. -‘:‘! " .- 4‘.‘O.‘_ .:rrâ€"\".rn.- ..,...:..-.â€"w~.â€",. a. _.- u......».â€"vu,. .. £39? £3 iii-emu; Christmas ‘ And a Happy New Year To You All. - QhriStmas groceries .Noxv is your opportunity to buy A HIEE PRESENT F93 EHBlSTMAS >Or a New Year’s Gift. \Ve have a ' gooll line or Braeelets,Necklets, Lock- ets, Chains, Watches, Brooches, and plenty of other goods suitable for the holiday time. less starts Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ( r k f timrssismaswssms \Ve have tried harder this year, we believe, than we ever did to make the biggest showing of the choicest, daintiest things. for Christmas that we have eve~ asked you to select from. Our display was never as complete or tempt- ino‘. We don’t believe there is a single thing missing. We would like you to notice the prices of what we are offering, always remem- . bering that. they are the very highest grades Fenelon Falls. of goods that itis possible to buy.’ Our Boot and Shoe Department is well stocked with all the leading styles of Shoes ior men, women and children for the Christmas trade. W'e have slippers, moccasins, hockey boots, in fact nearly anything you Could ask for in the line of boots, at prices that are sure to please you. WW P-rotessiunul Cur-(ls I LEGAL MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON & STINSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ies. Money to loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch oflice at Fenelon Falls, at the L. H. 85 Power Commissioners' oiIice. Open every Tues- day. ' Lindsay olliec over Dominion Bank. R. J. MCLAUGHLIN, K. O. A. M. FULTON, B. A. I .,..JAs. A. PEEL. ’1‘. H. STINSON. HOPKINS, \VEEKS dz HOPKINS. 0' ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to suit the borrower; Ollices No. (5 William St. south, Lindsay, Ont. and at Wood~ ville, Ontario. . l. ,H. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A MOORE & JACKSON ARRlS’I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, 810. Of ï¬ce, William sireel,Lindss.y. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON STEWART a O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, he. MONEY .to loan at lowesi current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Ofï¬ce on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. . Srhwmr. L. V. O’Connor, B. A. LEIGH: R. KNIGHT. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public. Successor to M cDiarmid & Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real ‘ Estate bought and sold. Oilice Kent Sit, Lindsay, Telephone 41. Saves nine, and a suit in time keeps you always well’dressed. It pays to be a little .forehanded in ordering a new outï¬t of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit. Up-to-date goods, style'and workmanship. Our motto is " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.†. DENTAL. gr . l A Stitch in Time i ' Dr. 5. .1. sms, DENTIST, Fenelon Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY ' TOWNLEY BROS. Fine Tailoring FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1913. s a s s it t a i it n (l p z . _\ . .. . ,. p4. _~._.-,.;.._.. ,-,.-V.V._...,_. 3“, _ , this or ‘Iâ€"IEAD OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1317 Etttdt, - 1U. ON '1‘ 1: ii“. 1} 1.. _ INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIKMENT Paid up Capital $6,000,000.00. Reserve Fluid $16,000,000.00. ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. - SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch an arias ' By HARRY lR-VING GREENE Wallington had general- ly been conceded to be a. brand new genius in the ï¬nancial worldâ€"a marvelous being who could change stenes into bread and serpents into fowl‘, then all at once >1 he found himself in the ' throes of bankruptcy. He had exhausted his resources and was for the time being hopelessly insolvent. Day by day his little handful of re- maining change vanished in steadily diminishing ratio as his meals beâ€" came cheaper and further apart, un- til ï¬nally he had but a, dime left. This coin he resolved to save for some last and most desperate extremity, and he even determined to fast for days be fore parting with it. And fast for days he did, while oft times the days came much too fast. . When Christmas eve came he had not tasted food for three days. He felt that he could endure it no longer, that the last and most desper- ate extremity had arrived and that now he must spend his dime. He was plunged deep in meditation when he felt someone touch his arm and turned about. . . Beside him there stood a gaunt man with ‘cavernous cheeks, feverish, wild- ish eyes, and a stomach that curved the wrong way. The apparition ad- ,dressed him in a creaking voice. "For God’s sake, stranger, buy me something to eat. I am penniless and 7upon the verge of committing crime. ll have worn out my shoes looking for lwork, and while I have a job promised :me it will be a. week before it is open. :And meanwhile I