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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Nov 1913, p. 7

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\) .. s... -. "'.â€". ._ - , / . r. .. .. \ . k, -N <,,_ r... Ks..- . grasp“. mum _ “Lunar-.4 -.n-....-s.’....-.....m.s-~~..~,n.......--..«..“New... .. .,{.;...l.--._~ v... .....~ ,.~...........â€"..\ .4. -..-_,....._-l., \. ...‘»\.‘~.l.‘ . «s .u ,- ’ .:v-A-tL-'Z, . .- . . . . . -- A ..- - - - m. .. ....-,fln..._........-.w.--~......ua.... m» Assisted when necessary by Cuticura Ointment. They keep the skin and scalp clean casted. 'llhis reminds me of the admonition of dear old grand- father, who used to say “Never get up in morning without a hearty laugh. If you can’t think of any- thing humorous tickle yourself.” A lidllDEliFyifllSGWERY An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most wou- dertul discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just If.‘ other “‘Ords’ 1” ya". dab-y begin fiksl§na§31fcillfli $3,333,435 cent” that She became hymriml Cl ‘ tf 't to i ii i . , . " . - ' - lorces mi se .,-â€" er ‘c wrth a. temperamental sunrise, r a sore, an] injury is insured agmnst wrth suppressed laughter at. the balanccd_ready to “15°C. L y cheery words and thoughts constiâ€" tute a. radiant dawn that glows on into noonday brightness, whether the weather outside be indicative of gloom or a. threatened tempest. ~â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"K*â€"__-â€" blood poison! Not one species ‘of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill! Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of an-Bulr. They care nothing for the science of the thing. All they know lis'vthat Zam-Buk stops their pain. Mothers should never forget this. Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is ap- plied to a. wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin‘s sur- face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is ZamaBuk’s secret of healing. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and literally casts oi! the diseased tissue above it. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ava, Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Company and told them that lfor over twenty-dive years he had been a martyr to eczema. His hands were at one time 86" covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Bulr was Missionary’s Wife Tells of Amus- ing Incident. The wife of a miss-ionarylong stationed in Africa confessed no- first service that her husband held at the station after bringing her out. She had, indeed, to leave the chapel lest she should disgraoeberâ€" self by an outburst of an unseemly mirth. The cause of her divsoomfiture was an important convert, an aged and venerable chief, with snowy wool and a. countenance of ferocious dig- nity. The young wife had thrown away the day before an outgrown pair of her tiny daughter’s ankle ties. They were of a gay scarlet morocco, and when they reappeared at church buttoned neatly through the dis-tended lobes of the old chief’s ears and dangling conspicu- ously against his withered ebony shoulders the spectacle was too much for herâ€"especially in combiâ€" nation with the rest of his costume, which consisted of a dirty blue loin cloth and a headdress made of fee.- thers artistically combined with imported shirt buttons. lsâ€"__._ NEW WAY OF USING SHOES. MINCE MEAT Saves endless labour. . Don’t lnko (no lnnny chances wilh marl splint, curb, rlugbono. bony growths. nwfvlllué‘; ’ on or innlcncu. Uso theoldmiablcromody- ‘ KENHPALL’S ‘ ” um Spaviu Cure . ‘ swan“ Ithasbecu uscdb mag , ’ horsemen, veter - . ' nations and farm- ' ‘ ' are in: 35 yearsâ€" . J a . 3; headlongbfi- . ,,..- ‘1'; a,- .-"A . _ , x 1‘ . d ' 1; ._ 4'. and Cleansweet and healthy, introduced to him, and, in a. few _ Th" quson “Ills xggrélitin' ‘ . b id soothin irritations months it cured him. todayâ€"over Husband (shavmg)â€"â€"Bother the i _ .0 10115311 sofcases. ,. es. es g three years after his cure of a. disease razor ! “ Blcketdlke.