I ’ Writers-ranti-rm new a. ..,« .. kw?“ Jags." 1â€: (1‘ 5.4.1,.1 : “w.uu :1- 3-. .. v‘V’J' .1» ,. .. ,-,:,.-E.«',ny/V.w.w.n .,1 is gwarmxwx,‘ m “‘1‘.†Messimcw “‘43:â€; exagge- we a“ W"? 73"?†9’5 5"â€5‘5Ԡ-¢ ‘v' n Breadstuï¬s. Toronto, Nov. 11.-â€"Flou1~â€"Ontario wheat flours, 90 per cent. $3.45. seaboard. and at $3.40.!“ local points. Ontario. Mani- tobasâ€"â€"F1rst patents. in jute bags. $5.30: (10.. seconds. 84.80; strong bakers. in Jute bass. 34.60. ' Manitoba wheatâ€"~No. 1 Northern. 87 1-20. on track. Bay ports. and No. 2 at 35 1-20. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 wheat at 81 to 820 outside. Oatsâ€"No. 2 Ontario oats, 33 to 340. out.- eide. and at 360, on truck. Toronto. West- ern Canada old cute. 38 3-40 for No. 2. and at 370 for N_o. 3. Bay ports. Peas-Nominal at 90 to 950. outside. Barleyâ€"Good melting barley. 57 to 68¢. outside. Corn-vNo. 2 American corn. 74 1-%. c.i.f-. Midland. Rye-“NO. 2 at 65c. outside. Buckwheat-~52 to 530. Branâ€"Manitoba b‘ran. $21.50 a. ton. in bags. Toronto leEhw. Shorts. $22.50. Toronto. Country Produce. Butterâ€"Choice dairy. 22 to 24c; inferior. 20 to 21¢; creamcry. 28 to 290 for rolls. and 26 to 26 1-2c for solids. Eggsâ€"Case lots of new-laid. 35 to 370 per dozen; fresh. 32 to 33c. and storage. 23 ‘0 29o per dozen. Cllcese~New cheese. 14 1-2c and 14 3-4 to 150.101' twins. Beansâ€"Handpicked, $2.25 to $2.35 Der bushel; primes. $1.75 to $2. - Honeyâ€"Extracted, in tins. 11 to 120 per lb. for No. 1; combs. $3 to'83.25 per dozen [or No. 1. and 32.50 {or No. 2. Poultryâ€"Fowl. 12 10.140 per 1b.; chick- ens. 17 to 19c; ducks. 12 to 14c: 20850. 15 to 150: turkeys. fresh. 1‘40. 1. 21 to 220. Potatoesâ€"~0ntarios. 900 per bag. on track. and Delawarcs at 95c. on-'track. for large. 3 Provisions. Baconâ€"Lon clear. 160 per 111.. in case lots. Pork~.hort cut. $28.50; do.. mess. $24.50: hams. medium to light. 20 to 20 1-20: heavy. 19 to 191-2c; rolls. 151-2 to 150: hrealrfaetgbpcon. 19 to 200: backs. 22 to 240. “limitâ€"Traces. 13 3-40; tube. 140; D3118. Baled Hay and Straw. Balod hayâ€"No. 1 at $14 to. 314.75 a ton. on track here; No. 2 at $12.50 to $13.25, and mixed at $12. Baled strawâ€"$7.75 to $8. 0.; track. To- ronto. . Montreal Markets. Montreal. Nov. 11.â€"Gorn. American No. 2 yellow. 80 to 61c. Oats, Canadian West- ern. No. 2. 401-2 to 410. Canadian West- ern. No. 3. 39 1-2 to 40c. Barley. Man. food, 480; maltin . .66 to 70c. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2. 65 to 56¢. lour. Man. Spring wheat nat- FEDERAL REVENUE GROWS; Likely to Meet Capital and Special as Well as Current Expenses. A despateh fromv Ottawa says: Revenue ï¬gures for the ï¬rst seven months of the current ï¬scal year show that the receipts have been $96,191,614, or some ï¬ve millions more than in the corresponding period last year. The excise and post-oï¬ice revenues show an in- crease of a million, While the Cus- toms ï¬gures are about the same as last year. The takings in the Rail- ways and Canals Department lead those of Last year by $1,300,000, while the miscellaneous revenues, derived from sales of land, etc.‘, " show heavy advances. Hon. W. T. White’s forecast in his Budget speech seems in a, fair way of being realized. After point- ing out that the revenue for 1912- 13 stood at the extraordinary ï¬gure of $168,250,000, and observing that “it is too much to expect that this Gloves†give the final «- touch of effective- ness to any costume. Best dealers, everywhere sell “PERRIN†3-12 linie , llr ticultural and Dairy Show EXHIBITIGN PARK. TOROiiTO November 1 7 to 22 $30,000 In Prizes Home Poultry Fruit Battle Pigeons Flowers Sheep Pet stock Vegetable: Byline Dogs Honey Reduced Bate- on All Balm-ye. Dulce! Temple Building. Toronto. Telephone Adelaide 8503. Grain, Cattle and Cheese Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are Here Recorded 'to 280; seconds. 