am starving, friend, ,starving. In the name of Christianity ;spare me enough for a meal out of lyour plenty." . l Wallington stared into the evening {dusk as he ï¬ngered his last and ,smoothly worn dime. He knew well l'enough what this other man was suf- ,ferlng, for bad he not been inj‘he .Where he had spent hundreds or aci- ,lars in his palmy days and whose pro- Vprletor he knew well. Yet he owed a bill there for his last big after theater (dinner party of many months ago, and ‘he had never had the courage even in {his semi-starvation to go in and ask for more credit. Yet now. it must. be ’done, for here was a human being,†:Btarving upon the streets. Wal- lington shuddered. It was plainly his "duty to ï¬ll this man's stomach, and for the last time he would exert those powers of persuasion which once ups. ,on a time few men had been able to ‘resist. He took the stranger by the “Come with me,†he commamh ‘e'd. : They entered the restaurant and TWallington walked straight up to the lproprietor. “Bob,†said he. “:1 owe ,you a pretty stiff bill, but I am going ,to go to work in a Week and then I \will begin paying you off. New I want fyou to do me a last favor. I owe you .about forty dollars, and a couple of .dollars more won't make much illiter- ience to you. It is Christmas eve and my friend over there is starving. Now ‘I want you to ï¬ll him up to the chin 'on good, solid food and charge it to me. I will not ask you for any favor ,again if you will do this last thing." The proprietor looked at his old pa? ,tron thoughtfully. ‘ ‘ “All right,†he .length. “Being’s its Christmas ever» ,I’ll take a chance on you even if you announced atl ;s.nd the stranger’sat down" together and Wellington watched his compan- ‘ion flll himself with good things until at last with his stomach again curved the right way, the droop gone from his shoulders and the feverish light van- ished from his eyes, the gorged one: arose. ‘ “My friend," said the stranger. .“1 could not have endured it another day â€"but of course you have never known what it is to go two days without food. And when tonight you go home and sit down to your table to your 'teast, remember that there is an out- cast fellow being upon the streets who is blessing every mouthful eat. Good-by, Christian." 1 Wellington held out his hand. “Good- by, stranger, and good luck to you. It was a mere trifle. Happy to have been able to give you a lift." Then he went up to Frenchy's hash house and had his dime’is worth of coffee and sausage. that you ‘ «-0 Books are becoming more popular «:2 ~ “ ‘.« . mum-3s. ‘.~.~ ;. 'r. . -~ “'3â€: Fenelon Falls performed according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. OFFICEzâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- orne street ____._.__...____.â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" MEDICAL. ;same stage twenty-four hours before! LAnd to give a man a. (lime in such a ,case was so grossly inadequate. Yet ,what could he do? He turned about. “Close before. lain. was a. Entertain every year for Christmas gifts. At Vicnrs’ Drug Store you will ï¬nd a comâ€" plete line of Toy, Picture and Story Books, also Hymn Books and Bibles. Choose your gift early and have it put away for you. §W¢WWWO¢MMMW WW2 ,are down and out. Tell your friend to 'order what he wants." So Wellington gMW WMWW _ . ’ -. Christmas Weighs So heavily on some people that they forgot the everyday aï¬uirs of life. Now we have things for Christmas, lots of them â€"- Raisins, Currants, Canned Oranges and Lemon Peel, Nuts, Fancy Crackers and a hundred other things. But, wliiie these things - are good. and very good, ‘we don't want you to forget the other things. DES. GRAHAM d; GRAHAM. Dr. H. H. Graham. MID. C. M., M.R. C. 8., Eng. ; M. C. P. & S.. Ont.; F. ’l‘. M. S. Dr. G. C. Graham, Graduate Toronto University ; M. C. P. 8: 3., Ontario. Physicians, Surgeons-and Aceoucheurs. Ollice Francis St., Fenelon Falls. 1913 . “a Capital and Surplus Over $7,600,000. 1836 THE BANK OF l I .2 l, r l. l [, than. B. JOHNSTONE, : ' ASSOCIATE CORONBR COUNTY OF EICTORIAa suocssson T0 on. A. WILSON, RADUATE’OF TORONTO UNIVER- . The complete and valuable ser' yice rendered by the Bank of Brit“ lSll North America has secured and ii Service sity. Physician Surgeon and Ac- Good Groceries are our specialty ' . . ooucheur. Ollice,Cb1borne street, Fen- and'we devote our best energies td . ' retmned the account‘s “'5 we†as sign Falls. getting them for you. That‘s why the confidence of a goodly pr0p01‘-' m everything you get from here is . tion of Canada’s prominent business men. The same service awaits you, whether your account be large or small.. " AUCTION ERR. always good and never dear. '1‘ I10 MAS, CASHORE. AUC'I‘IONBRR - BKNELON FALLS. D. L. MCKEN D R. 71$ . Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst V ‘ class manner, dates before ad- ."'°,“‘.it°’i"§r ' ' V ' ‘ Appreciate mmmwmmi Fenelon Falls Branch MW. Reive, manager. I .