recommend these pills to all sufferers.†Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or will be mailed, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. ._._â€"JIuâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The World in Review (â€"â€"â€"-â€"'â€".â€"'â€"'â€"_-â€" Must Hales More Cattle. It is useless to look with regret on the buselngUof the great cattle ranges of the est. uder modern conditions they are most wasteful way of utilizing land. (What. we have to do is to encourage the ismall farmer. to~dcvotc more attention ‘to cattle raisin . That he can raise far Lmore cattle to t e here than the ranchers. and With less risk of loss through disease ,and accident. 18 indisputable. This pro- ‘blem is one of the most serious before both Canada and the United States. and it is to be hoped our Government. will give it _ e serious attention it deserves. There I; no need .whatevcr for beef to become prohibitive in price. The Speed Manla. The spirit of Bwlnburne's Faustlne seems do have entered automobilinz: @ho loved the games men played with Death. When Death must win. \Day after day it is the grim duty of the press to display the tragic news of the lat- ’.e5t automo lle accident. The list of vic- tims grows unceaeingly. but there seems the growth of caution. in spite of the ter- lele lessons spread by the newspapers to every village and farmstead. Speed. over ;the ground in trams and trolleys. in me- .tor cars and “scenic railways." over the (water in hydroplanes and hydroaero- planes. throughout the air in aeroplanes: Ipeed. the thrill through the nerves of mud rush and roaring wheels. the modern passion. the twentieth century vice; bet- ter, perhaps. than the gambling.“ the eighteenth century. of the bear baiting of the seventeenth. but costlier and more hkely to produce unexpected results. Quartz Gold Mlnlng. Some extraordinary rich samples of gold {quartz have been taken into Vancouver grocently from 'l'exada Island and are said ,to have been taken from regular lodges and not from mere pockets. Placer mln- lng has to a great extent overshadowed any other form of gold mining in British Columbia. not only because the sands of the rivers have nearly always shown gold , nt because the prospector can 'wauder rccly over the country with his chk and an. and if he makes a strike he can work is claim on the spot with very little ex- tra in the vm of necessities. But gnarl: mining is d fferent. Transportation of ï¬chlnery to deal wlth the quartz has 11 most laborious and expensive and the results of transporting machinery in- to a district only to ï¬nd that the gold co curs in pockets would be rather disastrous. 0n the other hand goldubearing quartz ledges are apparently usually of far greater value than placer ï¬elds. _ The whole world has been astonished at the production of the Transvaal gold mines. which are entirely quartz lodges nd go down to enormous depths. Rumors have from time to time come throulrll rom the Peace River district that there 3 quart: formation bearing gold exactly lm lar to the lie of the famous Johannes- urg reefs. The mines ln _tJIc Atlm dis- rlct too have for a long while shown some Eemarkably rlch gold quartz propoeltlonu. f the samples from Texada Island are R u b b e r s a n Over-Stockings in One. Buy to puton and uh off. Plural! -â€"I.ook rollâ€"Wax well. All Ilsa for woman and children. Buy Item and protect yourself and than: from vdnter ma. 2 l Caeldln commas lubbelco. 7 “ . llulled.lutml _ not from pockets but on further develou- ment the quartz proves continuity and of rlchnecs at. depth. British Columbia is on the ver 9 of becoming a tremendous fac- tor in 6 World’s gold supplies. Death on 'the Hall. On the American Railways in ,the last 23 years the number of persons killed was 192,542. It is rather startling to ï¬nd that of this appalling total 103.566 were passen- gers. Only 40.000 were employees. killed through mischance of their own fault. and only 80.000 other persons killed through mischancc of their own fault. Of the t0- tal, trespassers formed 53.8 per cent... or twice as much as the percentage of the next highest class. Passengers killed in accidents to trains numbered only $5,302. or 1.7 per cent. Our Canadian statistics show that. the number of trespassers kill- ed ls almost as large as all other classes ut together. In the last rmlwav your or which data is available. that ending - on June 30. 