27 to 27 1-4c. cuts. ï¬rsts. 35.40; seconds. 34.90; strong hakers'. $4.70; Winter patents. choice. 35) straight rollers, $4.60 to $4.75; (10.. bags. $2.05 to $2.10. Rolled cats, barrels. $4.40 to $4.50: bags. 90 lbs. $2.10 to $2.12 1-2. Bran..822.- Shorts, 024. Middlmgs. $27. Mouillle, $28 to $22. Hay. No. 2. per ton cur lots. 813.50 to $14.50. iheese. ï¬nest weat- crns. 13 to 13 1-40; ï¬nest customs, 12 1.2 to 12 3-4c. Butter. choicest creamery. 271-2 Eggs. fresh. 41 to 4213; selected. 33 to 34c; No. 1 stock, 29 to 300; No. 2 stock, 23 to 24¢. Potatoes. per bag. car lots. 75 to 85¢. Winnipeg Graln. Winnipeg, Nov. 11.~Cash:~Whea.tâ€"No. 1 Northern. at 5-80: No. 2 Northern. 73. 7-30; No. 3 Northern, 76 3-4c: No. 4, 72 3-40; No. 1 rejected seeds, 76 1-4c: No. 2 rejected seeds, 7414c: No. 1 red Winter. 821-4c: No. 2 red Winter, 80 1-4c; No. 3 red Winter. 77 34c. Oatsâ€"No. 2 O.W.. 331-4c; No. 3 C.W., 320; extra No. 1 feed, 32 1-2c; No. 1 food. 31 3-4c; No. 2 feed. 30c. Barley-Ne. 3, 431-2c; No. 4. 40c; rejected, 38c: feed, 380. Flaxâ€"No. 1 N.W.C.. $1.11; No. 2 C.W., $1.09; No. 3 C.W., 99. Unlted States Markets. Minnea olis, Nov. 11.â€"thatâ€"~8o 3-4 to 80 7-80; 11 my. 85 7-8 to 86c; No. 1 hard. 841-40; No. 1 Northern. 821-4 to 83 3-40; No. 2.- do.. 80 1-4 to 81 3-4c: No. 3 wheat, 78 1-4 to 79 3-40. Cornâ€"€010. 3 yellow, 67 to 67 1-2c. Outsâ€"No. 3 white. 35 1-2 to 35 3-40. Flour and branâ€"Unchanged. Duluth. Nov. 11.â€"â€"Wheutâ€"No. 1 hard. 84 3-80; No. 1 Northern. 83 3-80: No. 2 do.. 01 3-8 to 81 7-80; Montana . No. 2 " Kurd. 81 6-80; December, 81 5-80 bid; May. 86 1-4 to 86 {Ho bid. Linseedâ€"$1.34 1-2; November, 71am; December. 31321-2 bid: May. Live Stock Markets. Montreal. Nov. 11.â€"Prime beeves. 7 to 71-2c. Medium sold 5 to 6 3-40. common 31-2 to 59. bulls about 4c. Ostockers 4 to 5 1-20. Milch cows and sprmgers, $35 to $75 each. Calves. 31-2 to 61-20. Sheep. 4 1-4o. Lambs, 6 1-20. Hogs. 9 1-20. Toronto, Nov. 11.â€"Gatt.‘.câ€"Choice export, $7.25 to $7.60; choice butchers. $6.75 to 87.25; cod medium, $5.75 to $6.25; com- mon. S to $4.50; canners and cutters, $3.50 to $3.75; fat. cows. $4.50 to 36; common cows. $3.50 to $4; butchers' bulls. $3.75 to $6.25. Calvesâ€"Good veal, $8.75 to 810; com- mon, $4.75 to $5.50. Stockers and feeders ~Steors. 950 to 1,050 (pounds. 56 to $6.40; cod (ï¬nality. 600 to 80 pounds. $6 to 36.25; ight ‘setern, 400 to 650 pounds. 34.50 to $5.50: light bulls. $3.50 to-$4. Sheep and lambsâ€"Light owes. $4.50 to $5.40;' heavy. $3 to $3.50: bucks. $3 to $3.50; spring lambs. $7.50 to $7.60, but with 750 per head de- ducted for all the buck lambs. Hogsâ€"- $8.65 fob. to drovers; $9.10 to $9.20. fed and watered. $9.25 011 cars. abnormal rate of increase will be maintained during the present year,†he wen-t on to say: “I feel conï¬dent that the revenues of the year will not only prove adequate to meet the current expenditure, but to met possibly the whole, and certainly the greater, portion of capital and special expenditure for the year.