{~lln.,1eu. ‘29, 1913. r' WlllCh often prevent Sleep - v » t he had 'for twenty-five yearsâ€"he is Wife__Whatrs the matter, now? (oratggggcnll’fi; “121,5 :fixfidaglgosdslocfiilltlgcllxr: V 4‘ . -'* . Princess Elizabeth. still cured. and has had no trace of. r l - _ l _fact,Iam ncvcrwlllloutit." " i and if ne lected become any return of the eczema! 1011 re dreadfully lll tempered. H. Nam”. ! ., . E Chronic dis lgurements. A new picture pf tile Crow-n Prinâ€" Au druggqsts sen Zam_Buk at 50¢ I Hquan‘ilTThe razor 15 so abom‘ Si abettlcâ€"l? for §5, at druggistsâ€"or write for . '32:. ; omiwmmwmmnmm mum through“ cess IIof Roumanla, who has been box, or we will send free trial box if magi?! (lg 11.” Wh I ' d copy or our ool. Treatise on the Horscl'free. thawerld. A llborei sample of ounndrh (la-DMD mention-ed as a, possuble' brLde for you send (hrs advertisement and a, 10, 1 e“ .u ' _.Ya “13139 up or. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY ' ‘34,);- mifiléfifiifillfit‘i‘fiéftfli 331,31, the Prince of Wa,]es_ stamp (to pay return postage). Ad- {In OldbSkll‘bTWfith 1‘5 Yes‘bel'dfly and Enoaburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A.. 7c ‘ pm.,m,,_3x,nomn,u,s_4, .___g.__.__, dress Zamâ€"Buk Co., Toronto. it cut eautr u y. mwyfiwgh. “mg, {l . -~v~ A. _- .. ..___AA ___7 in hâ€"“‘ hâ€"iâ€"fl 1". “ 1 ) V r 'r = l I , I ~ » H- t;ny 3, NF“! 111110301 1“. . GOT A COLD YET! It s lilicu t for a new y mauled j first Two Hours of Day Right Ea- surcs Success of Whole Day. A‘fow yeans ago the startling as- Bartlon of Dr. Osler, that the use- fulness of life ended mi: 60 years of Every mother should 'be able to recognize the symptoms of the little ailments that attack her children. She should also be in a position to treat them prompt-1y. To do this she should keep a. supply of Baby’s Try the Deep Breathing Cure . For It. In the season when coughs and colds are prevalent any method of If So, From Day Io‘Day Another Case Where Life Was Saved and Health Restored man to generate much entlliusiasm ' over his bride’s beautiful hair after he has seen. her pile it on the bu- reau for the night. USE LIQUID SULPHUR IN YOUR BATH. i use, amazed .bhe world The asser_ Own Tablets in the house at 811 preventing them and checking the by Nerviliuo. E UGATION ‘ lion did not check the energetic times. The Tablets never fail to be first :yTI’t‘EV‘S filtho‘lf'drugs may â€"â€" D ' , . . l - ' . l e o mes 1ma e va us sa 3 a LLIO’i‘T’E BUSINESS COLLEGE. '1‘ young fellows of 60 from. gomg right 0f help to little onw- Mothers who ’ y We have all read and heard of the { "mm. Gama“ Popular Comm; E Plot's him dread and doing things. The doo- r may have intended that his ut- boranccs should be taken in a scien- lhifiio Piokwickian sense, for meeting him one would never be- nsible for such a im edict. Now that Dr. Osler is If approaching the “age Lim- ‘ original merit, and with the honors of ' hthood "thick upon him,” Sir illiam Osler may take a brighter urview of long life as the sunset 2 60 approaches, according to the ” he may modify his rational zine. ' Ono bit of philosophy lately ad- anoed by Dr. Osler seems destined live to bear good fruit. There is worrying out yesterday and tomorrowâ€"â€" day 13 what we must take care f. When one stops to think of it, post of our real. worries come from regrets for mrsepent yesterdays or use, he remarks, in 1'11 physician. When you find you have a cough, and before it gets to be deep-seated, go into the air and practice deep breathing. Draw air into the lungs until they are completely distended, raising the arms above the head during inspiration to more fully ex- pand the chest. Hold the air in the lungs' for a. few seconds; then breathe it out slowly. Repeat the operations‘a dozen times or more, and after an hour try it again. Persistency in this treatment will often cure a. newlyâ€"contracted cough in a few hours. If the cough is of long standing, pain may be felt under the shoulder-blades and across the chest during the breath- ing, but, as this is caused by the tearing away of adhesions of the lung tissue, it will usually pass away in a day or two, and the fact that it is felt shows that the lungs need thorough inflation. are anxious [for the welfare of her little ones will receive free for the asking a. valuable little book on the care of infants and young children. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs“ G. L. Boniham, St. George, Ont., says: “I can recommend Baby’s Own Tablets as a safe and sure medicine for little ones. I have raised four babies with their aid and would not be Without them.” Sold by medi- cine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a. box from The Dr. Williams” Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-‘1‘ One enemy will give a man more free advertising than a dozen friends. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. oesn't Smart -So_othes E e Pain. Dru gists Sell Murine E e emedy. Liqul , 250, 50c. Murine agonies of sciatica, but only those who have been tortured by this dread mal- ady can fully appreciate what it must mean to be cured after years of suffer- 113. It is because he feels it his solemn duty to tell to the world his faith in Nerviiino that Victor P. Hires makes the following declaration. “For three years I was in the Royal Mail service, and in all kinds of weather had to meet the night trains. Dampness, cold, and exposure brought on sciatica that affected my left side. Sometimes an attack would come on that made me powerless to work. I was so near- ly a complete cripple that I had to give up my job. I was in despair, completely cast down, because the money I had spent on trying to get well was wasted. I was speaking to my chemist one day, and he recom- mended ‘Nerviline.’ I had this good liniment rubbed on several times a day, and got relief. I continued this treatment four months and was cured. I have used all kinds of liniments, and can truthfully say that Nerviline is far oiul School. Magnificent Catalogue free. FARM! FOR SILI- H. w. nAweou. Nln'oiy Oolhorna ell-oer. Toronto. F YOU W'AN’i‘ TO BUY OR BELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain. or Dairy Farm. write H. WV. Dawson, Brampton. or 90 Colborne BL. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON. Golbornc 81., Toronto ‘ ‘il‘Eulslikpsswrcféiléffl COUNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR. Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent opening for man of energy. Write Wilson Publishing Company. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. M gTAMP COLLECTORS-IIUNDRED DIF- k feront Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album. only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company. Toronto. - MISCELLANEous. ANGER. TUMORS. ';'LUMES, ETO., / internal and external. cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Write - us before too lute.- Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Collinrzwnntl. Ont. _ , ye Salve in Aseptic Tubes ‘ ‘ ' ’ Iron) apprehensions or possrbl u‘nâ€" ' stronger, more penetrating and influ- ALL S'IONES, KIDNEY AND sum. I lumpy toâ€"monrow-s, little realizing zigz'tysoogdllclgoyoed 11332: ital-1:26.: :Kdfifll' Buggies. iter better than anything else for re- Lgmbggr) Exiting:“fifdn0%1§::tglefioggfiée: Murine Eve Remedy Co" Chic“. llevlng pain. I urge everyone with cured with “,0 new German named“ Tender, thin bits or the best continues?” “Oh shut up man ” -. â€" ~ . . . ’ “l l ~â€"â€" sch . "St rke. St. Andre. humour kl. your parts of Indian Corn, pericct- 30W}? git, magnum?!) Slfle, yfi Iucurublc. r 0 as ‘ Mania , on ow ese 5 . ey’ 13' cooked 5} the “Moth and come under here to git out av th Prowl Mower # Sllch enormous Bibliigss i l 'l m_â€"_._........ WW“... M~._m.~â€". .- he he Toasted to a t between the sunset and sun- e of froâ€"day lie all-important and Fmperatdve duties. Paste that when one starts the day ' lwrth the first two hours going right, kmooth sailing for all day is fore- Dr. Osler inâ€" Susie (aged six): “And when we grow up we’ll be married, won’t we,, Bobbie?” Bobbie (sadly): “No, Susie, I can’t marry into your family. Your papa has weak eyes and your auntie has spasms.” .... ’? ARE HARD TIMES COMING? ‘Yes. for the man that wears tight boots. The kicker is bad enough, but he has several advantages over the man who whines. ~â€"â€"â€"..._ Mlnard's Llniment Cures Diphtheria. Wet Grounds. An Irishman was fishing in a river when it began to rain heavily. lumbago, neuralgia, rheumatism, or sciatica, to use Nervlline. I know it will cure them.” Get Nerviline to-day, large family size, 50c; trial size, 25c; all dealers or The Catarrhozone 00., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. *â€" . Tempo. “I wonder why that girl next door insists upon playing the piano day "Barrel." price $1.50. Another new remedy for Dinbetcs-Mollitufi. and sure cure. is “Sanol's Anti~hinbetee." Price $2.00 from drugglsts or direct. The Snnol Manufao turiug Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Man. The Soul of a. Piano Is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL” ' ' b t. 11' cams are relieved quickly by . . . Go'den Brown! 