1912. the fatalities on Canadian railways numbered 668. and of these 235 were to trespnsecrs. , Women In Australia. We hear so much nonsense nowadays about. what would happen were women to be allowed to vote just as men are allowod that it is refreshing to hear from a very good authority what has happened in Aus- tralia through granting the women a vote. The Premier of the'CommonweaJt-h has.no fear of feminism or of the vote makmtz women coarse and vulgar and. immoru. After an experience of nearly a dozen years of female entranchisement in that country the Premier says:â€"“Womens suffrage steadies political feeling. In de- mocratic countries turbulence is always a danger. In a time of political excitement men will let themselves loose. Women won't. They don’t want hysterics. They are the domestic economists. and they have to calculate the needs of thelr house- holds pretty .closely every week. That 15 why economic questions are more care- ful y studied now. and why you get. a steadier. more sober, more Wholesome opinion on all questions connected with the home." The Mallgned Crow. According to the report of’agrlcultural experts. the crow is amuch-maligned bird. and is not the deepoller with a reputation as black as his coat. A report issued re. oeutly announces that the crow does more good than harm; he eats more pests than crops. Ills one besettinghin now._ as re- cent lnveetlgatione show, is devouring the eggs and young of other birds. but the contents of his crew prove that about nine-tenths'of his food consists of insects and other crop-destroying creatures; "Don't be too hard on the crow.that cawe about your farm.". is the advice of 'the department of agriculture to the United States farmer. Brltaln's New Lord Ghlel‘ Justice. Sir Rufus Issues has.been made Lord Chief Justice of the British Empire. Sir Rufus Isaace. is a Jew. There is a chance for a man Wlth brain. pluck and mdustry to climb high under any data; regardless of the accident of birth or t e handicap of religions creed or nativity. If Sir Ru fun Ieuacs. says the Record. lacked the qualiï¬cations he would not be Lord Chief Justice of the English Courts 00-day. He won on merit alone. It is a 11st ï¬ght for men of oppressed races to 011ml) over the shoulders of men ‘of races more for- tunate. There la a. prejudice in every land and it takes a man to beat down its bar- riers and rise to fame and eminence. The keeper of the record lifts his hat to the man who wins on merit alone. He is, worth the while. A Perll ln War. Rear Admiral Caspar F. Goodrich of the United States navy. declares that the Pa- nama canal will be a. peril In war. He is convmced that a. great mistake was made in not building a sea level ditch. even at a cost of time and money. "as the lock are far too small and show ignorance o the land men who built it!" Rear Admiral Goodrich never built a. canal. For this reason he is supposed .to know all about it. That is the way With some men. They view the constructive work of others and point out the mistakes. Before a man at- tempts to tear down the work of another. he should _go out and get a building re- cord for hlmself. ..__â€"â€"tIsâ€"â€"â€"â€"- Offensive Breath Caused Usually By Catarrh A Simple Remedy Discovered That Cures Without Drugs. The American people suffer more from Catarrh than from any other disease. It undermines more consti- tutions and creates more sickness than all other diseases combined. It is. therefore. very dangerous. You can't successfully treat Catarrh by internal dosingâ€"you must in some way send a purifying. healing agent through the breathing organs. so that the germs can be reached. This you do every time you inhale Catarrho- zone. It’s rich essences and healing balsams are breathed all through the nose, throat and lungs, and effectively destroy every trace 0: Catarrh. This is a proven fact. I endorse Catarrhozone because I know of six had cases of Catarrli, 1n- cludlng my own, that it 11: . cured. It is a sensible remedy because it is ca- pable of going where the disease is. I believe it cures quicker than other remedies because it gets sooner to the source of the disease than anything else I know of. I had headaches, bad breath. and much stomach trouble as- sociated with my Catarrh. but they have disappeared since using Catarrh- ozone. which keeps me free from colds, headaches, catarrh and all win- ter ills.†OTTO E. KRAMER. Belle- ville, Ont. Catarrhozone is needed in every home. Large size lasts 2 months. price $1.00; small size. 500; trial size. 25c. At all storekeepers and druggists or The Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo. N. Y.. and Kingston, Canada. uâ€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"‘!