†This, he explained, cannot often occur, but may be achieved in exceptional years. It now appears likely that this fore- cast will be fulï¬lled completely and that the year’s revenues will sufâ€" ï¬ce for th econsolidated and capital General, H.R.H. the Duke of Conâ€" naught, as sketched at the wedding of his son, Prince Arthur of Con- naught. ' Wm. on Thursday to stealing $10,000 of The Governor-General. New portrait of the Governorâ€" '5 TOOK $10,000 FROM BANK. â€". Muelnl‘yre Is Sentenced to Two Years’ Imprisonment. A despatch from St. John, N.B., says: William MacIntyre, former accountant of the Bank of Nova Scotia here, pleaded guilty before Judge Forbes in the County Court the bank’s funds. He was sen- tenced to two years in Dorohester Penitentiary at hard labor, but the milk were rejected last Montreal’s Food Inspection De- partment. ‘ intends to'apply for incorporating the. Gouneil to federate all women’s 13001812185 in the Dominion. he .has assurances that the G.T.P. and C.N.R. transcontinentals will be completed by next midsummer. burned by gasoline at the. Marquette coal hoist wt Blenheim on Friday, succumbed to his injur- 1es. will cooperate with the farmers’ assomations in urging removal of duties, so far at least as regards cement. ‘ the city was realized at an auction salc'of land expropriwted by Mont- real for a street extension and not required. the damage caused to Montreal’s telephone ' system in the business district by a three-minute ï¬re on Wednesday. Association have raised the prices for nursing from the old ï¬gure $18 per week to $21 per week for ordiâ€" nary cases and $25 per week for contagious diseases. for Canada for the past two years, on All Over Canada. I Bl‘ockvillo citizens have petition- ed for a local option by-law. A branch of the Retail Mor- chants’ Association of Canada was formed at Sault Ste. Marie. Ont. The forest revenue of 13.0. for thisyear will be about $3,000,000, an increase of $400000. Five hundred gallons of dirty week by A St. Thomas by-law will compel grocers and butchers to close at 7 pun. except Saturday and days pre- Vious to holidays. Mrs. John Mitchell, who had lived at Guelph since the ï¬rst year of 1tsex15tence, died there at the age of 100 years. The National Council of Women Premier McBride, of B.C., says Alex. Martin, who was terribly Pore Builders’ exchanges in the \Vcst Fifty thousand dollars’ proï¬t for It will require 30 days to repair The Kingston Nurses’ Alumnae Marquis Durazzo, Italian Consul is going to Berne, Switzerland, to become First Secuetary of the Ital- ian Legation there. His place is being,r taken by Signor Gunltero. Ewdence of the drowning of three trappers in Beaver Lake, near Ken- ora, Hugh Nicholson, D. John Bar- ker and Jos. J. Edgar, was furnish.- Itcms of News by Notes of interest as to What Is, (icing Win: the World Abolition of burs in hotels, ml: loot-ion of revenue on percentage basis instead of by ï¬xed license fees. und reduction of licenses in litics and towns, are expected to be recuxmuemled by the License Commission, whose report is to be presented to the Quebec Legisl:tâ€"- ture. G rent Britain. Alfred Russel Wallace, the omi- nent scientist, is dead. The Hudson Bay Company pro-'~ poses to incroase its capital by. £1,000.000. Sir Frederick Young, a. veteran advocate of closer Imperial union,; died in England on Sunday. Canadian financiers in London have petitioned in favor of the Ald-E wych site for the Dominion Governâ€"l ment ofï¬ce-s. United States. The. entire National Guard of lu--_ diana is watching the strikers in", Indianapolis. " The Illinois Central Railroad will' use the oldest mortgage in the? world as a model. M Two more U.S. cruisers have been ordered into Mexican waters} one on each count. Detroit- and Pittsburg suffered heavily from the storm which swept over the middle States on Sunday, General. India. is contemplating legisla- tion to improve her banking eye-I tem. Moving pictures will be used