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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Nov 1913, p. 5

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,4? , - ‘ . , , .. .. ,g'g: m s .,-. M,- ,2 mom-2.“; vs v . » - . . . ., . i . . .. .. .. y..4‘.‘...'.\.- ... .:.-..~.-t. ~'~-~ "-I ‘~ - - “' - .. s-» ,.,,, . h.‘ 3., “My; ,,.,. , .. “wt. .V., 4 , V, .. .l, ems-AL. -~ .i- .. .‘~“â€""‘ ‘rnuv ..‘~‘ »'~ w ~~ » v "A v ‘ ’ w :‘w‘h 9‘ ‘W‘ ' " *’ ' “ ‘ " "' " ' "' * y “a. 7...:- - w. » mow-’rv-‘V‘vw’ “M‘wamu \q..:.. .\‘.0~-r\~..ni.,. ,. . - . , .i. ' '-\r ' " ' ‘ M". ‘ I f. _ gt 4 . , .I T',’ \ ~ I , A‘ ~ _ ) -_. » . ’. ~-’ DRIVES STAPLES STRAIGHT House for Sale or Rent. .. SHAW s 1 Tool of New .Deslgn for Wire Pence â€"â€" s G H O o s f» M ism-“"3 and‘Oth" w°rkm°n Good frame house, 0“ miner's hmv Give courses in all Business sub- 1’ â€"‘ e ven large rooms, stone cellar, wood- jectsleading to positions us Book- , In the erection of wire fence it is h ed. stable and garden. For terms, keepers ~01. swnogmlmers‘ and generally necessary t° (“We 3 large etc., apply to ' -\ ,i’or Civil Service aud_Commercial I y a number or Staples and for the security i -" . to e Specialists’ examinations. These ‘ _ I; - of the fence it is desirable that the ' H~ 0' WELCH?” Term 8 B r schools include the Central Busi- v .k . 1 'h - r K staples should be driven straight and noes College of Toronto, With llme VVO] S (11110 { c anges 11] 10 ,3 a, I accurately. Owing to the irregularities “‘ four city Brantch soggolgimgiugl; _ o l 1 d ho} t A. - V ' e sma ener: z ,7 - i i . _ A. of the wooden posts and the strain of FENELON FALLS MARKETS “£1888 cgursesi N0“ vficaéilons. gl 0“ mg gll . 1D (1:1 b an S A IA, 1 Write for cats og. ’. . . Iil\\', 0 ‘ ‘ . ° I, , Fenelon Falls Friday, Nov. 14, 1913 President, 39T3.395tYongo street, Skllts al e 8001] fOlgOtten 111 the x: Wheat,Scotch or Fife 820.to 85 ;. , ‘ oron o._ 1 ‘ ggeagdanzss e593) 8;) v ‘ ==== matuier charms of the debutante. . ea , spring, _ . . gay”, Pegbufigfléffiotg,“ SECOND DWISloN COURT Somet1me,,though, you Will ache , a 5, per us , . , ,‘j Pease, per bushel, 75 to 1.00 , I , V . Buckwheatififi. $1260 - is THE for a picture Vof her Just as she y Potatoes, us . - -. - p. . . V. .‘ Butter. per poundéga eggs COUNTY OF VICTORIA' romped 1n from school. 01 play. ;., Eggs, per dozen, to , , - n ‘ . V J . 1:3 Hay Perm“, $10 to $12» The next sittings-of the aboveCom-t -. _ y . , ~ _ . p A”: Hidés,.$10-00 _ . - will be held in 'l‘womey’s hall, m the » Think how she would hke one, too, Hogs, liveo, $t7.7°55050 $8 70 Village_ngeiielon Falls. ‘ , . 1 t 1 1 r ‘ p c g Beef $ 8. O 0 " "V. 2» I" “ - a u ‘ _ u I : Sheepskins, to 80 On Tuesday, Nov. Hill, 1913, In t le 3' er 579313, 0 S 10 'V 11.61 _ K; p 7 - ‘ . - 'I . ‘ ‘ I‘ . a R8313, gigon, $2.80 to $3.00 commencing at 1-30 o'clock in the after: fi‘lends and . pOSSlbly hel chlldl en“ I E}, Flour, Winnipeg $2.70 to $2.90 0 lnoon;1 Friday, Optoberdilll'stuwiltl be thin ._ M k “ . t t h.l ’ ._ 'l ' L of “@250 to$2.7 ast ,ay 0 ‘servme on e on an s resr - 3 7 I v giggzisfligtili‘iafwhi‘z‘i to $2.05 ing in this county. Defendants living in v a’ e 16 a] 190113 men . W I e le ‘ 1,1“ Flour new recess. $2.40 to $2.60 other counties- must be served on ‘or ‘ Flour: familly, clipper, $2.35 to $2.55 before Saturday, Oct. 10th. Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.25 to $1.35 W omce hours from 103' m. to 4 pam Shorts, (10., $1.25 to $1'35 I _ ' thought is fresh 'in your mind. - . _ r , i ii, ’ I Mixed Chop, (10., $1.50 to $1.60 ELISHA MARK, E. D». HAh D, . J, AN p I H i Corn Chop, 010., $1.65 to $1.70 . Balm. 7' . “011*” = . '; l ' TOOL FOR DRIVING STAPLES ' . _ i . yep-Jim ‘ -’,».':- . -» . , ’"v - »' I ' :w» ‘2 . " , a“ , . =~ .» é . ‘ l the fence wire, which is under a heavy ' _ “I . ' GHT .. . 2; ; tension when being erected, it is not 3 Th" mng °f Rams?“ BUCKS HAPPY THOU. I ‘ 1.; ‘ i always an‘easy matter to put the {llâ€"v a - ~ * - v ~ 9,, staples just where they are wanted lg. to be of the most service. . THE day has gone past ,{yy The» tool showr. in the accompany- ing cut is designed to accomplish this. With its aid a great many more staples may be driven in a given time and they are driven in a much superior manner. Besides being a convenience to fence erectors there are other me- chanics who will find use for this tool such as electricians, box makers, coopers and the like. when a wise woman will put up with an inferior cooking apparatus. Shehas heard of fihe u Thought" Range, WW 3: LESSONS FROM FIRES i ‘ '.,’_' 'lMflJ‘: To Corrugated Oven “' and her neighbors tell her what it will do. “WWI-M The National Fire Prevention Asso- l i i i l l l l ' ’1‘ ‘.‘ ‘ datum in a report on fire losses, drew If by chance you do not know the merits of he Happy Thought” you owe it to yourself ‘to investigate. See the Range, look into the firebox and fines, weigh the covers, note the patented >1 dampers, the ventilated. illumin :xted oven, the corrugated oven plates, _____.__._____. ____.____.___.._ and all the different features that make this. Range so different and 1'7" so superior. ' ' You don’t know true household comfort if yon-don’t know * The “ Happy Thought” Range. __.________________ Writr the Manufacturers for Illustrated Catalogue. “1?:“1‘119 WM. BUCK STOVE CO.,"§§;§;TFORD- " attention to the following points:â€" Shlngled roofs are a constant men- ace and should be abolished Unprotected steel construction has proved itself many times to be far inferior to average timber construc- tion. Unless well protected in suit- able mann’er to withstand the attack of fire, this type of construction in- vites disaster. ‘ In every building two or more stair- ways, remotely located with reSpect to each other and enclOsed in fireproof shafts, are essential for the escape of the occupants, as well as for the work of the fire department. Elevators should be enclosed in brick or reinforced concrete shaft, walls to pierce all floors and extend at least three feet above roof. Approved auto- matic flre doors to be installed on one side of wall at‘all doorways to build- l g i l l i For your boys and girls is up for consideration just now. Send for a copy of our curriculum. It ,will present some. facts you should know. A term- in; one of= our schools insures a. good salary. Enter any time. Siifl'fi..§.Ei'.?.9h§;.l§l‘l§fll9 VETEWNAW EEMEMES mitts Shh Care I I mm , ‘ . p . . ~. Qf'the old, rigs. New I I I _ oneseosvt: mone . We We handlfiotviailgTERMTmML make a specialty, of re-’ . O ‘ ‘ , . and the I 4 .U ELE Stock. 1’ .' ‘ z' ' r 011 new buildmgs CGDSUlh’ HS. Cr usgiFoods and Remedies, and our 1 filggi’ifggnxgfiifit your order for Doors, Sash, Interlor Flnlsh, past experience with these goods that needs fixing u; etc. proves to us their, reliability, so bring it here. 01. if ~we have no hesitation in guaran- you: need a, new one We will. be plena‘ed'to figure on what you will" need in supplies, or the whole contract. teeing them. YOur: money re- : we can build itâ€"â€"good F. C. T Y P0. w: :2 ._. .4 A .. .,, .43 . ..