‘-â€"â€"-â€"- THE HEARING 0F ANTS. A Scotch Scientist Gives Results of Experiments. Prof. Pringle, a Scotch scientist, is quoted as saying that ants have organs yet discovered in insects, and that they are extremely suscep- tible to sound. these organs are situated in certain sounds are brought forth by rub- bing, but no one has ever heard detected by human ears. only sound detect-ed was that of the crawling of the ants. iments have been conducted with England, and it was decided that these species could perceive sounds. How they did it was more or less a matter of doubt, as some scientists insisted they heard through organs of hearing, while, others claimed that it was through a sense of touch, excited by atmospheric vi- brations. ion. When they were even violent- disturbed in the least, While at the blow of a very shrill whistle close to them they were seen to be per- ceptiny agitated. Any Headache Cured, When YOu’re Dull, Tired. Restless A Promlnent Publlshlng Man Says who use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, and this fact is vouched for by the Assist- ant Manager of the Poultry Success Magazine. of Springï¬eld, 0.. Mr. J. H. Callander, who writes: “Norbettcr medicine than Dr. Hamilton's Pills. We use tllem regularly and know of marvelous cures that resisted every- thing else. system. act as a tonic on the blood, enliven digestion, help the stomach, and make you feel strong and well. For headaches, indigestion and stom- ach disorders I am conï¬dent that the 103111161 prescription is Dr. Hamilton's s. table remedies. Dr. Hamilton's Pills possess great power, yet harmless. nected with the stomach, liver. and bowels. perly digested. the blood is pure and nourishing, the body is kept strong and resists disease. All drugglsts and storekeepers sell Dr. Pills, 250. per box,‘ 5 for $1.00, or by mail from the Catarrhozone 00., But- falo, N.Y.. and Kingston. Canada. Natal, writes the ham in Nature.‘ One day I was catching small ï¬sh and acquatic in- sects for an aquarium, and I was using a small net edge-of the water a ï¬ne which I captured. The spider measured about three the most perfect sound-producing - He cl aims that segments of the abdomen and that them, as they are too faint to be Attempts have been made to hear them with the aid of the microphone, but the Again in regard to the hearing of ants, careful and exhaustive expor- six species from this country and Prof. Pcrivngle inclines to the opinâ€" ly shaken they did not seem to be .._..._$â€"â€"â€"~. Tired Systems Rc-Ioncd Day and Night Something is Wrong in the Stomach. - the Quickest Cure ls Dr. Hamllton's Pllls. “â€" Headaches never come to those They cleanse the whole Being composed of natural vege- they are They aid all organs con- In consequence, food is pro- Hamilton’s ..__~!t A FISH-EATING SPIDER. Measured About Three Inches When Its Legs Were Extended. It was when I lived in Greytown, Rev. N. Abra- in a shallow I happened to see on the spider, stream. On reaching home, I placod my specimen in a large aquarium, where I had a numlber of small ï¬sh. inches when its legs were extended; the body is small, but the legs are long. After hiding in therockwork of the aquarium for some time, it took up a very interesting position. It rested two legs on a stone, and let the other six float on the water, well spread out. The ends of the six legs thus commanded a well de- ï¬ned area of water. I merely took notice of its atti- tude, and left it to its own devices. After a few minutes my servant boy came into my study to say that the spider was eating one of my pet ï¬sh. I at once went to see what had happened. The spider was on top of the rockwork, and it held in its grip a beautiful little ï¬sh, about four times its own weight. I was startled. How could this spider, which has no power to swim, catch a lively, quickâ€"swimming ï¬sh? It seemed to clutch the ï¬sh as a cat clutches a mouse. It soon began to devour its catch, and before long nothing was left of the ï¬sh but its backbone. I was now eager to ï¬nd out how the spider caught the ï¬sh. That night about eleven o’clock, I sat down by the aquarium to watch the spider. It had taken up its posi- tion on a piece of stone, where the water was not deep, and had thrown out its long legs over the water. Their extremities rested on the sur- face, and made little depressions on it,~but did not break the “water skin.†The tarsi of two posterior legs ï¬rmly held to a piece of rock, sz resent an old a car- ance biore Iyour time 2 By using LHQXS Your Gray Hair can be re- stored to its Natural Color. THOUSANDS HAVI BEHIFIYTED . BY ITS USE At all Drugglats 500. a Bot. I 1’... Ian. vim. . l. . , just about at waterâ€"level; the whole body was well over the water, and ' ._ the head was about in-the centre of . the cordon of legs, very new to the lionuod the Same But Do Not Open surface of the water. “"'|‘â€"â€"â€"â€"““" To GUARD AGAINST ALUM‘ IN BAKING POWDER 3:: THAT ALI. INGREDIENTS ARE PLAINLY PRINTED ON THE LABEL.AND THAT ALUM on SULPHATE or ALUMINA on some ALUMINIo SUI.