to help in expanding Germamy’s steel trade. ‘ General Huerta has refused to re- linquish the Mexican Presidency," and a crisis has been reached. Thirtyâ€"ï¬ve Filipinos, who took- part in a side show at the Ghent. Exposition, are destitute and wan-,7 (letting in the streets of Antwerp. Mayor Nathan and the aldermcn of Rome will resign, due to the de-‘ feat in the parliamentary elections of two candidates supported by the municipal party. Maurice Spangenberg, ï¬rst ofï¬cer: of the steamer Grosser Kurfuerstp has been promoted to a oaptuincyl in recognition of his heroism in the Volturno affair. ‘ The new Chinese Republic stamps have been issued, the various del expenditure. .â€"â€"_â€"â€"-â€"K‘ ARM STRONG-WHITWORTII CO . British Shipbuilding Firm Incor- porated at Ottawa. A despatoh from Ottawa says: The great British shipbuilding, con- tracting and steel manufacturing ï¬rm of Armstrong, ,Whitworth 3: Company evidently intends to start a Canadian plant. Notice is given in The Canada Gazette of the Fedâ€" eral incorporation of Armstrong, Whitworth of Canada, Limited, with stock of $2,000,000, and headâ€" quarters at Montreal. The com- pany is empowered to carry on a general shipbuilding and iron and steel manufacturing business, to build locomotives, automobiles, drydoeks, terminals, etc. If it is eventually decided to build war vessels in Canada the company will be on the ground and ready to ten- der. Judge said he would willingly re- commend to the Department of J us- tice that MacIn‘tyre be released on parole. It is understood a, petition will be sent to the Minister of Jus- tice along these lines and that the bank authorities are ready to join in the petition. MacIntyre was ur- rested in Toronto. us WORKS ALL DAY ed by rthe ï¬nding of their canoe up- tuï¬ned in the middle of the frozen la e. THE CZAR’S MOTHER.. Will Shortly Take Up Her Residence in England With Her Sister. A despatch from London says: Another retired Empressmwill short- ly be making her home in England. The Empress Marie 0! Russia has practically decided to pass the whole of her time in this country. Special suites for her accommoda- tion are being provided at Marlâ€" borough House and Sandringham. Her Imperial Highness proposes to dispose of her magniï¬cent castle at Gatebina, 30 miles from St. Petersburg, where she passed much of her time during her widowhood. She will present her country estate near Livadia, in the Crimea, to her ~ only surviving brother, Prince Wal- “’llhree years ago I had a severe demar of Denmark. It is at the attack of stomach trouble which earnest desire of Queen Alexandra left me unable to eat anything but that her sister has decided to pass breed and water. so much of her time in England. “The nervous strain at my ofï¬ce __._____a-.____..___ from 6 A. M. to 6 P. M. and im- Y , , proper foods caused my health to DEPELDS OlN OUR FRUIT. fail rapidly. Cereal and so-called “Foods†were tried without benc- ï¬t until I saw Grape-Nuts men- Short This Your. t'ioned in the Paper' . . A despatoh from Ottawa. says: ;:In hopeless. desperation I tried lThat France will have to depend to this fwd and at one-‘3 gamedm considerable extent on Canada strengbh’ fleSh and appemte' I am ! for her fruit consumption this year now- able to work 3‘11 .da’y all the is shmvn by a return to the Trade ofï¬ceand study at night, Without and Commerce Department from the nervous exhaustion that was Mr Phillipe Roy Canadian Con} usual before I tried Grape-Nuts. mis'sioner_Geneml’ in Paris. Mr. “It leaves-me Strengthened†m- rRoy reports that the French fruit freshed, satisï¬ed; nerves quletedtcmp has