1?“ nfit defining a} get soaked Piltnag’a Corn Extractor. No pain. and and night?” said the old logy. Piano Aet'on _ t F0118 ’ Sfmg'hl? She 331‘ under 8- certain’cure. That's Putnam's. Use no "Oh, just to kill time, I suppose,”_ Sound, “smacking good," railway bridge spanning the river, omen 25c_ at, an dealem replied the cheerful idiot,“ doesn’t it, gvndltlgere be filled hlslrod with tlrue M ch “M b"? h d HIGHEST PRICES FOR ’8. nrc zea uttery regard egg '0. erâ€"â€"- ’a e , w y- 0 you That's of the train’s that incessantly take two pieces of cake ’2” Mabelâ€" - Post Toasties ready to eat direct from the package â€" fresh, crisp and clean. There's a delicate sweetness about “Toastics” that make them the favorite flaked oer- eal at thousands of breakfast tables daily. Post Toasties with cream and ‘a sprinkling of sugarâ€" “’Cause, ma, you told me not to thundered to and fro overhead. ask twice for it.” Presentlyanot’her individual ap- peared on the scene and politely asked Pat what he was doing. "Fishing," was the laconic retort. The stranger laughed. “Pray what is the use of fishing under the bridge while such an infernal noise ~____â€" LIQUID SULPHUR cures rough skln. A thing of beauty may be a jaw forever. Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures nlstemper. sums that we’ve spent on dear Clara’s voiceâ€"â€" Sympathetic Visitor â€"- And you can really do nothing for it? rain 1” He Counted Them. “Go and see if there are any crows on that field of corn,” said the farmer to his new hand. The boy went and came back with the news that he had counted fifty- four. “Did you drive asked the farmer. “No, sir,” replied the boy, "I thought they were all yours.” r them away 2” school was opened at Regina, with an attendance of 400. Minard's Liniment (30., Limited. Gentlemenrâ€"«I have used lliINARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years. and for the every day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no e no]. ' would not start on a voyage Without it, if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Export Angler. She (after quarrel)â€"-You were a struggling youth when I married you! Heâ€"â€"I’ll give you credit for land« ing me. LIQUID SULPHUR I: a dlslnfectant. I The new Duke of Connaughtl lull erte for Llst In! W. G. GOFFATT ORILLIA. -- ONTARIO Now Is the Tlme to Think .; l About Consult any of your neighbors who, have used the “Champion” Evaporf ator. They will tell you to install ' before the snow is on the ground. Costs no more lo buy now llliln in March. \Vl'lie for free ll-voklct. THE GRIMM MFG. CO... L WITH) 58 Wellington St. mourns“, our. Why we pay more for your RAW FURS DCIICIOUS We an rm oldest RAW Fun HOUSE IIe Could. a: wall as the largest collectors of Wholesome Mlnard's Llnlmoni Cures Colds, so. CANADIAN RAW runs In Canada. a That means larger oxperlenaeflurzer. Easy to Serve Sold by Grocers everywhere. Canadian Poatum Unreal 00.. Ltd. Windsor. Ontario. “Can you support my daughter and give her everything she wants ’2” “I can support her and give her her principal want.” “And what is that?” ((Me'll Mlnard‘s Llnlment Cures career In news. IED. 7- ISSUE 46â€"â€"'l3. do it i” “I asked the young woman in front to remove her big but so that 3 I could see the stage.” “Did shci “No; she said if she held: her 'hat in her lap she couldn’t see the stage herself.” quum SULPHUR cum itching plles markers and a LARGER PRICE in you. Ship direct to us. Returns made some day luresre received. Shipments held separate-on request. Fall prlce list now ready. erto for ll. HlsAM JOHNSON LIMITED, 494 St. Paul at. Montreal. Mail new. "0"

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