- rHATs Is NOT ON: or THEM. THE WORDS "NO ALUM" WITHOUT THE IN- GREDIENTS Is NOT surnâ€" cIENr. MAoIc BAKING POWDER cosrs No MORE THAN THE O‘hDINARY E. W. GILLETT COMPANY. LIMITED WINNIPEG‘ TORONTO- ONT- MONTREAL JAP EYES LIKE OURS. In Same Manner. After watching for some time, I We can the Japanese “alumni†23:1: jï¬li'lgfsssh smm toward the eyed†and the Chinese “slit-eyed," stretch legs of the spider. The lat- Mid 111051? 05 “S are apt '50 B‘lppme ter made a plunge. . . body went entirely under the waâ€" 811011 1-5 notthe 08/99- The 6X88 all ter, the legs were thrown round the, all the races are practically alike in j ï¬sh with wonderful" rapidity, and shape. their difference in amien‘v'-‘ in a moment the pierced its body. once brought its catch to the rocks, and began to eat it. under the out- swift and sudden that their eyes are of cmtirely difps “5101;8- 1egs, head and ferent shape from our own. But‘ powerful fangs once being due solely to a diffch The spider at once in the opening of the lids. Among the Caucasians when tho eyelid-s are drawnopen the outer and inner ends of the lids form a The lids Lâ€"â€"»â€"â€"- , ’ “What is the meaning of that straight, horizontal line. big ‘D’ on the dustbin?†asked the open wide without any special ef- new servant. The man replied: “Damsel, the ‘D’ dis- full eye. played on the dustbin denotes that the despairing domestics of this de- ilrizs of the eye is partially covered, FMh‘ed dom‘lCilB desire the (19861“? but in Europeans it is always free. 118 flustm‘?†during; the“: (318113: (11' In Japanese children the fold of the V61‘510n3 W111 deem 1t theu‘_ d611ght' upper lid is especially marked. The ful duty to dislodge dellberately inner Cornflr of eve is a, semi- and deftly the dirt and dust de- circular ‘ pos-i’t’ed in that disagreeable dustâ€" 10Wer lid, and even bin. ‘ ' haughty footâ€" for-t, presenting the effect of the Among the Japanese the brown fold, resting upon the covering its edge. The outer edge. is pointed, thus giving the typical almond Judge: “You said the defendant shape to the eye. It is claimed that turned and whistled to the dog. the flat noses of the Japanese have What followed '1†dog Witness: “The much to do with these special char- !†acteristios of the eyelid; ' I‘ “:7.†A Gin. Pill at Bed Time ' _ will not only prevent any form of Kidney trouble but will assist the Kidneys in their work of ï¬ltering the impurities from the blood. Kidneys working properly mean a good complexion, bright eyes, a clear brain, in fact a condition of general good health. , Gin Pills are sold by all druggists, at 50¢. per box, 6 for $2.50, or direct from National Drug and Chemlcnl Co., of Canada leiled, Toronto. You can raise “ {all " pigs and have them ï¬ne and fat for the May. market. All you need is a. little extra care and “ENTEBNATEOHAL STOGK FOOD.†/" Feed “INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD " witha. combina- 3. } tion of ground corn, oats and ryeâ€"and they will not only keep I0} 4‘ The average‘pig‘ does not digest more than half of the grain fed. .I The other half is wasted. †INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD " saves this waste in grain. “ INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD" _. is a. purely vegetable preparationâ€"a wonderful tonicâ€"that keeps I' hogs well and vigorous, and protects them against the " ‘ ravages of Pneumonia and Cholera. 7s '3 Maï¬a a nice proï¬t on your "fall" pigs 1... feeding "INTERNA TIONAL srocx FOOD." Get a pail 10-day froni your dealer. "Tuscany ,. MAKES Ho ours LIGHTER ‘A PAer: |THEEEDALLEYGm No Dusr “HQWASTE HAMILTON. CANADA No Rusr Thisâ€"“WATCH T'FliEET To Any Boy This "Railroad Klng" watch is an absolutely guar- anteed tlmckeeper. It In stem wind and stem set. double dustproof back. nickel case. Regu- lar man's size. Send us' your name and addresl and we will send you 30 sets of Xmas, Birthday. Floral. and other post cards to sell at 10 cents a set (elx beautiful cards in each set). When sold send us the money. and we will send you the watch. all charges prepaid. If you prefer. we will glve you a. maglo lantern (complete wlth 12 slides), electric flash light, gold slgnet rlns. t trumpet call mouth organ. or a pair of "start-'2 Hockey Skates Instead of the watch. .- HOMER-WARREN C0. '- ' DEPT. 4.8, TORONTO healthy, but also fatten up in a way to astonish your neighbors. '-.' tones up the digestive apparatus, insures perfect digestion, and thus ' , ~'*w’;,/':/V‘~Mv/’, :2 " kw .j. H s p a; .9 .l a (if. x",