been decidedly short, ex_ and toned up’ bOdy and brmn lcept for apples and grapes, and waste restored. I would have been 8008 on to say: “In short, it is to 9' liï¬ng Skeletgn’ iori'mlor-e hkely a be expected that fruit consumption dead one by this time,â€1f it had not this year Will be clog 61y dependent been for Gum-Nuts. upon Algeria, Spain, Canada. and And Studies at Night on Grape- Nuts Food. Some of the world’s great men have worked during the day and studied evenings to ï¬t themselves for greater things. But it requires a good constitution generally to do this. A man was able to keep it up with ease after he had learned the sustaining power of Grape-Nuts, although he had failed in health before he changed his food supply. E He says: SEVERE EARTHQUAKE. Ne Damage Reported, But People Are Greatly Alarmed. A despatch from Messina, Sicily, says: A strong earthquake shock occurred here at 7.05 o’clock on Saturday night. It was followed by two shocks of less severity. No damage was done, but the people are greatly alarmed ext the freâ€" quency of the disturbances. uk_.__â€"â€" STRIKE OF 1,700 MEN. Railway Construction Work Near Lillooet, B.C., at Stendstill. A despatch from Vancouver, B.C., says: Seventeen hundred workmen for Foley, Welch and Stewart, of the Paciï¬c Great East- ern grade, between Newport and .â€"â€"â€"- French Crop Has Been Deeidcdly Linooet’! B'C'“ hm†30“ on Name iven b" Canadian Postum _ n _ strike. The strike was called by 00., WiEdgor, youth Read “The the Umted States].1 FAB itlhas boeln the Industrial Workers of the Road to wenvine,†in pkgs. lestimated that t e 11331110 World for' eight-hour day and “There’s a, Reason," {consume 1,500,000,000 103030 kilo Ever read the above letter? A new hull! Per year grid 8770001 l 9 higher wages, as well as by way of one appears from time to time. They of protest at the jail sentences to the no gemum’ m. and mu or human rioting miners of Nanaimoh interest. ' to Canada" Mâ€" dry fruit, this will mean much ' nominations being in three different designs, representing oommercej agriculture and learning. R UNAWAYS SENTENCE†. Back to Finish Terms and Given Additional Time. A deslmteh from Guelph say-s: H. Schoefer of Berlin and Philip Mono-ban of Brockville, the two priâ€"'i soners who made their escape from the Provincial Prison Form a few; days ago, but who were sub.sequent-‘ 1y recaptured near Berlin and brought back here, were before. Magistrate Watt at the Police Court on Friday. Both men pleadj ed guilt-y. They were given some’ sound advice as to their belmvioï¬ in the future, and, besides being compelled to ï¬nish out their sen-3 tences of eleven and nine months, respectively, each was given three“ months extra, with an indetermi-Z nate sentence of two years. . ‘1. HOW IS THIS FOR HIGH? Flour Is Selling For $1 :1 Pound a1 Shushina, B.C. A despatch from Vancouver, B.‘ C., says: Flour is selling for 9. del- lar a pound in the new gold ï¬elds at Shushina, and nails are worth two cents each, according to étate~ ments made on Wednesday by new. arrivals from the creeks. Four hun- dred men are now working in the diggings. Sent ’3‘“â€" THE AMEEI’.’ S WAY. â€"_ How He Punishes Conspirators Against His Throne. ‘ A despatch from Allahabad, BriJ, tish India, says: Nine ringleadere of an abortive plot recently discov-; cred against the reigning Amecr of: Khan," have been executed at Kabul, the.‘ Afghanistan capital. The conspire-1' tors were blown from the mouths. Afghanistan, Habibullah of can non. "’Wlwvï¬mwl L- *v'w «fly. '5' 9". ., -, ‘, ., mm“.- .v.m.--u.~.:...;zaam~;g.wn .7. , . .3. m". 3.“- v'<;,'â€"‘j'rF:!"