-1.~=‘,:m...mr um: "is! w. .1. HEARD T-z';‘<:""€«-x' -» «16:..- .- '-. 2:;Ir. Properly installed hand-hose con- nections on sprinkler equipments in specially hazardous locations have proved very desirable, and frequently prevent an undue water loss by ex- tinguishing the fire before the auto- matic sprinklers operate. Ventilating fans should be stopped at once upon an alarm of fire. Where Clocks Are Curiosities it Clocks are regarded as curiosities by many of the Hindus, and for this I reason halts-dozen or more timepieces are often found in the apartments of the wealthy Hindustanees. They are ; not used as timepieces, but simply for i ornament, since the old-fashioned way § of telling the hour in India, by cal- , culating the number of bamboo , lengths the sun has travelled above 2 the horizon, is entirely satisfactory to the natives. It is said that in the country police- siations in lndia. where the European division of the hours is observed, time is measured by placing in a tub of I ,turned if you are not satisfied. as the best . ; C... F. V-‘ICAR'S F, [‘,[}HAMBEHS. Druggist and Stationer _ Colborne Street Penelon Falls._ A“: m. , .. GOING? THEM ONE ? BETTER» Furniture delivered. to your home at“ LESS THAN CITY PRICES You run NO RISK. Call and see our goods. 8. S. Gainer“. FALLS. water a copper pot in which a small hole has been bored. It is supposed that it will take one hour for the water , to leak into the pot so as to fill it , and sink it. When the policeman sees that the pet has disappeared he strikes the hour on a bell-like gong. If he is smoking or dozing the copper pot may have disappeared several minutes before he discovers the fact, but the hour is when he strikes the gong. On any package of medicine or toilet articles means guaranteed” QUALITY. If it does not give satisfaction bring it back to our store and get your money back. It belongs to you and we Want you to have it. We carry the full line 01 Mm REXALL Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, for any cough. REXALL Tickle Stopper, stops that tickling. REXALL Throat Gargle, for Tonsilitis; etc. REXALL Grip Pills, cure and prevent influenza. REXALL Plastiklae, for reducing inflammation. REXALL Wine of Cod Liver ExtraCl, best of tonics. REXALL Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, with Hypophosphites. i ‘ REXALL Predigested Beef, Iron and Wine Body builder. g Ageing New Cheese 3‘ i Big Trees on Coast in the forests of British Columbia, trees have been cut so huge that the smooth fiat tops of the trunk furnish a platform large enough to dance a . set of lsncers upon. Indeed the lam- 1 bc'jscks put them to this use. There '3 an a number of trees in Stanley Park, Vancouver, which are between fifty and siity feet in circumference. ’ Just try one jar of Arbutus Complexion Clean) " Harmony of Boston " and you By treating freshly made cheese Will never use any other. Gome in and see the Remll line in the with alienating currents of electricity for?! hours a Dutch electrician has R L. R E a n - , . SEE OUR L P P . , fou dhecangive it all the properties AI... GOULD _ DBUEGIST Ann OPTIGIAII WA L A ERS i ofage.

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